async def _chaff(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Chaff Launcher. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Chaff Launcher::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Chaff launched successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Hostile Sensors are unable to track for 20 Seconds.\n" ":rp_utility1: Minor Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **30 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Chaff failed to launch.\n" ":rp_utility1: Minor Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **30 seconds** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _scb(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Shield Cell Bank. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Shield Cell Bank::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 60: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Personal Shield Devices are recharged to full capacity.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Thermal Weaponry are recharged to full capacity.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **5 minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = elif chance > 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Personal Shield Devices failed to recharge.\n" ":rp_utility0: Thermal Weaponry failed to recharge.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Meltdown Detected.\n" "Allow **5 minutes** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Personal Shield Devices are recharged to full capacity.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: hermal Weaponry are recharged to full capacity.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _ecu(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Encryption Cracking Unit. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Encryption Cracking Unit::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 50: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Detected encrypted data deciphered.\n" ":rp_utility1: Any communications chatter intercepted.\n" ":rp_utility1: Hostile Viruses Purged.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: All deciphered data stored on memory device.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = elif chance > 80: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: The device has failed to respond.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Detected encrypted data deciphered.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Failed to intercept communications chatter.\n" ":rp_utility1: Hostile Viruses Purged.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: All deciphered data stored on memory device.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _hsl(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Heat Sink Launcher. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Heat Sink Launcher::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing...\n" ":rp_utility1: All Generated Heat successfully pulled from Utilities.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing...\n" ":rp_utility1: All Generated Heat successfully pulled from Thermal Weaponry.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Sink spin cycle initiated, preparing to launch.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Sink launched successfully.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing...\n" ":rp_utility1: All Generated Heat successfully pulled from Utilities.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing...\n" ":rp_utility1: All Generated Heat successfully pulled from Thermal Weaponry.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Sink spin cycle initiated, preparing to launch.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Heat buildup exceeds Heat Sink capacity. Preparing to Overcharge disk.\n" "WARNING: Keep clear of Heat Sink when launched;\n" ":rp_utility1: Overcharged Heat Sink launched, certain to explode on contact.\n" "Utility ready for use.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _kws(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Kill Warrant Scanner. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Kill Warrant Scanner::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing...\n" ":rp_utility1: Identity Scan Completed.\n" ":rp_utility1: Information updated to any detected Visual Assistant Systems in the squad.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **30 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility1: Identity Scan Failed.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _egg(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Electronic Ghost Generator. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Electronic Ghost Generator::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Frequencies generated successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Effective range is **100 Meters**.\n" ":rp_utility1: All individuals within 100 Meters are delirious and will experience hallucinations.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.\n" , embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Frequencies generated successfully.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Effective range is **5 Meters**.\n" ":rp_utility1: " + ( who.nick or who.display_name) + " is delirious and will experience hallucinations.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.\n", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def inventory_manipulation(self, ctx): db = await database.Database.get_connection( cooldown_check = "SELECT * FROM cheat_history WHERE user_id = $1 and code = $2 and use > $3" cooldown_data = (str(, ctx.invoked_with, ctx.message.created_at - timedelta(hours=23)) async with db.transaction(): async for (user_id, code, last_use) in db.cursor(cooldown_check, *cooldown_data): cd_end = last_use + timedelta(hours=23) difference = cd_end - ctx.message.created_at if difference > timedelta(hours=12): remaining = "almost a day" elif difference > timedelta(hours=6): remaining = "less than 12 hours" elif difference > timedelta(hours=3): remaining = "less than 6 hours" elif difference > timedelta(hours=1): remaining = "less than 3 hours" else: remaining = "less than 1 hour" to_delete = await ctx.send("You must wait for " + remaining + " to use this command again.") await asyncio.sleep(7) await to_delete.delete() return name, item, min_bound, max_bound, colour = self.cheats[ ctx.invoked_with] text = TextChecker.replace_emotes(cheat_texts[name], text = text.replace('[CMDR]', amount = random.randint(min_bound, max_bound) embed = discord.Embed(description=text, colour=colour) embed.set_author( or, await ctx.send(embed=embed) if item is not None: values = { 'item': item, 'quantity': amount, 'hack': True, 'discord_id':, # 'discord_id': 294171600478142466, 'key': config.TRANSACTION_KEY } response = await Web.get_response(iml, values) cheat_history_data = (str(, ctx.invoked_with, ctx.message.created_at) await db.execute("INSERT INTO cheat_history VALUES($1, $2, $3)", *cheat_history_data)
async def _hdp(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Holo-Me Decoy Projector. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Holo-Me Decoy Projector::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: 28 Decoy Clones projected successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Audio Shimmering transmitted successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Immune to targeting for 10 Seconds.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Decoy Clones failed to project.\n" ":rp_utility0: Audio Shimmering failed to transmit.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _vdc(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Virtual Distortion Cloak. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Virtual Distortion Cloak::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: 60 Corrupted Holograms projected per minute.\n" ":rp_utility1: Generating disruptive audio successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Immune to recognition software for ten minutes.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: 400 Corrupted Holograms erratically projected before jamming projector orb.\n" ":rp_utility1: Disrupted audio hauntingly transmitted before overloading system memory.\n" ":rp_utility1: Failed to conceal identity, drawing attention.\n" ":rp_utility1: Massive Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **2 Minutes** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _els(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Environmental Layout Scanner. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Environmental Layout Scanner::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 50: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Scan completed successfully.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Landscape and structure layout updated.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Data Package created, ready to download to a memory drive.\n" ":rp_utility1: Information updated to any detected Visual Assistant Systems in the squad.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = elif chance > 90: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Scan failed.\n" ":rp_utility0: Landscape and structure layout failed to update.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Data Package failed, purging corrupted data.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Scan completed successfully.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Landscape and structure layout updated.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Valuable insight on environment detected.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Data Package created, ready to download to a memory drive.\n" ":rp_utility1: Information updated to any detected Visual Assistant Systems in the squad.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _afmu(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Activates Auto Field Maintenance Unit. """ if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None who = who or channel = channel or chance = random.randint(1, 100) embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Auto Field Maintenance Unit::**") if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: embed.set_author(name=who) if chance <= 50: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Armor Integrity restored to 100%.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Armor Modifier Integrity restored to 100%.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Malfunctioned Accessories restored to 100%.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Malfunctioned Utilities restored to 100%.\n" ":rp_utility1: Large Heat Surge Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Meltdown Detected.\n" "Allow **10 minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = elif chance > 75: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Module Malfunction Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Armor Integrity ignored by device.\n" ":rp_utility0: Armor Modifier Integrity ignored by device.\n" ":rp_utility0: Malfunctioned Accessories ignored by device.\n" ":rp_utility0: Malfunctioned Utilities ignored by device.\n" ":rp_utility1: Large Heat Surge Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Meltdown Detected.\n" "Allow **10 minutes** for utility to cool before triggering.", embed.colour = else: embed.description = TextChecker.replace_emotes( "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Armor Integrity ignored by device.\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility0: Armor Modifier Integrity ignored by device.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Malfunctioned Accessories restored to 100%.\n" "Processing…\n" "Processing…\n" ":rp_utility1: Malfunctioned Utilities restored to 100%.\n" ":rp_utility1: Large Heat Surge Detected.\n" ":rp_utility0: Meltdown Detected.\n" "Allow **10 minutes** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", embed.colour = await channel.send('', embed=embed)
async def _hack(self, ctx, who=None, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Initiates hack with specified difficulty. """ prompt = await'{} is trying to hack something. Please select the level.'.format( await prompt.add_reaction('1\u20e3') await prompt.add_reaction('2\u20e3') await prompt.add_reaction('3\u20e3') await prompt.add_reaction('4\u20e3') await prompt.add_reaction('5\u20e3') await prompt.add_reaction('6\u20e3') self.prompt = prompt difficulty = 0 try: reaction, user = await'reaction_add', check=self.react_check, timeout=60.0) reaction = reaction.emoji if reaction == '1\u20e3': difficulty = 1 elif reaction == '2\u20e3': difficulty = 2 elif reaction == '3\u20e3': difficulty = 3 elif reaction == '4\u20e3': difficulty = 4 elif reaction == '5\u20e3': difficulty = 5 elif reaction == '6\u20e3': difficulty = 6 except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send('Admin is bussy. Please try to set the hack again later!') return if not await can_manage_bot(ctx): who = None channel = None difficulty = abs(difficulty) if difficulty > 0: limit = [ 10, 25, 40, 50, 70, 75, ] else: limit = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ] who = who or channel = channel or embed = discord.Embed(title="**::Hacking sequence initiated for Security Level {}::**".format(abs(difficulty)), description=TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Encryption Cracking Unit paired with device.\n" ":rp_utility1: Emulation Program Functional.\n" ":rp_utility1: Data Package Compilation Program Functional.\n" ":rp_utility1: Virus Defense Program Functional.",, if isinstance(who, discord.Member): embed.set_author(name=who.nick or who.display_name, icon_url=who.avatar_url) else: if who is not None: embed.set_author(name=who) else: embed.set_author(name='Unknown user') message = await channel.send('', embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep( for i in range(abs(difficulty)): if i > 0: embed.remove_field(0) await asyncio.sleep( prob = random.randint(0, 100) if prob > limit[i]: embed.add_field(name="**[Core Process {} of {}]**".format(i + 1, abs(difficulty)), value=hacks_pass[i].format(, inline=False) await message.edit(embed=embed) else: embed.add_field(name="**[Core Process {} of {}]**".format(i + 1, abs(difficulty)), value=hacks_fail[i].format(, inline=False) await message.edit(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep( embed.colour = embed.add_field(name="**::Hacking sequence failed::**", value=TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility0: Encryption Cracking Unit disconnected from device.\n" ":rp_utility0: Emulation Program was locked out of the system.\n" ":rp_utility0: Data Package Failed, purging corrupted data.\n" ":rp_utility1: All hostile viruses quarantined and purged.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **30 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", await message.edit(embed=embed) return 'hack' await asyncio.sleep( embed.colour = embed.add_field(name="**::Hacking sequence was completed successfully::**", value=TextChecker.replace_emotes( ":rp_utility1: Encryption Cracking Unit paired with device.\n" ":rp_utility1: Emulation Program Operated Successfully.\n" ":rp_utility1: Data Package Created, ready for download to memory drive.\n" ":rp_utility1: All hostile viruses quarantined and purged.\n" ":rp_utility1: Heat Surge Detected.\n" "Allow **60 seconds** for utility to cool for optimal performance.", await message.edit(embed=embed) return 'hack'
async def send_article(self, event_type, schedule=False): count_select = "SELECT min(used) as usage FROM messages WHERE message_type = $1" message_select = ( "SELECT message_id, message_title, message_author, message_content, message_footer, message_color " "FROM messages WHERE message_type = $1 AND used = $2 ORDER BY " "floor(random()*(SELECT count(*) FROM messages WHERE used = $2)) LIMIT 1" ) event_insert = "INSERT INTO schedule(event_time, event_type, event_special) VALUES ($1, 2, $2)" message_update = "UPDATE messages SET used = messages.used + 1 WHERE message_id = $1" today = datetime.utcnow() tomorrow = today + timedelta(days=1) in_a_week = today + timedelta(days=7) if event_type == 1: thumbnail = 'TheDailyChat.png' time = tomorrow.replace(hour=13, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif event_type == 2: thumbnail = 'GetTheTruth.png' time = tomorrow.replace(hour=18, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif event_type == 3: thumbnail = 'Forculus_Chronometry.png' time = in_a_week.replace(hour=10, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif event_type == 4: thumbnail = 'Vector.jpg' time = tomorrow.replace(hour=22, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif event_type == 5: thumbnail = 'PrismaticMediaNews.png' time = in_a_week.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif event_type == 6: thumbnail = 'GoodMorningCubeo.png' time = in_a_week.replace(hour=8, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) else: return event_values = [time, str(event_type)] db = await Database.get_connection( async with db.transaction(): row = await db.fetchrow(count_select, event_type) values = [event_type, row['usage']] async for (message_id, message_title, message_author, message_content, message_footer, message_color) in db.cursor(message_select, *values): message_text = TextChecker.replace_emotes( message_content, channel = embed = discord.Embed(title=message_title, description=message_text, color=message_color) embed.set_author(name=message_author) embed.set_thumbnail( url='{}'.format(thumbnail)) embed.set_footer(text=message_footer) await channel.send(embed=embed) await db.execute(message_update, message_id) if schedule: await db.execute(event_insert, *event_values) await Database.close_connection(db)