def setupPanel2(self): self.panel2 = Panel() # self.panel2.Text = "Panel" self.panel2.Width = self.Width self.panel2.Height = 120 self.panel2.Location = Point(0, 120) self.panel2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.p2title1 = Label() self.p2title1.Text = "Create Lumped Port" self.p2title1.Location = Point(25, 22) self.p2title1.Height = 25 self.p2title1.AutoSize = True self.p2label1 = Label() self.p2label1.Text = "Ground Metal Name: " self.p2label1.Location = Point(25, 50) self.p2label1.Height = 25 self.p2label1.Width = 150 self.p2button1 = Button() self.p2button1.Text = 'Create' self.p2button1.Location = Point(25, 75) self.p2button1.Width = 100 self.p2button1.Click += self.p2update self.p2button2 = Button() self.p2button2.Text = 'Reset' self.p2button2.Location = Point(180, 75) self.p2button2.Width = 100 self.p2button2.Click += self.p2reset self.p2list1 = ComboBox() self.p2list1.Text = '——Select' self.p2list1.Location = Point(180, 47) self.p2list1.Width = 100 self.p2list1.Height = 35 self.DropDownHeight = 50 self.p2list1.Click += self.p2listUpdate self.AcceptButton = self.p2button1 self.CancelButton = self.p2button2 self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2title1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2label1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2button1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2button2) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2list1)
def __init__(self, items): self.exEvent = None self.Width = 360 self.Height = 140 self.combo_box = ComboBox() self.combo_box.Width = 300 self.combo_box.Location = Point(20, 30) items = list(items) items.sort() for i in items: self.combo_box.Items.Add(i) self.combo_box.SelectedIndex = 0 self.label = Label() self.label.Text = "Выберете лист на который нужно добавить текущий вид" self.label.Width = 400 self.label.Location = Point(20, 10) self.button = Button() self.button.Width = 300 self.button.Text = "Расположить" self.button.Location = Point(20, 60) self.button.Click += self.Controls.Add(self.combo_box) self.Controls.Add(self.label) self.Controls.Add(self.button)
def __init__(self, posx, posy, hight, width, title, curvlaue, values, name): # print( width ,"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^") self._Padding = 3 super(ComboCtrlview, self).__init__(self) self._Values = values self.Notify = None self.curvalue = "" self.ctrlwidth = (width - self._Padding) / 2 self.Size = Size(width, hight) self.Location = Point(posx, posy) = name self.Font = self.getFont() self.label = Label() self.label.Parent = self self.label.Text = title self.label.Font = self.Font self.label.Location = Point(0, 0) self.label.Size = Size(self.ctrlwidth, hight) self.label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight self.cb = ComboBox() self.cb.Parent = self self.cb.Items.AddRange(self._Values) if len(curvlaue) > 0: self.cb.Text = curvlaue self.cb.Font = self.Font self.cb.ForeColor = Color.Blue self.cb.SelectedValueChanged += self.OnChanged self.cb.DropDown += self.TextUpdate self.cb.Location = Point(self.label.Right + self._Padding, 0) self.cb.Size = Size(self.ctrlwidth, hight)
def __init__(self): """ComboBoxSample class init function.""" # setup title self.Text = "ComboBox Style Changes" self.Width = 400 self.Height = 500 self.is_x10 = False # setup buttons self.dropdownlistbutton = Button() self.dropdownlistbutton.Text = "DropDownList" self.dropdownlistbutton.Width = 110 self.dropdownlistbutton.Location = Point(5, 5) self.dropdownlistbutton.Click += self.change_to_dropdownlist self.dropdownbutton = Button() self.dropdownbutton.Text = "DropDown" self.dropdownbutton.Width = 110 self.dropdownbutton.Location = Point(135, 5) self.dropdownbutton.Click += self.change_to_dropdown self.dropdownbutton.BackColor = Color.Lime self.simplebutton = Button() self.simplebutton.Text = "Simple" self.simplebutton.Width = 110 self.simplebutton.Location = Point(265, 5) self.simplebutton.Click += self.change_to_simple self.xtenbutton = Button() self.xtenbutton.Text = "Toggle x10" self.xtenbutton.Width = 110 self.xtenbutton.Location = Point(5, 55) self.xtenbutton.Click += self.toggle_x10 # setup label self.label = Label() self.label.Text = "You select " self.label.Location = Point(5, 100) # setup combobox self.combobox = ComboBox() self.combobox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown self.combobox.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.combobox.TextChanged += self.combobox.Width = 390 self.combobox.Location = Point(0, 130) # add items in ComboBox for i in range(10): self.combobox.Items.Add(str(i)) self.combobox.SelectedIndex = 1 # add controls self.Controls.Add(self.combobox) self.Controls.Add(self.label) self.Controls.Add(self.dropdownlistbutton) self.Controls.Add(self.dropdownbutton) self.Controls.Add(self.simplebutton) self.Controls.Add(self.xtenbutton)
def __init__(self): """ComboBoxSample class init function.""" # setup title self.Text = "ComboBox control" self.Height = 400 # setup label self.label = Label() self.label.Text = "You select " self.label.AutoSize = True self.label.Dock = DockStyle.Top # setup combobox self.combobox = ComboBox() self.combobox.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.combobox.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.combobox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple self.combobox.SelectedIndexChanged += self.combobox.Height = 300 # add items in ComboBox for i in range(10): self.combobox.Items.Add(str(i)) # add controls self.Controls.Add(self.combobox) self.Controls.Add(self.label)
def setupPanel1(self): self.panel1 = Panel() self.panel1.Width = self.Width self.panel1.Height = 120 self.panel1.Location = Point(0, 0) self.panel1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.title1 = Label() self.title1.Text = "ReAssign Terminal" self.title1.Location = Point(25, 22) self.title1.Height = 25 self.title1.AutoSize = True self.label2 = Label() self.label2.Text = "Ground Metal Name: " self.label2.Location = Point(25, 50) self.label2.Height = 25 self.label2.Width = 150 self.button1 = Button() self.button1.Text = 'Assign' self.button1.Location = Point(25, 75) self.button1.Width = 100 self.button1.Click += self.update self.button2 = Button() self.button2.Text = 'Reset' self.button2.Location = Point(180, 75) self.button2.Width = 100 self.button2.Click += self.reset self.list1 = ComboBox() self.list1.Text = '——Select' self.list1.Location = Point(180, 47) self.list1.Width = 100 self.list1.Height = 35 self.DropDownHeight = 50 self.list1.Click += self.listUpdate self.AcceptButton = self.button1 self.CancelButton = self.button2 self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.label2) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.title1) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.button1) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.button2) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.list1)
def __init__(self): = doc.FamilyManager self._all_param_names = None self.Text = 'Параметры' self.Name = 'Select Parameters' self.Width = 400 self.Height = 450 self.title = Label() self.title.Text = "Выберете параметры" self.title.Height = 30 self.title.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter self.title.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.label = Label() self.label.Text = "Выберете новую группу параметров" self.label.Height = 30 self.label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter self.label.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.listbox = ListBox() self.listbox.MultiColumn = False self.listbox.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended self.listbox.BeginUpdate() params = list(self.all_param_names.keys()) params.sort() for i in params: self.listbox.Items.Add(i) self.listbox.EndUpdate() self.listbox.Height = 270 self.listbox.Location = Point(0, 30) self.listbox.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.combobox = ComboBox() els = list(self.all_param_group.keys()) els.sort() for i in els: self.combobox.Items.Add(i) self.combobox.Location = Point(0, 300) self.combobox.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.button = Button() self.button.Text = "Перенести" self.button.Dock = DockStyle.Top self.button.Click += self.change_param_group self.Controls.Add(self.button) self.Controls.Add(self.combobox) self.Controls.Add(self.label) self.Controls.Add(self.listbox) self.Controls.Add(self.title) self.handler = Execute_change_group() self.exEvent = ExternalEvent.Create(self.handler)
def __init__(self): self.Text = "ComboBox" self.Size = Size(240, 240) cb = ComboBox() cb.Parent = self cb.Location = Point(50, 30) cb.Items.AddRange( ("Ubuntu", "Mandriva", "Red Hat", "Fedora", "Gentoo")) cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.OnChanged self.label = Label() self.label.Location = Point(50, 140) self.label.Parent = self self.label.Text = "..." self.CenterToScreen()
def __init__(self): self.Text = 'ListBox' name = ColumnHeader() name.Text = 'Name' name.Width = -1 year = ColumnHeader() year.Text = 'Type' year.Width = -1 cb = ComboBox() #cb.Parent = self #cb.Location = Point(50, 30) cb.Items.AddRange( ("Ubuntu", "Mandriva", "Red Hat", "Fedora", "Gentoo")) cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.OnChanged self.SuspendLayout() lv = ListView() lv.Parent = self lv.FullRowSelect = True lv.GridLines = True lv.AllowColumnReorder = True lv.Sorting = SortOrder.Ascending lv.Columns.AddRange((name, year)) lv.ColumnClick += self.OnColumnClick # for act in actresses.keys(): # item = ListViewItem() # item.Text = act # item.SubItems.Add(str(actresses[act])) # lv.Items.Add(item) for f in familyfiles: item = ListViewItem() item.Text = f item.SubItems.Add("Family File") lv.Items.Add(item) lv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill lv.Click += self.OnChanged = StatusBar() = self lv.View = View.Details self.ResumeLayout() self.Size = Size(850, 800) self.CenterToScreen()
def __init__(self): self.Text = "ComboBox" self.Size = Size(240, 240) cb = ComboBox() cb.Parent = self cb.Location = Point(50, 30) cb.Items.AddRange(("Ubuntu", "Mandriva", "Red Hat", "Fedora", "Gentoo")) cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.OnChanged self.label = Label() self.label.Location = Point(50, 140) self.label.Parent = self self.label.Text = "..." self.CenterToScreen()
def __init__(self, param): super(PanelParameter, self).__init__() self.Height = Fconfig.unitline self.paramtype = param[1] tooltips = ToolTip() self.value = '' self.textlabel = Label() self.textlabel.Parent = self self.textlabel.Text = '{0} ({1}) :'.format(param[0], param[1]) self.textlabel.Location = Point(0, 0) self.textlabel.Size = Size(Fconfig.lblwidth, Fconfig.unitline) self.textlabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft #ComboBox if list if len(param) >= 3: self.textbox = ComboBox() list_items = List[Object](param[2]) self.textbox.Items.AddRange(list_items.ToArray()) #dropdownstyle with 4th param if False: if len(param) > 3 and not param[3]: self.textbox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList self.textbox.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.onInput #else simple textbox else: self.textbox = TextBox() self.textbox.Parent = self self.textbox.Location = Point(self.textlabel.Right + Fconfig.margin, 10) self.textbox.Width = Fconfig.smwidth - self.textlabel.Width - 2 * Fconfig.margin self.textbox.TextChanged += self.onInput tooltips.SetToolTip(self.textbox, Types.types(param[1], 'tooltip')) ModeDBG.say('panel {0}, top {1}, height :{2}'.format( param[1], self.Top, self.Height))
def populate_stim_choice_panel(self): # empty stim choice panel list_of_controls = self.stim_choice_panel.Controls for control in list_of_controls: control.Dispose() self.stim_choice_panel.Controls.Clear() # add stim choice label stim_choice_label = Label() stim_choice_label.Parent = self.stim_choice_panel stim_choice_label.Text = "Stim:" stim_choice_label.AutoSize = True # add stim chooser self.stim_chooser = ComboBox() self.stim_chooser.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList self.stim_chooser.Parent = self.stim_choice_panel self.stim_chooser.Items.AddRange(("Looming Dot", "Moving Dot", "Combined Dots", "Optomotor Grating", "Grating", "Broadband Grating", "Delay", "Black Flash", "White Flash")) ##!! need to add option for OKR here self.stim_chooser.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.on_stim_choice self.stim_chooser.Text = self.stim_type self.stim_chooser.Width = self.dialog_window.Width - 40 self.stim_chooser.AutoSize = True self.stim_chooser.Font = BODY_FONT
inputnames = [IN[0]] if isinstance(IN[1], list): inputtypes = IN[1] else: inputtypes = [IN[1]] for i, j in zip(inputnames, inputtypes): label = Label() label.Location = Point(xlabel, y + 4 * resfactY) label.Height = 20 * resfactY label.Width = 80 * resfactX label.Text = str(i) form.Controls.Add(label) if isinstance(j, list): cb = ComboBox() cb.Location = Point(xinput, y) cb.Width = 150 * resfactX globals()['dict%d' % (cbindex)] = {} try: for k in j: globals()['dict%d' % (cbindex)][k.Name] = k cb.Items.Add(k.Name) except: for k in j: try: globals()['dict%d' % (cbindex)][str(k)] = k except: globals()['dict%d' % (cbindex)][k.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8')] = k cb.Items.Add(k)
def __init__(self, tools): label_width = 30 offset = 30 index = 0 # header self.Text = "Add layer" width = 400 #label #textInput # labelstart = Label(Text="Text at start", AutoSize=True) # labelstart.Location = Point(label_width, offset* index) # self.Controls.Add(labelstart) # pt.X = labelstart.Right + offset # inputstart = TextBox(Text="Start") # inputstart.Location = pt # self.Controls.Add(inputstart) # if( inputstart.Right > width ): # width = inputstart.Right # self.m_inputstart = inputstart # TOOL SELECTON index += 1 cbb = ComboBox( Text="Outer contour", Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self, Width=200, ) cbb.Items.AddRange( ("Inner contour", "Outer contour", "Pocket", "Engrave", "Drill", "Saw X", "Saw Y", "Clamex verticaal", "Clamex horizontaal")) cbb.TextChanged += self.updateLabelLayername self.cbb_operation = cbb # TOOL SELECTON index += 1 cbb = ComboBox(Text=tools[0], Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self, Width=200) cbb.Items.AddRange(tools) cbb.TextChanged += self.updateLabelLayername self.cbb_tool = cbb index += 1 sb = NumericUpDown(AutoSize=True, Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self, DecimalPlaces=2) sb.ValueChanged += self.updateLabelLayername self.sb_height = sb index += 1 cb = CheckBox(Text="use depth from top of workpiece", AutoSize=True, Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self) cb.Checked = False cb.CheckedChanged += self.updateLabelLayername self.cb_depth = cb index += 1 la = Label(Text="<layername>", Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self, AutoSize=True) self.la_layername = la index += 1 pt = Point(label_width, offset * index) buttonApply = Button(Text="Apply", DialogResult=DialogResult.OK) buttonApply.Location = pt self.Controls.Add(buttonApply) pt.X = buttonApply.Right + offset buttonCancel = Button(Text="Cancel", DialogResult=DialogResult.Cancel) buttonCancel.Location = pt self.Controls.Add(buttonCancel) if (buttonCancel.Right > width): width = buttonCancel.Right self.ClientSize = Size(width, buttonCancel.Bottom + 10) self.AcceptButton = buttonApply self.CancelButton = buttonCancel
def setupPlanningScriptLauncher(self): self.LauncherPanel = self.newPanel(0, 0) self.PatientLabel = Label() self.PatientLabel.Text = "Patient: " + patient.PatientName.replace( '^', ', ') self.PatientLabel.Location = Point(25, 25) self.PatientLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.PatientLabel.AutoSize = True self.Label2 = Label() self.Label2.Text = "" self.Label2.Location = Point(300, 50) self.Label2.AutoSize = True self.Label2.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label2.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label3 = Label() self.Label3.Text = "" self.Label3.Location = Point(300, 70) self.Label3.AutoSize = True self.Label3.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label3.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label4 = Label() self.Label4.Text = "" self.Label4.Location = Point(300, 90) self.Label4.AutoSize = True self.Label4.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label4.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label5 = Label() self.Label5.Text = "" self.Label5.Location = Point(300, 110) self.Label5.AutoSize = True self.Label5.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label5.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Reminder = Label() self.Reminder.Text = "" self.Reminder.Location = Point(300, 220) self.Reminder.AutoSize = True self.Reminder.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Italic) self.Reminder.ForeColor = Color.Black self.PTV1Label = Label() self.PTV1Label.Text = "PTV 1 (+haut):" self.PTV1Label.Location = Point(25, 60) self.PTV1Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV1Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV1name = TextBox() self.PTV1name.Text = " " self.PTV1name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV1name.Location = Point(120, 60) self.dose1Label = Label() self.dose1Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose1Label.Location = Point(200, 60) self.dose1Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose1Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV1dose = TextBox() self.PTV1dose.Text = " " self.PTV1dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV1dose.Location = Point(260, 60) self.fractionLabel = Label() self.fractionLabel.Text = "nbr fraction:" self.fractionLabel.Location = Point(320, 60) self.fractionLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.fractionLabel.AutoSize = True self.fraction = TextBox() self.fraction.Text = " " self.fraction.Size = Size(40, 30) self.fraction.Location = Point(430, 60) self.PTV2Label = Label() self.PTV2Label.Text = "PTV 2:" self.PTV2Label.Location = Point(25, 90) self.PTV2Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV2Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV2name = TextBox() self.PTV2name.Text = " " self.PTV2name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV2name.Location = Point(120, 90) self.dose2Label = Label() self.dose2Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose2Label.Location = Point(200, 90) self.dose2Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose2Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV2dose = TextBox() self.PTV2dose.Text = " " self.PTV2dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV2dose.Location = Point(260, 90) self.champLabel = Label() self.champLabel.Text = "nbr champs/arcs:" self.champLabel.Location = Point(320, 90) self.champLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.champLabel.AutoSize = True self.champ = TextBox() self.champ.Text = " " self.champ.Size = Size(40, 30) self.champ.Location = Point(430, 90) self.PTV3Label = Label() self.PTV3Label.Text = "PTV 3:" self.PTV3Label.Location = Point(25, 120) self.PTV3Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV3Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV3name = TextBox() self.PTV3name.Text = " " self.PTV3name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV3name.Location = Point(120, 120) self.dose3Label = Label() self.dose3Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose3Label.Location = Point(200, 120) self.dose3Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose3Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV3dose = TextBox() self.PTV3dose.Text = " " self.PTV3dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV3dose.Location = Point(260, 120) self.avertissement = Label() self.avertissement.Text = "(2 arcs maximum):" self.avertissement.Location = Point(320, 110) self.avertissement.Font = Font("Arial", 8) self.avertissement.AutoSize = True self.PTV4Label = Label() self.PTV4Label.Text = "PTV 4:" self.PTV4Label.Location = Point(25, 150) self.PTV4Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV4Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV4name = TextBox() self.PTV4name.Text = " " self.PTV4name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV4name.Location = Point(120, 150) self.dose4Label = Label() self.dose4Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose4Label.Location = Point(200, 150) self.dose4Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose4Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV4dose = TextBox() self.PTV4dose.Text = " " self.PTV4dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV4dose.Location = Point(260, 150) self.techniqueLabel = Label() self.techniqueLabel.Text = "Technique:" self.techniqueLabel.Location = Point(25, 180) self.techniqueLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.techniqueLabel.AutoSize = True self.techniquecombo = ComboBox() self.techniquecombo.Parent = self self.techniquecombo.Size = Size(55, 40) self.techniquecombo.Location = Point(135, 180) self.techniquecombo.Items.Add("IMRT") self.techniquecombo.Items.Add("VMAT") self.techniquecombo.Text = 'IMRT' self.SiteLabel = Label() self.SiteLabel.Text = "Nom du site:" self.SiteLabel.Location = Point(25, 210) self.SiteLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.SiteLabel.AutoSize = True self.SiteBox = TextBox() self.SiteBox.Text = "A1" self.SiteBox.Location = Point(135, 210) self.SiteBox.Width = 40 self.scanLabel = Label() self.scanLabel.Text = "Scan de planif" self.scanLabel.Location = Point(25, 240) self.scanLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.scanLabel.AutoSize = True self.scancombo = ComboBox() self.scancombo.Parent = self self.scancombo.Size = Size(55, 40) self.scancombo.Location = Point(135, 240) self.scancombo.Text = 'Choissisez' self.OptionsLabel = Label() self.OptionsLabel.Text = "Options:" self.OptionsLabel.Location = Point(25, 300) self.OptionsLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.OptionsLabel.AutoSize = True self.check1 = CheckBox() self.check1.Text = "Double optimization initiale + extra?" self.check1.Location = Point(40, 330) self.check1.Width = 300 self.check1.Checked = False self.check3 = CheckBox() self.check3.Text = "Inclure structures optiques?" self.check3.Location = Point(40, 360) self.check3.Width = 300 self.check3.Checked = False self.check2 = CheckBox() self.check2.Text = "Adapter dose color table?" self.check2.Location = Point(40, 390) self.check2.Width = 300 self.check2.Checked = True self.Entete = Label() self.Entete.Text = "" self.Entete.Location = Point(300, 25) self.Entete.AutoSize = True self.Entete.Font = Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold) self.Entete.ForeColor = Color.Black self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PatientLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label2) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label3) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label4) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label5) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Entete) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Reminder) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.RxLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose1Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose2Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose3Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose4Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.fractionLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.fraction) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.isodoseLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.scanLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.techniqueLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.champLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.champ) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.avertissement) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.SiteLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.SiteBox) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.OptionsLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check1) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check2) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check3) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check3) exam_list = [] for CT in patient.Examinations: exam_list.append(CT.Name) for contour in patient.PatientModel.RegionsOfInterest: if not roi.get_roi_approval(contour.Name, patient.Examinations["CT 1"]): VolCT1 = roi.get_roi_volume( contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 1"]) if "CT 2" in exam_list: VolCT2 = roi.get_roi_volume( contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 2"]) else: VolCT2 = 0 if VolCT1 == 0 and VolCT2 == 0: contour.Name = ("vide_" + contour.Name) self.trouvePTV()
class ScriptLauncher(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = "ORL Script Launcher" self.Width = 750 self.Height = 780 self.setupPlanningScriptLauncher() self.setupOKButtons() self.setupMachineSelectPanel() self.Controls.Add(self.LauncherPanel) self.Controls.Add(self.OKbuttonPanel) self.Controls.Add(self.MachineSelectPanel) def newPanel(self, x, y): panel = Panel() panel.Width = 750 panel.Height = 450 panel.Location = Point(x, y) panel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None return panel def miniPanel(self, x, y): panel = Panel() panel.Width = 750 panel.Height = 130 panel.Location = Point(x, y) panel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None return panel def setupPlanningScriptLauncher(self): self.LauncherPanel = self.newPanel(0, 0) self.PatientLabel = Label() self.PatientLabel.Text = "Patient: " + patient.PatientName.replace( '^', ', ') self.PatientLabel.Location = Point(25, 25) self.PatientLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.PatientLabel.AutoSize = True self.Label2 = Label() self.Label2.Text = "" self.Label2.Location = Point(300, 50) self.Label2.AutoSize = True self.Label2.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label2.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label3 = Label() self.Label3.Text = "" self.Label3.Location = Point(300, 70) self.Label3.AutoSize = True self.Label3.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label3.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label4 = Label() self.Label4.Text = "" self.Label4.Location = Point(300, 90) self.Label4.AutoSize = True self.Label4.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label4.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label5 = Label() self.Label5.Text = "" self.Label5.Location = Point(300, 110) self.Label5.AutoSize = True self.Label5.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label5.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Reminder = Label() self.Reminder.Text = "" self.Reminder.Location = Point(300, 220) self.Reminder.AutoSize = True self.Reminder.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Italic) self.Reminder.ForeColor = Color.Black self.PTV1Label = Label() self.PTV1Label.Text = "PTV 1 (+haut):" self.PTV1Label.Location = Point(25, 60) self.PTV1Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV1Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV1name = TextBox() self.PTV1name.Text = " " self.PTV1name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV1name.Location = Point(120, 60) self.dose1Label = Label() self.dose1Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose1Label.Location = Point(200, 60) self.dose1Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose1Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV1dose = TextBox() self.PTV1dose.Text = " " self.PTV1dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV1dose.Location = Point(260, 60) self.fractionLabel = Label() self.fractionLabel.Text = "nbr fraction:" self.fractionLabel.Location = Point(320, 60) self.fractionLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.fractionLabel.AutoSize = True self.fraction = TextBox() self.fraction.Text = " " self.fraction.Size = Size(40, 30) self.fraction.Location = Point(430, 60) self.PTV2Label = Label() self.PTV2Label.Text = "PTV 2:" self.PTV2Label.Location = Point(25, 90) self.PTV2Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV2Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV2name = TextBox() self.PTV2name.Text = " " self.PTV2name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV2name.Location = Point(120, 90) self.dose2Label = Label() self.dose2Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose2Label.Location = Point(200, 90) self.dose2Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose2Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV2dose = TextBox() self.PTV2dose.Text = " " self.PTV2dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV2dose.Location = Point(260, 90) self.champLabel = Label() self.champLabel.Text = "nbr champs/arcs:" self.champLabel.Location = Point(320, 90) self.champLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.champLabel.AutoSize = True self.champ = TextBox() self.champ.Text = " " self.champ.Size = Size(40, 30) self.champ.Location = Point(430, 90) self.PTV3Label = Label() self.PTV3Label.Text = "PTV 3:" self.PTV3Label.Location = Point(25, 120) self.PTV3Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV3Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV3name = TextBox() self.PTV3name.Text = " " self.PTV3name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV3name.Location = Point(120, 120) self.dose3Label = Label() self.dose3Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose3Label.Location = Point(200, 120) self.dose3Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose3Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV3dose = TextBox() self.PTV3dose.Text = " " self.PTV3dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV3dose.Location = Point(260, 120) self.avertissement = Label() self.avertissement.Text = "(2 arcs maximum):" self.avertissement.Location = Point(320, 110) self.avertissement.Font = Font("Arial", 8) self.avertissement.AutoSize = True self.PTV4Label = Label() self.PTV4Label.Text = "PTV 4:" self.PTV4Label.Location = Point(25, 150) self.PTV4Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.PTV4Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV4name = TextBox() self.PTV4name.Text = " " self.PTV4name.Size = Size(60, 60) self.PTV4name.Location = Point(120, 150) self.dose4Label = Label() self.dose4Label.Text = "dose:" self.dose4Label.Location = Point(200, 150) self.dose4Label.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.dose4Label.AutoSize = True self.PTV4dose = TextBox() self.PTV4dose.Text = " " self.PTV4dose.Size = Size(40, 30) self.PTV4dose.Location = Point(260, 150) self.techniqueLabel = Label() self.techniqueLabel.Text = "Technique:" self.techniqueLabel.Location = Point(25, 180) self.techniqueLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.techniqueLabel.AutoSize = True self.techniquecombo = ComboBox() self.techniquecombo.Parent = self self.techniquecombo.Size = Size(55, 40) self.techniquecombo.Location = Point(135, 180) self.techniquecombo.Items.Add("IMRT") self.techniquecombo.Items.Add("VMAT") self.techniquecombo.Text = 'IMRT' self.SiteLabel = Label() self.SiteLabel.Text = "Nom du site:" self.SiteLabel.Location = Point(25, 210) self.SiteLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.SiteLabel.AutoSize = True self.SiteBox = TextBox() self.SiteBox.Text = "A1" self.SiteBox.Location = Point(135, 210) self.SiteBox.Width = 40 self.scanLabel = Label() self.scanLabel.Text = "Scan de planif" self.scanLabel.Location = Point(25, 240) self.scanLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.scanLabel.AutoSize = True self.scancombo = ComboBox() self.scancombo.Parent = self self.scancombo.Size = Size(55, 40) self.scancombo.Location = Point(135, 240) self.scancombo.Text = 'Choissisez' self.OptionsLabel = Label() self.OptionsLabel.Text = "Options:" self.OptionsLabel.Location = Point(25, 300) self.OptionsLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.OptionsLabel.AutoSize = True self.check1 = CheckBox() self.check1.Text = "Double optimization initiale + extra?" self.check1.Location = Point(40, 330) self.check1.Width = 300 self.check1.Checked = False self.check3 = CheckBox() self.check3.Text = "Inclure structures optiques?" self.check3.Location = Point(40, 360) self.check3.Width = 300 self.check3.Checked = False self.check2 = CheckBox() self.check2.Text = "Adapter dose color table?" self.check2.Location = Point(40, 390) self.check2.Width = 300 self.check2.Checked = True self.Entete = Label() self.Entete.Text = "" self.Entete.Location = Point(300, 25) self.Entete.AutoSize = True self.Entete.Font = Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold) self.Entete.ForeColor = Color.Black self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PatientLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label2) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label3) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label4) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Label5) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Entete) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.Reminder) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.RxLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose1Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV1dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose2Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV2dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose3Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV3dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4name) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.dose4Label) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.PTV4dose) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.fractionLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.fraction) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.isodoseLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.scanLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.techniqueLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.champLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.champ) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.avertissement) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.SiteLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.SiteBox) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.OptionsLabel) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check1) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check2) self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check3) #self.LauncherPanel.Controls.Add(self.check3) exam_list = [] for CT in patient.Examinations: exam_list.append(CT.Name) for contour in patient.PatientModel.RegionsOfInterest: if not roi.get_roi_approval(contour.Name, patient.Examinations["CT 1"]): VolCT1 = roi.get_roi_volume( contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 1"]) if "CT 2" in exam_list: VolCT2 = roi.get_roi_volume( contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 2"]) else: VolCT2 = 0 if VolCT1 == 0 and VolCT2 == 0: contour.Name = ("vide_" + contour.Name) self.trouvePTV() def trouvePTV(self): # Erase error messages and clear prescription selection menu self.Label2.Text = "" self.Label3.Text = "" self.Label4.Text = "" self.Label5.Text = "" #self.Entete.Text = "test DM" self.Reminder.Text = "" self.Label2.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label3.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label4.ForeColor = Color.Black self.Label5.ForeColor = Color.Black #self.Entete.ForeColor = Color.Black #self.Reminder.ForeColor = Color.Black #self.check1.Text = "Double optimization initiale + extra?" #self.check1.Checked = False #self.check2.Text = "" #self.check2.Checked = False #self.check3.Text = "" #self.check3.Checked = False #self.comboBoxRx.Items.Clear() #self.comboBoxRx.Text = "-----" #self.techniquecombo.Items.Clear() #self.techniquecombo.Items.Add("VMAT") #self.techniquecombo.Text = 'VMAT' PACE = False roi_names = [ x.Name for x in patient.PatientModel.RegionsOfInterest ] ptv_name_list = [] presc_dose_list = [] for name in roi_names: n = name.replace(' ', '').upper() debut = name[0:3] if debut == 'PTV': try: presc_dose = float(name[3:]) except IndexError: continue except ValueError: continue ptv_name_list.append(name) presc_dose_list.append(presc_dose) ptv_name_list.sort(reverse=True) presc_dose_list.sort(reverse=True) if len(ptv_name_list) == 0: self.Label2.Text = "Attention: Aucun PTV trouvé!" self.Label2.ForeColor = Color.Red else: self.PTV1name.Text = ptv_name_list[0] self.PTV1dose.Text = '%.2f' % presc_dose_list[0] try: self.PTV2name.Text = ptv_name_list[1] self.PTV2dose.Text = '%.2f' % presc_dose_list[1] except IndexError: pass try: self.PTV3name.Text = ptv_name_list[2] self.PTV3dose.Text = '%.2f' % presc_dose_list[2] except IndexError: pass try: self.PTV4name.Text = ptv_name_list[3] self.PTV4dose.Text = '%.2f' % presc_dose_list[3] except IndexError: pass def okClicked(self, sender, args): #Prevent users from creating a new plan twice in a row if self.Status.Text == "Script terminé! Cliquez sur Cancel pour sortir.": return #Check to see which machine is selected for treatment if self.BeamModButton.Checked: machine = 'BeamMod' elif self.InfinityButton.Checked: machine = 'Infinity' else: self.Status.Text = "Il faut choisir un appareil avant de continuer" self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Red return #Check treatment techniqueLabel and nbr of field if self.techniquecombo.Text == 'IMRT': treatment_technique = 'SMLC' beamset_name = 'ORL IMRT' else: treatment_technique = 'VMAT' beamset_name = 'ORL VMAT' #Determine prescription dose (in Gy) and number of fractions rx_dose = [] ptv = [] try: rx_dose_PTV1 = int(float(self.PTV1dose.Text) * 100) rx_dose.append(rx_dose_PTV1) ptv.append(self.PTV1name.Text) except ValueError: pass try: rx_dose_PTV2 = int(float(self.PTV2dose.Text) * 100) rx_dose.append(rx_dose_PTV2) ptv.append(self.PTV2name.Text) except ValueError: pass try: rx_dose_PTV3 = int(float(self.PTV3dose.Text) * 100) rx_dose.append(rx_dose_PTV3) ptv.append(self.PTV3name.Text) except ValueError: pass try: rx_dose_PTV4 = int(float(self.PTV4dose.Text) * 100) rx_dose.append(rx_dose_PTV4) ptv.append(self.PTV4name.Text) except ValueError: pass try: nb_fx = int(self.fraction.Text) except ValueError: self.Status.Text = "Impossible de lire le nombre de fractions" self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Red try: nb_ch = int(self.champ.Text) except ValueError: self.Status.Text = "Impossible de lire le nombre de champ" self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Red #Create the plan data dictionary to send to the component scripts #d = {'plan_name':'A1'} d = dict(patient=patient, plan_name=beamset_name, beamset_name=beamset_name, site_name=self.SiteBox.Text, exam=patient.Examinations[self.scancombo.Text], ct=self.scancombo.Text, machine=machine, nb_fx=nb_fx, nb_ch=nb_ch, rx_dose=rx_dose, ptv=ptv, treatment_technique=treatment_technique) self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Black if patient.BodySite == '': patient.BodySite = 'ORL' #POIS assignation, ROIS creation, plan and beamset adding self.Status.Text = "En cours: Gestion des POIs" orl.orl_pois(plan_data=d) self.Status.Text = "En cours: Création des ROIs (peut prendre un peu de temps)" orl.orl_rois(plan_data=d) self.Status.Text = "En cours: Ajout du plan et beamset" orl.orl_add_plan_and_beamset(plan_data=d) #dose color table adjustment if selected if self.check2.Checked: self.Status.Text = "En cours: Reglage du Dose Color Table" orl.orl_create_isodose_lines(plan_data=d) #add beams or arcs self.Status.Text = "En cours: Ajout des faisceaux" orl.orl_add_beams(plan_data=d) #optimisation parameters and objectives self.Status.Text = "En cours: Reglage des paramètres d'optimisation" orl.orl_opt_settings(plan_data=d) self.Status.Text = "En cours: Ajout des objectifs d'optimisation" if self.check3.Checked: optimization_objectives.add_opt_obj_orl(plan_data=d, yeux=True) else: optimization_objectives.add_opt_obj_orl(plan_data=d) self.Status.Text = "En cours: Ajout des clinical goals" clinical_goals.cg_orl(plan_data=d) # Double optimization if requested by user if self.check1.Checked: self.Status.Text = "En cours: Première optimization" patient.TreatmentPlans[ d['plan_name']].PlanOptimizations[0].RunOptimization() self.Status.Text = "En cours: Deuxième optimization" patient.TreatmentPlans[ d['plan_name']].PlanOptimizations[0].RunOptimization() self.Status.Text = "En cours: Ajustement des paramètres d'optimisation" optim.fit_objectives_orl( plan=patient.TreatmentPlans[d['plan_name']], beamset=patient.TreatmentPlans[d['plan_name']].BeamSets[0]) patient.TreatmentPlans[d['plan_name']].PlanOptimizations[ 0].OptimizationParameters.Algorithm.MaxNumberOfIterations = 29 self.Status.Text = "En cours: Optimisation post ajustement -30 itérations- " patient.TreatmentPlans[ d['plan_name']].PlanOptimizations[0].RunOptimization() self.Status.Text = "Script terminé! Cliquez sur Cancel pour sortir." self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Green def cancelClicked(self, sender, args): self.Close() def setupMachineSelectPanel(self): self.MachineSelectPanel = self.miniPanel(0, 450) self.MachineLabel = Label() self.MachineLabel.Text = "Appareil de traitement:" self.MachineLabel.Location = Point(25, 30) self.MachineLabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.MachineLabel.AutoSize = True self.BeamModButton = RadioButton() self.BeamModButton.Text = "BeamMod (salles 11-12)" self.BeamModButton.Location = Point(40, 55) self.BeamModButton.Checked = False self.BeamModButton.AutoSize = True self.InfinityButton = RadioButton() self.InfinityButton.Text = "Infinity (salles 1-2-6)" self.InfinityButton.Location = Point(40, 80) self.InfinityButton.Checked = True self.InfinityButton.AutoSize = True self.MachineSelectPanel.Controls.Add(self.MachineLabel) self.MachineSelectPanel.Controls.Add(self.BeamModButton) self.MachineSelectPanel.Controls.Add(self.InfinityButton) def setupOKButtons(self): self.OKbuttonPanel = self.newPanel(0, 600) okButton = Button() okButton.Text = "OK" okButton.Location = Point(25, 50) self.AcceptButton = okButton okButton.Click += self.okClicked cancelButton = Button() cancelButton.Text = "Cancel" cancelButton.Location = Point(okButton.Left + okButton.Width + 10, okButton.Top) self.CancelButton = cancelButton cancelButton.Click += self.cancelClicked self.Status = Label() self.Status.Text = "" self.Status.Location = Point(200, 50) self.Status.AutoSize = True self.Status.Font = Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold) self.Status.ForeColor = Color.Black self.OKbuttonPanel.Controls.Add(okButton) self.OKbuttonPanel.Controls.Add(cancelButton) self.OKbuttonPanel.Controls.Add(self.Status) for CT in patient.Examinations: self.scancombo.Items.Add(CT.Name) try: self.scancombo.SelectedIndex = self.scancombo.FindStringExact( "CT 1") except: self.scancombo.SelectedIndex = 0
def setupBeamset1Window(self): self.Beamset1Window = self.beamsetPanel(0, 60) vert_spacer = 30 offset = 28 self.beamset1Header = Label() self.beamset1Header.Text = "Beamset 1" self.beamset1Header.Location = Point(25, 25) self.beamset1Header.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold) self.beamset1Header.AutoSize = True self.Label1 = Label() self.Label1.Text = "Beamset:" self.Label1.Location = Point(25, vert_spacer + offset) self.Label1.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label1.AutoSize = True self.beamset1combo = ComboBox() self.beamset1combo.Parent = self self.beamset1combo.Size = Size(120, 40) self.beamset1combo.Location = Point(100, vert_spacer + offset) self.beamset1combo.Text = "Choisissez beamset" self.beamset1combo.TextChanged += self.beamset1selectionChanged self.Label2 = Label() self.Label2.Text = "Site:" self.Label2.Location = Point(25, 2 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label2.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label2.AutoSize = True self.site1combo = ComboBox() self.site1combo.Parent = self self.site1combo.Size = Size(120, 40) self.site1combo.Location = Point(100, 2 * vert_spacer + offset) self.site1combo.Items.Add("Prostate") self.site1combo.Items.Add("Poumon") self.site1combo.Items.Add("Crâne") self.site1combo.Items.Add("Foie") self.site1combo.Items.Add("Vertebre") self.site1combo.Items.Add("ORL") self.site1combo.Text = "Choisissez site" self.site1combo.TextChanged += self.site1selectionChanged self.Label3 = Label() self.Label3.Text = "Gy en" self.Label3.Location = Point(70, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label3.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label3.AutoSize = True self.Label4 = Label() self.Label4.Text = "fractions" self.Label4.Location = Point(160, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label4.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label4.AutoSize = True self.dosebox = TextBox() self.dosebox.Text = "----" self.dosebox.Location = Point(25, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.dosebox.Width = 40 self.fxbox = TextBox() self.fxbox.Text = "----" self.fxbox.Location = Point(115, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.fxbox.Width = 40 self.Label5 = Label() self.Label5.Text = "Nom du PTV: " self.Label5.Location = Point(25, 4.75 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label5.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label5.AutoSize = True self.Label6 = Label() self.Label6.Text = "Contour isodose: " self.Label6.Location = Point(25, 5.5 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label6.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label6.AutoSize = True self.Label7 = Label() self.Label7.Text = "Nom final du beamset: " self.Label7.Location = Point(25, 6.25 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label7.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label7.AutoSize = True self.Label8 = Label() self.Label8.Text = "OARs pour transfert SuperBridge: " self.Label8.Location = Point(25, 8 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label8.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label8.AutoSize = True self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.beamset1Header) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label1) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.beamset1combo) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label2) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.site1combo) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label3) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label4) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.dosebox) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.fxbox) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label5) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label6) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label7) self.Beamset1Window.Controls.Add(self.Label8)
def setupBeamset3Window(self): self.Beamset3Window = self.medPanel(300, 360) vert_spacer = 30 offset = 28 self.Beamset3Header = Label() self.Beamset3Header.Text = "Beamset 3" self.Beamset3Header.Location = Point(25, 25) self.Beamset3Header.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold) self.Beamset3Header.AutoSize = True self.Label31 = Label() self.Label31.Text = "Beamset:" self.Label31.Location = Point(25, vert_spacer + offset) self.Label31.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label31.AutoSize = True self.beamset3combo = ComboBox() self.beamset3combo.Parent = self self.beamset3combo.Size = Size(120, 40) self.beamset3combo.Location = Point(100, vert_spacer + offset) self.beamset3combo.Text = "Choisissez beamset" self.beamset3combo.TextChanged += self.beamset3selectionChanged self.Label32 = Label() self.Label32.Text = "Site:" # Site for Beamset3 is copied from Beamset1 self.Label32.Location = Point(25, 2 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label32.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label32.AutoSize = True self.Label33 = Label() self.Label33.Text = "Gy en" self.Label33.Location = Point(70, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label33.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label33.AutoSize = True self.Label34 = Label() self.Label34.Text = "fractions" self.Label34.Location = Point(160, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label34.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label34.AutoSize = True self.dosebox3 = TextBox() self.dosebox3.Text = "----" self.dosebox3.Location = Point(25, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.dosebox3.Width = 40 self.fxbox3 = TextBox() self.fxbox3.Text = "----" self.fxbox3.Location = Point(115, 3 * vert_spacer + offset) self.fxbox3.Width = 40 self.Label35 = Label() self.Label35.Text = "Nom du PTV: " self.Label35.Location = Point(25, 4.75 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label35.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label35.AutoSize = True self.Label36 = Label() self.Label36.Text = "Contour isodose: " self.Label36.Location = Point(25, 5.5 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label36.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label36.AutoSize = True self.Label37 = Label() self.Label37.Text = "Nom final du beamset: " self.Label37.Location = Point(25, 6.25 * vert_spacer + offset) self.Label37.Font = Font("Arial", 10) self.Label37.AutoSize = True self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Beamset3Header) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label31) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.beamset3combo) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label32) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label33) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label34) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.dosebox3) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.fxbox3) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label35) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label36) self.Beamset3Window.Controls.Add(self.Label37)
def __init__(self): self.patient = patient self.Text = 'My Form' #title of the new format self.AutoSize = True labelX1 = Label() labelX2 = Label() labelX1.Text = 'What is' labelX2.Text = 'this?' labelX1.Location = Point(15, 28) labelX2.Location = Point(120, 28) labelX1.Width = 50 labelX2.Width = 50 labelX1.Height = 20 labelX2.Height = 40 self.Controls.Add(labelX1) self.Controls.Add(labelX2) # create a textbox property of the form self.textbox1 = TextBox() self.textbox1.Location = Point(50, 200) self.textbox1.Width = 120 self.textbox1.Height = 50 self.Controls.Add(self.textbox1) # implement an interaction button self.button1 = Button() self.button1.Text = "Auto-fill current patient name" self.button1.Location = Point(50, 120) self.button1.Width = 150 self.button1.Height = 45 self.Controls.Add(self.button1) self.button1.Click += self.button1_clicked # add checklist question self.question1 = Label() self.question1.Text = "Which actions have you finished so far?" self.question1.Location = Point(15, 280) self.question1.AutoSize = True self.Controls.Add(self.question1) # first checkbox self.check1 = CheckBox() self.check1.Text = "Patient modelling" self.check1.Location = Point(20, 310) self.check1.AutoSize = True self.check1.Checked = False self.Controls.Add(self.check1) self.check1.CheckedChanged += self.checkedChanged # second checkbox self.check2 = CheckBox() self.check2.Text = "Plan design" self.check2.Location = Point(20, 340) self.check2.AutoSize = True self.check2.Checked = False self.Controls.Add(self.check2) self.check2.CheckedChanged += self.checkedChanged # add checklist response message self.response1 = Label() self.response1.Text = "-" self.response1.Location = Point(160, 340) self.response1.AutoSize = True self.Controls.Add(self.response1) # generate combobox self.question2 = Label() self.question2.Text = "Select an ROI" self.question2.Location = Point(320, 310) self.question2.AutoSize = True self.Controls.Add(self.question2) rois = [r.Name for r in patient.PatientModel.RegionsOfInterest] self.combobox = ComboBox() self.combobox.Location = Point(320, 340) self.combobox.DataSource = rois self.Controls.Add(self.combobox) self.combobox.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.comboSelection # generate combobox response self.response2 = Label() self.response2.Text = "" self.response2.Location = Point(320, 380) self.response2.AutoSize = True self.Controls.Add(self.response2)
def __init__(self): self.file_path = DEFAULT_PATH self.Text = 'Waypoint File Tool' self.Location = Point(0, 0) self.TopMost = ALWAYS_ON_TOP screen_size = Screen.GetWorkingArea(self) num_buttons = 3 btn_width = 150 margin = 5 start_x, start_y = 12, 10 self.Height = screen_size.Height self.Width = btn_width * num_buttons + margin * (num_buttons + 7) self.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.ForeColor = CustomColor.White """ OpenFileDialog does not appear to work in Mission Planner scripts... so, we create a rudimentary file picker with a textbox and listbox """ self.txt_path = TextBox() self.txt_path.Width = self.Width - (margin * 8) self.txt_path.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.txt_path.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.txt_path.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.txt_path.Text = self.file_path self.txt_path.LostFocus += self.refresh_filenames self.lst_files = ListBox() self.lst_files.Width = self.txt_path.Width self.lst_files.Height = self.Height / 5 self.lst_files.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.lst_files.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.lst_files.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.lst_files.SelectedIndexChanged += self.file_selection_changed self.btn_output_wp = Button() self.btn_output_wp.Width = 150 self.btn_output_wp.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat self.btn_output_wp.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.btn_output_wp.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.btn_output_wp.BackColor = CustomColor.MPGreen self.btn_output_wp.ForeColor = CustomColor.Black self.btn_output_wp.Text = 'Output as WP' self.btn_output_wp.Click += self.convert_file self.btn_output_poly = Button() self.btn_output_poly.Width = 150 self.btn_output_poly.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat self.btn_output_poly.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.btn_output_poly.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.btn_output_poly.BackColor = CustomColor.MPGreen self.btn_output_poly.ForeColor = CustomColor.Black self.btn_output_poly.Text = 'Output as POLY' self.btn_output_poly.Click += self.convert_file self.btn_refresh_files = Button() self.btn_refresh_files.Width = 150 self.btn_refresh_files.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat self.btn_refresh_files.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.btn_refresh_files.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.btn_refresh_files.BackColor = CustomColor.MPGreen self.btn_refresh_files.ForeColor = CustomColor.Black self.btn_refresh_files.Text = 'Refresh Files' self.btn_refresh_files.Click += self.refresh_filenames self.AcceptButton = self.btn_refresh_files self.spn_num_perimeter_passes = NumericUpDown() self.spn_num_perimeter_passes.Width = 40 self.spn_num_perimeter_passes.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.spn_num_perimeter_passes.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.spn_num_perimeter_passes.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.spn_num_perimeter_passes.Value = 3 self.chk_reverse_perimeter = CheckBox() self.chk_reverse_perimeter.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.chk_reverse_perimeter.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.chk_reverse_perimeter.Text = 'Reverse Perimeter - Enter desired number of passes:' self.chk_reverse_perimeter.AutoSize = True self.chk_reverse_perimeter.CheckedChanged += self.set_txt_num_perimeter_passes_state self.chk_reverse_perimeter.Checked = True self.lbl_default_altitude = Label() self.lbl_default_altitude.Text = 'Waypoint Altitude (if unspecified):' self.lbl_default_altitude.AutoSize = True self.txt_default_altitude = TextBox() self.txt_default_altitude.Width = 50 self.txt_default_altitude.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.txt_default_altitude.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.txt_default_altitude.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.txt_default_altitude.MaxLength = 5 self.txt_default_altitude.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center self.txt_default_altitude.Text = str( round(DEFAULT_ALTITUDE * 3.28084, 2))[:5] self.txt_default_altitude.KeyPress += self.limit_to_decimal_digits self.cbo_default_altitude = ComboBox() self.cbo_default_altitude.Width = 60 self.cbo_default_altitude.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList self.cbo_default_altitude.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat self.cbo_default_altitude.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.cbo_default_altitude.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.cbo_default_altitude.DataSource = ['Feet', 'Meters'] self.cbo_default_altitude.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.convert_altitude_units self.lbl_status = Label() self.lbl_status.Text = 'Choose a file...' self.lbl_status.BackColor = CustomColor.MPMediumGray self.lbl_status.Width = self.txt_path.Width self.lbl_status.Height = self.txt_path.Height - 5 # pseudo-responsive form layout x, y = start_x, start_y x, y = self.add_control_vertical(self.txt_path, x, y, margin) x, y = self.add_control_vertical(self.lst_files, x, y, margin) x, y = self.add_control_horizontal(self.btn_output_wp, x, y, margin) x, y = self.add_control_horizontal(self.btn_output_poly, x, y, margin) x, y = self.add_control_vertical(self.btn_refresh_files, x, y, margin + 10) x, y = self.add_control_horizontal(self.chk_reverse_perimeter, start_x, y, margin) x, y = self.add_control_vertical(self.spn_num_perimeter_passes, x - 5, y, margin + 10) x, y = self.add_control_horizontal(self.lbl_default_altitude, start_x, y + 3, margin) x, y = self.add_control_horizontal(self.txt_default_altitude, x, y - 3, margin + 3) x, y = self.add_control_vertical(self.cbo_default_altitude, x, y, margin) self.Height = y + 100 self.add_control_vertical(self.lbl_status, start_x, self.Height - 60, margin) self.set_txt_num_perimeter_passes_state(None, None) self.refresh_filenames(None, None)
def __init__(self): self.received_messages = {} self.msg_ids = {} self.config = None self.num_messages = DEFAULT_NUM_MESSAGES if path.exists(CONFIG_FILENAME): print('Reading config...') self.config = open(CONFIG_FILENAME, 'r').readlines() for x in range(len(self.config)): self.config[x] = self.config[x].strip('\n') self.num_messages = int(self.config[0].split(',')[0]) # we subscribe to every possible MAVLink message here # super inefficient, but much easier to just collect 'em all! for attr_name in dir(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID): if attr_name.upper() == attr_name: attr = getattr(MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID, attr_name) self.msg_ids[attr.value__] = attr MAV.SubscribeToPacketType( attr, Func[MAVLink.MAVLinkMessage, bool](self.get_message_data)) MAV.OnPacketReceived += self.packet_handler self.Text = 'MAVLink MinMonitor' self.Location = Point(0, 0) self.TopMost = True self.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.Shown += self.on_load self.FormClosing += self.on_exit self.margin = 5 start_x, start_y = 12, 10 self.msg_widgets = [] for x in range(self.num_messages): cbo_msg_id = ComboBox() cbo_msg_id.Width = 175 cbo_msg_id.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown cbo_msg_id.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat cbo_msg_id.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray cbo_msg_id.ForeColor = CustomColor.White cbo_msg_id.DataSource = self.received_messages.keys() cbo_msg_id.MouseDown += self.update_message_ids cbo_msg_id.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.update_datasource cbo_msg_id.Text = '' cbo_msg_dataframes = ComboBox() cbo_msg_dataframes.Width = 120 cbo_msg_dataframes.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown cbo_msg_dataframes.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat cbo_msg_dataframes.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray cbo_msg_dataframes.ForeColor = CustomColor.White cbo_msg_dataframes.Text = '' lbl_data = Label() lbl_data.Text = 'NO DATA' lbl_data.BackColor = CustomColor.MPMediumGray lbl_data.Width = 120 lbl_data.Height = cbo_msg_id.Height - 5 txt_min = TextBox() txt_min.Width = 75 txt_min.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle txt_min.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray txt_min.ForeColor = CustomColor.White txt_min.MaxLength = 10 txt_min.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center txt_min.KeyPress += self.limit_to_decimal_digits txt_max = TextBox() txt_max.Width = 75 txt_max.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle txt_max.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray txt_max.ForeColor = CustomColor.White txt_max.MaxLength = 10 txt_max.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center txt_max.KeyPress += self.limit_to_decimal_digits txt_factor = TextBox() txt_factor.Width = 75 txt_factor.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle txt_factor.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray txt_factor.ForeColor = CustomColor.White txt_factor.MaxLength = 10 txt_factor.TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center txt_factor.KeyPress += self.limit_to_decimal_digits self.msg_widgets.append( OrderedDict([('cbo_msg_id', cbo_msg_id), ('cbo_msg_dataframes', cbo_msg_dataframes), ('lbl_data', lbl_data), ('txt_min', txt_min), ('txt_max', txt_max), ('txt_factor', txt_factor)])) self.lbl_min = Label() self.lbl_min.Text = 'Min' self.lbl_min.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.lbl_min.Width = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_min'].Width self.lbl_min.Height = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_min'].Height - 5 self.lbl_max = Label() self.lbl_max.Text = 'Max' self.lbl_max.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.lbl_max.Width = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_max'].Width self.lbl_max.Height = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_max'].Height - 5 self.lbl_factor = Label() self.lbl_factor.Text = 'Factor' self.lbl_factor.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.lbl_factor.Width = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_factor'].Width self.lbl_factor.Height = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_factor'].Height - 5 self.lbl_num_messages = Label() self.lbl_num_messages.Text = 'Number of messages to monitor (restart to take effect)' self.lbl_num_messages.BackColor = CustomColor.MPDarkGray self.lbl_num_messages.AutoSize = True self.spn_num_messages = NumericUpDown() self.spn_num_messages.Width = 40 self.spn_num_messages.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.spn_num_messages.BackColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.spn_num_messages.ForeColor = CustomColor.White self.spn_num_messages.Value = self.num_messages self.chk_hide_factors = CheckBox() self.chk_hide_factors.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.chk_hide_factors.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.chk_hide_factors.Text = 'Hide threshold/scaling preferences' self.chk_hide_factors.AutoSize = True self.chk_sticky = CheckBox() self.chk_sticky.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 1 self.chk_sticky.FlatAppearance.BorderColor = CustomColor.MPLightGray self.chk_sticky.Text = 'Always on top' self.chk_sticky.AutoSize = True self.lbl_status = Label() self.lbl_status.Text = 'No messages received' self.lbl_status.BackColor = CustomColor.MPMediumGray self.lbl_status.Height = self.msg_widgets[0]['txt_min'].Height - 5 # pseudo-responsive form layout x, y = start_x, start_y max_x = 0 x = start_x + (self.msg_widgets[0]['cbo_msg_id'].Width + self.msg_widgets[0]['cbo_msg_dataframes'].Width + self.msg_widgets[0]['lbl_data'].Width) + self.margin * 4 x, y, x_extent = \ self.add_control_horizontal(self.lbl_min, x, y, self.margin) x, y, x_extent = \ self.add_control_horizontal(self.lbl_max, x, y, self.margin) x, y, x_extent = \ self.add_control_vertical(self.lbl_factor, x, y, self.margin) for widget in self.msg_widgets: x = start_x for control in widget.items(): x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_horizontal( control[1], x, y, self.margin) max_x = max([x_extent, max_x]) y += widget.items()[0][1].Height + self.margin self.Width = max_x + self.margin * 4 self.WideWidth = self.Width self.NarrowWidth = self.msg_widgets[0]['lbl_data'].Location.X + \ self.msg_widgets[0]['lbl_data'].Width + self.margin * 5 y += 20 x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_horizontal(self.spn_num_messages, start_x, y, self.margin) x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_vertical(self.lbl_num_messages, x, y + 3, self.margin) x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_vertical(self.chk_hide_factors, start_x + 3, y + 5, self.margin) x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_vertical(self.chk_sticky, x, y, self.margin) self.lbl_status.Width = self.Width - self.margin * 7 x, y, x_extent = self.add_control_vertical(self.lbl_status, start_x, y + 3, self.margin) self.Height = y + self.lbl_status.Height + self.margin * 5
class HFSSAssignPort(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = "HFSS_GUI_Scripts_#2" screenSize = Screen.GetWorkingArea(self) # self.Width = 350 # self.Height = 300 self.Width = 350 self.Height = 300 self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D self.MaximizeBox = False self.authorName = Label() self.authorName.Text = "by Phower" self.authorName.Height = 25 self.authorName.AutoSize = True self.authorName.Location = Point(265, 245) # self.authorName.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Bottom self.setupPanel1() self.setupPanel2() self.Controls.Add(self.panel1) self.Controls.Add(self.panel2) self.Controls.Add(self.authorName) def setupPanel1(self): self.panel1 = Panel() self.panel1.Width = self.Width self.panel1.Height = 120 self.panel1.Location = Point(0, 0) self.panel1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.title1 = Label() self.title1.Text = "ReAssign Terminal" self.title1.Location = Point(25, 22) self.title1.Height = 25 self.title1.AutoSize = True self.label2 = Label() self.label2.Text = "Ground Metal Name: " self.label2.Location = Point(25, 50) self.label2.Height = 25 self.label2.Width = 150 self.button1 = Button() self.button1.Text = 'Assign' self.button1.Location = Point(25, 75) self.button1.Width = 100 self.button1.Click += self.update self.button2 = Button() self.button2.Text = 'Reset' self.button2.Location = Point(180, 75) self.button2.Width = 100 self.button2.Click += self.reset self.list1 = ComboBox() self.list1.Text = '——Select' self.list1.Location = Point(180, 47) self.list1.Width = 100 self.list1.Height = 35 self.DropDownHeight = 50 self.list1.Click += self.listUpdate self.AcceptButton = self.button1 self.CancelButton = self.button2 self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.label2) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.title1) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.button1) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.button2) self.panel1.Controls.Add(self.list1) def setupPanel2(self): self.panel2 = Panel() # self.panel2.Text = "Panel" self.panel2.Width = self.Width self.panel2.Height = 120 self.panel2.Location = Point(0, 120) self.panel2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle self.p2title1 = Label() self.p2title1.Text = "Create Lumped Port" self.p2title1.Location = Point(25, 22) self.p2title1.Height = 25 self.p2title1.AutoSize = True self.p2label1 = Label() self.p2label1.Text = "Ground Metal Name: " self.p2label1.Location = Point(25, 50) self.p2label1.Height = 25 self.p2label1.Width = 150 self.p2button1 = Button() self.p2button1.Text = 'Create' self.p2button1.Location = Point(25, 75) self.p2button1.Width = 100 self.p2button1.Click += self.p2update self.p2button2 = Button() self.p2button2.Text = 'Reset' self.p2button2.Location = Point(180, 75) self.p2button2.Width = 100 self.p2button2.Click += self.p2reset self.p2list1 = ComboBox() self.p2list1.Text = '——Select' self.p2list1.Location = Point(180, 47) self.p2list1.Width = 100 self.p2list1.Height = 35 self.DropDownHeight = 50 self.p2list1.Click += self.p2listUpdate self.AcceptButton = self.p2button1 self.CancelButton = self.p2button2 self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2title1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2label1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2button1) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2button2) self.panel2.Controls.Add(self.p2list1) def update(self, sender, event): temp = oModule.GetPortExcitationCounts() tempNum = len(temp) tempRecord = [] for x in range(1, tempNum, 2): if temp[x] == '0': tempRecord.append(temp[x - 1]) # MessageBox.Show(str(tempRecord)) temp2 = self.list1.SelectedItem if tempRecord and (temp2 != None): AssignPort(tempRecord, str(temp2)) elif temp2 == None: MessageBox.Show("请选择参考金属") elif len(tempRecord) == 0: MessageBox.Show("全部Port已完成") else: MessageBox.Show("错误参数!!") def reset(self, sender, event): global refresh_count if (self.list1.SelectedItem != None): self.list1.Items.Clear() self.list1.Text = '——Select' refresh_count = 0 MessageBox.Show("已重置!!") else: MessageBox.Show("已重置!!") def listUpdate(self, sender, event): global refresh_count if (refresh_count == 0): refresh_count = 1 self.list1.BeginUpdate() # self.list1.Items.AddRange(tuple(oEditor.GetObjectsByMaterial("m10_tsmcN40", "m2_tsmcN40"))) # self.list1.Items.AddRange(tuple(oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids"))) self.list1.Items.AddRange(tuple( oEditor.GetMatchedObjectName("M*"))) self.list1.EndUpdate() def p2listUpdate(self, sender, event): global refresh_count2 if (refresh_count2 == 0): refresh_count2 = 1 self.p2list1.BeginUpdate() self.p2list1.Items.AddRange( tuple(oEditor.GetMatchedObjectName("M*"))) self.p2list1.EndUpdate() def p2update(self, sender, event): temp = self.p2list1.SelectedItem unPort = oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Unassigned") unPortID = [] for x in range(0, len(unPort)): unPortID.append(oEditor.GetFaceIDs(unPort[x])[0]) if unPortID and (temp != None): CreatePort(unPortID, unPort, temp) elif temp == None: MessageBox.Show("请选择参考金属") elif len(unPortID) == 0: MessageBox.Show("全部Port已完成") else: MessageBox.Show("错误参数!!") # MessageBox.Show(str(unPortID)) def p2reset(self, sender, event): global refresh_count2 if (self.p2list1.SelectedItem != None): self.p2list1.Items.Clear() self.p2list1.Text = '——Select' refresh_count2 = 0 MessageBox.Show("已重置!!") else: MessageBox.Show("已重置!!")
def __init__(self, curveId): label_width = 30 offset = 30 index = 0 # header self.Text = "Annotate Curve" #label index += 1 crvlabel = Label(Text="Curve ID = "+str(curveId), AutoSize=True) self.Controls.Add(crvlabel) width = crvlabel.Right pt = Point(crvlabel.Left,crvlabel.Bottom + offset) #textInput labelstart = Label(Text="Text at start", AutoSize=True) labelstart.Location = Point(label_width, offset* index) self.Controls.Add(labelstart) pt.X = labelstart.Right + offset inputstart = TextBox(Text="Start") inputstart.Location = pt self.Controls.Add(inputstart) if( inputstart.Right > width ): width = inputstart.Right self.m_inputstart = inputstart index += 1 cb = CheckBox( AutoSize=True) cb.Parent = self cb.Location = Point(label_width, offset* index) cb.Text = "Show Title" cb.Checked = True index += 1 cbb = ComboBox(Text="select tool", Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self) cbb.Items.AddRange(("Inner contour", "Outer contour", "Pocket", "Engrave", "Clamex horizontal")) self.cbb_tool = cbb index += 1 cbb = ComboBox(Text="Outer contour", Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self) cbb.Items.AddRange(("Inner contour", "Outer contour", "Pocket", "Engrave", "Clamex horizontal")) self.cbb_operation = cbb index += 1 sb = NumericUpDown( AutoSize=True, Location=Point(label_width, offset * index), Parent=self , DecimalPlaces = 2) sb.Parent = self sb.Location = Point(label_width, offset* index) sb.DecimalPlaces = 2 sb.Text = "Show Title" index += 1 pt.X = labelstart.Left pt.Y = labelstart.Bottom + offset*index buttonApply = Button(Text="Apply", DialogResult=DialogResult.OK) buttonApply.Location = pt self.Controls.Add(buttonApply) pt.X = buttonApply.Right + offset buttonCancel = Button(Text="Cancel", DialogResult=DialogResult.Cancel) buttonCancel.Location = pt self.Controls.Add(buttonCancel) if( buttonCancel.Right > width ): width = buttonCancel.Right self.ClientSize = Size(width, buttonCancel.Bottom) self.AcceptButton = buttonApply self.CancelButton = buttonCancel
def __init__(self, dropDownDictList, dropDownHeadings, defaultValues=[], sort=True): topOffset = 20 spacing = 45 # Create the Form self.Name = "ListBox" self.Text = "pyWeWork" self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable self.Icon = icon self.CenterToScreen() self.values = [] self.dropDownDictList = dropDownDictList self.dropDownHeadings = dropDownHeadings self.defaultValues = defaultValues self.comboBoxes = [] self.labels = [] self.Size = Size(500, spacing*len(self.dropDownHeadings) + (topOffset + 75)) titleFont = Font("Arial",10, FontStyle.Bold) menuFont = Font("Arial",8, FontStyle.Bold) self.label = Label() self.label.Text = "SELECT PARAMETERS" self.label.Font = titleFont self.label.Location = Point(10, 10) self.label.AutoSize = True for index in range(len(self.dropDownDictList)): dropDownDict = self.dropDownDictList[index] if sort: dictKeys = sorted(dropDownDict.keys()) dictValues = sorted(dropDownDict.values()) else: dictKeys = dropDownDict.keys() dictValues = dropDownDict.values() self.comboBoxes.append(ComboBox()) for item in dictKeys: self.comboBoxes[index].Items.Add(item) self.comboBoxes[index].Location = Point(15, (spacing*index) + topOffset) self.comboBoxes[index].Width = 250 if self.defaultValues: selectedIndex = 0 for key in dictKeys: defaultVal = self.defaultValues[index] if dropDownDict[key] == defaultVal: selectedIndex = dictKeys.index(key) self.comboBoxes[index].SelectedIndex = selectedIndex self.labels.append(Label()) self.labels[index].Text = self.dropDownHeadings[index] self.labels[index].Font = menuFont self.labels[index].Width = 100 self.labels[index].AutoSize = True self.labels[index].Location = Point(280, (spacing*index) + topOffset + 2) self.Controls.Add(self.labels[index]) self.Controls.Add(self.labels[index]) self.Controls.Add(self.comboBoxes[index]) self.button = Button() self.button.Text = "GO" self.button.Size = Size(0, 40) self.button.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom # Register event self.button.Click += self.ButtonClicked self.Controls.Add(self.button)
def setupMainWindow(self): self.MainWindow = self.Panel(0, 60) vert_spacer = 30 offset = 50 self.toplabel = Label() self.toplabel.Text = "PTV Dose (Gy)" self.toplabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.toplabel.Location = Point(60, 20) self.toplabel.AutoSize = True self.PTV1combo = ComboBox() self.PTV1combo.Parent = self self.PTV1combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.PTV1combo.Location = Point(25, offset) self.PTV1combo.Text = "Choisissez ROI" self.dose1_value = TextBox() self.dose1_value.Text = "" self.dose1_value.Location = Point(180, offset) self.dose1_value.Width = 50 self.PTV2combo = ComboBox() self.PTV2combo.Parent = self self.PTV2combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.PTV2combo.Location = Point(25, offset + vert_spacer) self.PTV2combo.Text = "Choisissez ROI" self.dose2_value = TextBox() self.dose2_value.Text = "" self.dose2_value.Location = Point(180, offset + vert_spacer) self.dose2_value.Width = 50 self.PTV3combo = ComboBox() self.PTV3combo.Parent = self self.PTV3combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.PTV3combo.Location = Point(25, offset + 2*vert_spacer) self.PTV3combo.Text = "Choisissez ROI" self.dose3_value = TextBox() self.dose3_value.Text = "" self.dose3_value.Location = Point(180, offset + 2*vert_spacer) self.dose3_value.Width = 50 self.fxlabel = Label() self.fxlabel.Text = "Nb de fx" self.fxlabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 3.5*vert_spacer) self.fxlabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.fxlabel.AutoSize = True self.fxbox = TextBox() self.fxbox.Parent = self self.fxbox.Size = Size(50,40) self.fxbox.Location = Point(150, offset + 3.5*vert_spacer) self.fxbox.Text = "1" self.techlabel = Label() self.techlabel.Text = "Technique" self.techlabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 4.5*vert_spacer) self.techlabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.techlabel.AutoSize = True self.techcombo = ComboBox() self.techcombo.Parent = self self.techcombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.techcombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 4.5*vert_spacer) self.techcombo.Text = "VMAT" self.techcombo.Items.Add('VMAT') self.techcombo.Items.Add('IMRT') self.techcombo.Items.Add('3DC') self.sitelabel = Label() self.sitelabel.Text = "Nom du site" self.sitelabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 5.5*vert_spacer) self.sitelabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.sitelabel.AutoSize = True self.sitebox = TextBox() self.sitebox.Parent = self self.sitebox.Size = Size(50,40) self.sitebox.Location = Point(150, offset + 5.5*vert_spacer) self.sitebox.Text = "A1" self.isolabel = Label() self.isolabel.Text = "Isocentre" self.isolabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 6.5*vert_spacer) self.isolabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.isolabel.AutoSize = True self.isocombo = ComboBox() self.isocombo.Parent = self self.isocombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.isocombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 6.5*vert_spacer) for poi in patient.PatientModel.PointsOfInterest: self.isocombo.Items.Add(poi.Name) if poi.Name == 'ISO': self.isocombo.Text = 'ISO' elif self.isocombo.Text != 'ISO' and poi.Name == 'REF SCAN': self.isocombo.Text = 'REF SCAN' self.scanlabel = Label() self.scanlabel.Text = "CT de planif" self.scanlabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 7.5*vert_spacer) self.scanlabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.scanlabel.AutoSize = True self.scancombo = ComboBox() self.scancombo.Parent = self self.scancombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.scancombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 7.5*vert_spacer) for ct in patient.Examinations: self.scancombo.Items.Add(ct.Name) if ct.Name == 'CT 1': self.scancombo.Text = 'CT 1' self.machinelabel = Label() self.machinelabel.Text = "Appareil" self.machinelabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 8.5*vert_spacer) self.machinelabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.machinelabel.AutoSize = True self.machinecombo = ComboBox() self.machinecombo.Parent = self self.machinecombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.machinecombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 8.5*vert_spacer) self.machinecombo.Text = "BeamMod" self.machinecombo.Items.Add('BeamMod') self.machinecombo.Items.Add('Infinity') self.isodoselabel = Label() self.isodoselabel.Text = "Dose table" self.isodoselabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 9.5*vert_spacer) self.isodoselabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.isodoselabel.AutoSize = True self.isodosecombo = ComboBox() self.isodosecombo.Parent = self self.isodosecombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.isodosecombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 9.5*vert_spacer) self.isodosecombo.Text = "Créer" self.isodosecombo.Items.Add('Créer') self.isodosecombo.Items.Add('Ne pas créer') self.couchlabel = Label() self.couchlabel.Text = "Couch table" self.couchlabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 10.5*vert_spacer) self.couchlabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.couchlabel.AutoSize = True self.couchcombo = ComboBox() self.couchcombo.Parent = self self.couchcombo.Size = Size(90,40) self.couchcombo.Location = Point(150, offset + 10.5*vert_spacer) self.couchcombo.Text = "Ne pas ajouter" self.couchcombo.Items.Add('Ne pas ajouter') #self.couchcombo.Items.Add('Ajouter') self.message = Label() self.message.Text = "Sélectionnez le(s) ROI(s) à traiter (chaque\ncontour distinct devrait être indiqué\nséparément). Seulement les ROIs avec\nPTV dans leurs noms sont disponibles.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLes plans IMRT/3DC avec plusieurs PTVs\ndistincts auront une optimisation automatique\ndu collimateur. SVP ne touchez pas à\nl'ordinateur pendant cette optimisation\n(4 à 5 minutes environ)" self.message.Location = Point(300, offset) self.message.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Italic) self.message.AutoSize = True self.status = Label() self.status.Text = "" self.status.Location = Point(25, 760) self.status.Font = Font("Arial", 11, FontStyle.Bold) self.status.AutoSize = True self.OARlabel = Label() self.OARlabel.Text = "Max doses custom (Gy)" self.OARlabel.Location = Point(25, offset + 13*vert_spacer) self.OARlabel.Font = Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Bold) self.OARlabel.AutoSize = True self.OAR1combo = ComboBox() self.OAR1combo.Parent = self self.OAR1combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.OAR1combo.Location = Point(25, offset + 14*vert_spacer) self.OAR1combo.Text = "Choisissez OAR" self.OAR1_value = TextBox() self.OAR1_value.Text = "" self.OAR1_value.Location = Point(160, offset + 14*vert_spacer) self.OAR1_value.Width = 50 self.OAR2combo = ComboBox() self.OAR2combo.Parent = self self.OAR2combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.OAR2combo.Location = Point(25, offset + 15*vert_spacer) self.OAR2combo.Text = "Choisissez OAR" self.OAR2_value = TextBox() self.OAR2_value.Text = "" self.OAR2_value.Location = Point(160, offset + 15*vert_spacer) self.OAR2_value.Width = 50 self.OAR3combo = ComboBox() self.OAR3combo.Parent = self self.OAR3combo.Size = Size(120,40) self.OAR3combo.Location = Point(25, offset + 16*vert_spacer) self.OAR3combo.Text = "Choisissez OAR" self.OAR3_value = TextBox() self.OAR3_value.Text = "" self.OAR3_value.Location = Point(160, offset + 16*vert_spacer) self.OAR3_value.Width = 50 evalButton = Button() evalButton.Text = "Évaluer les PTVs" evalButton.Location = Point(25, offset + 18 * vert_spacer) evalButton.Width = 200 evalButton.Click += self.evalClicked addplanButton = Button() addplanButton.Text = "Ajouter plan" addplanButton.Location = Point(25, offset + 19 * vert_spacer) addplanButton.Width = 200 addplanButton.Click += self.addplanClicked self.stepcombo = ComboBox() self.stepcombo.Parent = self self.stepcombo.Size = Size(250,40) self.stepcombo.Location = Point(25, offset + 20 * vert_spacer) self.stepcombo.Text = "Rouler le script au complet" self.stepcombo.Items.Add('Rouler le script au complet') self.stepcombo.Items.Add('Multi-PTV: Arrêtez avant optimization collimateur') self.stepcombo.Items.Add('Multi-PTV: Reprendre après optimization collimateur') eraseROIButton = Button() eraseROIButton.Text = "Effacer les ROIs de prédiction" eraseROIButton.Location = Point(25, offset + 21.5 * vert_spacer) eraseROIButton.Width = 200 eraseROIButton.Click += self.eraseROIClicked self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.toplabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.PTV1combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.dose1_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.PTV2combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.dose2_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.PTV3combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.dose3_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.fxlabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.fxbox) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.techlabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.techcombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.sitelabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.sitebox) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.isolabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.isocombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.scanlabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.scancombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.machinelabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.machinecombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.isodoselabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.isodosecombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.couchlabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.couchcombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OARlabel) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR1combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR1_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR2combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR2_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR3combo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.OAR3_value) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.message) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.status) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(evalButton) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(addplanButton) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(self.stepcombo) self.MainWindow.Controls.Add(eraseROIButton) #Label empty contours exam_list = [] for CT in patient.Examinations: exam_list.append(CT.Name) for contour in patient.PatientModel.RegionsOfInterest: VolCT1 = roi.get_roi_volume(contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 1"]) if "CT 2" in exam_list: VolCT2 = roi.get_roi_volume(contour.Name, exam=patient.Examinations["CT 2"]) else: VolCT2 = 0 if VolCT1 == 0 and VolCT2 == 0: contour.Name = ("vide_" + contour.Name)
def __init__(self, title, items): # icon self.Icon = _Icon(r"%s\extra\icon.ico" % ipath) self.Size = _Size(360, 430) self.Text = "Quasar" self.class2Result = [] self.title = title self.items = items # fonts self.gsmt_11r = _Font("Georgia", 10) self.gsmt_10r = _Font("Georgia", 9) # combo box self.cbox = ComboBox() self.cbox.Font = self.gsmt_11r self.cbox.Location = _Point(30, 10) self.cbox.Size = _Size(280, 28) self.cbox.Items.AddRange(tuple(title)) self.cbox.SelectedIndex = 0 self.Controls.Add(self.cbox) # checklist box self.lstbox = CheckedListBox() self.lstbox.Items.AddRange(tuple(self.items[self.cbox.SelectedIndex])) self.lstbox.Font = self.gsmt_10r # padding self.lstbox.Padding = Padding(30) # select one click self.lstbox.CheckOnClick = True self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog self.MaximizeBox = False self.ManimizeBox = False self.lstbox.Location = _Point(30, 45) self.lstbox.Size = _Size(280, 300) # auto horizontal scrollbar self.lstbox.HorizontalScrollbar = True self.Controls.Add(self.lstbox) # select all btn self.btn_all = Button() self.btn_all.Text = "Select All" self.btn_all.Font = self.gsmt_10r self.btn_all.Size = _Size(95, 25) self.btn_all.Location = _Point(30, 340) self.Controls.Add(self.btn_all) # select none btn self.btn_none = Button() self.btn_none.Text = "Select None" self.btn_none.Font = self.gsmt_10r self.btn_none.Size = _Size(95, 25) self.btn_none.Location = _Point(215, 340) self.Controls.Add(self.btn_none) # ok btn self.btn = Button() self.btn.Text = "OK" self.btn.Font = self.gsmt_10r self.btn.Size = _Size(80, 25) self.btn.Location = _Point(130, 340) self.Controls.Add(self.btn) # events self.btn_all.Click += self.click_all self.btn_none.Click += self.click_none self.btn.Click += self.click_ok self.cbox.SelectedValueChanged += self.on_class_change # pop up from center self.CenterToScreen()
def __init__(self): #the __init__ method inside a class is its constructor self.Text = "AU London" #text that appears in the GUI titlebar self.Icon = Icon.FromHandle( icon.GetHicon() ) #takes a bitmap image and converts to a file that can be used as a Icon for the titlebar self.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255) self.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal # set maximised minimised or normal size GUI self.CenterToScreen() # centres GUI to the middle of your screen self.BringToFront() #brings the GUI to the front of all opens windows. self.Topmost = True # true to display the GUI infront of any other active forms screenSize = Screen.GetWorkingArea( self ) #get the size of the computers main screen, as the form will scale differently to different sized screens self.Width = screenSize.Width / 4 #set the size of the form based on the size of the users screen. this helps to ensure consistant look across different res screens. self.Height = screenSize.Height / 4 uiWidth = self.DisplayRectangle.Width #get the size of the form to use to scale form elements uiHeight = self.DisplayRectangle.Height #self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog # fixed dialog stops the user from adjusting the form size. Recomended disabling this when testing to see if elements are in the wrong place. self.userOutput = userOutputDefaultStr #create a container to store the output from the form self.runNextOutput = False #set these default values #############-------------\-------------############# spacing = 10 #spacing size for GUI elements to form a consistent border # creates the text box for a info message userMessage = Label() #label displays texts font = Font("Helvetica ", 10) userMessage.Text = message userMessage.Font = font userMessage.Location = Point( spacing, spacing ) #all location require a point object from system.Drawing to set the location. userMessage.Size = Size( uiWidth - (spacing * 2), (uiHeight / 4) ) #size the control with the width of the GUI to ensure it scales with different screen self.Controls.Add(userMessage) #this adds control element to the GUI #############-------------\-------------############# #logo file logo = PictureBox() logo.Image = logoFile ratio = float(logo.Height) / float( logo.Width ) #needs to be a float as int will round to the nearest whole number logo.Size = Size( uiWidth / 4, (uiHeight / 4) * ratio ) #scale the image by the ratio between the images height & width logo.Location = Point(spacing, (uiHeight - logo.Height) - spacing) logo.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom # zooms the image to fit the extent logo.Anchor = ( AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left ) #anchor styles lock elements to a given corner of the GUI if you allow users change size self.Controls.Add(logo) #logo.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D #gives a border to the panel to test its location #############-------------\-------------############# #combox drop down cBox = ComboBox() #dropdown control form cBox.Location = Point(spacing, uiHeight / 3) cBox.Width = uiWidth - (spacing * 2) cBox.Items.AddRange( listInput ) # Adds an array of items to the list of items for a ComboBox. cBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList #setting to dropdown list prevents users from being able to add aditional text values cBox.SelectedIndexChanged += self.dropDownOutput #.Click+= registers the press of the button to register the event handler and determine what action takes place when button clicked self.Controls.Add(cBox) #############-------------\-------------############# #Create ok button btnOk = Button() #create a button control btnOk.Text = "Next" btnOk.Location = Point(uiWidth - ((btnOk.Width * 2) + spacing), uiHeight - (btnOk.Height + spacing)) btnOk.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right) btnOk.Click += self.okButtonPressed #Register the event on the button bress to trigger the def okButtonPressed self.Controls.Add(btnOk) #Create Cancel Button btnCancel = Button() #btnCancel.Parent = self btnCancel.Text = "Cancel" btnCancel.Location = Point(uiWidth - (btnOk.Width + spacing), uiHeight - (btnOk.Height + spacing)) btnCancel.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right) btnCancel.Click += self.CnlButtonPressed self.Controls.Add(btnCancel)