Example #1
    def checkRunnableBase(self, options):
        Method to check for caveats that would prevent this tester from
        executing correctly (or not at all).

        DO NOT override this method. Instead, see .checkRunnable()
        reasons = {}
        checks = options._checks

        tag_match = False
        for t in self.tags:
            if t in options.runtags:
                tag_match = True
        if len(options.runtags) > 0 and not tag_match:
            return False

        # If something has already deemed this test a failure or is silent, return now
        if self.isFail() or self.isSilent():
            return False

        # Check if we only want to run failed tests
        if options.failed_tests and options.results_storage is not None:
            result_key = options.results_storage.get(self.getTestDir(), {})
            status = result_key.get(self.getTestName(), {}).get('FAIL', '')
            if not status:
                return False

        # Check if we only want to run syntax tests
        if options.check_input and not self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Check if we want to exclude syntax tests
        if options.no_check_input and self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Are we running only tests in a specific group?
        if options.group <> 'ALL' and options.group not in self.specs['group']:
            return False
        if options.not_group <> '' and options.not_group in self.specs['group']:
            return False

        # Store regexp for matching tests if --re is used
        if options.reg_exp:
            match_regexp = re.compile(options.reg_exp)

        # If --re then only test matching regexp. Needs to run before other SKIP methods
        # This also needs to be in its own bucket group. We normally print skipped messages.
        # But we do not want to print tests that didn't match regex.
        if options.reg_exp and not match_regexp.search(self.specs['test_name']):
            return False

        # Short circuit method and run this test if we are ignoring all caveats
        if options.ignored_caveats == 'all':
            # Still, we should abide by the derived classes
            return self.checkRunnable(options)

        # Check for deleted tests
        if self.specs.isValid('deleted'):
            reasons['deleted'] = str(self.specs['deleted'])

        # Skipped by external means (example: TestHarness part2 with --check-input)
        if self.isSkip() and self.getStatusMessage():
            reasons['skip'] = self.getStatusMessage()
        # Test is skipped
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is bool and self.specs['skip']:
            # Backwards compatible (no reason)
            reasons['skip'] = 'no reason'
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is not bool and self.specs.isValid('skip'):
            reasons['skip'] = self.specs['skip']
        # If were testing for SCALE_REFINE, then only run tests with a SCALE_REFINE set
        elif (options.scaling) and self.specs['scale_refine'] == 0:
            return False
        # If we're testing with valgrind, then skip tests that require parallel or threads or don't meet the valgrind setting
        elif options.valgrind_mode != '':
            tmp_reason = ''
            if self.specs['valgrind'].upper() == 'NONE':
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind==NONE'
            elif self.specs['valgrind'].upper() == 'HEAVY' and options.valgrind_mode.upper() == 'NORMAL':
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind==HEAVY'
            elif int(self.specs['min_parallel']) > 1 or int(self.specs['min_threads']) > 1:
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind requires serial'
            elif self.specs["check_input"]:
                tmp_reason = 'check_input==True'
            if tmp_reason != '':
                reasons['valgrind'] = tmp_reason
        # If we're running in recover mode skip tests that have recover = false
        elif options.enable_recover and self.specs['recover'] == False:
            reasons['recover'] = 'NO RECOVER'

        # Check for PETSc versions
        (petsc_status, logic_reason, petsc_version) = util.checkPetscVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not petsc_status:
            reasons['petsc_version'] = 'using PETSc ' + str(checks['petsc_version']) + ' REQ: ' + logic_reason + ' ' + petsc_version

        # Check for SLEPc versions
        (slepc_status, logic_reason, slepc_version) = util.checkSlepcVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not slepc_status and len(self.specs['slepc_version']) != 0:
            if slepc_version != None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'using SLEPc ' + str(checks['slepc_version']) + ' REQ: ' + logic_reason + ' ' + slepc_version
            elif slepc_version == None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'SLEPc is not installed'

        # PETSc and SLEPc is being explicitly checked above
        local_checks = ['platform', 'compiler', 'mesh_mode', 'method', 'library_mode', 'dtk', 'unique_ids', 'vtk', 'tecplot', \
                        'petsc_debug', 'curl', 'tbb', 'superlu', 'cxx11', 'asio', 'unique_id', 'slepc', 'petsc_version_release', 'boost', 'fparser_jit']
        for check in local_checks:
            test_platforms = set()
            operator_display = '!='
            inverse_set = False
            for x in self.specs[check]:
                if x[0] == '!':
                    if inverse_set:
                        reasons[check] = 'Multiple Negation Unsupported'
                    inverse_set = True
                    operator_display = '=='
                    x = x[1:] # Strip off the !
                x_upper = x.upper()
                if x_upper in test_platforms:
                    reasons[x_upper] = 'Duplicate Entry or Negative of Existing Entry'

            match_found = len(test_platforms.intersection(checks[check])) > 0
            # Either we didn't find the match when we were using normal "include" logic
            # or we did find the match when we wanted to exclude it
            if inverse_set == match_found:
                reasons[check] = re.sub(r'\[|\]', '', check).upper() + operator_display + ', '.join(test_platforms)

        # Check for heavy tests
        if options.all_tests or options.heavy_tests:
            if not self.specs['heavy'] and options.heavy_tests:
                reasons['heavy'] = 'NOT HEAVY'
        elif self.specs['heavy']:
            reasons['heavy'] = 'HEAVY'

        # There should only be one entry in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']
        for x in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']:
            if x != 'ALL' and not x in checks['dof_id_bytes']:
                reasons['dof_id_bytes'] = '--with-dof-id-bytes!=' + x

        # Check to make sure depend files exist
        for file in self.specs['depend_files']:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['base_dir'], file)):
                reasons['depend_files'] = 'DEPEND FILES'

        # We calculate the exe_objects only if we need them
        if self.specs["required_objects"] and checks["exe_objects"] is None:
            checks["exe_objects"] = util.getExeObjects(self.specs["executable"])

        # Check to see if we have the required object names
        for var in self.specs['required_objects']:
            if var not in checks["exe_objects"]:
                reasons['required_objects'] = '%s not found in executable' % var

        # We extract the registered apps only if we need them
        if self.specs["required_applications"] and checks["registered_apps"] is None:
            checks["registered_apps"] = util.getExeRegisteredApps(self.specs["executable"])

        # Check to see if we have the required application names
        for var in self.specs['required_applications']:
            if var not in checks["registered_apps"]:
                reasons['required_applications'] = 'App %s not registered in executable' % var

        # Check to make sure required submodules are initialized
        for var in self.specs['required_submodule']:
            if var not in checks["submodules"]:
                reasons['required_submodule'] = '%s submodule not initialized' % var

        # Check to make sure environment variable exists
        for var in self.specs['env_vars']:
            if not os.environ.has_key(var):
                reasons['env_vars'] = 'ENV VAR NOT SET'

        # Check for display
        if self.specs['display_required'] and not os.getenv('DISPLAY', False):
            reasons['display_required'] = 'NO DISPLAY'

        # Remove any matching user supplied caveats from accumulated checkRunnable caveats that
        # would normally produce a skipped test.
        caveat_list = set()
        if options.ignored_caveats:
            caveat_list = set([x.lower() for x in options.ignored_caveats.split()])

        if len(set(reasons.keys()) - caveat_list) > 0:
            tmp_reason = []
            for key, value in reasons.iteritems():
                if key.lower() not in caveat_list:

            flat_reason = ', '.join(tmp_reason)

            # If the test is deleted we still need to treat this differently
            if 'deleted' in reasons.keys():
            return False

        # Check the return values of the derived classes
        self._runnable = self.checkRunnable(options)
        return self._runnable
Example #2
    def checkRunnableBase(self, options):
        Method to check for caveats that would prevent this tester from
        executing correctly (or not at all).

        DO NOT override this method. Instead, see .checkRunnable()
        reasons = {}
        checks = options._checks

        tag_match = False
        for t in self.tags:
            if t in options.runtags:
                tag_match = True
        if len(options.runtags) > 0 and not tag_match:
            return False

        # If something has already deemed this test a failure or is silent, return now
        if self.isFail() or self.isSilent():
            return False

        # Check if we only want to run failed tests
        if options.failed_tests and options.results_storage is not None:
            result_key = options.results_storage.get(self.getTestDir(), {})
            status = result_key.get(self.getTestName(), {}).get('FAIL', '')
            if not status:
                return False

        # Check if we only want to run syntax tests
        if options.check_input and not self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Check if we want to exclude syntax tests
        if options.no_check_input and self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Are we running only tests in a specific group?
        if options.group <> 'ALL' and options.group not in self.specs['group']:
            return False
        if options.not_group <> '' and options.not_group in self.specs['group']:
            return False

        # Store regexp for matching tests if --re is used
        if options.reg_exp:
            match_regexp = re.compile(options.reg_exp)

        # If --re then only test matching regexp. Needs to run before other SKIP methods
        # This also needs to be in its own bucket group. We normally print skipped messages.
        # But we do not want to print tests that didn't match regex.
        if options.reg_exp and not match_regexp.search(
            return False

        # Short circuit method and run this test if we are ignoring all caveats
        if options.ignored_caveats == 'all':
            # Still, we should abide by the derived classes
            return self.checkRunnable(options)

        # Check for deleted tests
        if self.specs.isValid('deleted'):
            reasons['deleted'] = str(self.specs['deleted'])

        # Skipped by external means (example: TestHarness part2 with --check-input)
        if self.isSkip() and self.getStatusMessage():
            reasons['skip'] = self.getStatusMessage()
        # Test is skipped
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is bool and self.specs['skip']:
            # Backwards compatible (no reason)
            reasons['skip'] = 'no reason'
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is not bool and self.specs.isValid(
            reasons['skip'] = self.specs['skip']
        # If were testing for SCALE_REFINE, then only run tests with a SCALE_REFINE set
        elif (options.scaling) and self.specs['scale_refine'] == 0:
            return False
        # If we're testing with valgrind, then skip tests that require parallel or threads or don't meet the valgrind setting
        elif options.valgrind_mode != '':
            tmp_reason = ''
            if self.specs['valgrind'].upper() == 'NONE':
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind==NONE'
            elif self.specs['valgrind'].upper(
            ) == 'HEAVY' and options.valgrind_mode.upper() == 'NORMAL':
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind==HEAVY'
            elif int(self.specs['min_threads']) > 1:
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind requires non-threaded'
            elif self.specs["check_input"]:
                tmp_reason = 'check_input==True'
            if tmp_reason != '':
                reasons['valgrind'] = tmp_reason
        # If we're running in recover mode skip tests that have recover = false
        elif options.enable_recover and self.specs['recover'] == False:
            reasons['recover'] = 'NO RECOVER'

        # Check for PETSc versions
        (petsc_status, logic_reason,
         petsc_version) = util.checkPetscVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not petsc_status:
            reasons['petsc_version'] = 'using PETSc ' + str(
            ) + ' REQ: ' + logic_reason + ' ' + petsc_version

        # Check for SLEPc versions
        (slepc_status, logic_reason,
         slepc_version) = util.checkSlepcVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not slepc_status and len(self.specs['slepc_version']) != 0:
            if slepc_version != None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'using SLEPc ' + str(
                ) + ' REQ: ' + logic_reason + ' ' + slepc_version
            elif slepc_version == None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'SLEPc is not installed'

        # PETSc and SLEPc is being explicitly checked above
        local_checks = ['platform', 'compiler', 'mesh_mode', 'method', 'library_mode', 'dtk', 'unique_ids', 'vtk', 'tecplot', \
                        'petsc_debug', 'curl', 'superlu', 'cxx11', 'asio', 'unique_id', 'slepc', 'petsc_version_release', 'boost', 'fparser_jit',
                        'parmetis', 'chaco', 'party', 'ptscotch', 'threading']
        for check in local_checks:
            test_platforms = set()
            operator_display = '!='
            inverse_set = False
            for x in self.specs[check]:
                if x[0] == '!':
                    if inverse_set:
                        reasons[check] = 'Multiple Negation Unsupported'
                    inverse_set = True
                    operator_display = '=='
                    x = x[1:]  # Strip off the !
                x_upper = x.upper()
                if x_upper in test_platforms:
                        x_upper] = 'Duplicate Entry or Negative of Existing Entry'

            match_found = len(test_platforms.intersection(checks[check])) > 0
            # Either we didn't find the match when we were using normal "include" logic
            # or we did find the match when we wanted to exclude it
            if inverse_set == match_found:
                reasons[check] = re.sub(r'\[|\]', '', check).upper(
                ) + operator_display + ', '.join(test_platforms)

        # Check for heavy tests
        if options.all_tests or options.heavy_tests:
            if not self.specs['heavy'] and options.heavy_tests:
                reasons['heavy'] = 'NOT HEAVY'
        elif self.specs['heavy']:
            reasons['heavy'] = 'HEAVY'

        # There should only be one entry in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']
        for x in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']:
            if x != 'ALL' and not x in checks['dof_id_bytes']:
                reasons['dof_id_bytes'] = '--with-dof-id-bytes!=' + x

        # Check to make sure depend files exist
        for file in self.specs['depend_files']:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['base_dir'], file)):
                reasons['depend_files'] = 'DEPEND FILES'

        # We calculate the exe_objects only if we need them
        if self.specs["required_objects"] and checks["exe_objects"] is None:
            checks["exe_objects"] = util.getExeObjects(

        # Check to see if we have the required object names
        for var in self.specs['required_objects']:
            if var not in checks["exe_objects"]:
                    'required_objects'] = '%s not found in executable' % var

        # We extract the registered apps only if we need them
        if self.specs[
                "required_applications"] and checks["registered_apps"] is None:
            checks["registered_apps"] = util.getExeRegisteredApps(

        # Check to see if we have the required application names
        for var in self.specs['required_applications']:
            if var not in checks["registered_apps"]:
                    'required_applications'] = 'App %s not registered in executable' % var

        # Check to make sure required submodules are initialized
        for var in self.specs['required_submodule']:
            if var not in checks["submodules"]:
                    'required_submodule'] = '%s submodule not initialized' % var

        # Check to make sure environment variable exists
        for var in self.specs['env_vars']:
            if not os.environ.has_key(var):
                reasons['env_vars'] = 'ENV VAR NOT SET'

        # Check for display
        if self.specs['display_required'] and not os.getenv('DISPLAY', False):
            reasons['display_required'] = 'NO DISPLAY'

        # Remove any matching user supplied caveats from accumulated checkRunnable caveats that
        # would normally produce a skipped test.
        caveat_list = set()
        if options.ignored_caveats:
            caveat_list = set(
                [x.lower() for x in options.ignored_caveats.split()])

        if len(set(reasons.keys()) - caveat_list) > 0:
            tmp_reason = []
            for key, value in reasons.iteritems():
                if key.lower() not in caveat_list:

            flat_reason = ', '.join(tmp_reason)

            # If the test is deleted we still need to treat this differently
            if 'deleted' in reasons.keys():
            return False

        # Check the return values of the derived classes
        self._runnable = self.checkRunnable(options)
        return self._runnable
Example #3
    def checkRunnableBase(self, options):
        Method to check for caveats that would prevent this tester from
        executing correctly (or not at all).

        DO NOT override this method. Instead, see .checkRunnable()
        reasons = {}
        checks = options._checks

        tag_match = False
        for t in self.tags:
            if t in options.runtags:
                tag_match = True
        if len(options.runtags) > 0 and not tag_match:
            return False

        # If something has already deemed this test a failure
        if self.isFail():
            return False

        # Check if we only want to run syntax tests
        if options.check_input and not self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Check if we want to exclude syntax tests
        if options.no_check_input and self.specs['check_input']:
            return False

        # Are we running only tests in a specific group?
        if options.group != 'ALL' and options.group not in self.specs['group']:
            return False
        if options.not_group != '' and options.not_group in self.specs['group']:
            return False

        # Store regexp for matching tests if --re is used
        if options.reg_exp:
            match_regexp = re.compile(options.reg_exp)

        # If --re then only test matching regexp. Needs to run before other SKIP methods
        # This also needs to be in its own bucket group. We normally print skipped messages.
        # But we do not want to print tests that didn't match regex.
        if options.reg_exp and not match_regexp.search(self.specs['test_name']):
            return False

        # Short circuit method and run this test if we are ignoring all caveats
        if options.ignored_caveats == 'all':
            # Still, we should abide by the derived classes
            return self.checkRunnable(options)

        # Check for deleted tests
        if self.specs.isValid('deleted'):
            reasons['deleted'] = str(self.specs['deleted'])

        # Skipped by external means (example: TestHarness part2 with --check-input)
        if self.isSkip() and self.getStatusMessage():
            reasons['skip'] = self.getStatusMessage()
        # Test is skipped
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is bool and self.specs['skip']:
            # Backwards compatible (no reason)
            reasons['skip'] = 'no reason'
        elif self.specs.type('skip') is not bool and self.specs.isValid('skip'):
            reasons['skip'] = self.specs['skip']
        # If were testing for SCALE_REFINE, then only run tests with a SCALE_REFINE set
        elif (options.scaling) and self.specs['scale_refine'] == 0:
            return False
        # If we're testing with valgrind, then skip tests that require parallel or threads or don't meet the valgrind setting
        elif options.valgrind_mode != '':
            tmp_reason = ''
            if self.specs['valgrind'].upper() != options.valgrind_mode.upper():
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind==' + self.specs['valgrind'].upper()
            elif int(self.specs['min_threads']) > 1:
                tmp_reason = 'Valgrind requires non-threaded'
            elif self.specs["check_input"]:
                tmp_reason = 'check_input==True'
            if tmp_reason != '':
                reasons['valgrind'] = tmp_reason
        # If we're running in recover mode skip tests that have recover = false
        elif options.enable_recover and self.specs['recover'] == False:
            reasons['recover'] = 'NO RECOVER'

        # AD size check
        ad_size = int(util.getMooseConfigOption(self.specs['moose_dir'], 'ad_size').pop())
        min_ad_size = self.specs['min_ad_size']
        if min_ad_size is not None and int(min_ad_size) > ad_size:
            reasons['min_ad_size'] = "Minimum AD size %d needed, but MOOSE is configured with %d" % (int(min_ad_size), ad_size)

        # Check for PETSc versions
        (petsc_status, petsc_version) = util.checkPetscVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not petsc_status:
            reasons['petsc_version'] = 'using PETSc ' + str(checks['petsc_version']) + ' REQ: ' + petsc_version

        # Check for SLEPc versions
        (slepc_status, slepc_version) = util.checkSlepcVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not slepc_status and len(self.specs['slepc_version']) != 0:
            if slepc_version != None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'using SLEPc ' + str(checks['slepc_version']) + ' REQ: ' + slepc_version
            elif slepc_version == None:
                reasons['slepc_version'] = 'SLEPc is not installed'

        # Check for ExodusII versions
        (exodus_status, exodus_version) = util.checkExodusVersion(checks, self.specs)
        if not exodus_status:
            if checks['exodus_version'] != None:
                reasons['exodus_version'] = 'using ExodusII ' + str(checks['exodus_version']) + ' REQ: ' + exodus_version
                reasons['exodus_version'] = 'Exodus version not detected. REQ: ' + exodus_version

        # PETSc and SLEPc is being explicitly checked above
        local_checks = ['platform', 'compiler', 'mesh_mode', 'ad_mode', 'ad_indexing_type', 'method', 'library_mode', 'dtk', 'unique_ids', 'vtk', 'tecplot',
                        'petsc_debug', 'curl', 'superlu', 'mumps', 'strumpack', 'cxx11', 'asio', 'unique_id', 'slepc', 'petsc_version_release', 'boost', 'fparser_jit',
                        'parmetis', 'chaco', 'party', 'ptscotch', 'threading', 'libpng']
        for check in local_checks:
            test_platforms = set()
            operator_display = '!='
            inverse_set = False
            for x in self.specs[check]:
                if x[0] == '!':
                    if inverse_set:
                        reasons[check] = 'Multiple Negation Unsupported'
                    inverse_set = True
                    operator_display = '=='
                    x = x[1:] # Strip off the !
                x_upper = x.upper()
                if x_upper in test_platforms:
                    reasons[x_upper] = 'Duplicate Entry or Negative of Existing Entry'

            match_found = len(test_platforms.intersection(checks[check])) > 0
            # Either we didn't find the match when we were using normal "include" logic
            # or we did find the match when we wanted to exclude it
            if inverse_set == match_found:
                reasons[check] = re.sub(r'\[|\]', '', check).upper() + operator_display + ', '.join(test_platforms)

        # Check for heavy tests
        if options.all_tests or options.heavy_tests:
            if not self.specs['heavy'] and options.heavy_tests:
                reasons['heavy'] = 'NOT HEAVY'
        elif self.specs['heavy']:
            reasons['heavy'] = 'HEAVY'

        # There should only be one entry in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']
        for x in self.specs['dof_id_bytes']:
            if x != 'ALL' and not x in checks['dof_id_bytes']:
                reasons['dof_id_bytes'] = '--with-dof-id-bytes!=' + x

        # Check to make sure depend files exist
        for file in self.specs['depend_files']:
            if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.specs['base_dir'], file)):
                reasons['depend_files'] = 'DEPEND FILES'

        # We calculate the exe_objects only if we need them
        if self.specs["required_objects"] and checks["exe_objects"] is None:
            checks["exe_objects"] = util.getExeObjects(self.specs["executable"])

        # Check to see if we have the required object names
        for var in self.specs['required_objects']:
            if var not in checks["exe_objects"]:
                reasons['required_objects'] = '%s not found in executable' % var

        # We extract the registered apps only if we need them
        if self.specs["required_applications"] and checks["registered_apps"] is None:
            checks["registered_apps"] = util.getExeRegisteredApps(self.specs["executable"])

        # Check to see if we have the required application names
        for var in self.specs['required_applications']:
            if var not in checks["registered_apps"]:
                reasons['required_applications'] = 'App %s not registered in executable' % var

        # Check to make sure required submodules are initialized
        for var in self.specs['required_submodule']:
            if var not in checks["submodules"]:
                reasons['required_submodule'] = '%s submodule not initialized' % var

        # Check to make sure environment variable exists
        for var in self.specs['env_vars']:
            if not os.environ.get(var):
                reasons['env_vars'] = 'ENV VAR NOT SET'

        # Check for display
        if self.specs['display_required'] and not os.getenv('DISPLAY', False):
            reasons['display_required'] = 'NO DISPLAY'

        # Check python version
        py_version = self.specs['python']
        if (py_version is not None):
            if isinstance(py_version, int) and (py_version != sys.version_info[0]):
                reasons['python'] = 'PYTHON != {}'.format(py_version)
            elif isinstance(py_version, float) and (py_version != float('{}.{}'.format(*sys.version_info[0:2]))):
                reasons['python'] = 'PYTHON != {}'.format(py_version)
            elif isinstance(py_version, str):
                ver = py_version.split('.')
                if any(sys.version_info[i] != int(v) for i, v in enumerate(ver)):
                    reasons['python'] = 'PYTHON != {}'.format(py_version)

        # Check python packages
        py_packages = self.specs['required_python_packages']
        if py_packages is not None:
            missing = mooseutils.check_configuration(py_packages.split(), message=False)
            if missing:
                reasons['python_packages_required'] = ', '.join(['no {}'.format(p) for p in missing])

        # Check for programs
        programs = self.specs['requires']
        if (programs is not None):
            missing = []
            for prog in programs.split():
                if shutil.which(prog) is None:
            if missing:
                reasons['requires'] = ', '.join(['no {}'.format(p) for p in missing])

        # Verify working_directory is relative and available
        if self.specs['working_directory']:
            if self.specs['working_directory'][:1] == os.path.sep:
                self.setStatus(self.fail, 'ABSOLUTE PATH DETECTED')
            elif not os.path.exists(self.getTestDir()):
                self.setStatus(self.fail, 'WORKING DIRECTORY NOT FOUND')

        ##### The below must be performed last to register all above caveats #####
        # Remove any matching user supplied caveats from accumulated checkRunnable caveats that
        # would normally produce a skipped test.
        caveat_list = set()
        if options.ignored_caveats:
            caveat_list = set([x.lower() for x in options.ignored_caveats.split()])

        if len(set(reasons.keys()) - caveat_list) > 0:
            tmp_reason = []
            for key, value in reasons.items():
                if key.lower() not in caveat_list:

            flat_reason = ', '.join(tmp_reason)

            # If the test is deleted we still need to treat this differently
            if 'deleted' in reasons.keys():
                if options.extra_info:
            elif self.getStatus() == self.fail:
                return False
            return False

        # Check the return values of the derived classes
        self._runnable = self.checkRunnable(options)
        return self._runnable