Example #1
    def test_speaker_embedding():
        # load config
        config = load_config(encoder_config_path)
        config.audio.resample = True

        # create a dummy speaker encoder
        model = setup_speaker_encoder_model(config)
        save_checkpoint(model, None, None, get_tests_input_path(), 0)

        # load audio processor and speaker encoder
        ap = AudioProcessor(**config.audio)
        manager = SpeakerManager(encoder_model_path=encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path=encoder_config_path)

        # load a sample audio and compute embedding
        waveform = ap.load_wav(sample_wav_path)
        mel = ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
        d_vector = manager.compute_d_vector(mel)
        assert d_vector.shape[1] == 256

        # compute d_vector directly from an input file
        d_vector = manager.compute_d_vector_from_clip(sample_wav_path)
        d_vector2 = manager.compute_d_vector_from_clip(sample_wav_path)
        d_vector = torch.FloatTensor(d_vector)
        d_vector2 = torch.FloatTensor(d_vector2)
        assert d_vector.shape[0] == 256
        assert (d_vector - d_vector2).sum() == 0.0

        # compute d_vector from a list of wav files.
        d_vector3 = manager.compute_d_vector_from_clip([sample_wav_path, sample_wav_path2])
        d_vector3 = torch.FloatTensor(d_vector3)
        assert d_vector3.shape[0] == 256
        assert (d_vector - d_vector3).sum() != 0.0

        # remove dummy model
Example #2
def preprocess_wav_files(out_path: str, config: Coqpit, ap: AudioProcessor):
    """Process wav and compute mel and quantized wave signal.
    It is mainly used by WaveRNN dataloader.

        out_path (str): Parent folder path to save the files.
        config (Coqpit): Model config.
        ap (AudioProcessor): Audio processor.
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_path, "quant"), exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs(os.path.join(out_path, "mel"), exist_ok=True)
    wav_files = find_wav_files(config.data_path)
    for path in tqdm(wav_files):
        wav_name = Path(path).stem
        quant_path = os.path.join(out_path, "quant", wav_name + ".npy")
        mel_path = os.path.join(out_path, "mel", wav_name + ".npy")
        y = ap.load_wav(path)
        mel = ap.melspectrogram(y)
        np.save(mel_path, mel)
        if isinstance(config.mode, int):
            quant = ap.mulaw_encode(
                y, qc=config.mode) if config.model_args.mulaw else ap.quantize(
                    y, bits=config.mode)
            np.save(quant_path, quant)
Example #3
model = setup_model(c)
if args.use_cuda:

# compute speaker embeddings
speaker_mapping = {}
for idx, wav_file in enumerate(tqdm(wav_files)):
    if isinstance(wav_file, list):
        speaker_name = wav_file[2]
        wav_file = wav_file[1]
        speaker_name = None

    mel_spec = ap.melspectrogram(ap.load_wav(wav_file, sr=ap.sample_rate)).T
    mel_spec = torch.FloatTensor(mel_spec[None, :, :])
    if args.use_cuda:
        mel_spec = mel_spec.cuda()
    embedd = model.compute_embedding(mel_spec)
    embedd = embedd.detach().cpu().numpy()

    # create speaker_mapping if target dataset is defined
    wav_file_name = os.path.basename(wav_file)
    speaker_mapping[wav_file_name] = {}
    speaker_mapping[wav_file_name]["name"] = speaker_name
    speaker_mapping[wav_file_name]["embedding"] = embedd.flatten().tolist()

if speaker_mapping:
    # save speaker_mapping if target dataset is defined
    if ".json" not in args.output_path:
Example #4
class EmbeddingManager(BaseIDManager):
    """Base `Embedding` Manager class. Every new `Embedding` manager must inherit this.
    It defines common `Embedding` manager specific functions.
    def __init__(
        embedding_file_path: str = "",
        id_file_path: str = "",
        encoder_model_path: str = "",
        encoder_config_path: str = "",
        use_cuda: bool = False,

        self.embeddings = {}
        self.embeddings_by_names = {}
        self.clip_ids = []
        self.encoder = None
        self.encoder_ap = None
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda

        if embedding_file_path:

        if encoder_model_path and encoder_config_path:
            self.init_encoder(encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path,

    def embedding_dim(self):
        """Dimensionality of embeddings. If embeddings are not loaded, returns zero."""
        if self.embeddings:
            return len(self.embeddings[list(
        return 0

    def save_embeddings_to_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Save embeddings to a json file.

            file_path (str): Path to the output file.
        save_file(self.embeddings, file_path)

    def load_embeddings_from_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Load embeddings from a json file.

            file_path (str): Path to the target json file.
        self.embeddings = load_file(file_path)

        speakers = sorted({x["name"] for x in self.embeddings.values()})
        self.ids = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(speakers)}

        self.clip_ids = list(
            set(sorted(clip_name for clip_name in self.embeddings.keys())))
        # cache embeddings_by_names for fast inference using a bigger speakers.json
        self.embeddings_by_names = self.get_embeddings_by_names()

    def get_embedding_by_clip(self, clip_idx: str) -> List:
        """Get embedding by clip ID.

            clip_idx (str): Target clip ID.

            List: embedding as a list.
        return self.embeddings[clip_idx]["embedding"]

    def get_embeddings_by_name(self, idx: str) -> List[List]:
        """Get all embeddings of a speaker.

            idx (str): Target name.

            List[List]: all the embeddings of the given speaker.
        return self.embeddings_by_names[idx]

    def get_embeddings_by_names(self) -> Dict:
        """Get all embeddings by names.

            Dict: all the embeddings of each speaker.
        embeddings_by_names = {}
        for x in self.embeddings.values():
            if x["name"] not in embeddings_by_names.keys():
                embeddings_by_names[x["name"]] = [x["embedding"]]
        return embeddings_by_names

    def get_mean_embedding(self,
                           idx: str,
                           num_samples: int = None,
                           randomize: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
        """Get mean embedding of a idx.

            idx (str): Target name.
            num_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to be averaged. Defaults to None.
            randomize (bool, optional): Pick random `num_samples` of embeddings. Defaults to False.

            np.ndarray: Mean embedding.
        embeddings = self.get_embeddings_by_name(idx)
        if num_samples is None:
            embeddings = np.stack(embeddings).mean(0)
            assert len(
            ) >= num_samples, f" [!] {idx} has number of samples < {num_samples}"
            if randomize:
                embeddings = np.stack(random.choices(embeddings,
                embeddings = np.stack(embeddings[:num_samples]).mean(0)
        return embeddings

    def get_random_embedding(self) -> Any:
        """Get a random embedding.


            np.ndarray: embedding.
        if self.embeddings:
            return self.embeddings[random.choices(list(

        return None

    def get_clips(self) -> List:
        return sorted(self.embeddings.keys())

    def init_encoder(self,
                     model_path: str,
                     config_path: str,
                     use_cuda=False) -> None:
        """Initialize a speaker encoder model.

            model_path (str): Model file path.
            config_path (str): Model config file path.
            use_cuda (bool, optional): Use CUDA. Defaults to False.
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda
        self.encoder_config = load_config(config_path)
        self.encoder = setup_encoder_model(self.encoder_config)
        self.encoder_criterion = self.encoder.load_checkpoint(
            self.encoder_config, model_path, eval=True, use_cuda=use_cuda)
        self.encoder_ap = AudioProcessor(**self.encoder_config.audio)

    def compute_embedding_from_clip(self, wav_file: Union[str,
                                                          List[str]]) -> list:
        """Compute a embedding from a given audio file.

            wav_file (Union[str, List[str]]): Target file path.

            list: Computed embedding.
        def _compute(wav_file: str):
            waveform = self.encoder_ap.load_wav(wav_file,
            if not self.encoder_config.model_params.get(
                    "use_torch_spec", False):
                m_input = self.encoder_ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
                m_input = torch.from_numpy(m_input)
                m_input = torch.from_numpy(waveform)

            if self.use_cuda:
                m_input = m_input.cuda()
            m_input = m_input.unsqueeze(0)
            embedding = self.encoder.compute_embedding(m_input)
            return embedding

        if isinstance(wav_file, list):
            # compute the mean embedding
            embeddings = None
            for wf in wav_file:
                embedding = _compute(wf)
                if embeddings is None:
                    embeddings = embedding
                    embeddings += embedding
            return (embeddings / len(wav_file))[0].tolist()
        embedding = _compute(wav_file)
        return embedding[0].tolist()

    def compute_embeddings(self, feats: Union[torch.Tensor,
                                              np.ndarray]) -> List:
        """Compute embedding from features.

            feats (Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]): Input features.

            List: computed embedding.
        if isinstance(feats, np.ndarray):
            feats = torch.from_numpy(feats)
        if feats.ndim == 2:
            feats = feats.unsqueeze(0)
        if self.use_cuda:
            feats = feats.cuda()
        return self.encoder.compute_embedding(feats)
Example #5
class TestTTSDataset(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.max_loader_iter = 4
        self.ap = AudioProcessor(**c.audio)

    def _create_dataloader(self, batch_size, r, bgs):
        items = ljspeech(c.data_path, "metadata.csv")
        dataset = TTSDataset.MyDataset(
        dataloader = DataLoader(
        return dataloader, dataset

    def test_loader(self):
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(2, c.r, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                text_input = data[0]
                text_lengths = data[1]
                speaker_name = data[2]
                linear_input = data[3]
                mel_input = data[4]
                mel_lengths = data[5]
                stop_target = data[6]
                item_idx = data[7]

                neg_values = text_input[text_input < 0]
                check_count = len(neg_values)
                assert check_count == 0, " !! Negative values in text_input: {}".format(
                # TODO: more assertion here
                assert isinstance(speaker_name[0], str)
                assert linear_input.shape[0] == c.batch_size
                assert linear_input.shape[2] == self.ap.fft_size // 2 + 1
                assert mel_input.shape[0] == c.batch_size
                assert mel_input.shape[2] == c.audio["num_mels"]
                # check normalization ranges
                if self.ap.symmetric_norm:
                    assert mel_input.max() <= self.ap.max_norm
                    assert mel_input.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm  # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
                    assert mel_input.min() < 0
                    assert mel_input.max() <= self.ap.max_norm
                    assert mel_input.min() >= 0

    def test_batch_group_shuffle(self):
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(2, c.r, 16)
            last_length = 0
            frames = dataset.items
            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                text_input = data[0]
                text_lengths = data[1]
                speaker_name = data[2]
                linear_input = data[3]
                mel_input = data[4]
                mel_lengths = data[5]
                stop_target = data[6]
                item_idx = data[7]

                avg_length = mel_lengths.numpy().mean()
                assert avg_length >= last_length
            is_items_reordered = False
            for idx, item in enumerate(dataloader.dataset.items):
                if item != frames[idx]:
                    is_items_reordered = True
            assert is_items_reordered

    def test_padding_and_spec(self):
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(1, 1, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                text_input = data[0]
                text_lengths = data[1]
                speaker_name = data[2]
                linear_input = data[3]
                mel_input = data[4]
                mel_lengths = data[5]
                stop_target = data[6]
                item_idx = data[7]

                # check mel_spec consistency
                wav = np.asarray(self.ap.load_wav(item_idx[0]),
                mel = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav).astype("float32")
                mel = torch.FloatTensor(mel).contiguous()
                mel_dl = mel_input[0]
                # NOTE: Below needs to check == 0 but due to an unknown reason
                # there is a slight difference between two matrices.
                # TODO: Check this assert cond more in detail.
                assert abs(mel.T - mel_dl).max() < 1e-5, abs(mel.T -

                # check mel-spec correctness
                mel_spec = mel_input[0].cpu().numpy()
                wav = self.ap.inv_melspectrogram(mel_spec.T)
                self.ap.save_wav(wav, OUTPATH + "/mel_inv_dataloader.wav")
                            OUTPATH + "/mel_target_dataloader.wav")

                # check linear-spec
                linear_spec = linear_input[0].cpu().numpy()
                wav = self.ap.inv_spectrogram(linear_spec.T)
                self.ap.save_wav(wav, OUTPATH + "/linear_inv_dataloader.wav")
                            OUTPATH + "/linear_target_dataloader.wav")

                # check the last time step to be zero padded
                assert linear_input[0, -1].sum() != 0
                assert linear_input[0, -2].sum() != 0
                assert mel_input[0, -1].sum() != 0
                assert mel_input[0, -2].sum() != 0
                assert stop_target[0, -1] == 1
                assert stop_target[0, -2] == 0
                assert stop_target.sum() == 1
                assert len(mel_lengths.shape) == 1
                assert mel_lengths[0] == linear_input[0].shape[0]
                assert mel_lengths[0] == mel_input[0].shape[0]

            # Test for batch size 2
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(2, 1, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                text_input = data[0]
                text_lengths = data[1]
                speaker_name = data[2]
                linear_input = data[3]
                mel_input = data[4]
                mel_lengths = data[5]
                stop_target = data[6]
                item_idx = data[7]

                if mel_lengths[0] > mel_lengths[1]:
                    idx = 0
                    idx = 1

                # check the first item in the batch
                assert linear_input[idx, -1].sum() != 0
                assert linear_input[idx, -2].sum() != 0, linear_input
                assert mel_input[idx, -1].sum() != 0
                assert mel_input[idx, -2].sum() != 0, mel_input
                assert stop_target[idx, -1] == 1
                assert stop_target[idx, -2] == 0
                assert stop_target[idx].sum() == 1
                assert len(mel_lengths.shape) == 1
                assert mel_lengths[idx] == mel_input[idx].shape[0]
                assert mel_lengths[idx] == linear_input[idx].shape[0]

                # check the second itme in the batch
                assert linear_input[1 - idx, -1].sum() == 0
                assert mel_input[1 - idx, -1].sum() == 0
                assert stop_target[1, mel_lengths[1] - 1] == 1
                assert stop_target[1, mel_lengths[1]:].sum() == 0
                assert len(mel_lengths.shape) == 1
Example #6
def main():
    """Run preprocessing process."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Compute mean and variance of spectrogtram features.")
                        help="TTS config file path.")
                        help="directory to save the output file.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # load config
    CONFIG = load_config(args.config_path)
    CONFIG.audio['signal_norm'] = False  # do not apply earlier normalization
    CONFIG.audio['stats_path'] = None  # discard pre-defined stats

    # load audio processor
    ap = AudioProcessor(**CONFIG.audio)

    # load the meta data of target dataset
    dataset_items = load_meta_data(CONFIG.datasets)[0]  # take only train data
    print(f" > There are {len(dataset_items)} files.")

    mel_sum = 0
    mel_square_sum = 0
    linear_sum = 0
    linear_square_sum = 0
    N = 0
    for item in tqdm(dataset_items):
        # compute features
        wav = ap.load_wav(item[1])
        linear = ap.spectrogram(wav)
        mel = ap.melspectrogram(wav)

        # compute stats
        N += mel.shape[1]
        mel_sum += mel.sum(1)
        linear_sum += linear.sum(1)
        mel_square_sum += (mel**2).sum(axis=1)
        linear_square_sum += (linear**2).sum(axis=1)

    mel_mean = mel_sum / N
    mel_scale = np.sqrt(mel_square_sum / N - mel_mean**2)
    linear_mean = linear_sum / N
    linear_scale = np.sqrt(linear_square_sum / N - linear_mean**2)

    output_file_path = os.path.join(args.out_path, "scale_stats.npy")
    stats = {}
    stats['mel_mean'] = mel_mean
    stats['mel_std'] = mel_scale
    stats['linear_mean'] = linear_mean
    stats['linear_std'] = linear_scale

    print(f' > Avg mel spec mean: {mel_mean.mean()}')
    print(f' > Avg mel spec scale: {mel_scale.mean()}')
    print(f' > Avg linear spec mean: {linear_mean.mean()}')
    print(f' > Avg lienar spec scale: {linear_scale.mean()}')

    # set default config values for mean-var scaling
    CONFIG.audio['stats_path'] = output_file_path
    CONFIG.audio['signal_norm'] = True
    # remove redundant values
    del CONFIG.audio['max_norm']
    del CONFIG.audio['min_level_db']
    del CONFIG.audio['symmetric_norm']
    del CONFIG.audio['clip_norm']
    stats['audio_config'] = CONFIG.audio
    np.save(output_file_path, stats, allow_pickle=True)
    print(f' > scale_stats.npy is saved to {output_file_path}')
Example #7
class SpeakerManager:
    """It manages the multi-speaker setup for 🐸TTS models. It loads the speaker files and parses the information
    in a way that you can query. There are 3 different scenarios considered.

    1. Models using speaker embedding layers. The metafile only includes a mapping of speaker names to ids.
    2. Models using external embedding vectors (x vectors). The metafile includes a dictionary in the following

            'name': 'speakerA',

    3. Computing x vectors at inference with the speaker encoder. It loads the speaker encoder model and
    computes x vectors for a given instance.

    >>> >>> # load audio processor and speaker encoder
    >>> ap = AudioProcessor(**config.audio)
    >>> manager = SpeakerManager(encoder_model_path=encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path=encoder_config_path)
    >>> # load a sample audio and compute embedding
    >>> waveform = ap.load_wav(sample_wav_path)
    >>> mel = ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
    >>> x_vector = manager.compute_x_vector(mel.T)

        x_vectors_file_path (str, optional): Path to the metafile including x vectors. Defaults to "".
        speaker_id_file_path (str, optional): Path to the metafile that maps speaker names to ids used by the
        TTS model. Defaults to "".
        encoder_model_path (str, optional): Path to the speaker encoder model file. Defaults to "".
        encoder_config_path (str, optional): Path to the spealer encoder config file. Defaults to "".

    def __init__(
        x_vectors_file_path: str = "",
        speaker_id_file_path: str = "",
        encoder_model_path: str = "",
        encoder_config_path: str = "",

        self.x_vectors = None
        self.speaker_ids = None
        self.clip_ids = None
        self.speaker_encoder = None
        self.speaker_encoder_ap = None

        if x_vectors_file_path:

        if speaker_id_file_path:

        if encoder_model_path and encoder_config_path:
            self.init_speaker_encoder(encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path)

    def _load_json(json_file_path: str):
        with open(json_file_path) as f:
            return json.load(f)

    def _save_json(json_file_path: str, data: dict):
        with open(json_file_path, "w") as f:
            json.dump(data, f, indent=4)

    def num_speakers(self):
        return len(self.speaker_ids)

    def x_vector_dim(self):
        return len(self.x_vectors[list(self.x_vectors.keys())[0]]["embedding"])

    def parser_speakers_from_items(self, items: list):
        speaker_ids = sorted({item[2] for item in items})
        self.speaker_ids = speaker_ids
        num_speakers = len(speaker_ids)
        return speaker_ids, num_speakers

    def save_ids_file(self, file_path: str):
        self._save_json(file_path, self.speaker_ids)

    def load_ids_file(self, file_path: str):
        self.speaker_ids = self._load_json(file_path)

    def save_x_vectors_file(self, file_path: str):
        self._save_json(file_path, self.x_vectors)

    def load_x_vectors_file(self, file_path: str):
        self.x_vectors = self._load_json(file_path)
        self.speaker_ids = list(set(sorted(x["name"] for x in self.x_vectors.values())))
        self.clip_ids = list(set(sorted(clip_name for clip_name in self.x_vectors.keys())))

    def get_x_vector_by_clip(self, clip_idx: str):
        return self.x_vectors[clip_idx]["embedding"]

    def get_x_vectors_by_speaker(self, speaker_idx: str):
        return [x["embedding"] for x in self.x_vectors.values() if x["name"] == speaker_idx]

    def get_mean_x_vector(self, speaker_idx: str, num_samples: int = None, randomize: bool = False):
        x_vectors = self.get_x_vectors_by_speaker(speaker_idx)
        if num_samples is None:
            x_vectors = np.stack(x_vectors).mean(0)
            assert len(x_vectors) >= num_samples, f" [!] speaker {speaker_idx} has number of samples < {num_samples}"
            if randomize:
                x_vectors = np.stack(random.choices(x_vectors, k=num_samples)).mean(0)
                x_vectors = np.stack(x_vectors[:num_samples]).mean(0)
        return x_vectors

    def get_speakers(self):
        return self.speaker_ids

    def get_clips(self):
        return sorted(self.x_vectors.keys())

    def init_speaker_encoder(self, model_path: str, config_path: str) -> None:
        self.speaker_encoder_config = load_config(config_path)
        self.speaker_encoder = setup_model(self.speaker_encoder_config)
        self.speaker_encoder.load_checkpoint(config_path, model_path, True)
        self.speaker_encoder_ap = AudioProcessor(**self.speaker_encoder_config.audio)
        # normalize the input audio level and trim silences
        self.speaker_encoder_ap.do_sound_norm = True
        self.speaker_encoder_ap.do_trim_silence = True

    def compute_x_vector_from_clip(self, wav_file: Union[str, list]) -> list:
        def _compute(wav_file: str):
            waveform = self.speaker_encoder_ap.load_wav(wav_file, sr=self.speaker_encoder_ap.sample_rate)
            spec = self.speaker_encoder_ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
            spec = torch.from_numpy(spec.T)
            spec = spec.unsqueeze(0)
            x_vector = self.speaker_encoder.compute_embedding(spec)
            return x_vector

        if isinstance(wav_file, list):
            # compute the mean x_vector
            x_vectors = None
            for wf in wav_file:
                x_vector = _compute(wf)
                if x_vectors is None:
                    x_vectors = x_vector
                    x_vectors += x_vector
            return (x_vectors / len(wav_file))[0].tolist()
        x_vector = _compute(wav_file)
        return x_vector[0].tolist()

    def compute_x_vector(self, feats):
        if isinstance(feats, np.ndarray):
            feats = torch.from_numpy(feats)
        if feats.ndim == 2:
            feats = feats.unsqueeze(0)
        return self.speaker_encoder.compute_embedding(feats)

    def run_umap(self):
        # TODO: implement speaker encoder
        raise NotImplementedError

    def plot_embeddings(self):
        # TODO: implement speaker encoder
        raise NotImplementedError
Example #8
 def test_compute_f0(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
     ap = AudioProcessor(**conf)
     wav = ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
     pitch = ap.compute_f0(wav)
     mel = ap.melspectrogram(wav)
     assert pitch.shape[0] == mel.shape[1]
Example #9
class TestAudio(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ap = AudioProcessor(**conf)

    def test_audio_synthesis(self):
        """1. load wav
        2. set normalization parameters
        3. extract mel-spec
        4. invert to wav and save the output
        print(" > Sanity check for the process wav -> mel -> wav")

        def _test(max_norm, signal_norm, symmetric_norm, clip_norm):
            self.ap.max_norm = max_norm
            self.ap.signal_norm = signal_norm
            self.ap.symmetric_norm = symmetric_norm
            self.ap.clip_norm = clip_norm
            wav = self.ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
            mel = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav)
            wav_ = self.ap.inv_melspectrogram(mel)
            file_name = "/audio_test-melspec_max_norm_{}-signal_norm_{}-symmetric_{}-clip_norm_{}.wav".format(
                max_norm, signal_norm, symmetric_norm, clip_norm
            print(" | > Creating wav file at : ", file_name)
            self.ap.save_wav(wav_, OUT_PATH + file_name)

        # maxnorm = 1.0
        _test(1.0, False, False, False)
        _test(1.0, True, False, False)
        _test(1.0, True, True, False)
        _test(1.0, True, False, True)
        _test(1.0, True, True, True)
        # maxnorm = 4.0
        _test(4.0, False, False, False)
        _test(4.0, True, False, False)
        _test(4.0, True, True, False)
        _test(4.0, True, False, True)
        _test(4.0, True, True, True)

    def test_normalize(self):
        """Check normalization and denormalization for range values and consistency"""
        print(" > Testing normalization and denormalization.")
        wav = self.ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
        wav = self.ap.sound_norm(wav)  # normalize audio to get abetter normalization range below.
        self.ap.signal_norm = False
        x = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav)
        x_old = x

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.clip_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm + 1, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0 - 1, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.clip_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"

        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.clip_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"

        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm + 1, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm - 2, x_norm.min()  # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
        assert x_norm.min() <= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.clip_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"

        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.min()  # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
        assert x_norm.min() <= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 1.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"

        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0, x_norm.min()
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 1.0
        x_norm = self.ap.normalize(x)
            f" > MaxNorm: {self.ap.max_norm}, ClipNorm:{self.ap.clip_norm}, SymmetricNorm:{self.ap.symmetric_norm}, SignalNorm:{self.ap.signal_norm} Range-> {x_norm.max()} --  {x_norm.min()}"

        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.min()  # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
        assert x_norm.min() < 0, x_norm.min()
        x_ = self.ap.denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3

    def test_scaler(self):
        scaler_stats_path = os.path.join(get_tests_input_path(), "scale_stats.npy")
        conf.stats_path = scaler_stats_path
        conf.preemphasis = 0.0
        conf.do_trim_silence = True
        conf.signal_norm = True

        ap = AudioProcessor(**conf)
        mel_mean, mel_std, linear_mean, linear_std, _ = ap.load_stats(scaler_stats_path)
        ap.setup_scaler(mel_mean, mel_std, linear_mean, linear_std)

        self.ap.signal_norm = False
        self.ap.preemphasis = 0.0

        # test scaler forward and backward transforms
        wav = self.ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
        mel_reference = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav)
        mel_norm = ap.melspectrogram(wav)
        mel_denorm = ap.denormalize(mel_norm)
        assert abs(mel_reference - mel_denorm).max() < 1e-4

    def test_compute_f0(self):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        ap = AudioProcessor(**conf)
        wav = ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
        pitch = ap.compute_f0(wav)
        mel = ap.melspectrogram(wav)
        assert pitch.shape[0] == mel.shape[1]
Example #10
class TestTTSDataset(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.max_loader_iter = 4
        self.ap = AudioProcessor(**c.audio)

    def _create_dataloader(self, batch_size, r, bgs, start_by_longest=False):

        # load dataset
        meta_data_train, meta_data_eval = load_tts_samples(dataset_config,
        items = meta_data_train + meta_data_eval

        tokenizer, _ = TTSTokenizer.init_from_config(c)
        dataset = TTSDataset(
        dataloader = DataLoader(
        return dataloader, dataset

    def test_loader(self):
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(1, 1, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                text_input = data["token_id"]
                _ = data["token_id_lengths"]
                speaker_name = data["speaker_names"]
                linear_input = data["linear"]
                mel_input = data["mel"]
                mel_lengths = data["mel_lengths"]
                _ = data["stop_targets"]
                _ = data["item_idxs"]
                wavs = data["waveform"]

                neg_values = text_input[text_input < 0]
                check_count = len(neg_values)

                # check basic conditions
                self.assertEqual(check_count, 0)
                self.assertEqual(linear_input.shape[0], mel_input.shape[0],
                                 self.ap.fft_size // 2 + 1)
                self.assertEqual(mel_input.shape[2], c.audio["num_mels"])
                                 mel_input.shape[1] * c.audio.hop_length)
                self.assertIsInstance(speaker_name[0], str)

                # make sure that the computed mels and the waveform match and correctly computed
                mel_new = self.ap.melspectrogram(wavs[0].squeeze().numpy())
                # remove padding in mel-spectrogram
                mel_dataloader = mel_input[0].T.numpy()[:, :mel_lengths[0]]
                # guarantee that both mel-spectrograms have the same size and that we will remove waveform padding
                mel_new = mel_new[:, :mel_lengths[0]]
                ignore_seg = -(1 + c.audio.win_length // c.audio.hop_length)
                mel_diff = (mel_new[:, :mel_input.shape[1]] -
                            mel_input[0].T.numpy())[:, 0:ignore_seg]
                self.assertLess(abs(mel_diff.sum()), 1e-5)

                # check normalization ranges
                if self.ap.symmetric_norm:
                    self.assertLessEqual(mel_input.max(), self.ap.max_norm)
                        -self.ap.max_norm  # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
                    self.assertLess(mel_input.min(), 0)
                    self.assertLessEqual(mel_input.max(), self.ap.max_norm)
                    self.assertGreaterEqual(mel_input.min(), 0)

    def test_batch_group_shuffle(self):
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, dataset = self._create_dataloader(2, c.r, 16)
            last_length = 0
            frames = dataset.samples
            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                mel_lengths = data["mel_lengths"]
                avg_length = mel_lengths.numpy().mean()
            is_items_reordered = False
            for idx, item in enumerate(dataloader.dataset.samples):
                if item != frames[idx]:
                    is_items_reordered = True
            self.assertGreaterEqual(avg_length, last_length)

    def test_start_by_longest(self):
        """Test start_by_longest option.

        Ther first item of the fist batch must be longer than all the other items.
        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, _ = self._create_dataloader(2, c.r, 0, True)
            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                mel_lengths = data["mel_lengths"]
                if i == 0:
                    max_len = mel_lengths[0]
                self.assertTrue(all(max_len >= mel_lengths))

    def test_padding_and_spectrograms(self):
        def check_conditions(idx, linear_input, mel_input, stop_target,
            self.assertNotEqual(linear_input[idx, -1].sum(),
                                0)  # check padding
            self.assertNotEqual(linear_input[idx, -2].sum(), 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(mel_input[idx, -1].sum(), 0)
            self.assertNotEqual(mel_input[idx, -2].sum(), 0)
            self.assertEqual(stop_target[idx, -1], 1)
            self.assertEqual(stop_target[idx, -2], 0)
            self.assertEqual(stop_target[idx].sum(), 1)
            self.assertEqual(len(mel_lengths.shape), 1)
            self.assertEqual(mel_lengths[idx], linear_input[idx].shape[0])
            self.assertEqual(mel_lengths[idx], mel_input[idx].shape[0])

        if ok_ljspeech:
            dataloader, _ = self._create_dataloader(1, 1, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                linear_input = data["linear"]
                mel_input = data["mel"]
                mel_lengths = data["mel_lengths"]
                stop_target = data["stop_targets"]
                item_idx = data["item_idxs"]

                # check mel_spec consistency
                wav = np.asarray(self.ap.load_wav(item_idx[0]),
                mel = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav).astype("float32")
                mel = torch.FloatTensor(mel).contiguous()
                mel_dl = mel_input[0]
                # NOTE: Below needs to check == 0 but due to an unknown reason
                # there is a slight difference between two matrices.
                # TODO: Check this assert cond more in detail.
                self.assertLess(abs(mel.T - mel_dl).max(), 1e-5)

                # check mel-spec correctness
                mel_spec = mel_input[0].cpu().numpy()
                wav = self.ap.inv_melspectrogram(mel_spec.T)
                self.ap.save_wav(wav, OUTPATH + "/mel_inv_dataloader.wav")
                            OUTPATH + "/mel_target_dataloader.wav")

                # check linear-spec
                linear_spec = linear_input[0].cpu().numpy()
                wav = self.ap.inv_spectrogram(linear_spec.T)
                self.ap.save_wav(wav, OUTPATH + "/linear_inv_dataloader.wav")
                            OUTPATH + "/linear_target_dataloader.wav")

                # check the outputs
                check_conditions(0, linear_input, mel_input, stop_target,

            # Test for batch size 2
            dataloader, _ = self._create_dataloader(2, 1, 0)

            for i, data in enumerate(dataloader):
                if i == self.max_loader_iter:
                linear_input = data["linear"]
                mel_input = data["mel"]
                mel_lengths = data["mel_lengths"]
                stop_target = data["stop_targets"]
                item_idx = data["item_idxs"]

                # set id to the longest sequence in the batch
                if mel_lengths[0] > mel_lengths[1]:
                    idx = 0
                    idx = 1

                # check the longer item in the batch
                check_conditions(idx, linear_input, mel_input, stop_target,

                # check the other item in the batch
                self.assertEqual(linear_input[1 - idx, -1].sum(), 0)
                self.assertEqual(mel_input[1 - idx, -1].sum(), 0)
                self.assertEqual(stop_target[1, mel_lengths[1] - 1], 1)
                self.assertEqual(stop_target[1, mel_lengths[1]:].sum(),
                                 stop_target.shape[1] - mel_lengths[1])
                self.assertEqual(len(mel_lengths.shape), 1)
Example #11
            #print(f'wav_file: {wav_file}')
            if os.path.exists(wav_file):
    print(f'Count of wavs imported: {len(wav_files)}')
    # Parse all wav files in data_path
    wav_path = data_path
    wav_files = glob.glob(data_path + '/**/*.wav', recursive=True)

output_files = [
    wav_file.replace(wav_path, args.output_path).replace('.wav', '.npy')
    for wav_file in wav_files

for output_file in output_files:
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_file), exist_ok=True)

model = SpeakerEncoder(**c.model)
if args.use_cuda:

for idx, wav_file in enumerate(tqdm(wav_files)):
    mel_spec = ap.melspectrogram(ap.load_wav(wav_file)).T
    mel_spec = torch.FloatTensor(mel_spec[None, :, :])
    if args.use_cuda:
        mel_spec = mel_spec.cuda()
    embedd = model.compute_embedding(mel_spec)
    np.save(output_files[idx], embedd.detach().cpu().numpy())
Example #12
 'symmetric_norm': False,   # Same as above
 'max_norm': 1,           # Same as above
 'clip_norm': True,       # Same as above
 'mel_fmin': 0.0,        # You can play with this and check mel-spectrogram based voice synthesis below.
 'mel_fmax': 8000.0,        # You can play with this and check mel-spectrogram based voice synthesis below.
 'do_trim_silence': True} # If you dataset has some silience at the beginning or end, this trims it. Check the AP.load_wav() below,if it causes any difference for the loaded audio file.

AP = AudioProcessor(**audio);

# ### Check audio loading 

# In[ ]:

wav = AP.load_wav(file_paths[10])
ipd.Audio(data=wav, rate=AP.sample_rate) 

# ### Generate Mel-Spectrogram and Re-synthesis with GL

# In[ ]:

mel = AP.melspectrogram(wav)
print("Max:", mel.max())
print("Min:", mel.min())
print("Mean:", mel.mean())
plot_spectrogram(mel.T, AP);

wav_gen = AP.inv_mel_spectrogram(mel)
Example #13
def main():
    """Run preprocessing process."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute mean and variance of spectrogtram features.")
    parser.add_argument("config_path", type=str, help="TTS config file path to define audio processin parameters.")
    parser.add_argument("out_path", type=str, help="save path (directory and filename).")
        help="folder including the target set of wavs overriding dataset config.",
    args, overrides = parser.parse_known_args()

    CONFIG = load_config(args.config_path)
    CONFIG.parse_known_args(overrides, relaxed_parser=True)

    # load config
    CONFIG.audio.signal_norm = False  # do not apply earlier normalization
    CONFIG.audio.stats_path = None  # discard pre-defined stats

    # load audio processor
    ap = AudioProcessor(**CONFIG.audio.to_dict())

    # load the meta data of target dataset
    if args.data_path:
        dataset_items = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.data_path, "**", "*.wav"), recursive=True)
        dataset_items = load_meta_data(CONFIG.datasets)[0]  # take only train data
    print(f" > There are {len(dataset_items)} files.")

    mel_sum = 0
    mel_square_sum = 0
    linear_sum = 0
    linear_square_sum = 0
    N = 0
    for item in tqdm(dataset_items):
        # compute features
        wav = ap.load_wav(item if isinstance(item, str) else item[1])
        linear = ap.spectrogram(wav)
        mel = ap.melspectrogram(wav)

        # compute stats
        N += mel.shape[1]
        mel_sum += mel.sum(1)
        linear_sum += linear.sum(1)
        mel_square_sum += (mel ** 2).sum(axis=1)
        linear_square_sum += (linear ** 2).sum(axis=1)

    mel_mean = mel_sum / N
    mel_scale = np.sqrt(mel_square_sum / N - mel_mean ** 2)
    linear_mean = linear_sum / N
    linear_scale = np.sqrt(linear_square_sum / N - linear_mean ** 2)

    output_file_path = args.out_path
    stats = {}
    stats["mel_mean"] = mel_mean
    stats["mel_std"] = mel_scale
    stats["linear_mean"] = linear_mean
    stats["linear_std"] = linear_scale

    print(f" > Avg mel spec mean: {mel_mean.mean()}")
    print(f" > Avg mel spec scale: {mel_scale.mean()}")
    print(f" > Avg linear spec mean: {linear_mean.mean()}")
    print(f" > Avg lienar spec scale: {linear_scale.mean()}")

    # set default config values for mean-var scaling
    CONFIG.audio.stats_path = output_file_path
    CONFIG.audio.signal_norm = True
    # remove redundant values
    del CONFIG.audio.max_norm
    del CONFIG.audio.min_level_db
    del CONFIG.audio.symmetric_norm
    del CONFIG.audio.clip_norm
    stats["audio_config"] = CONFIG.audio.to_dict()
    np.save(output_file_path, stats, allow_pickle=True)
    print(f" > stats saved to {output_file_path}")
Example #14
class TestAudio(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestAudio, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.ap = AudioProcessor(**conf.audio)

    def test_audio_synthesis(self):
        """ 1. load wav
            2. set normalization parameters
            3. extract mel-spec
            4. invert to wav and save the output
        print(" > Sanity check for the process wav -> mel -> wav")

        def _test(max_norm, signal_norm, symmetric_norm, clip_norm):
            self.ap.max_norm = max_norm
            self.ap.signal_norm = signal_norm
            self.ap.symmetric_norm = symmetric_norm
            self.ap.clip_norm = clip_norm
            wav = self.ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
            mel = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav)
            wav_ = self.ap.inv_mel_spectrogram(mel)
            file_name = "/audio_test-melspec_max_norm_{}-signal_norm_{}-symmetric_{}-clip_norm_{}.wav"\
                .format(max_norm, signal_norm, symmetric_norm, clip_norm)
            print(" | > Creating wav file at : ", file_name)
            self.ap.save_wav(wav_, OUT_PATH + file_name)

        # maxnorm = 1.0
        _test(1., False, False, False)
        _test(1., True, False, False)
        _test(1., True, True, False)
        _test(1., True, False, True)
        _test(1., True, True, True)
        # maxnorm = 4.0
        _test(4., False, False, False)
        _test(4., True, False, False)
        _test(4., True, True, False)
        _test(4., True, False, True)
        _test(4., True, True, True)

    def test_normalize(self):
        """Check normalization and denormalization for range values and consistency """
        print(" > Testing normalization and denormalization.")
        wav = self.ap.load_wav(WAV_FILE)
        self.ap.signal_norm = False
        x = self.ap.melspectrogram(wav)
        x_old = x

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.clip_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm + 1, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0 - 1, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.clip_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.clip_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm + 1, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm - 2, x_norm.min()
        assert x_norm.min() <= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.clip_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 4.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        # check value range
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.min()
        assert x_norm.min() <= 0, x_norm.min()
        # check denorm.
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3, (x - x_).mean()

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = False
        self.ap.max_norm = 1.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= 0, x_norm.min()
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3

        self.ap.signal_norm = True
        self.ap.symmetric_norm = True
        self.ap.max_norm = 1.0
        x_norm = self.ap._normalize(x)
        print(x_norm.max(), " -- ", x_norm.min())
        assert (x_old - x).sum() == 0
        assert x_norm.max() <= self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.max()
        assert x_norm.min() >= -self.ap.max_norm, x_norm.min()
        assert x_norm.min() < 0, x_norm.min()
        x_ = self.ap._denormalize(x_norm)
        assert (x - x_).sum() < 1e-3
Example #15
class SpeakerManager:
    """Manage the speakers for multi-speaker 🐸TTS models. Load a datafile and parse the information
    in a way that can be queried by speaker or clip.

    There are 3 different scenarios considered:

    1. Models using speaker embedding layers. The datafile only maps speaker names to ids used by the embedding layer.
    2. Models using d-vectors. The datafile includes a dictionary in the following format.


                'name': 'speakerA',

    3. Computing the d-vectors by the speaker encoder. It loads the speaker encoder model and
    computes the d-vectors for a given clip or speaker.

        d_vectors_file_path (str, optional): Path to the metafile including x vectors. Defaults to "".
        speaker_id_file_path (str, optional): Path to the metafile that maps speaker names to ids used by
        TTS models. Defaults to "".
        encoder_model_path (str, optional): Path to the speaker encoder model file. Defaults to "".
        encoder_config_path (str, optional): Path to the spealer encoder config file. Defaults to "".

        >>> # load audio processor and speaker encoder
        >>> ap = AudioProcessor(**config.audio)
        >>> manager = SpeakerManager(encoder_model_path=encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path=encoder_config_path)
        >>> # load a sample audio and compute embedding
        >>> waveform = ap.load_wav(sample_wav_path)
        >>> mel = ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
        >>> d_vector = manager.compute_d_vector(mel.T)

    def __init__(
        data_items: List[List[Any]] = None,
        d_vectors_file_path: str = "",
        speaker_id_file_path: str = "",
        encoder_model_path: str = "",
        encoder_config_path: str = "",
        use_cuda: bool = False,

        self.d_vectors = {}
        self.speaker_ids = {}
        self.clip_ids = []
        self.speaker_encoder = None
        self.speaker_encoder_ap = None
        self.use_cuda = use_cuda

        if data_items:
            self.speaker_ids, _ = self.parse_speakers_from_data(data_items)

        if d_vectors_file_path:

        if speaker_id_file_path:

        if encoder_model_path and encoder_config_path:
            self.init_speaker_encoder(encoder_model_path, encoder_config_path)

    def _load_json(json_file_path: str) -> Dict:
        with fsspec.open(json_file_path, "r") as f:
            return json.load(f)

    def _save_json(json_file_path: str, data: dict) -> None:
        with fsspec.open(json_file_path, "w") as f:
            json.dump(data, f, indent=4)

    def num_speakers(self):
        return len(self.speaker_ids)

    def speaker_names(self):
        return list(self.speaker_ids.keys())

    def d_vector_dim(self):
        """Dimensionality of d_vectors. If d_vectors are not loaded, returns zero."""
        if self.d_vectors:
            return len(self.d_vectors[list(self.d_vectors.keys())[0]]["embedding"])
        return 0

    def parse_speakers_from_data(items: list) -> Tuple[Dict, int]:
        """Parse speaker IDs from data samples retured by `load_tts_samples()`.

            items (list): Data sampled returned by `load_tts_samples()`.

            Tuple[Dict, int]: speaker IDs and number of speakers.
        speakers = sorted({item[2] for item in items})
        speaker_ids = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(speakers)}
        num_speakers = len(speaker_ids)
        return speaker_ids, num_speakers

    def set_speaker_ids_from_data(self, items: List) -> None:
        """Set speaker IDs from data samples.

            items (List): Data sampled returned by `load_tts_samples()`.
        self.speaker_ids, _ = self.parse_speakers_from_data(items)

    def set_speaker_ids_from_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Set speaker IDs from a file.

            file_path (str): Path to the file.
        self.speaker_ids = self._load_json(file_path)

    def save_speaker_ids_to_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Save speaker IDs to a json file.

            file_path (str): Path to the output file.
        self._save_json(file_path, self.speaker_ids)

    def save_d_vectors_to_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Save d_vectors to a json file.

            file_path (str): Path to the output file.
        self._save_json(file_path, self.d_vectors)

    def set_d_vectors_from_file(self, file_path: str) -> None:
        """Load d_vectors from a json file.

            file_path (str): Path to the target json file.
        self.d_vectors = self._load_json(file_path)

        speakers = sorted({x["name"] for x in self.d_vectors.values()})
        self.speaker_ids = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(speakers)}

        self.clip_ids = list(set(sorted(clip_name for clip_name in self.d_vectors.keys())))

    def get_d_vector_by_clip(self, clip_idx: str) -> List:
        """Get d_vector by clip ID.

            clip_idx (str): Target clip ID.

            List: d_vector as a list.
        return self.d_vectors[clip_idx]["embedding"]

    def get_d_vectors_by_speaker(self, speaker_idx: str) -> List[List]:
        """Get all d_vectors of a speaker.

            speaker_idx (str): Target speaker ID.

            List[List]: all the d_vectors of the given speaker.
        return [x["embedding"] for x in self.d_vectors.values() if x["name"] == speaker_idx]

    def get_mean_d_vector(self, speaker_idx: str, num_samples: int = None, randomize: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
        """Get mean d_vector of a speaker ID.

            speaker_idx (str): Target speaker ID.
            num_samples (int, optional): Number of samples to be averaged. Defaults to None.
            randomize (bool, optional): Pick random `num_samples` of d_vectors. Defaults to False.

            np.ndarray: Mean d_vector.
        d_vectors = self.get_d_vectors_by_speaker(speaker_idx)
        if num_samples is None:
            d_vectors = np.stack(d_vectors).mean(0)
            assert len(d_vectors) >= num_samples, f" [!] speaker {speaker_idx} has number of samples < {num_samples}"
            if randomize:
                d_vectors = np.stack(random.choices(d_vectors, k=num_samples)).mean(0)
                d_vectors = np.stack(d_vectors[:num_samples]).mean(0)
        return d_vectors

    def get_random_speaker_id(self) -> Any:
        """Get a random d_vector.


            np.ndarray: d_vector.
        if self.speaker_ids:
            return self.speaker_ids[random.choices(list(self.speaker_ids.keys()))[0]]

        return None

    def get_random_d_vector(self) -> Any:
        """Get a random D  ID.


            np.ndarray: d_vector.
        if self.d_vectors:
            return self.d_vectors[random.choices(list(self.d_vectors.keys()))[0]]["embedding"]

        return None

    def get_speakers(self) -> List:
        return self.speaker_ids

    def get_clips(self) -> List:
        return sorted(self.d_vectors.keys())

    def init_speaker_encoder(self, model_path: str, config_path: str) -> None:
        """Initialize a speaker encoder model.

            model_path (str): Model file path.
            config_path (str): Model config file path.
        self.speaker_encoder_config = load_config(config_path)
        self.speaker_encoder = setup_speaker_encoder_model(self.speaker_encoder_config)
        self.speaker_encoder.load_checkpoint(config_path, model_path, eval=True, use_cuda=self.use_cuda)
        self.speaker_encoder_ap = AudioProcessor(**self.speaker_encoder_config.audio)

    def compute_d_vector_from_clip(self, wav_file: Union[str, List[str]]) -> list:
        """Compute a d_vector from a given audio file.

            wav_file (Union[str, List[str]]): Target file path.

            list: Computed d_vector.

        def _compute(wav_file: str):
            waveform = self.speaker_encoder_ap.load_wav(wav_file, sr=self.speaker_encoder_ap.sample_rate)
            if not self.speaker_encoder_config.model_params.get("use_torch_spec", False):
                m_input = self.speaker_encoder_ap.melspectrogram(waveform)
                m_input = torch.from_numpy(m_input)
                m_input = torch.from_numpy(waveform)

            if self.use_cuda:
                m_input = m_input.cuda()
            m_input = m_input.unsqueeze(0)
            d_vector = self.speaker_encoder.compute_embedding(m_input)
            return d_vector

        if isinstance(wav_file, list):
            # compute the mean d_vector
            d_vectors = None
            for wf in wav_file:
                d_vector = _compute(wf)
                if d_vectors is None:
                    d_vectors = d_vector
                    d_vectors += d_vector
            return (d_vectors / len(wav_file))[0].tolist()
        d_vector = _compute(wav_file)
        return d_vector[0].tolist()

    def compute_d_vector(self, feats: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> List:
        """Compute d_vector from features.

            feats (Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]): Input features.

            List: computed d_vector.
        if isinstance(feats, np.ndarray):
            feats = torch.from_numpy(feats)
        if feats.ndim == 2:
            feats = feats.unsqueeze(0)
        if self.use_cuda:
            feats = feats.cuda()
        return self.speaker_encoder.compute_embedding(feats)

    def run_umap(self):
        # TODO: implement speaker encoder
        raise NotImplementedError

    def plot_embeddings(self):
        # TODO: implement speaker encoder
        raise NotImplementedError