Example #1
 def blind(self,bmin=None,bmax=None,**kwargs):
   """Return selection string that blinds some window (bmin,bmax),
   making sure the cuts match the bin edges of some (nbins,xmin,xmax) binning."""
   verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(self,kwargs)
   if bmin==None:
     bmin = self.blindcuts[0]
   if bmax<bmin:
     bmax, bmin = bmin, bmax
   LOG.insist(bmax>bmin,'Variable.blind: "%s" has window a = %s <= %s = b !'%(self._name,bmin,bmax))
   blindcut = ""
   xlow, xhigh = bmin, bmax
   nbins, xmin, xmax = self.nbins, self.min, self.max
   if self.hasvariablebins():
     bins = self.bins
     for xval in bins:
       if xval>bmin: break
       xlow = xval
     for xval in reversed(bins):
       if xval<bmax: break
       xhigh = xval
     binwidth   = float(xmax-xmin)/nbins
     if xmin<bmin<xmax:
       bin, rem = divmod(bmin-xmin,binwidth)
       xlow     = bin*binwidth
     if xmin<bmax<xmax:
       bin, rem = divmod(bmax-xmin,binwidth)
       if rem>0:
         bin   += 1
       xhigh    = bin*binwidth
   blindcut = "(%s<%s || %s<%s)"%(self.name,xlow,xhigh,self.name)
   LOG.verb('Variable.blind: blindcut = "%s" for a (%s,%s) window and (%s,%s,%s) binning'%(blindcut,bmin,bmax,nbins,xmin,xmax),verbosity,2) 
   return blindcut
Example #2
def match(terms, labels, **kwargs):
    """Match given search terms (strings) to some given list of labels."""
    verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
    terms = ensurelist(terms, nonzero=True)  # search terms
    labels = ensurelist(labels, nonzero=True)  # labels to match to
    found = True
    regex = kwargs.get('regex',
                       False)  # use regexpr patterns (instead of glob)
    incl = kwargs.get(
        'incl', True
    )  # match at least one term; if incl=False ("exclusive"), match every term
    start = kwargs.get('start', False)  # match only beginning of string
        "match: compare labels=%s -> searchterms=%s (incl=%s,regex=%s)" %
        (labels, terms, incl, regex), verbosity, 3)
    if not terms:
        return False
    for i, searchterm in enumerate(terms):
        if not searchterm: continue
        if not regex:  # convert glob to regexp
            #fnmatch.translate( '*.foo' )
            #searchterm = re.sub(r"(?<!\\)\+",r"\+",searchterm)   # replace + with \+
            #searchterm = re.sub(r"([^\.])\*",r"\1.*",searchterm) # replace * with .*
            searchterm = re.escape(searchterm).replace(r'\?', '.').replace(
                r'\*', '.*?').replace(r'\^', '^')
        if start and not searchterm.startswith('^'):
            searchterm = '^' + searchterm
        terms[i] = searchterm
    if incl:  # inclusive: match only one search term
        for searchterm in terms:
            for label in labels:
                matches = re.findall(searchterm, label)
                if matches:
                        "  matched %r -> %r; return True" %
                        (label, searchterm), verbosity, 3)
                    return True  # one search terms is matched
                    LOG.verb("  not matched %r -> %r" % (label, searchterm),
                             verbosity, 3)
        return False  # no search term was matched
    else:  # exclusive: match all search terms
        for searchterm in terms:
            for label in labels:
                matches = re.findall(searchterm, label)
                if matches:
                    LOG.verb("  matched %r -> %r" % (label, searchterm),
                             verbosity, 3)
                    LOG.verb("  not matched %r -> %r" % (label, searchterm),
                             verbosity, 3)
                return False  # this search terms was not matched
        return True  # all search terms were matched
Example #3
 def addoverflow(self,**kwargs):
   """Modify variable name in order to add the overflow to the last bin."""
   verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(self,kwargs)
   if self.hasvariablebins():
     width     = self.bins[-1]-self.bins[-2]
     threshold = self.bins[-2] + 0.90*width
     width     = (self.max-self.min)/float(self.nbins)
     threshold = self.max - 0.90*width
   self.name   = "min(%s,%s)"%(self._name,threshold)
   LOG.verb("Variable.addoverflow: '%s' -> '%s' for binning '%s'"%(self._name,self.name,self.getbins()),verbosity,2)
   return self.name
Example #4
def filtervars(vars,filters,**kwargs):
  """Filter list of variables. Allow glob patterns."""
  verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
  newvars   = [ ]
  if not filters:
    return vars[:]
  for var in vars:
    if any(match(f,[var.name,var.filename]) for f in filters):
      LOG.verb("filtervars: Matched %r, including..."%(var),verbosity,2)
      LOG.verb("filtervars: No match to %r, ignoring..."%(var),verbosity,2)
  return newvars

#from TauFW.Plotter.plot.Selection import Selection
Example #5
 def setbins(self,*args):
   """Set binning: (N,min,max), or bins if it is set"""
   LOG.verb('Variable.setbins: setting binning to %s'%(args,),level=2)
   numbers         = [a for a in args if isnumber(a)]
   bins            = [a for a in args if islist(a)  ]
   if len(numbers)==3:
     self.nbins    = numbers[0]
     self.min      = numbers[1]
     self.max      = numbers[2]
     self.bins     = None
   elif len(bins)>0:
     edges         = list(bins[0])
     self.nbins    = len(edges)-1
     self.min      = edges[0]
     self.max      = edges[-1]
     self.bins     = edges
     LOG.throw(IOError,'Variable: bad arguments "%s" for binning!'%(args,))
Example #6
 def plotfor(self, variable, **kwargs):
     """Check is variable is vetoed for this variable."""
     verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs)
     if not isinstance(variable, str):
         variable = variable.name
     for searchterm in self.veto:
         if re.search(searchterm, variable):
             LOG.verb("Variable.plotFor: Regex match of variable %r to %r" %
                      (variable, searchterm),
             return False
     for searchterm in self.only:
         if re.search(searchterm, variable):
             LOG.verb("Variable.plotFor: Regex match of variable %r to %r" %
                      (variable, searchterm),
             return True
     return len(self.only) == 0
Example #7
def createinputs(fname, sampleset, observables, bins, **kwargs):
    """Create histogram inputs in ROOT file for datacards.
       fname:       filename pattern of ROOT file
       sampleset:   SampleSet object
       observables: list of Variables objects
       bins:        list of Selection objects
    outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "")
    tag = kwargs.get('tag', "")  # file tag
    htag = kwargs.get('htag', "")  # hist tag for systematic
    filters = kwargs.get('filter',
                         None)  # only create histograms for these processes
    vetoes = kwargs.get('veto', None)  # veto these processes
    parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', True)  # MultiDraw histograms in parallel
    recreate = kwargs.get('recreate', False)  # recreate ROOT file
    replaceweight = kwargs.get('replaceweight', None)  # replace weight
    extraweight = kwargs.get('weight', "")  # extraweight
    shiftQCD = kwargs.get('shiftQCD', 0)  # e.g 0.30 for 30%
    verbosity = kwargs.get('verb', 0)
    option = 'RECREATE' if recreate else 'UPDATE'
    method = 'QCD_OSSS' if filters == None or 'QCD' in filters else None
    method = kwargs.get('method', method)

    # FILE LOGISTICS: prepare file and directories
    files = {}
    fname = os.path.join(outdir, fname)
    for obs in observables:
        obsname = obs.filename
        ftag = tag + obs.tag
        fname_ = repkey(fname, OBS=obsname, TAG=tag)
        file = TFile.Open(fname_, option)
        if recreate:
            print ">>> created file %s" % (fname_)
        for selection in bins:
            if not obs.plotfor(selection): continue
            ensureTDirectory(file, selection.filename, cd=True, verb=verbosity)
            if recreate:
                string = joincuts(selection.selection, obs.cut)
                TNamed("selection", string).Write(
                )  # write exact selection string to ROOT file for the record / debugging
                    "%s selection %r: %r" % (obsname, selection.name, string),
                    verbosity, 1)
        files[obs] = file

    for selection in bins:
        bin = selection.filename  # bin name
        print ">>>\n>>> " + color(
            " %s " % (bin), 'magenta', bold=True, ul=True)
        if htag:
            print ">>> systematic uncertainty: %s" % (color(
                htag.lstrip('_'), 'grey'))
        if recreate or verbosity >= 1:
            print ">>> %r" % (selection.selection)
        hists = sampleset.gethists(observables,

        # SAVE HIST
        ljust = 4 + max(11, len(htag))  # extra space
        TAB = LOG.table("%10.1f %10d  %-18s  %s")
        TAB.printheader('events', 'entries', 'variable',
        for obs, hist in hists.iterhists():
            name = lreplace(hist.GetName(), obs.filename).strip(
                '_')  # histname = $VAR_$NAME (see Sample.gethist)
            if not name.endswith(htag):
                name += htag  # HIST = $PROCESS_$SYSTEMATIC
            name = repkey(name, BIN=bin)
            drawopt = 'E1' if 'data' in name else 'EHIST'
            lcolor = kBlack if any(
                s in name
                for s in ['data', 'ST', 'VV']) else hist.GetFillColor()
            hist.SetFillStyle(0)  # no fill in ROOT file
            for i, yval in enumerate(hist):
                if yval < 0:
                    print ">>> replace bin %d (%.3f<0) of %r" % (
                        i, yval, hist.GetName())
                    hist.SetBinContent(i, 0)
            files[obs].cd(bin)  # $FILE:$BIN/$PROCESS_$SYSTEMATC
            hist.Write(name, TH1.kOverwrite)
            TAB.printrow(hist.GetSumOfWeights(), hist.GetEntries(),
                         obs.printbins(), name)
            deletehist(hist)  # clean memory

    # CLOSE
    for obs, file in files.iteritems():