Example #1
    def __init__(self, cli_obj):
        # required
        self.language = "regsvcs"
        self.extension = "cs"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.description = "regsvcs C# VirtualAlloc method for inline shellcode injection"
        self.name = "regsvcs C# Flat Shellcode Injector"
        self.path = "regsvcs/shellcode_inject/base64"
        self.shellcode = shellcode_help.Shellcode(cli_obj)
        self.cli_opts = cli_obj
        self.payload_source_code = ''
        if cli_obj.msfvenom is not None:
            self.payload_type = cli_obj.msfvenom
        elif not cli_obj.tool:
            self.payload_type = ''
        self.cli_shellcode = False

        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
                                    "COMPILE_TO_DLL" : ["Y", "Compile to a DLL"],
                                    "INJECT_METHOD"  : ["Heap", "Virtual or Heap"],
                                    "EXPIRE_PAYLOAD" : ["X", "Optional: Payloads expire after \"Y\" days"],
                                    "HOSTNAME"       : ["X", "Optional: Required system hostname"],
                                    "DOMAIN"         : ["X", "Optional: Required internal domain"],
                                    "PROCESSORS"     : ["X", "Optional: Minimum number of processors"],
                                    "TIMEZONE"       : ["X", "Optional: Check to validate not in UTC"],
                                    "USERNAME"       : ["X", "Optional: The required user account"],
                                    "DEBUGGER"       : ["X", "Optional: Check if debugger is attached"],
                                    "SLEEP"          : ["X", "Optional: Sleep \"Y\" seconds, check if accelerated"]
Example #2
    def __init__(self, cli_obj):
        # required
        self.language = "regsvr32"
        self.extension = "sct"
        self.rating = "Excellent"
        self.description = "Regsvr32 DotNetToJScript Shellcode Injection with Process Migration"
        self.name = "Regsvr32 Shellcode Injection with Process Migration"
        self.path = "regsvr32/shellcode_inject/base64_migrate"
        self.shellcode = shellcode_help.Shellcode(cli_obj)
        self.cli_opts = cli_obj
        self.payload_source_code = ''
        if cli_obj.msfvenom is not None:
            self.payload_type = cli_obj.msfvenom
        elif not cli_obj.tool:
            self.payload_type = ''
        self.cli_shellcode = False

        # options we require user ineraction for- format is {OPTION : [Value, Description]]}
        self.required_options = {
            "PROCESS": ["userinit.exe", "Any process from System32/SysWOW64"],
            "SCRIPT_TYPE": ["JScript", "JScript or VBScript"]