def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.curr_x = 0 self.curr_y = 0 self.ball = Ball() self.ball.pos = self.pos self.ball.size = [20, 20] self.ball_w = 20 self.ball_h = 20 super(PositionTracker, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.px = [] = [] self.markers = [] self.minx = self.maxx = 0 self.miny = self.maxy = 0 self.first = True self.add_widget(self.ball) self.manual_marks = [] self.count = 0 self.cmap = CMap([10, 17, 28]) self.bind(size=self.callback_size)
class PositionTracker(DAQWidget): trailoff = 50 max_nodes = 2000 def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.curr_x = 0 self.curr_y = 0 self.ball = Ball() self.ball.pos = self.pos self.ball.size = [20, 20] self.ball_w = 20 self.ball_h = 20 super(PositionTracker, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.px = [] = [] self.markers = [] self.minx = self.maxx = 0 self.miny = self.maxy = 0 self.first = True self.add_widget(self.ball) self.manual_marks = [] self.count = 0 self.cmap = CMap([10, 17, 28]) self.bind(size=self.callback_size) def update_pos(self, pos, speed): self.curr_x, self.curr_y = pos x, y = pos self.ball.pos = [self.pos[0] + self.curr_x, self.pos[1] + self.curr_y] recalc = False if self.first: self.first = False self.minx = x self.maxx = x self.miny = y self.maxy = y else: if x < self.minx: self.minx = x recalc = True elif x > self.maxx: self.maxx = x recalc = True if y < self.miny: self.miny = y recalc = True elif y > self.maxy: self.maxy = y recalc = True if self.count > PositionTracker.max_nodes: self.px.pop() end = self.markers.pop() self.remove_widget(end) self.count += 1 self.px.insert(0, x), y) marker = Ball() marker.color = self.cmap.get_color(speed) # [0,1.0,1.0,1.0] marker.size = [5, 5] marker.pos = self.ball.pos self.recalc_pos(marker, *marker.pos) self.add_widget(marker) self.markers.insert(0, marker) self.remove_widget(self.ball) self.add_widget(self.ball) if recalc: self.recalc_all() def recalc_pos(self, mark, x, y): width = self.size[0] - 10 height = self.size[1] - 36 w = (self.maxx - self.minx) * 1.25 h = (self.maxy - self.miny) * 1.25 if w == 0 or h == 0: return ix = self.pos[0] + 5 + width * 0.125 iy = self.pos[1] + 5 + height * 0.125 rx = (x - self.minx) / w ry = (y - self.miny) / h mark.pos = [ix + rx * width, iy + ry * height] self.ball.pos = [ix + rx * width - self.ball.width / 2, iy + ry * height - self.ball.height / 2] def recalc_all(self): width = self.size[0] - 10 height = self.size[1] - 36 w = (self.maxx - self.minx) * 1.25 h = (self.maxy - self.miny) * 1.25 if w == 0 or h == 0: return ix = self.pos[0] + 5 + width * 0.125 iy = self.pos[1] + 5 + height * 0.125 trailoff = PositionTracker.trailoff j = 0 for m, x, y in zip(self.markers, self.px, rx = (x - self.minx) / w ry = (y - self.miny) / h # m.color = [0,1.0*(trailoff-j)/trailoff,1.0*j/trailoff,0.5 + 0.5*(trailoff-j)/trailoff] m.pos = [ix + rx * width, iy + ry * height] j += 1 if j > trailoff: j = trailoff rx = (self.curr_x - self.minx) / w ry = (self.curr_y - self.miny) / h self.ball.pos = [ix + rx * width - self.ball.width / 2, iy + ry * height - self.ball.height / 2] def callback_size(self, *value): self.recalc_all() def on_touch_down(self, touch): """ if(self.in_active_region(*touch.pos)): if(touch.button == 'left'): mark = Ball() mark.color = [1.0,0,0,1.0] mark.size = [12,12] mark.pos = [touch.x - 6, touch.y - 6] self.add_widget(mark) self.manual_marks.append(mark) elif(touch.button == 'right'): mark = None for m in self.manual_marks: if(m.collide_point(*touch.pos)): mark = m if(mark != None): self.remove_widget(mark) self.manual_marks.remove(mark) return True """ return True def in_active_region(self, x, y): if x > self.x + 10 and x < self.x + self.width - 20 and y > self.y + 10 and y < self.y + self.height - 46: return True return False