def check_created_image_regex(first_image_url, second_image_url, regex):
    matches = Regex.Matches(first_page_source._source, regex,

    escaped_first_image_url = escape_uri_string(first_image_url)
    escaped_second_image_url = escape_uri_string(second_image_url)

    if matches.Count == 0:
        return False, 0
        if debug:
            print "\nFound " + str(
            ) + " match(es) on the first page with regex: " + regex
            print "Captured: " + matches[0].Value
            print "link group: " + matches[0].Groups["link"].Value

        #We don't care if there is more than one result. As long as the first result is the correct image
        result, image_uri = Uri.TryCreate(first_page_uri,

        #Valid url and matches the input image url
        if result and image_uri.AbsoluteUri in (first_image_url,
            if debug: print "Valid uri and matches image url"

            if debug: print "Not a valid uri or doesn't match image url"
            return False, 0

        matches_second = Regex.Matches(second_page_source._source, regex,

        if matches_second.Count == 0:
            if debug: print "No matches on the second page"
            return False, 0

        #Regex match on the second page. Same deal as above. We don't care if there is more than one result
        if debug:
            print "\nFound " + str(
                matches_second.Count) + " match(es) on the second page"
            print "Captured: " + matches_second[0].Value
            print "link group: " + matches_second[0].Groups["link"].Value

        result, image_uri = Uri.TryCreate(
            second_page_uri, matches_second[0].Groups["link"].Value)

        if result and image_uri.AbsoluteUri in (second_image_url,

            if debug:
                print "Regex works on both pages and returns the correct image"
            return True, matches.Count

            if debug: print "Invalid Uri or doesn't match the second image url"
            return False, 0

    return False, matches.Count
def check_regex_against_source(regex, check_value, check_value2):

    matches = Regex.Matches(first_page_source._source, regex._regex,

    if matches.Count != 0:

        if debug:
            print "\n\nFound " + str(
            ) + " match(es) on the first page with regex: " + regex._regex
            print "Captured: " + matches[0].Value
            print "link group: " + matches[0].Groups["link"].Value

        #We don't care if there is more than one result. As long as the first result is the correct image
        result, result_uri = Uri.TryCreate(first_page_uri,

        if result and result_uri.AbsoluteUri in (check_value, check_value2):

            #Valid url and matches against the check_value

            if debug: print "Valid uri"

            return False

        matches_second = Regex.Matches(second_page_source._source,
                                       regex._regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)

        if matches_second.Count == 0:
            if debug: print "No matches found on the second page"
            return False

        #Regex match on the second page. Same deal as above. We don't care if there is more than one result

        if debug:
            print "\nFound " + str(
                matches_second.Count) + " match(es) on the second page"
            print "Captured: " + matches_second[0].Value
            print "link group: " + matches_second[0].Groups["link"].Value

        result, result_uri = Uri.TryCreate(
            second_page_uri, matches_second[0].Groups["link"].Value)

        if result:
            regex._matches = matches.Count
            if debug: print "Added to valid regex"
            return regex

            if debug: print "Invalid uri"
            return False

    return False
Example #3
def onDrawClipboard(s, e):
	global uriList

	if s == Application.Current.MainWindow:
		text = tryGetClipboardText()

		if text is not None:
			match = Regex.Match(text, "(\\S+)://([^:/]+)(:(\\d+))?(/[^#\\s]*)(#(\\S+))?", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant);

			if match.Success:
				success, uri = Uri.TryCreate(match.Value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)

				if success:
					if uri.IsAbsoluteUri and uriList.Contains(uri) == False:
						if not uri.Host.Equals(""):

							if uriList.Count > 10:
								uriList.RemoveRange(0, uriList.Count - 10)