if verbosity>9:
  info.append({'desc': 'DEBUG: rebinned image', 'yperchan':ybin,
          'xperchan': dq, 'xunits':'1/A', 'xlabel':'q', 'xoffset':q[0]});
  info.append({'desc': 'DEBUG: rebinned image (reversed q-axis)', 'yperchan':ybin,
          'xperchan': -dq, 'xunits':'1/A', 'xlabel':'-q', 'xoffset':q[-1]});
  fig  = WQStackBrowser([ret,ret],info,aspect='auto');

# 5. save undistorted w-q map
# 5.1 save as TIFF (readable by DM3, ImageJ)
tiffile = '%s-rebinned%dx%d.tif'%(filename.split('/')[-1].split('.tif')[0],
print 'write to file %s'%tiffile;

# 5.2 pickle array and history for extract_spectrum
pklfile = tiffile.replace('.tif','.pkl');
print 'write to file %s'%pklfile;
data={'yqmap':ret, 'qaxis':q, 'qdisp':qcal, 
      'rawfile':filename,'descr':descr, 'history':history};

    # spectrum
    spectra[s, Ny] = E[s]
    # energy offset

    # DEBUG
    if s == 0:
        plt.imshow(image, vmin=0, vmax=1000)
        plt.plot(xline, label='projected Tiff')
        plt.plot(gauss(range(Nx), *param), label='Gauss fit')
        window = np.zeros(Nx)
        window[xmin:xmax] = xline.max()
        plt.plot(window, label='selected region')

# test if crop region has been too small
if x0.max() - x0.min() > dx.min():
    print 'WARNING: atomatic crop region might be too small'

# save spectra to TIFF
print "SAVE EELS spectra to file '%s'" % outfile
tiff.imsave(outfile, spectra.astype(np.float32))

# plot all spectra
for i, s in enumerate(spectra):
    plt.plot(s / float(s[0:Ny].max()) - i * 0.1, 'k', linewidth=1)

  # crop image and extract EELS
  xmin = max(x0[s]-dx[s],0); xmax = min(x0[s]+dx[s], Ny);
  spectra[s,0:Ny] = np.sum(image[:,xmin:xmax],axis=1); # spectrum
  spectra[s,Ny]   = E[s];                              # energy offset

  if s==0:
    plt.plot(xline,label='projected Tiff');
    plt.plot(gauss(range(Nx),*param),label='Gauss fit');
    window=np.zeros(Nx); window[xmin:xmax]=xline.max();
    plt.plot(window,label='selected region');
# test if crop region has been too small
if x0.max()-x0.min() > dx.min():
  print 'WARNING: atomatic crop region might be too small'

# save spectra to TIFF
print "SAVE EELS spectra to file '%s'"%outfile;

# plot all spectra
for i,s in enumerate(spectra):
  plt.plot(s/float(s[0:Ny].max()) -i*0.1,'k',linewidth=1);

EQmap=np.asarray(EQmap).T;  # first index E, second q
ehistory+="\nRebinning for Emin=%8.5f, Emax=%8.5f, dE=%8.5f"%(E.min(), E.max(),dE);
# DEBUG: plot calibrated Eqmap
if verbosity>9:
  info = {'desc': 'DEBUG: rebinned WQmap', 
          'xperchan':dE, 'ylabel':'E', 'yunits':'eV',
          'yperchan':dqx,'ylabel':'q', 'yunits':'1/A',
          'yoffset' :qaxis[0]};
  WQB  = WQBrowser(EQmap.T,info,aspect='auto');

# 5. save E-q map as readable tif
outfile = '%s-calibrated.tif'%(filename.split('/')[-1].split('.pkl')[0]);
print 'write to file %s'%outfile;

# 6. save energy-loss function
for iq, q in enumerate(qaxis):
  if qmin > q or q > qmax: continue 
  E0_offset,_ = e2y.inverse(y0_fit(iq),y0_fit(iq));          # keV, beam energy offset
  # calculate aperture correction function for given q (rectangular aperture)
  if apply_APC==True:
    aperture = TEM_wqslit(q*conv.bohr,dqx*conv.bohr,dqy*conv.bohr,E0);
    APC      = [aperture.get_APC(_E) for _E in E];
  else: APC  = 1;
  elf = EQmap[:,iq]/APC

  # write file containing energy-loss function:
  # required parameters
  param = { 'title'   : title + ', ELF',
        'desc': 'DEBUG: rebinned WQmap',
        'xperchan': dE,
        'xlabel': 'E',
        'xunits': 'eV',
        'yperchan': dqx,
        'ylabel': 'q',
        'yunits': '1/A',
        'yoffset': qaxis[0]
    WQB = WQBrowser(EQmap.T, info, aspect='auto')

# 5. save E-q map as readable tif
outfile = '%s-calibrated.tif' % (filename.split('/')[-1].split('.pkl')[0])
print 'write to file %s' % outfile
tiff.imsave(outfile, EQmap.astype(np.float32))

# 6. save energy-loss function
for iq, q in enumerate(qaxis):
    if qmin > q or q > qmax: continue

    # calibrate offset in energy axis (so far E=0eV at x=0px)
    E_ZLP, _ = e2y.inverse(y0_fit(q), y0_fit(q))
    Ecorr = E + E0_offset - E_ZLP
    # calculate aperture correction function for given q (rectangular aperture)
    # note: APC for negative energies is well defined (energy gain)
    if apply_APC == True:
        aperture = TEM_wqslit(q * conv.bohr, dqx * conv.bohr, dqy * conv.bohr,
        APC = [aperture.get_APC(_E) for _E in Ecorr]
import glob;
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from TEMareels.tools.img_filter import binning
from TEMareels.tools import tvips
import TEMareels.tools.tifffile as tiff

# define infile name and binning along y-direction (E-axis)
pattern = "/path/to/q_calibration/img%d.tif";
files   = [pattern%i for i in range(344,345)]
ybin    = 64;
for filename in files:

  image = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)     # img[iy,ix]
  #image = tiff.imread(filename).astype(np.float64);
  if ~np.allclose(image.shape, (4096,4096)): 
    raise IOError("Unexpected image size in file '%s'"%filename); 
  medimg= sig.medfilt2d(image,kernel_size=3); # filtering 
  binimg= binning(medimg,ybin);          # binning along y
  #binimg = binning(binimg.T,32).T;      # binning along x

  outfile = filename.split(".tif")[0]+"_filt_bin%d.tif"%ybin;


# use TEMareels package specified in _set_pkgdir (overrides PYTHONPATH)
import _set_pkgdir
import glob
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from TEMareels.tools.img_filter import binning
from TEMareels.tools import tvips
import TEMareels.tools.tifffile as tiff

# define infile name and binning along y-direction (E-axis)
pattern = "/path/to/q_calibration/img%d.tif"
files = [pattern % i for i in range(344, 345)]
ybin = 64

for filename in files:

    image = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)  # img[iy,ix]
    #image = tiff.imread(filename).astype(np.float64);
    if ~np.allclose(image.shape, (4096, 4096)):
        raise IOError("Unexpected image size in file '%s'" % filename)
    medimg = sig.medfilt2d(image, kernel_size=3)
    # filtering
    binimg = binning(medimg, ybin)
    # binning along y
    #binimg = binning(binimg.T,32).T;      # binning along x

    outfile = filename.split(".tif")[0] + "_filt_bin%d.tif" % ybin
    tiff.imsave(outfile, binimg.astype(np.float32))
Example #8
import glob;
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sig
from TEMareels.tools.img_filter import binning
from TEMareels.tools import tvips
import TEMareels.tools.tifffile as tiff

# define infile name and binning along y-direction (E-axis)
pattern = "/path/to/q_calibration/img%d.tif";
files   = [pattern%i for i in range(344,345)]
ybin    = 64;
for filename in files:

  image = tvips.load_TVIPS(filename)     # img[iy,ix]
  #image = tiff.imread(filename).astype(np.float64);
  if ~np.allclose(image.shape, (4096,4096)): 
    raise IOError("Unexpected image size in file '%s'"%filename); 
  medimg= sig.medfilt2d(image,kernel_size=3); # filtering 
  binimg= binning(medimg,ybin);          # binning along y
  #binimg = binning(binimg.T,32).T;      # binning along x

  outfile = filename.split(".tif")[0]+"_filt_bin%d.tif"%ybin;