class ArduinoPlotter: def __init__(self): self.plotHandler = PyPlotHandler(2000, [0, 2000, 0, 5]) self.arduinoHandler = ArduinoHandler() self.consumerThread = ThreadHandler(self.consumer_function) self.timerStatus = InfiniteTimer(0.1, self.print_buffers_status) def consumer_function(self): if self.arduinoHandler.data_waiting(): self.plotHandler.put(self.arduinoHandler.buffer_acquisition.get() * 5.0 / 1024.0) def get_buffers_status(self, separator): return self.arduinoHandler.get_buffers_status( separator) + separator + self.plotHandler.get_buffers_status() def print_buffers_status(self): print self.get_buffers_status(" - ") def start(self): self.timerStatus.start() self.consumerThread.start() self.arduinoHandler.start_acquisition() def stop(self): self.arduinoHandler.stop_acquisition() self.consumerThread.stop() self.timerStatus.stop()
def __init__(self, parent, app=None, label=None): """ Initializes all the objects for a arduino acquisition and plotting. It has: plotHandler: Handles the continuous plot. arduinoHandler: Handles the arduino acquisition. consumerThread: Redirects the acquire data from the arduinoHandler to the plotHandler. See the code of the test function in this file for an example. :param parent: The parent to be passed to the pyqtPlotWidget. :param app: If it is set, it will be passed to the plotwidget to be updated with every plot update. :param label: If it is set as a QtLabel, this label will be updated with the status of the buffers. """ self.plotHandler = None self.label = label self._init_plotHandler(parent, app) self.arduinoHandler = ArduinoHandler(qnt_ch=10) self.consumerThread = ThreadHandler(self.consumer_function) self.timerStatus = InfiniteTimer(0.05, self.print_buffers_status) self.started = False
def test(): import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) form = QtGui.QMainWindow() form.resize(800, 600) central_widget = QtGui.QWidget(form) vertical_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(central_widget) plot_handler = PyQtGraphHandler(qnt_points=5000, parent=central_widget) plot_handler.plotWidget.setYRange(-1, 1) from datetime import datetime import numpy as np def generate_point(): agr = y_value = agr.microsecond / 1000000.0 plot_handler.series.buffer.put(np.sin(2 * np.pi * y_value)) from ThreadHandler import InfiniteTimer timer = InfiniteTimer(0.001, generate_point) timer.start() plot_handler.timer.start(0) vertical_layout.addWidget(plot_handler.plotWidget) form.setCentralWidget(central_widget) app.exec_() timer.stop() plot_handler.timer.stop()
def test(): import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) form = QtGui.QMainWindow() form.resize(800, 600) central_widget = QtGui.QWidget(form) vertical_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(central_widget) plot_handler = EMGPlotHandler(qnt_points=5000, parent=central_widget, y_range=[-2.5, 2.5]) plot_handler.process_in_plotter = False plot_handler.emg_bruto.visible = True plot_handler.hilbert.visible = False plot_handler.hilbert_retificado.visible = False from datetime import datetime import numpy as np def generate_point(): agr = y_value = agr.microsecond / 1000000.0 emg_bruto = np.sin( 2 * np.pi * y_value) + 0.4 * np.sin(20 * 2 * np.pi * y_value) plot_handler.emg_bruto.buffer.put(emg_bruto + 1) from ThreadHandler import InfiniteTimer timer = InfiniteTimer(0.001, generate_point) timer.start() plot_handler.timer.start(0) vertical_layout.addWidget(plot_handler.plotWidget) form.setCentralWidget(central_widget) app.exec_() timer.stop() plot_handler.timer.stop()
def test(): import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) form = QtGui.QMainWindow() form.resize(800, 600) central_widget = QtGui.QWidget(form) vertical_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(central_widget) plot_handler = IMUGraphHandler(qnt_points=800, parent=central_widget, y_range=[-2, 2]) from datetime import datetime import numpy as np def generate_point(): agr = y_value = agr.microsecond / 1000000.0 accelx = np.sin(2*np.pi*y_value) + 0.2*np.sin(20*2*np.pi*y_value) accely = np.sin(2*np.pi*y_value + 2*np.pi/3)+ 0.2*np.sin(20*2*np.pi*y_value + 2*np.pi/3) accelz = np.sin(2*np.pi*y_value - 2*np.pi/3)+ 0.2*np.sin(20*2*np.pi*y_value - 2*np.pi/3) plot_handler.accelerometer_x.buffer.put(accelx) plot_handler.accelerometer_y.buffer.put(accely) plot_handler.accelerometer_z.buffer.put(accelz) from ThreadHandler import InfiniteTimer timer = InfiniteTimer(0.005, generate_point) timer.start() plot_handler.timer.start(0) vertical_layout.addWidget(plot_handler.plotWidget) form.setCentralWidget(central_widget) app.exec_() timer.stop() plot_handler.timer.stop()
def __init__(self): self.plotHandler = PyPlotHandler(2000, [0, 2000, 0, 5]) self.arduinoHandler = ArduinoHandler() self.consumerThread = ThreadHandler(self.consumer_function) self.timerStatus = InfiniteTimer(0.1, self.print_buffers_status)
def test(): my_arduino_handler = ArduinoHandler(port_name='/dev/ttyUSB0', qnt_ch=10) def printer(): if my_arduino_handler.data_waiting: print(my_arduino_handler.buffer_acquisition.get()) # time.sleep(0.01) # Uncomment if you want to see the buffer_acquisition to get full consumer_thr = ThreadHandler(printer) # Uncomment this to act as a data logger: # from datetime import datetime # horario = # arq = open("leituras-" + str(horario) + '-dados.txt', 'w') # arq.write("Leituras salvas com Arduino Handler - Datetime: " + str(horario) + "\n") # arq.write("leituras = [") # def saver(): # if my_arduino_handler.data_waiting: # arq.write(str(my_arduino_handler.buffer_acquisition.get())) # arq.write(', ') # consumer_thr = ThreadHandler(saver) def show_status(): print(my_arduino_handler) status_timer = InfiniteTimer(0.5, show_status) while True: print('-------------------------------') print(my_arduino_handler) print('-------------------------------') print('Menu') print('-------------------------------') print('start - Automatically Starts Everything') print('stop - Automatically Stops Everything') print('q - Quit') print('-------------------------------') print('op - open() ') print('cl - close()') print('ra - readall()') print('sth - start Consumer') print('pth - pause Consumer') print('rth - resume Consumer') print('kth - kill Consumer') print('sacq - start Aquisition') print('kacq - kill Aquisition') print('-------------------------------') if sys.version_info.major == 2: str_key = raw_input() else: str_key = input() if 'q' in str_key: my_arduino_handler.stop_acquisition() consumer_thr.stop() status_timer.stop() break elif 'op' in str_key: elif 'cl' in str_key: my_arduino_handler.close() elif 'ra' in str_key: print(my_arduino_handler.serialPort.read_all()) elif 'sth' in str_key: status_timer.start() consumer_thr.start() elif 'pth' in str_key: consumer_thr.pause() elif 'rth' in str_key: consumer_thr.resume() elif 'kth' in str_key: status_timer.stop() consumer_thr.stop() elif 'sacq' in str_key: status_timer.start() my_arduino_handler.start_acquisition() elif 'kacq' in str_key: status_timer.stop() my_arduino_handler.stop_acquisition() elif 'start' in str_key: status_timer.start() consumer_thr.start() my_arduino_handler.start_acquisition() elif 'stop' in str_key: status_timer.stop() my_arduino_handler.stop_acquisition() consumer_thr.stop()
# if new_xlim[1] >[1]: # # # print 'Limits: ' + str([self.x_values[0], self.x_values[len(self.x_values)-1]]) return self.line, ''' def show(self): def get_buffers_status(self): return "Plot: %4d" % (self.plot_buffer.qsize()) + '/' + str(self.plot_buffer.maxsize) if __name__ == '__main__': my_plot = PyPlotHandler(50000, [0, 50000, 0, 1]) from datetime import datetime def generate_point(): agr = y_value = agr.microsecond / 1000000.0 my_plot.put(y_value) #print y_value timer = InfiniteTimer(0, generate_point) timer.start() timer.stop() # force complete redraw for every plot def get_buffers_status(self): return "Plot: %4d" % (self.plot_buffer.qsize()) + '/' + str( self.plot_buffer.maxsize) def appear(self): self.timer.start(0) import sys if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_() self.timer.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': my_plot = pyqtgraphHandler(5000) from datetime import datetime def generate_point(): agr = y_value = agr.microsecond / 1000000.0 my_plot.put(np.sin(2 * np.pi * y_value)) #print y_value timer = InfiniteTimer(0.001, generate_point) timer.start() my_plot.appear()
class QtArduinoPlotter: def __init__(self, parent, app=None, label=None): """ Initializes all the objects for a arduino acquisition and plotting. It has: plotHandler: Handles the continuous plot. arduinoHandler: Handles the arduino acquisition. consumerThread: Redirects the acquire data from the arduinoHandler to the plotHandler. See the code of the test function in this file for an example. :param parent: The parent to be passed to the pyqtPlotWidget. :param app: If it is set, it will be passed to the plotwidget to be updated with every plot update. :param label: If it is set as a QtLabel, this label will be updated with the status of the buffers. """ self.plotHandler = None self.label = label self._init_plotHandler(parent, app) self.arduinoHandler = ArduinoHandler(qnt_ch=10) self.consumerThread = ThreadHandler(self.consumer_function) self.timerStatus = InfiniteTimer(0.05, self.print_buffers_status) self.started = False def _init_plotHandler(self, parent, app): """ Only initializes the plotHandler object. It is set as a method to allow override. """ self.plotHandler = PyQtGraphHandler(qnt_points=5000, parent=parent, y_range=(0, 5), app=app) def consumer_function(self): """ This method is called automatically by the consumerThread. Do not call by yourself. It redirects the read value to the plotter buffers. Override if you want to do some processing in the data before plotting. """ if self.arduinoHandler.data_waiting: self.plotHandler.series.buffer.put( self.arduinoHandler.buffer_acquisition.get()[-1] * 5.0 / 1024.0) def get_buffers_status(self, separator): """ Returns a string like: Serial: 4/1024 - Acq: 1/1024 - Plot: 30/1024 :param separator: Separates the strings, example ' - ', ' | ', '\n' :return: A string containing the status of all the buffers involved in the acquisition and plotting. """ return self.arduinoHandler.get_buffers_status(separator) + separator + \ self.plotHandler.series.get_buffers_status() def print_buffers_status(self): """ Prints the buffer status of send it to the Label if it is defined. See get_buffers_status for more information. """ if self.label is None: print(self.get_buffers_status(" - ")) else: self.label.setText( self.arduinoHandler.serial_tools_obj.description + "\tBuffers: " + self.get_buffers_status(" - ")) def start(self): """ Set a started flag to True and starts the following tasks: (in this order) timerStatus : for updating the status label. plotHandler : timer for updating the plot. consumerThread : for redirect the data from the arduino to the plotter. arduinoHandler : serial port acquisition with a thread. """ self.started = True self.timerStatus.start() self.plotHandler.timer.start(0) self.consumerThread.start() self.arduinoHandler.start_acquisition() def stop(self): """ Set a started flag to False and stops the following tasks: (in this order) arduinoHandler : serial port acquisition with a thread. consumerThread : for redirect the data from the arduino to the plotter. timerStatus : for updating the status label. plotHandler : timer for updating the plot. """ self.started = False self.arduinoHandler.stop_acquisition() self.consumerThread.stop() self.timerStatus.stop() self.plotHandler.timer.stop()