def processArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Set a token/password') parser.add_argument('--database', '-D', dest='database', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), help="Database to use. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument('--client', '-C', dest='client', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), help="Client to list on. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument('--dbname', dest='dbname', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), help="Name of the database file. Default: %(default)s") passgroup= parser.add_argument_group("Password/Encryption specification options") pwgroup = passgroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group() pwgroup.add_argument('--password', '-p',dest='password', default=None, nargs='?', const=True, help='Encrypt files with this password') pwgroup.add_argument('--password-file', dest='passwordfile', default=None, help='Read password from file') pwgroup.add_argument('--password-url', dest='passwordurl', default=None, help='Retrieve password from the specified URL') pwgroup.add_argument('--password-prog', dest='passwordprog', default=None, help='Use the specified command to generate the password on stdout') return parser.parse_args()
def getDB(crypt, password, new=False, allowRemote=True, allowUpgrade=False): loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(args.database) # This is basically the same code as in Util.setupDataConnection(). Should consider moving to it. if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): if not allowRemote: raise Exception("This command cannot be executed remotely. You must execute it on the server directly.") # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urllib.parse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = args.database tardisdb = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, args.client) cache = tardisdb else: basedir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) if not args.dbdir: dbdir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) else: dbdir = os.path.join(args.dbdir, args.client) dbfile = os.path.join(dbdir, args.dbname) if new and os.path.exists(dbfile): raise Exception("Database for client %s already exists." % (args.client)) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(basedir, 2, 2, create=new) schema = args.schema if new else None tardisdb = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbfile, backup=False, initialize=schema, allow_upgrade=allowUpgrade) if tardisdb.needsAuthentication(): if password is None: password = Util.getPassword(args.password, args.passwordfile, args.passwordprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (args.client), allowNone=False, confirm=False) crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, args.client) Util.authenticate(tardisdb, args.client, password) return (tardisdb, cache, crypt)
def getDB(crypt, password, new=False, allowRemote=True, allowUpgrade=False): loc = urlparse.urlparse(args.database) # This is basically the same code as in Util.setupDataConnection(). Should consider moving to it. if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): if not allowRemote: raise Exception("This command cannot be executed remotely. You must execute it on the server directly.") # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = args.database tardisdb = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, args.client) cache = tardisdb else: basedir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) if not args.dbdir: dbdir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) else: dbdir = os.path.join(args.dbdir, args.client) dbfile = os.path.join(dbdir, args.dbname) if new and os.path.exists(dbfile): raise Exception("Database for client %s already exists." % (args.client)) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(basedir, 2, 2, create=new) schema = args.schema if new else None tardisdb = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbfile, backup=False, initialize=schema, allow_upgrade=allowUpgrade) if tardisdb.needsAuthentication(): if password is None: password = Util.getPassword(args.password, args.passwordfile, args.passwordprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (args.client), allowNone=False, confirm=False) Util.authenticate(tardisdb, args.client, password) return (tardisdb, cache)
def getBackupSet(db, bset): bsetInfo = None # First, try as an integer try: bset = int(bset) bsetInfo = db.getBackupSetInfoById(bset) except ValueError: # Else, let's look it up based on name if bset == Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') or bset == '' or bset == None: bsetInfo = db.lastBackupSet() else: bsetInfo = db.getBackupSetInfo(bset) if not bsetInfo: # still nothing, hm, let's try a date format cal = parsedatetime.Calendar() (then, success) = cal.parse(bset) if success: timestamp = time.mktime(then) logger.debug("Using time: %s", time.asctime(then)) bsetInfo = db.getBackupSetInfoForTime(timestamp) if bsetInfo and bsetInfo['backupset'] != 1: bset = bsetInfo['backupset'] logger.debug("Using backupset: %s %d for %s", bsetInfo['name'], bsetInfo['backupset'], bset) else: # Weed out the ".Initial" set logger.critical("No backupset at date: %s (%s)", bset, time.asctime(then)) bsetInfo = None else: logger.critical("Could not parse string: %s", bset) return bsetInfo
def getDB(crypt, new=False, allowRemote=True): token = crypt.createToken() if crypt else None loc = urlparse.urlparse(args.database) # This is basically the same code as in Util.setupDataConnection(). Should consider moving to it. if (loc.scheme == "http") or (loc.scheme == "https"): if not allowRemote: raise Exception("This command cannot be executed remotely. You must execute it on the server directly.") # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault("TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT") dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = args.database tardisdb = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, args.client, token=token) cache = tardisdb else: basedir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) if not args.dbdir: dbdir = os.path.join(args.database, args.client) else: dbdir = os.path.join(args.dbdir, args.client) dbfile = os.path.join(dbdir, args.dbname) if new and os.path.exists(dbfile): raise Exception("Database for client %s already exists." % (args.client)) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(basedir, 2, 2, create=new) schema = args.schema if new else None tardisdb = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbfile, backup=False, initialize=schema, token=token) return (tardisdb, cache)
def main(): global args, logger tardis = None try: args = processArgs() logger = Util.setupLogging(args.verbose) setColors(Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_LS_COLORS')) # Load any password info password = Util.getPassword(args.password, args.passwordfile, args.passwordprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (args.client)) args.password = None (tardis, _, crypt) = Util.setupDataConnection(args.database, args.client, password, args.keys, args.dbname, args.dbdir) setupDisplay(tardis) if args.headers: doprint("Client: %s DB: %s" % (args.client, args.database), color=colors['name'], eol=True) if args.glob: directories = [] for d in args.directories: if not Util.isMagic(d): directories.append(d) else: directories += globPath(os.path.abspath(d), tardis, crypt) else: directories = args.directories for d in directories: d = unicode(os.path.abspath(d).decode(fsEncoding)) if args.realpath: d = os.path.realpath(d) fInfos = collectFileInfo(d, tardis, crypt) recurse = args.maxdepth if args.recurse else 0 processFile(d, fInfos, tardis, crypt, printContents=(not args.dirinfo), recurse=recurse) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: logger.error("Caught exception: %s", str(e)) if args.exceptions: logger.exception(e) finally: if tardis: tardis.close()
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False, retpassword=False): """ Setup a data connection to a client. Determines the correct way to connect, either via direct filesystem, or via TardisRemote (http). Returns a 3-tuple, the TardisDB object, the CacheDir object, and the appropriate crypto object """ logger.debug("Connection requested for %s under %s", client, dataLoc) crypt = None loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): logger.debug("Creating remote connection to %s", dataLoc) # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urllib.parse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object logger.debug("==> %s %s", dbLoc, client) tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client) cache = tardis else: logger.debug("Creating direct connection to %s", dataLoc) cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) needsAuth = tardis.needsAuthentication() if needsAuth and password is None: password = getPassword(True, None, None, "Password for %s: " % client, allowNone=False) if needsAuth: authenticate(tardis, client, password) elif password: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() # Password specified, so create the crypto unit #cryptoScheme = tardis.getConfigValue('CryptoScheme', '1') cryptoScheme = tardis.getCryptoScheme() crypt = TardisCrypto.getCrypto(cryptoScheme, password, client) if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) if retpassword: return (tardis, cache, crypt, password) else: return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def checkPasswordStrength(password): pwStrMin = float(Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_PW_STRENGTH')) strength, improvements = passwordmeter.test(password) if strength < pwStrMin: logger.error("Password too weak: %f (%f required)", strength, pwStrMin) for i in improvements: logger.error(" %s", improvements[i]) return False else: return True
def __init__(self, password, client=None): self._random = if client is None: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') self.client = client self.salt = hashlib.sha256(client).digest() keys = PBKDF2(password, self.salt, count=20000, dkLen=self._keysize * 2) # 2x256 bit keys self._keyKey = keys[0:self._keysize] # First 256 bit key self._tokenKey = keys[self._keysize:] # And the other one
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False): logger.debug("Connection requested for %s under %s", client, dataLoc) crypt = None loc = urlparse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): logger.debug("Creating remote connection to %s", dataLoc) # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault( 'TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object logger.debug("==> %s %s", dbLoc, client) tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client) cache = tardis else: logger.debug("Creating direct connection to %s", dataLoc) cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) needsAuth = tardis.needsAuthentication() if needsAuth and password is None: password = getPassword(True, None, None, "Password for %s: " % client) if password: if needsAuth: authenticate(tardis, client, password) else: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() # Password specified, so create the crypto unit crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def __init__(self, password, client=None, fsencoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()): self._random = if client is None: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') self.client = bytes(client, 'utf8') self.salt = hashlib.sha256(self.client).digest() keys = self.genKeyKey(password) self._keyKey = keys[0:self._keysize] # First 256 bit key self._fsEncoding = fsencoding
def __init__(self, password, client=None, fsencoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()): self._random = if client is None: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') self.client = bytes(client, 'utf8') self.salt = hashlib.sha256(self.client).digest() keys = PBKDF2(password, self.salt, count=20000, dkLen=self._keysize * 2) # 2x256 bit keys self._keyKey = keys[0:self._keysize] # First 256 bit key self._tokenKey = keys[self._keysize:] # And the other one self._fsEncoding = fsencoding
def main(): global args, logger tardis = None try: args = processArgs() logger = Util.setupLogging(args.verbose) setColors(Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_LS_COLORS')) # Load any password info password = Util.getPassword(args.password, args.passwordfile, args.passwordprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (args.client)) args.password = None (tardis, _, crypt) = Util.setupDataConnection(args.database, args.client, password, args.keys, args.dbname, args.dbdir) setupDisplay(tardis) if args.headers: doprint("Client: %s DB: %s" %(args.client, args.database), color=colors['name'], eol=True) if args.glob: directories = [] for d in args.directories: if not Util.isMagic(d): directories.append(d) else: directories += globPath(os.path.abspath(d), tardis, crypt) else: directories = args.directories for d in directories: d = os.path.abspath(d) if args.realpath: d = os.path.realpath(d) fInfos = collectFileInfo(d, tardis, crypt) recurse = args.maxdepth if args.recurse else 0 processFile(d, fInfos, tardis, crypt, printContents=(not args.dirinfo), recurse=recurse) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except TardisDB.AuthenticationException as e: logger.error("Authentication failed. Bad password") if args.exceptions: logger.exception(e) except Exception as e: logger.error("Caught exception: %s", str(e)) if args.exceptions: logger.exception(e) finally: if tardis: tardis.close()
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False, retpassword=False): logger.debug("Connection requested for %s under %s", client, dataLoc) crypt = None loc = urllib.parse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): logger.debug("Creating remote connection to %s", dataLoc) # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urllib.parse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object logger.debug("==> %s %s", dbLoc, client) tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client) cache = tardis else: logger.debug("Creating direct connection to %s", dataLoc) cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) needsAuth = tardis.needsAuthentication() if needsAuth and password is None: password = getPassword(True, None, None, "Password for %s: " % client, allowNone=False) if password: if needsAuth: authenticate(tardis, client, password) else: raise TardisDB.AuthenticationFailed() # Password specified, so create the crypto unit crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) if retpassword: return (tardis, cache, crypt, password) else: return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def __init__(self, password, client=None, fsencoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()): self._random = if client is None: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') self.client = client self.salt = hashlib.sha256(client).digest() keys = PBKDF2(password, self.salt, count=20000, dkLen=self._keysize * 2) # 2x256 bit keys self._keyKey = keys[0:self._keysize] # First 256 bit key self._tokenKey = keys[self._keysize:] # And the other one self._fsEncoding = fsencoding
def main(): global args, logger try: FORMAT = "%(levelname)s : %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, format=FORMAT, level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("") args = processArgs() setColors(Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_LS_COLORS')) # Load any password info password = Util.getPassword(args.password, args.passwordfile, args.passwordprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (args.client)) args.password = None (tardis, _, crypt) = Util.setupDataConnection(args.database, args.client, password, args.keys, args.dbname, args.dbdir) setupDisplay(tardis) if args.headers: doprint("Client: %s DB: %s" %(args.client, args.database), color=colors['name'], eol=True) if args.glob: directories = [] for d in args.directories: if not Util.isMagic(d): directories.append(d) else: directories += globPath(os.path.abspath(d), tardis, crypt) else: directories = args.directories for d in directories: d = os.path.abspath(d) if args.realpath: d = os.path.realpath(d) fInfos = collectFileInfo(d, tardis, crypt) recurse = args.maxdepth if args.recurse else 0 processFile(d, fInfos, tardis, crypt, printContents=(not args.dirinfo), recurse=recurse) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: logger.error("Caught exception: %s", str(e)) logger.exception(e)
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None, allow_upgrade=False): crypt = None if password: crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) password = None token = None if crypt: token = crypt.createToken() loc = urlparse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == 'http') or (loc.scheme == 'https'): # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) else: dbLoc = dataLoc # get the RemoteURL object tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client, token=token) cache = tardis else: cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, token=token, allow_upgrade=allow_upgrade) if crypt: if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue('ClientID')) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) return (tardis, cache, crypt)
def setupDataConnection(dataLoc, client, password, keyFile, dbName, dbLoc=None): crypt = None if password: crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, client) password = None token = None if crypt: token = crypt.createToken() loc = urlparse.urlparse(dataLoc) if (loc.scheme == "http") or (loc.scheme == "https"): # If no port specified, insert the port if loc.port is None: netloc = loc.netloc + ":" + Defaults.getDefault("TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT") dbLoc = urlparse.urlunparse((loc.scheme, netloc, loc.path, loc.params, loc.query, loc.fragment)) # get the RemoteURL object tardis = RemoteDB.RemoteDB(dbLoc, client, token=token) cache = tardis else: cacheDir = os.path.join(loc.path, client) cache = CacheDir.CacheDir(cacheDir, create=False) if not dbLoc: dbDir = cacheDir else: dbDir = os.path.join(dbLoc, client) dbPath = os.path.join(dbDir, dbName) tardis = TardisDB.TardisDB(dbPath, token=token) if crypt: if keyFile: (f, c) = loadKeys(keyFile, tardis.getConfigValue("ClientID")) else: (f, c) = tardis.getKeys() crypt.setKeys(f, c) return (tardis, cache, crypt)
# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import configparser import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.TardisCrypto as TardisCrypto configDefaults = { 'Database': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), 'Client': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), 'DBDir': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR'), 'DBName': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), 'Password': None, 'PasswordFile': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_PWFILE'), 'PasswordProg': None, 'Crypt': str(True), 'KeyFile': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_KEYFILE'), 'LogFiles': None, 'Verbosity': str(0), 'Schema': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_SCHEMA') } config = configparser.ConfigParser(configDefaults, allow_no_value=True) job = None
# LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import ConfigParser import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Util as Util configDefaults = { 'Database': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), 'Client': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), 'DBDir': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR'), 'DBName': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), 'Password': None, 'PasswordFile': None, 'PasswordProg': None, 'Crypt': str(True), 'KeyFile': None, 'LogFiles': None, 'Verbosity': str(0), 'Schema': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_SCHEMA') } config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(configDefaults) job = None
import pprint import urlparse import parsedatetime import passwordmeter import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB import Tardis.TardisCrypto as TardisCrypto import Tardis.CacheDir as CacheDir import Tardis.RemoteDB as RemoteDB import Tardis.Config as Config current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') pwStrMin = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_PW_STRENGTH') # Config keys which can be gotten or set. configKeys = ['Formats', 'Priorities', 'KeepDays', 'ForceFull', 'SaveFull', 'MaxDeltaChain', 'MaxChangePercent', 'VacuumInterval', 'AutoPurge', 'Disabled'] # Extra keys that we print when everything is requested sysKeys = ['ClientID', 'SchemaVersion', 'FilenameKey', 'ContentKey'] minPwStrength = 0 logger = None args = None def getDB(crypt, new=False, allowRemote=True): token = crypt.createToken() if crypt else None loc = urlparse.urlparse(args.database) # This is basically the same code as in Util.setupDataConnection(). Should consider moving to it.
d = * 1024) res = m.hexdigest() if res != checksum: print("Checksums don't match. Expected: %s, result %s" % (checksum, res)) checked[checksum] = 0 output.write(checksum + '\n') output.flush() else: checked[checksum] = 1 valid.write(checksum + "\n") except Exception as e: print("Caught exception processing %s: %s" % (checksum, str(e))) output.write(checksum + '\n') output.flush() row = cur.fetchone() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print("Caught operational error. DB is probably locked. Sleeping for a bit") time.sleep(90) pbar.finish() if __name__ == "__main__": root = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') password = None # 'PassWord' logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) validate(root, client, dbname, password)
import time import termcolor import parsedatetime import binaryornot.check import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Regenerator as Regenerator import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Config as Config logger = None args = None current = Defaults.getDefault("TARDIS_RECENT_SET") def parseArgs(): isatty = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Diff files between current and a Tardis backup, or multiple Tardis versions", fromfile_prefix_chars="@", formatter_class=Util.HelpFormatter, add_help=False, ) (args, remaining) = Config.parseConfigOptions(parser) Config.addCommonOptions(parser)
import logging import time import termcolor import parsedatetime import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Regenerator as Regenerator import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Config as Config logger = None args = None current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') def parseArgs(): isatty = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Diff files between current and a Tardis backup, or multiple Tardis versions', fromfile_prefix_chars='@', formatter_class=Util.HelpFormatter, add_help=False) (args, remaining) = Config.parseConfigOptions(parser) Config.addCommonOptions(parser) Config.addPasswordOptions(parser) parser.add_argument("--backup", '-b', nargs='+', dest='backup', default=[current], help="Backup set(s) to use (Default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('--color', dest='color', default=isatty, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Use colors')
import termcolor import parsedatetime import binaryornot.check import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Regenerator as Regenerator import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Config as Config import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB logger = None exceptionLogger = None args = None current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') def parseArgs(): isatty = os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Diff files between current and a Tardis backup, or multiple Tardis versions', fromfile_prefix_chars='@', formatter_class=Util.HelpFormatter, add_help=False) (args, remaining) = Config.parseConfigOptions(parser) Config.addCommonOptions(parser) Config.addPasswordOptions(parser) parser.add_argument("--backup", '-b', nargs='+', dest='backup', default=[current], help="Backup set(s) to use (Default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument('--color', dest='color', default=isatty, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Use colors')
import pprint import urlparse import parsedatetime import passwordmeter import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB import Tardis.TardisCrypto as TardisCrypto import Tardis.CacheDir as CacheDir import Tardis.RemoteDB as RemoteDB import Tardis.Config as Config current = Defaults.getDefault("TARDIS_RECENT_SET") pwStrMin = Defaults.getDefault("TARDIS_PW_STRENGTH") # Config keys which can be gotten or set. configKeys = [ "Formats", "Priorities", "KeepDays", "ForceFull", "SaveFull", "MaxDeltaChain", "MaxChangePercent", "VacuumInterval", "AutoPurge", "Disabled", ]
import pprint import urlparse import parsedatetime import passwordmeter import Tardis import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB import Tardis.TardisCrypto as TardisCrypto import Tardis.CacheDir as CacheDir import Tardis.RemoteDB as RemoteDB import Tardis.Config as Config current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') pwStrMin = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_PW_STRENGTH') # Config keys which can be gotten or set. configKeys = [ 'Formats', 'Priorities', 'KeepDays', 'ForceFull', 'SaveFull', 'MaxDeltaChain', 'MaxChangePercent', 'VacuumInterval', 'AutoPurge', 'Disabled', 'SaveConfig' ] # Extra keys that we print when everything is requested sysKeys = ['ClientID', 'SchemaVersion', 'FilenameKey', 'ContentKey'] minPwStrength = 0 logger = None args = None
def processArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Encrypt the database') parser.add_argument('--database', '-D', dest='database', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), help="Database to use. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument('--client', '-C', dest='client', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), help="Client to list on. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument('--dbname', dest='dbname', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), help="Name of the database file. Default: %(default)s") parser.add_argument('--filenames', dest='filenames', action='store_true', default=False, help='Encrypt filenames. Default=%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--files', dest='files', action='store_true', default=False, help='Encrypt files. Default=%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--dirhashes', dest='dirhash', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generate directory hashes. Default=%(default)s') parser.add_argument('--meta', dest='meta', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generate metadata files. Default=%(default)s') #parser.add_argument('--signatures', dest='sigs', action='store_true', default=False, help='Generate signatures. Default=%(default)s') passgroup = parser.add_argument_group( "Password/Encryption specification options") pwgroup = passgroup.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) pwgroup.add_argument('--password', '-P', dest='password', default=None, nargs='?', const=True, help='Encrypt files with this password') pwgroup.add_argument('--password-file', dest='passwordfile', default=None, help='Read password from file') pwgroup.add_argument('--password-url', dest='passwordurl', default=None, help='Retrieve password from the specified URL') pwgroup.add_argument( '--password-prog', dest='passwordprog', default=None, help='Use the specified command to generate the password on stdout') return parser.parse_args()
def getPassword(password, pwurl, pwprog, prompt='Password: '******'TARDIS_PWTIMEOUT')): methods = 0 if password: methods += 1 if pwurl: methods += 1 if pwprog: methods += 1 if methods > 1: raise Exception("Cannot specify more than one password retrieval mechanism") if methods == 0 and not allowNone: # Nothing specified, and it wants a value. Set password to True to fetch password = True if password == True or password == '': password = _readWithTimeout(prompt, int(timeout)) password = password.rstrip() # Delete trailing characters if confirm: pw2 = _readWithTimeout("Confirm password:"******"Passwords don't match") if pwurl: loc = urllib.parse.urlunparse(urllib.parse.urlparse(pwurl, scheme='file')) pwf = urllib.request.urlopen(loc) password = pwf.readline().rstrip() pwf.close() if pwprog: a = shlex.split(pwprog) output = subprocess.check_output(a) password = output.split('\n')[0].rstrip() if not allowNone and not password: raise Exception("Password required") if strength and password: if not checkPasswordStrength(password): raise Exception("Password not strong enough") return password
def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Recover Backed Up Files', fromfile_prefix_chars='@', formatter_class=Util.HelpFormatter, add_help=False) (_, remaining) = Config.parseConfigOptions(parser) Config.addCommonOptions(parser) Config.addPasswordOptions(parser) parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", dest="output", help="Output file", default=None) parser.add_argument("--checksum", "-c", help="Use checksum instead of filename", dest='cksum', action='store_true', default=False) bsetgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() bsetgroup.add_argument("--backup", "-b", help="Backup set to use. Default: %(default)s", dest='backup', default=Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET')) bsetgroup.add_argument("--date", "-d", help="Regenerate as of date", dest='date', default=None) bsetgroup.add_argument("--last", "-l", dest='last', default=False, action='store_true', help="Regenerate the most recent version of the file") parser.add_argument('--recurse', dest='recurse', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Recurse directory trees. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--recovername', dest='recovername', default=False, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Recover the name when recovering a checksum. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--authenticate', dest='auth', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Authenticate files while regenerating them. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--authfail-action', dest='authfailaction', default='rename', choices=['keep', 'rename', 'delete'], help='Action to take for files that do not authenticate. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--reduce-path', '-R', dest='reduce', default=0, const=sys.maxsize, type=int, nargs='?', metavar='N', help='Reduce path by N directories. No value for "smart" reduction') parser.add_argument('--set-times', dest='settime', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Set file times to match original file. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--set-perms', dest='setperm', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Set file owner and permisions to match original file. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--set-attrs', dest='setattrs', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Set file extended attributes to match original file. May only set attributes in user space. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--set-acl', dest='setacl', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Set file access control lists to match the original file. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--overwrite', '-O', dest='overwrite', default=owModeDefault, const='always', nargs='?', choices=['always', 'newer', 'older', 'never', 'ask'], help='Mode for handling existing files. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--hardlinks', dest='hardlinks', default=True, action=Util.StoreBoolean, help='Create hardlinks of multiple copies of same inode created. Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--exceptions', default=False, action=Util.StoreBoolean, dest='exceptions', help="Log full exception data"); parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, dest='verbose', help='Increase the verbosity') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + Tardis.__versionstring__, help='Show the version') parser.add_argument('--help', '-h', action='help') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', default=None, help="List of files to regenerate") Util.addGenCompletions(parser) return parser.parse_args(remaining)
# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import ConfigParser import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Util as Util configDefaults = { 'Database': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), 'Client': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), 'DBDir': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR'), 'DBName': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), 'Password': None, 'PasswordFile': None, 'PasswordProg': None, 'Crypt': str(True), 'KeyFile': None, 'LogFiles': None, 'Verbosity': str(0), 'Schema': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_SCHEMA') } config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(configDefaults) job = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(TardisFS, self).__init__(*args, **kw) try: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') database = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') dbdir = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR') % { 'TARDIS_DB': database } # HACK dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') # Parameters self.database = database self.client = client self.repoint = False self.password = None self.pwfile = None self.pwprog = None self.keys = None self.dbname = dbname self.dbdir = dbdir self.cachetime = 60 self.nocrypt = False self.noauth = False self.current = current self.authenticate = True self.crypt = None logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) self.log = logging.getLogger("TardisFS") self.parser.add_option( "--database", '-D', help="Path to the Tardis database directory") self.parser.add_option("--client", '-C', help="Client to load database for") self.parser.add_option( "--password", '-P', help= "Password for this archive (use '-o password='******'-o password='******'nocrypt', help="Disable encryption") self.parser.add_option(mountopt='noauth', help="Disable authentication") self.parser.add_option( mountopt='current', help="Name to use for most recent complete backup") res = self.parse(values=self, errex=1) self.mountpoint = res.mountpoint = "TardisFS:<{}/{}>".format(self.database, self.client) password = Util.getPassword(self.password, self.pwfile, self.pwprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (self.client)) self.password = None self.cache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime)) self.fileCache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime), 'FileCache') #if password: # self.crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, self.client) (self.tardis, self.cacheDir, self.crypt) = Util.setupDataConnection(self.database, self.client, password, self.keys, self.dbname, self.dbdir) password = None # Remove the crypto object if not encyrpting files. if self.nocrypt or self.nocrypt is None: self.crypt = None if self.noauth or self.noauth is None: self.authenticate = False # Create a regenerator. self.regenerator = Regenerator.Regenerator(self.cacheDir, self.tardis, crypt=self.crypt) self.files = {} # Fuse variables self.flags = 0 self.multithreaded = 0 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) sys.exit(2)
# CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import configparser import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults import Tardis.Util as Util configDefaults = { 'Database': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB'), 'Client': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT'), 'DBDir': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR'), 'DBName': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME'), 'Password': None, 'PasswordFile': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_PWFILE'), 'PasswordProg': None, 'Crypt': str(True), 'KeyFile': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_KEYFILE'), 'LogFiles': None, 'Verbosity': str(0), 'Schema': Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_SCHEMA') } config = configparser.ConfigParser(configDefaults, allow_no_value=True) job = None
import zlib import daemonize import base64 from flask import Flask, Response, session, request, url_for, abort, redirect, make_response from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop import Tardis import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.CacheDir as CacheDir import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults basedir = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') port = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') configName = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_CONFIG') pidFile = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PIDFILE') configDefaults = { 'Port' : port, 'Database' : basedir, 'DBName' : dbname, 'LogFile' : None, 'LogExceptions' : str(False), 'Verbose' : '0', 'Daemon' : str(False), 'User' : None, 'Group' : None,
import zlib import daemonize import base64 from flask import Flask, Response, session, request, url_for, abort, redirect, make_response from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop import Tardis import Tardis.TardisDB as TardisDB import Tardis.Util as Util import Tardis.CacheDir as CacheDir import Tardis.Defaults as Defaults basedir = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') port = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PORT') configName = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_CONFIG') pidFile = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_REMOTE_PIDFILE') configDefaults = { 'Port' : port, 'Database' : basedir, 'DBName' : dbname, 'LogFile' : '', 'LogExceptions' : str(False), 'Verbose' : '0', 'Daemon' : str(False), 'User' : '', 'Group' : '',
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(TardisFS, self).__init__(*args, **kw) try: client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') database = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') dbdir = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR') % { 'TARDIS_DB': database } # HACK dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') # Parameters self.database = database self.client = client self.repoint = False self.password = None self.pwfile = None self.pwprog = None self.keys = None self.dbname = dbname self.dbdir = dbdir self.cachetime = 60 self.nocrypt = False self.noauth = False self.current = current self.authenticate = True self.crypt = None logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) self.log = logging.getLogger("TardisFS") self.parser.add_option("--database", '-D', help="Path to the Tardis database directory") self.parser.add_option("--client", '-C', help="Client to load database for") self.parser.add_option("--password", '-P', help="Password for this archive (use '-o password='******'-o password='******'nocrypt', help="Disable encryption") self.parser.add_option(mountopt='noauth', help="Disable authentication") self.parser.add_option(mountopt='current', help="Name to use for most recent complete backup") res = self.parse(values=self, errex=1) self.mountpoint = res.mountpoint = "TardisFS:<{}/{}>".format(self.database, self.client) password = Util.getPassword(self.password, self.pwfile, self.pwprog, prompt="Password for %s: " % (self.client)) self.password = None self.cache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime)) self.fileCache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime), 'FileCache') #if password: # self.crypt = TardisCrypto.TardisCrypto(password, self.client) (self.tardis, self.cacheDir, self.crypt) = Util.setupDataConnection(self.database, self.client, password, self.keys, self.dbname, self.dbdir) password = None # Remove the crypto object if not encyrpting files. if self.nocrypt or self.nocrypt is None: self.crypt = None if self.noauth or self.noauth is None: self.authenticate = False # Create a regenerator. self.regenerator = Regenerator.Regenerator(self.cacheDir, self.tardis, crypt=self.crypt) self.files = {} # Fuse variables self.flags = 0 self.multithreaded = 0 except Exception as e: self.log.exception(e) sys.exit(2)
class TardisFS(LoggingMixIn, Operations): """ FUSE filesystem to read data from a Tardis Backup Database """ # Disable pylint complaints about "could me a function" and "unused argument" as lots of required FUSE functions # just return "read-only FS" status # pragma pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument backupsets = {} dirInfo = {} fsencoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() name = "TardisFS" client = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_CLIENT') database = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DB') dbdir = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBDIR') % { 'TARDIS_DB': database } # HACK dbname = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_DBNAME') current = Defaults.getDefault('TARDIS_RECENT_SET') def __init__(self, db, cache, crypto, args): self.cacheDir = cache self.crypt = crypto self.tardis = db # Create a regenerator. self.regenerator = Regenerator.Regenerator(self.cacheDir, self.tardis, crypt=self.crypt) self.files = {} # Set up some caches. self.cachetime = 60 self.cache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime)) self.fileCache = Cache.Cache(0, float(self.cachetime), 'FileCache') self.authenticate = True def __del__(self): if self.tardis: self.tardis.close() def __repr__(self): return def fsEncodeName(self, name): return name def getBackupSetInfo(self, b): key = (_BackupSetInfo, b) info = self.cache.retrieve(key) if info: return info info = self.tardis.getBackupSetInfo(b) self.cache.insert(key, info) return info def lastBackupSet(self, completed): key = (_LastBackupSet, completed) backupset = self.cache.retrieve(key) if backupset: return backupset backupset = self.tardis.lastBackupSet(completed=completed) self.cache.insert(key, backupset) return backupset def getDirInfo(self, path): """ Return the inode and backupset of a directory """"getDirInfo: %s", path) key = (_DirInfo, path) info = self.cache.retrieve(key) if info: return info #self.log.debug("No cache info available for %s", path) parts = getParts(path) bsInfo = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if len(parts) == 2: subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) #fInfo = self.getFileInfoByPath(subpath, bsInfo['backupset']) fInfo = self.getFileInfoByPath(path)"fInfo %s %s %s", parts[1], "**", str(fInfo)) info = (bsInfo, fInfo) else: fInfo = {'inode': 0, 'device': 0, 'dir': 1} info = (bsInfo, fInfo) if info: self.cache.insert(key, info) return info def getFileInfoByPath(self, path):"getFileInfoByPath: %s", path) # First, check the cache f = self.fileCache.retrieve(path) if f: #self.log.debug("getFileInfoByPath: %s found in cache", path) return f # Not in the cache, look things up #self.log.debug("File info for %s not in cache", path) (head, tail) = os.path.split(path) data = self.getDirInfo(head) if data: bsInfo, dInfo = data else: return None if bsInfo: if self.crypt: tail = self.crypt.encryptPath(tail) #self.log.debug(str(dInfo)) f = self.tardis.getFileInfoByName(tail, (dInfo['inode'], dInfo['device']), bsInfo['backupset']) else: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) #self.log.debug("getFileInfoByPath: %s=>%s", parts[1], subpath) f = self.tardis.getFileInfoByPath(subpath, b['backupset']) # Cache it. self.fileCache.insert(path, f) # Return it return f #@tracer def getattr(self, path, fh=None): """ - st_mode (protection bits) - st_ino (inode number) - st_dev (device) - st_nlink (number of hard links) - st_uid (user ID of owner) - st_gid (group ID of owner) - st_size (size of file, in bytes) - st_atime (time of most recent access) - st_mtime (time of most recent content modification) - st_ctime (platform dependent; time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows). """"CALL getattr: %s", path) path = self.fsEncodeName(path) depth = getDepth(path) # depth of path, zero-based from root if depth == 0: # Fake the root target = self.lastBackupSet(False) timestamp = float(target['starttime']) st = { 'st_mode': stat.S_IFDIR | 0o555, 'st_ino': 0, 'st_dev': 0, 'st_nlink': 32, 'st_uid': 0, 'st_gid': 0, 'st_size': 4096, 'st_atime': timestamp, 'st_mtime': timestamp, 'st_ctime': timestamp, } return st elif depth == 1: # Root directory contents lead = getParts(path) if lead[0] == self.current: target = self.lastBackupSet(True) timestamp = float(target['endtime']) st = { 'st_mode': stat.S_IFLNK | 0o755, 'st_ino': 1, 'st_dev': 0, 'st_nlink': 1, 'st_uid': 0, 'st_gid': 0, 'st_size': 4096, 'st_atime': timestamp, 'st_mtime': timestamp, 'st_ctime': timestamp } return st else: f = self.getBackupSetInfo(lead[0]) #self.log.debug("Got backupset info for %s: %s", lead[0], str(f)) if f: timestamp = float(f['starttime']) st = { 'st_mode': stat.S_IFDIR | 0o555, 'st_ino': int(float(f['starttime'])), 'st_dev': 0, 'st_nlink': 2, 'st_uid': 0, 'st_gid': 0, 'st_size': 4096, 'st_atime': timestamp, 'st_mtime': timestamp, 'st_ctime': timestamp } return st else: f = self.getFileInfoByPath(path) if f: st = { 'st_mode': f["mode"], 'st_ino': f["inode"], 'st_dev': 0, 'st_nlink': f["nlinks"], 'st_uid': f["uid"], 'st_gid': f["gid"], 'st_atime': f["mtime"], 'st_mtime': f["mtime"], 'st_ctime': f["ctime"] } if f["size"] is not None: st['st_size'] = int(f["size"]) elif f["dir"]: st['st_size'] = 4096 # Arbitrary number else: st['st_size'] = 0 return st logger.debug("File not found: %s", path) raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) #@tracer #def getdir(self, _, fh): #""" #return: [[('file1', 0), ('file2', 0), ... ]] #"""'CALL getdir {}'.format(path)) #raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) #@tracer def readdir(self, path, offset):"CALL readdir %s Offset: %d", path, offset) parent = None path = self.fsEncodeName(path) key = (_DirContents, path) dirents = self.cache.retrieve(key) if not dirents: dirents = ['.', '..'] depth = getDepth(path) if depth == 0: dirents.append(self.current) entries = self.tardis.listBackupSets() dirents.extend([y['name'] for y in entries]) else: parts = getParts(path) if depth == 1: b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) entries = self.tardis.readDirectory((0, 0), b['backupset']) else: (b, parent) = self.getDirInfo(path) entries = self.tardis.readDirectory((parent["inode"], parent["device"]), b['backupset']) #if self.crypt: #entries = self.decryptNames(entries) # For each entry, cache it, so a later getattr() call can use it. # Get attr will typically be called promptly after a call to now = time.time() for e in entries: name = e['name'] if self.crypt: name = self.crypt.decryptFilename(name) name = self.fsEncodeName(name) p = os.path.join(path, name) self.fileCache.insert(p, e, now=now) dirents.append(name) self.cache.insert(key, dirents) #self.log.debug("Direntries: %s", str(dirents)) # Now, return each entry in the list. for e in dirents: name = e #self.log.debug("readdir %s yielding dir entry for %s. Mode: %s. Type: %s ", path, e, mode, type(mode)) yield name #@tracer def mythread ( self ):'mythread') raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOSYS) #@tracer def chmod ( self, path, mode ):'CALL chmod {} {}'.format(path, oct(mode))) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def chown ( self, path, uid, gid ): 'CALL chown {} {} {}'.format(path, uid, gid)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def fsync ( self, path, isFsyncFile ): 'CALL fsync {} {}'.format(path, isFsyncFile)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def link ( self, targetPath, linkPath ): 'CALL link {} {}'.format(targetPath, linkPath)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def mkdir ( self, path, mode ): 'CALL mkdir {} {}'.format(path, oct(mode))) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def mknod ( self, path, mode, dev ): 'CALL mknod {} {} {}'.format(path, oct(mode), dev)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def open ( self, path, flags ):'CALL open {} {})'.format(path, flags)) path = self.fsEncodeName(path) depth = getDepth(path) # depth of path, zero-based from root if depth < 2: raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) # TODO: Lock this if path in self.files: self.files[path]["opens"] += 1 return 0 parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if b: subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) f = self.regenerator.recoverFile(subpath, b['backupset'], nameEncrypted=True, authenticate=self.authenticate) if f: logger.debug("Opened file %s", path) try: f.flush() except (AttributeError, IOError) as e: logger.exception(e) bytesCopied = 0 logger.debug("Copying file to tempfile") temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile() chunk = while chunk: bytesCopied = bytesCopied + len(chunk) temp.write(chunk) chunk = f.close() logger.debug("Copied %d bytes to tempfile", bytesCopied) temp.flush() f = temp self.files[path] = {"file": f, "opens": 1} logger.debug("Set files[%s] => %s", path, str(self.files[path])) return 0 # Otherwise..... raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) #@tracer def read ( self, path, length, offset, fh ):'CALL read {} {} {}'.format(path, length, offset)) path = self.fsEncodeName(path) f = self.files[path]["file"] if f: data = logger.debug("Actually read %d bytes of %s", len(data), type(data)) return data logger.warning("No file for path %s", path) raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) #@tracer def readlink ( self, path ):'CALL readlink {}'.format(path)) path = self.fsEncodeName(path) key = (_LinkContents, path) link = self.cache.retrieve(key) if link: return link if path == '/' + self.current: target = self.lastBackupSet(True) logger.debug("Path: %s Target: %s %s", path, target['name'], target['backupset']) link = str(target['name']) self.cache.insert(key, link) return link elif getDepth(path) > 1: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if b: subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) f = self.regenerator.recoverFile(subpath, b['backupset'], nameEncrypted=True, authenticate=self.authenticate) f.flush() link = f.readline() f.close() if self.repoint: if os.path.isabs(link): link = os.path.join(self.mountpoint, parts[0], os.path.relpath(link, "/")) self.cache.insert(key, link) return link raise FuseOSError(errno.ENOENT) #@tracer def release ( self, path, flags ): path = self.fsEncodeName(path) if self.files[path]: self.files[path]["opens"] -= 1 if self.files[path]["opens"] == 0: self.files[path]["file"].close() del self.files[path] return 0 raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) #@tracer def rename ( self, oldPath, newPath ):'CALL rename {} {}'.format(oldPath, newPath)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def rmdir ( self, path ):'CALL rmdir {}'.format(path)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) #@tracer def statfs ( self, path ):'CALL statfs: %s', path) if isinstance(self.cacheDir, CacheDir.CacheDir): fs = os.statvfs(self.cacheDir.root) return dict((key, getattr(fs, key)) for key in ( 'f_bavail', 'f_bfree', 'f_blocks', 'f_bsize', 'f_favail', 'f_ffree', 'f_files', 'f_flag', 'f_frsize', 'f_namemax')) raise FuseOSError(errno.EINVAL) def symlink ( self, targetPath, linkPath ):'CALL symlink {} {}'.format(path, linkPath)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) def truncate ( self, path, size ):'CALL truncate {} {}'.format(path, size)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) def unlink ( self, path ):'CALL unlink {}'.format(path)) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) def write ( self, path, buf, offset ):'CALL write {} {} {}'.format(path, offset, len(buf))) raise FuseOSError(errno.EROFS) # Map extrenal attribute names for the top level directories to backupset info names attrMap = { 'user.priority' : 'priority', 'user.complete' : 'completed', 'user.backupset': 'backupset', 'user.session' : 'session' } #@tracer #def listxattr ( self, path, size ): def listxattr(self, path): path = self.fsEncodeName(path)'CALL listxattr %s %d', path, size) if getDepth(path) == 1: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if b: return list(self.attrMap.keys()) if getDepth(path) > 1: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if b: subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) info = self.tardis.getFileInfoByPath(subpath, b['backupset']) if info: attrs = ['user.tardis_checksum', 'user.tardis_since', 'user.tardis_chain']"xattrs: %s", info['xattrs']) if info['xattrs']: f = self.regenerator.recoverChecksum(info['xattrs'], authenticate=self.authenticate) xattrs = json.loads( logger.debug("Xattrs: %s", str(xattrs)) attrs += list(map(str, list(xattrs.keys()))) logger.debug("Adding xattrs: %s", list(xattrs.keys()))"Xattrs: %s", str(attrs))"Returning: %s", str(attrs)) return attrs return None #@tracer #def getxattr (self, path, attr, size, *args): def getxattr(self, path, attr, position=0): path = self.fsEncodeName(path)'CALL getxattr: %s %s', path, attr) attr = str(attr) depth = getDepth(path)"Got depth of path %s -> %s", path, depth) if depth == 1: if attr in self.attrMap: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) if self.attrMap[attr] in list(b.keys()): return bytes(str(b[self.attrMap[attr]]), 'utf-8') if depth > 1: parts = getParts(path) b = self.getBackupSetInfo(parts[0]) subpath = parts[1] if self.crypt: subpath = self.crypt.encryptPath(subpath) #logger.debug("-----> Asking for attribute %s", attr) if attr == 'user.tardis_checksum': if b: checksum = self.tardis.getChecksumByPath(subpath, b['backupset']) #logger.debug("Got checksum {}", str(checksum)) if checksum: return bytes(str(checksum), 'utf-8') elif attr == 'user.tardis_since': if b: since = self.tardis.getFirstBackupSet(subpath, b['backupset']) #self.log.debug(str(since)) if since: return bytes(str(since), 'utf-8') elif attr == 'user.tardis_chain': info = self.tardis.getChecksumInfoByPath(subpath, b['backupset']) #self.log.debug(str(checksum)) if info: chain = info['chainlength'] return bytes(str(chain), 'utf-8') else: # Must be an imported value. Let's generate it. info = self.getFileInfoByPath(path) if info['xattrs']: f = self.regenerator.recoverChecksum(info['xattrs'], authenticate=self.authenticate) xattrs = json.loads( if attr in xattrs: value = base64.b64decode(xattrs[attr]) return bytes(str(value), 'utf-8') #self.log.debug("Getxattr -- default return value") return bytes('', 'utf-8')