def _on_left_down(self, event): #TODO: change event to fire with mouse key down, not only at the moment press dxy = event.GetPosition() dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('WHITE', 1)) self.canvas.Draw(True) dc.DrawLine(self.canvas_size / 2, self.canvas_size / 2, dxy[0], dxy[1]) dc.DrawCircle(dxy[0], dxy[1], 3) coordinates = event.GetCoords() self.runner(, MathTools.coordinates2angle(*coordinates), MathTools.vector_length(*coordinates)) self.runner(, 0.5)
def _angles2positions(self, alist): plist = [] for a in alist: if 'position' not in a.keys(): if a['servo'] in self.inverted: a['position'] = int(round( MathTools.interpolate(a['angle'], 180, -180, MY_DRIVE_SPEED_MIN, MY_DRIVE_SPEED_MAX) )) else: a['position'] = int(round( MathTools.interpolate(a['angle'], -180, 180, MY_DRIVE_SPEED_MIN, MY_DRIVE_SPEED_MAX) )) plist.append(a) return plist
def _on_left_down(self, event): #TODO: change event to fire with mouse key down, not only at the moment press dxy = event.GetPosition() dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('WHITE', 1)) self.canvas.Draw(True) dc.DrawLine(self.canvas_size / 2, self.canvas_size / 2, dxy[0], dxy[1]) dc.DrawCircle(dxy[0], dxy[1], 3) coordinates = event.GetCoords() angle = MathTools.interpolate(MathTools.vector_length(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]), 0, self.canvas_size, 0, 30) self.runner(, angle, (coordinates[1], -coordinates[0], 0)) self.runner(, 0.5)
def rotate_body(self, angle=0, axis_vector=(0, 0, 0)): from math import cos, sin angle = math.radians(angle) (l, m, n) = MathTools.normalize(*axis_vector) rotation_matrix = numpy.array([[l * l * (1 - cos(angle)) + cos(angle), m * l * (1 - cos(angle)) - n * sin(angle), n * l * (1 - cos(angle)) + m * sin(angle)], [l * m * (1 - cos(angle)) + n * sin(angle), m * m * (1 - cos(angle)) + cos(angle), n * m * (1 - cos(angle)) - l * sin(angle)], [l * n * (1 - cos(angle)) - m * sin(angle), m * n * (1 - cos(angle)) + l * sin(angle), n * n * (1 - cos(angle)) + cos(angle)]]) bot_command = [] for l in self.legs: bot_command.extend(l.rotate(rotation_matrix)) self._send(bot_command)
def _on_left_down(self, event): self.runner(, MathTools.coordinates2angle(*event.GetCoords()))