def interpreter(ln, rn, surround=None, indent=0): ''' If ln and rn are both collections(e.g. tuple/list), then we should take apart the collections and get the "ln = rn" relationship for all single elements contained in the collections. ''' if not isinstance(rn, pFunc): # rn.add_surround(surround) if rn.Type == 'variable': rn.add_indent(indent) varobjects = [] if isinstance(ln, list): for i in ln: varobjects.append(i) else: varobjects.append(ln) rn.add_surround(surround) # print(Green(str(rn))) dealWithStatement(param=rn, varobjects=varobjects) else: interpreterForFunction(rn, ln, indent, surround)
def visit_Expr(self, Expr, surround=None, indent=0): if isinstance(Expr.value, ast.Call): # funcName = self.nest(Expr.value.func) param = recognizeMultiAssignment(value=Expr.value, indent=indent, surround=surround) if not isinstance(param, pFunc): raise Exception('Type error! Expect pFunc but receive ' + str(type(param))) if not param.restricted: dealWithStatement(param=param) else: dealWithStatement(param=param)
def visit_WithItems(self, With, surround=None, indent=0): items = With.items param = pWith() for item in items: param1 = None param2 = None if hasattr(item, 'context_expr'): param1 = recognizeMultiAssignment(item.context_expr, indent=indent) # param1's Type is function-like class if isinstance(param1, pFunc): randomname = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) pfunc = pFunc(funcName=param1.funcName, params=param1.params, suffix=param1.suffix, Type='function', restricted=param1.restricted, indent=indent) if pfunc.restricted: pfunc.add_Type('restrictedFunc') pfunc.add_surround(surround) pfunc.add_child(param) vparam = pVar(randomname) param1 = copy.deepcopy(vparam) dealWithStatement(param=pfunc, varobjects=[vparam]) param.add_parent(pfunc) param1.update_varTofunc_ele(pfunc) elif isinstance(param1, pVar): pass else: raise Exception(Cyan('with context_expr\'s type is not handled: ' \ + str(param1))) if item.optional_vars: param2 = recognizeMultiAssignment(item.optional_vars, indent=indent) param.add_withitem((param1, param2)) param.add_surround(surround) param.add_indent(indent) return param
def buildCallString(ele, fullstr, indent, surround, rv=False): params = fillInParams(ele.args, ele.keywords, indent, surround) pfunc = pFunc(funcName=fullstr, Type='function', indent=indent, surround=surround, params=params) if rv: return pfunc name_func = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) varobject_func = pVar(name_func) dealWithStatement(param=pfunc, varobjects=[varobject_func]) fullstr = name_func return fullstr
def recognizeCall(value, indent, outsideFunction, outsideList, outsideDict, insideTuple, outCalculation, outsideSet, surround): pfunc = nestplus(value, indent, surround) pfunc.add_indent(indent) if outsideFunction or \ outsideList or \ outsideDict or \ insideTuple or \ outCalculation or \ outsideSet: pfunc.add_surround(surround) name = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) varobject = pVar(name) dealWithStatement(param=pfunc, varobjects=[varobject]) return copy.deepcopy(varobject) return pfunc
def interpreterForFunction(rn, ln, indent, surround): ''' May contain bugs!!! Now we cannot handle the situation where variables and functions both appear in the right-hand side, such as "a, b, c = c, fun()". Because we do not know the number of fun()'s returned value. In this case, We can do nothing but hope the above form will never shows up in the testing programs. In other words, if the right-hand side includes a function, then we tacitly approve that the function shows at the end. ''' varobjects = [] if isinstance(ln, list): for i in ln: varobjects.append(i) else: varobjects.append(ln) if rn.restricted: rn.add_Type('restrictedFunc') rn.add_indent(indent) rn.add_surround(surround) dealWithStatement(param=rn, varobjects=varobjects)
def buildFullString(rcur, indent, surround): fullstr = '' len_rcur = len(rcur) cnt = 0 for ele in rcur[::-1]: cnt += 1 if isinstance(ele, ast.Name): fullstr = buildNameString(ele, fullstr) elif isinstance(ele, ast.Attribute): fullstr = buildAttributeString(ele, fullstr) elif isinstance(ele, ast.BinOp) or isinstance(ele, ast.UnaryOp): param = recognizeMultiAssignment(ele, indent=indent) rn = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) varobject = pVar(rn) dealWithStatement(param=param, varobjects=[varobject]) fullstr += rn elif isinstance(ele, ast.Subscript): if cnt < len_rcur: fullstr = buildSubscriptString(ele, fullstr, indent) else: return buildSubscriptString(ele, fullstr, indent, True) elif isinstance(ele, ast.Call): if cnt < len_rcur: fullstr = buildCallString(ele, fullstr, indent, surround) else: return buildCallString(ele, fullstr, indent, surround, True) elif isinstance(ele, ast.Constant): fullstr += '\'\'\'' + ele.value + '\'\'\'' return fullstr
def visit_With(self, With, surround=None, indent=0, func=None): # pass param = self.visit_WithItems(With, surround=surround, indent=indent) dealWithStatement(param=param) self.visit_WithBody(With, param, indent, func)
def buildSubscriptString(ele, fullstr, indent, judge=False): name = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) varobject = pVar(name) psubs = pSubs() psubs.add_prefix(pVar(fullstr)) slice = ele.slice rv = recognizeMultiAssignment(slice, outsideSlice=True) if isinstance(rv, pVar): fullstr += '[' + + ']' varnamesRead.add( psubs.add_content(rv) elif isinstance(rv, pNumber): fullstr += '[' + str(rv.num) + ']' psubs.add_content(rv) elif isinstance(rv, pConst): fullstr += '[\'' + str(rv.const) + '\']' psubs.add_content(rv) elif isinstance(rv, pBinop) or isinstance(rv, pUop): rn = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) varobject = pVar(rn) dealWithStatement(param=rv, varobjects=[varobject]) psubs.add_content(varobject) fullstr += '[' + rn + ']' elif isinstance(rv, pTuple): ''' a[:, 2] = ... ''' psubs.add_content(rv) fullstr += '[' for ele in rv.content: if isinstance(ele, pConst): fullstr += ele.const + ',' elif isinstance(ele, pNumber): fullstr += str(ele.num) + ',' elif isinstance(ele, pVar): fullstr += + ',' elif isinstance(ele, pSlice): fullstr += ':,' if rv.content: fullstr = fullstr[:-1] fullstr += ']' else: rn = varNameGenerator(varnamesRead) pvar = pVar(rn) dealWithStatement(param=rv, varobjects=[pvar]) fullstr += '[' + rn + ']' psubs.add_content(pvar) psubs.add_fullstr(fullstr) psubs.add_indent(indent) if judge: return psubs dealWithStatement(param=psubs, varobjects=[varobject]) fullstr = name return fullstr