Example #1
    if len(options) != 0:  # enter task the manual way
        for opt, val in options:
            if opt == "-t":  # collect task name
                task = val
            elif opt == "-d":  # collect the duedate
                duedate = val
            elif opt == "-p":  # collect the priority of task
                priority = val
            elif opt == "-h":  # display help
            elif opt == "-f":  # force option if some options are missing
                forceOption = True

        # check if user wants to continue if they have missing options
        if forceOption and task == None or duedate == None or priority == None:
            print("Warning: Missing one or more options. Proceed?")
            proceed_opt = input()
            if "n" in proceed_opt or "N" in proceed_opt:

        duedate = DateTimeNLPEngine(
            duedate).parseForTime()  # obtain due date from text
        priority = DateTimeNLPEngine(
            priority).parseForPriority()  # obtain priority from text
        taskObj = TaskObject(task, duedate,
                             priority)  # create a task object for this task
    else:  # enter task directly
        print("fail lol")