def recursion(self, root, left, right, inorderDict, preorder): # step 1 : 判定 是否 到达 叶子节点 if left > right: return # step 2 : 构建根节点 node = Tree(preorder[root]) # step 3 : 搜索 根节点 在 中序遍历 中 的位置 index = inorderDict[preorder[root]] # step 4 : 分割 左右子树 node.left = self.recursion(root + 1, left, index - 1, inorderDict, preorder) node.right = self.recursion(index - left + root + 1, index + 1, right, inorderDict, preorder) return node
def left_right(left, right): if left > right: return [None] if (left, right) in dct: return dct[(left, right)] ret = [] for i in range(left, right + 1): left_lst = left_right(left, i - 1) right_lst = left_right(i + 1, right) for L in left_lst: for R in right_lst: app_Tree = Tree(i) app_Tree.left = L app_Tree.right = R ret.append(app_Tree) dct[(left, right)] = ret return ret
res.append("->".join(path)) path.pop() return if root.left: backtrack(root.left, res, path) if root.right: backtrack(root.right, res, path) path.pop() backtrack(root, res, []) return res if __name__ == "__main__": tree = Tree() solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() if str1 != "": node_list = [num for num in str1.split(",")] for node in node_list: tree.add(node) print(f"层次遍历:{tree.traverse(tree.root)}") res = solution.binaryTreePaths(tree.root) print(res) else: break
totals[level] = totals[level]+root.val counts[level] = counts[level]+1 else: totals.append(root.val) counts.append(1) dfs(root.left,level+1) dfs(root.right,level+1) counts = [] totals = [] dfs(root,0) return [total / count for total, count in zip(totals, counts)] if __name__ == "__main__": tree1 = Tree() tree2 = Tree() solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() if str1 != "": node_list1 = str1.split(",") for node in node_list1: tree1.add(node) print(f"层次遍历:{tree1.traverse(tree1.root)}") res = solution.averageOfLevels1(tree1.root) print(res) else: break
class Solution: def dfs(self, root): if not root: return [0, 0] l = self.dfs(root.left) r = self.dfs(root.right) return [max(l) + max(r), root.val + l[0] + r[0]] def rob(self, root): return max(self.dfs(root)) if __name__ == "__main__": tree = Tree() solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() if str1 != "": node_list = str1.split(",") for node in node_list: tree.add(int(node)) print(f"层次遍历:{tree.traverse(tree.root)}") res = solution.rob(tree.root) print(res) else: break
def recursion(self, root, left, right, inorderDict, preorder): # step 1 : 判定 是否 到达 叶子节点 if left > right: return # step 2 : 构建根节点 node = Tree(preorder[root]) # step 3 : 搜索 根节点 在 中序遍历 中 的位置 index = inorderDict[preorder[root]] # step 4 : 分割 左右子树 node.left = self.recursion(root + 1, left, index - 1, inorderDict, preorder) node.right = self.recursion(index - left + root + 1, index + 1, right, inorderDict, preorder) return node if __name__ == "__main__": tree1 = Tree() tree2 = Tree() solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() str2 = input() if str1 != "" and str2 != "": preorder = str1.split(",") inorder = str2.split(",") res = solution.buildTree(preorder, inorder) print(res) else: break
# 判断当前节点 是不是 为 p 或 q 中的一个 mid = current_node==p or current_node==q # 若 mid、left、right 三个中 有两个 为 True,那么表示找到 最近父节点 if mid+left+right>=2: self.res = current_node return mid or left or right recurse_tree(root) return self.res if __name__ == "__main__": tree = Tree() tree_p = Tree() tree_q = Tree() solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() str2 = input() str3 = input() if str1 != "" and str2 != "" and str3 != "": node_list = str1.split(",") for node in node_list: tree.add(node) print(f"层次遍历:{tree.traverse(tree.root)}") p =,int(str2)) q =,int(str3))
def check(self, s, t): if not s and not t: return True if (not s and t) or (s and not t) or (s.val != t.val): return False return self.check(s.left, t.left) and self.check(s.right, t.right) if __name__ == "__main__": solution = Solution() while 1: str1 = input() str2 = input() if str1 != "" and str2 != "": s_tree = Tree() t_tree = Tree() s_node_list = [int(num) for num in str1.split(",")] for node in s_node_list: s_tree.add(node) t_node_list = [int(num) for num in str2.split(",")] for node in t_node_list: t_tree.add(node) print(f"层次遍历:{s_tree.traverse(s_tree.root)}") print(f"层次遍历:{t_tree.traverse(t_tree.root)}") res = solution.isSubtree(s_tree.root, t_tree.root) print(res) else: break