class applyEffect(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of applyEffect """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn, Abilities and Effect for the test """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper() = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.userAbility = Ability(None)
        self.targetAbility = Ability(None)
        self.delegate = SwapAbilityDelegate()
    def swapped(self):
        """ Test that the abilities are swapped """
        self.delegate.applyEffect(self.user,, None)
        assert self.user.getAbility() is self.targetAbility, "User should have target's ability"
        assert is self.userAbility, "Target should have user's ability"
    def message(self):
        """ Test message is returned correctly """
        messages = self.delegate.applyEffect(self.user,, None)
        assert messages == [SwapAbilityDelegate.message % (self.user.getHeader(),], "Should have the Effect's message"
class perform(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of perform """
    def setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.step = HandleContactStep(self.attack)

        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper() = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()

        self.user.getAbility().onContact = self.onContact = self.onContact

        self.hitPkmn = None
        self.calledOnContact = 0
        self.messages = ["My Test Message"]

    def makesContact(self):
        """ Test that when the attack makes contact the targets contact effect is used """
        self.attack.makes_contact = True

        messages = self.step.perform(self.user,, None)

        self.assertIs(, self.hitPkmn,
                      "Should have called onContact for the Target Pkmn")
        self.assertEquals(1, self.calledOnContact,
                          "Should have called onContact only once")
        self.assertEquals(self.messages, messages,
                          "Should receive messages from the onContact")

    def doesNotMakeContact(self):
        """ Test that when the attack does not make contact nothing happens """
        self.attack.makes_contact = False

        messages = self.step.perform(self.user,, None)

        self.assertEquals(0, self.calledOnContact,
                          "Should not have called onContact")
        self.assertEquals([], messages, "Should receive no messages")

    def onContact(self, pkmnHit, pkmnWhoAttacked):
        self.hitPkmn = pkmnHit
        self.calledOnContact += 1
        return self.messages
class perform(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of perform """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.step = HandleContactStep(self.attack)
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper() = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.user.getAbility().onContact = self.onContact = self.onContact
        self.hitPkmn = None
        self.calledOnContact = 0
        self.messages = ["My Test Message"]
    def makesContact(self):
        """ Test that when the attack makes contact the targets contact effect is used """
        self.attack.makes_contact = True
        messages = self.step.perform(self.user,, None)
        self.assertIs(, self.hitPkmn, "Should have called onContact for the Target Pkmn")
        self.assertEquals(1, self.calledOnContact, "Should have called onContact only once")
        self.assertEquals(self.messages, messages, "Should receive messages from the onContact")
    def doesNotMakeContact(self):
        """ Test that when the attack does not make contact nothing happens """
        self.attack.makes_contact = False
        messages = self.step.perform(self.user,, None)
        self.assertEquals(0, self.calledOnContact, "Should not have called onContact")
        self.assertEquals([], messages, "Should receive no messages")
    def onContact(self, pkmnHit, pkmnWhoAttacked):
        self.hitPkmn = pkmnHit
        self.calledOnContact += 1
        return self.messages
Example #4
class perform(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of perform """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Step for the test """
        self.attack = Attack()
        self.originalPowerPointsValue = 10
        self.attack.currPowerPoints = self.originalPowerPointsValue
        self.step = RemovePPStep(self.attack) = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper() = self.powerPointsPressure
        self.pressure = 2
        self.usedAbility = False
    def standard(self):
        """ Test that the PP is decreased under normal circumstances """
        ppValue = 10
        self.attack.currPowerPoints = ppValue
        self.step.perform(None,, None)
        self.assertTrue(self.usedAbility, "PP Pressure should have been determined by the Target's Pressure")
        self.assertEquals(ppValue-self.pressure, self.attack.currPowerPoints, "PP should have been reduced by the Target's Pressure")
    def hitSelf(self):
        """ Test that the PP is decreased under normal circumstances """
        self.attack.hitDelegate = HitSelfDelegate()
        ppValue = 10
        self.attack.currPowerPoints = ppValue
        self.step.perform(None,, None)
        self.assertFalse(self.usedAbility, "PP Pressure should not have been determined by the Target's Pressure")
        self.assertEquals(ppValue-1, self.attack.currPowerPoints, 'PP should have been reduced by 1')
    def zero(self):
        """ Test that the PP is not decreased when already at zero """
        ppValue = 0
        self.attack.currPowerPoints = ppValue
        self.step.perform(None,, None)
        self.assertEquals(0, self.attack.currPowerPoints, 'PP should stay at 0')
    def powerPointsPressure(self):
        """ Return the power Point Pressure """
        self.usedAbility = True
        return self.pressure