def merge_ranked_list(resdir, target='a'): # read two top lists and overwrite with a new top_articles.out top_articles = os.path.join(resdir, 'top_articles.out') cjt_top_articles = os.path.join(resdir, 'top_articles-cjt.out') if target == 't': top_articles = os.path.join(resdir, 'top_trials.out') cjt_top_articles = os.path.join(resdir, 'top_trials-cjt.out') if not os.path.exists(top_articles) or not os.path.exists(cjt_top_articles): logger.log('ERROR', 'two ranked lists not found', printout=True) logger.log('ERROR', '{}\n{}'.format(top_articles, cjt_top_articles), printout=True) return query_res = [dict() for _ in range(30)] top_scores = [0.] * 30 """format: 1 Q0 19737942 0 100.76604 run_name 1 Q0 25121597 1 100.21548 run_name""" with open(top_articles) as f: for line in f: q_id, _, doc_id, pos, score, _ = line.split() q_id = int(q_id) - 1 if top_scores[q_id] < float(score): top_scores[q_id] = float(score) query_res[q_id][doc_id] = float(score) # print("q_id:{} doc_id:{} score:{}".format(q_id, doc_id, score)) # print([len(q) for q in query_res]) # print(top_scores) with open(cjt_top_articles) as f_cjt: for line in f_cjt: q_id, _, doc_id, pos, score, _ = line.split() q_id = int(q_id) - 1 query_res[q_id][doc_id] = float(score) + top_scores[q_id] # sort for i, q in enumerate(query_res): # print(i, len(q)) res_od = OrderedDict(sorted(q.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)) query_res[i] = res_od # write out orig_file = 'top_articles-orig.out' if target == 'a' else \ 'top_trials-orig.out' os.rename(top_articles, os.path.join(resdir, orig_file)) with open(top_articles, 'w') as fout: for i, res in enumerate(query_res): q_id = i + 1 pos = 0 for k, v in res.items(): if pos >= cfg.CONF_SOLR['rows']: break fout.write("{} Q0 {} {} {:.6f} RUN2\n".format(q_id, k, pos, v)) pos += 1
def _query(t, target): if target == 'a': url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/query?" elif target == 't': url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/trials/query?" if 'fl' in cfg.CONF_SOLR: url += 'fl=' + cfg.CONF_SOLR['fl'] + '&' if 'rows' in cfg.CONF_SOLR: url += 'rows=' + str(cfg.CONF_SOLR['rows']) + '&' headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'UTF-8'} try: r =, data=json.dumps(t), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.log('ERROR', 'request exception: {}'.format(e)) logger.log('ERROR', r, die=True, printout=True) if r.status_code != 200: logger.log('ERROR', t, printout=True) else: logger.log('INFO', 'query processed: {}'.format(t)) res = json.loads(r.text) # pp.pprint(res) return res
def _run_exp_13(): """use manually crafted quries""" target = 'a' resdir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['vardir'], 'res-exp13-manual') # run normal queries queries_articles = [] for i in range(1, 31): if cfg.topic and i != int(cfg.topic): continue q_file = os.path.join(resdir, "a{}.query".format(i)) if not os.path.exists(q_file): logger.log('ERROR', "query #{} does not exist".format(i), printout=True) return with open(q_file) as fin: queries_articles.append({'query':}) solr.run_queries(queries_articles, resdir, target='a', save_queries=False) # run cjt queries cfg.CONF_SOLR['enable_conj_uprank'] = True queries_articles = [] q_no = [] for i in range(1, 31): if cfg.topic and i != int(cfg.topic): continue q_file = os.path.join(resdir, "a{}-cjt.query".format(i)) if not os.path.exists(q_file): continue else: q_no.append(i) with open(q_file) as fin: queries_articles.append({'query':}) solr.run_queries(queries_articles, resdir, target='a', q_no=q_no, save_queries=False) # merge two ranked lists: up-ranked the one of conjunctive merge_ranked_list(resdir) # run evaluators if cfg.evaluate and target == 'a': utils.run_evaluators(resdir)
def run_queries(queries, res_path, target, q_no=None, save_queries=True): assert target in ['a', 't', 'b'], "target source is undefined" if cfg.CONF_SOLR['enable_conj_uprank']: top_docs_a = os.path.join(res_path, 'top_articles-cjt.out') top_docs_t = os.path.join(res_path, 'top_trials-cjt.out') else: top_docs_a = os.path.join(res_path, 'top_articles.out') top_docs_t = os.path.join(res_path, 'top_trials.out') if target in ['a', 'b']: with open(top_docs_a, 'w') as top_docs: if q_no is not None and len(q_no) == len(queries): q_no = [x - 1 for x in q_no] z_queries = zip(q_no, queries) else: z_queries = zip(range(len(queries)), queries) for i, query in z_queries: # if cfg.topic and i+1 != int(cfg.topic): # print('skipping', i, cfg.topic) # continue print("querying topic #{} on articles".format(i+1)) sys.stdout.flush() ranked_docs = [] res = _query(query, target='a') for rank, doc in enumerate(res['response']['docs']): ranked_docs.append(doc['id']) # write ranked list for trec_eval topic = int(cfg.topic) if cfg.topic else i+1 top_docs.write("{} Q0 {} {} {} run_name\n". format(topic, doc['id'], rank, doc['score'])) # save query per topic if save_queries: if cfg.CONF_SOLR['enable_conj_uprank']: qfile = os.path.join(res_path, 'a{}-cjt.query'.format(i+1)) else: qfile = os.path.join(res_path, 'a{}.query'.format(i+1)) with open(qfile, 'w') as qf: qf.write(query['query'] + "\n") logger.log('INFO', "result file [{}] saved".format(top_docs_a), printout=True) if target in ['t', 'b']: with open(top_docs_t, 'w') as top_docs: for i, query in enumerate(queries): # if cfg.topic and i+1 != int(cfg.topic): # continue ranked_docs = [] print("querying topic #{} on trials".format(i+1)) res = _query(query, target='t') for rank, doc in enumerate(res['response']['docs']): ranked_docs.append(doc['id']) # write ranked list for trec_eval topic = int(cfg.topic) if cfg.topic else i+1 top_docs.write("{} Q0 {} {} {} run_name\n". format(topic, doc['id'], rank, doc['score'])) if save_queries: # save query per topic if cfg.CONF_SOLR['enable_conj_uprank']: qfile = os.path.join(res_path, 't{}-cjt.query'.format(i+1)) else: qfile = os.path.join(res_path, 't{}.query'.format(i+1)) with open(qfile, 'w') as qf: qf.write(query['query'] + "\n") logger.log('INFO', "result file [{}] saved".format(top_docs_t), printout=True)
def run_import_extra(): """ mti resulting list format (just the facts): AACR_2015-1651|Humans|C0086418|388962|1969^8^0 AACR_2015-1651|Mice|C0026809|388962|2198^4^0;2091^4^0 AACR_2015-1651|Animals|C0003062|388962|2198^4^0;2091^4^0;868^6^0;1324^7^0 AACR_2015-1651|Glioblastoma|C0017636|387962|1142^3^0;963^3^0;292^23^0 """ path_extra = cfg.PATHS['data-articles'] + '/extra_abstracts' file_mti = cfg.PATHS['data-articles'] + '/extra_mti_mesh.txt' # read mti result file, and create dict of doc to meshHeading list newMesh = dict() meshes = [] # debug = 100 if not os.path.isfile(file_mti): print(file_mti) confirm = input("meshHeading index file does not exist, continue " "[Y/n]? ").lower() if confirm != 'y': return logger.log('INFO', 'reading mti index files for extra articles', printout=True) with open(file_mti) as inf: for line in inf: terms = line.split('|') if len(terms) >= 4: id, mesh, cui, score = line.split('|')[:4] else: print("warn: not enough terms found\n\t", line) continue if id not in newMesh: newMesh[id] = set() newMesh[id].add(mesh) # debug -= 1 # if debug < 0: # break # iterate extra documents, and update (actually re-build indexes) docs doc_files = [] cnt = [0] * 3 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_extra): for file in files: if file.startswith('AACR'): cnt[0] += 1 doc_files.append(os.path.join(path_extra, file)) elif file.startswith('ASCO'): cnt[1] += 1 doc_files.append(os.path.join(path_extra, file)) else: cnt[2] += 1 logger.log('INFO', "listed files: AACR({}), ASCO({}), other({})" "".format(cnt[0], cnt[1], cnt[2]), printout=True) # if skip_files is given, rea the list skip_files = [] if cfg.skip_files and os.path.exists(cfg.skip_files): with open(cfg.skip_files) as f: skip_files = skip_fh = open(cfg.skip_files, 'a', buffering=1) else: print(cfg.skip_files, len(skip_files)) return # iterate doc files num_batch = 1000 collated = 0 et_add = None attempts = 3 url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/update?commit=true" headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} for i, file in enumerate(doc_files): if collated == 0: et_add = et.Element('add') if file in skip_files: logger.log('WARNING', 'file already imported. skipping... {}'.format(file), printout=True) sys.stdout.flush() continue logger.log('INFO', 'parsing a doc file {}'.format(file), printout=True) et_doc = et.Element('doc') with open(file) as f: # use the filename as an id filename, ext = os.path.splitext(file) id = filename.split(os.sep)[-1] et_id = et.Element('field', name='id') et_id.text = id et_doc.append(et_id) doc = doc = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else ' ' for i in doc]) doc = doc.splitlines() title, subject = doc[:2] # journal-title title = re.sub(r'^Meeting: ', '', doc[0]) if len(title) > 0: et_title = et.Element('field', name='journal-title') et_title.text = title et_doc.append(et_title) # subject subject = re.sub(r'^Title: ', '', subject) if len(subject) > 0: et_subj = et.Element('field', name='subject') et_subj.text = subject et_doc.append(et_subj) # abstract abstract = ''.join(doc[4:]) if len(abstract) > 0: et_abs = et.Element('field', name='abstract') et_abs.text = abstract et_doc.append(et_abs) # add corresponding meshHeadings if id in newMesh: for mesh in newMesh[id]: et_mesh = et.Element('field', name='meshHeading') et_mesh.text = mesh et_doc.append(et_mesh) et_add.append(et_doc) collated += 1 # run update with the collated doc files if collated >= num_batch or i >= len(doc_files) - 1: print("it.{} {} docuemtns will be updated" "".format(i, len(et_add))) while attempts > 0: r = None try: r =, data=et.tostring(et_add), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.log('ERROR', 'request exception: {}'.format(e), die=True, printout=True) if r.status_code != 200: attempts -= 1 logger.log('ERROR', 'requests error:') logger.log('ERROR', r.text) r.raise_for_status() if attempts < 0: logger.log('CRITICAL', 'terminating', die=True, printout=True) else: # - log the results logger.log('INFO', 'importing doc files in progress {}/{}'. format(i + 1, len(doc_files)), printout=True) if cfg.skip_files: skip_fh.write(file + '\n') if cfg.sms and (i + 1) % 10000 == 0: logger.sms('importing doc files {}/{}'. \ format(i + 1, len(doc_files))) collated = 0 break
def run_import_trials(): """ Given corresponding xslt file, the trials xml files are transformed and used to update the existing record or create new record in the Solr core (trials) """ batch = 500 url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/trials/update?commit=true" # - read xsl file if not os.path.isfile(cfg.PATHS['xsl-trial']): logger.log('ERROR', 'xsl-trial [{}] cannot be found'. format(cfg.PATHS['xsl-trial']), die=True, printout=True) else: logger.log('DEBUG', 'reading xsl file for clinical trials xml files') try: xslt = et.parse(cfg.PATHS['xsl-trial']) transformer = et.XSLT(xslt) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.log('ERROR', 'xsl parsing error: {}'.format(e), printout=True) # read all trial source files (*.xml) in trial data sub-directories # (total num of files must be 241006) trial_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg.PATHS['data-trials']): if not re.match(r"\d+", root.split(os.sep)[-1]): continue for file in files: if not file.endswith('xml'): continue trial_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) logger.log('INFO', '{} trials found from {}'. \ format(len(trial_files), cfg.PATHS['data-trials'])) # if skip_files is given, read the list skip_files = [] if cfg.skip_files and os.path.isfile(cfg.skip_files): with open(cfg.skip_files) as f: skip_files = skip_fh = open(cfg.skip_files, 'a', buffering=1) docs_collated = 0 skipped_files = 0 completed_files = 0 for i, file in enumerate(trial_files): attempts = 3 if file in skip_files: skipped_files += 1 if skipped_files % 1000 == 0: logger.log('INFO', 'skipping files [{}/{}]'. \ format(skipped_files, len(skip_files))) continue logger.log('INFO', 'parsing a trial file {}'.format(file)) if docs_collated == 0: req = et.Element('add') # - transform trial xml to solr update format trial_trans = transformer(et.parse(file)) # - pre-indexing nlp process utils.age_normalize(trial_trans) if docs_collated < batch: req.append(trial_trans.getroot()) docs_collated += 1 # - run update, if docs_collated reached batch or end of files if docs_collated == batch or i == len(trial_files)-1: docs_collated = 0 headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} while attempts > 0: try: r =, data=et.tostring(req), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.log('ERROR', 'request exception: {}'.format(e)) logger.log('ERROR', r, die=True, printout=True) if r.status_code != 200: attempts -= 1 logger.log('ERROR', r.text) logger.log('ERROR', 'data: \n' + str(et.tostring(req))) r.raise_for_status() if attempts < 0: logger.log('CRITICAL', 'terminating', die=True, printout=True) else: completed_files += 1 # - log the results logger.log('INFO', 'importing trial files in progress {}/{}'. \ format(i+1, len(trial_files)), printout=True) if cfg.skip_files: skip_fh.write(file + '\n') if cfg.sms and completed_files % 5000 == 0: logger.sms('importing trial files {}/{}'. \ format(i+1, len(trial_files))) break logger.log('INFO', 'importing trials completed', printout=True)
def run_import_docs(): """ Given the xslt file, the medline files will be transformed and used to update the existing record or create new record in the Solr core (articles) note that the default JVM-memory size of solr is 500Mb which is not enough for importing medline docs. Increase it to 4g as below: "./solr restart -m 4g" """ import gzip # - read xsl file if not os.path.isfile(cfg.PATHS['xsl-article']): logger.log('ERROR', 'xsl-article [{}] cannot be found'. format(cfg.PATHS['xsl-article']), die=True, printout=True) else: logger.log('DEBUG', 'reading xsl file for medline xml files') try: xslt = et.parse(cfg.PATHS['xsl-article']) transformer = et.XSLT(xslt) except: e = sys.exc_info()[0] logger.log('ERROR', 'xsl parsing error: {}'.format(e), printout=True) # read all doc source files (*.gz) in part[1..5] directories # (total num of files must be 888) doc_files = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(cfg.PATHS['data-articles']): if not re.match(r"part[1-5]", root.split(os.sep)[-1]): continue for file in files: if not file.endswith('gz'): continue doc_files.append(os.path.join(root, file)) logger.log('INFO', '{} medline documents found from {}'. \ format(len(doc_files), cfg.PATHS['data-articles'])) # for debugging # doc_files.append( # '/home/jiho/research/trec2017/data/articles/doc_sample-long.xml') # if skip_files is given, read the list skip_files = [] if cfg.skip_files and os.path.exists(cfg.skip_files): with open(cfg.skip_files) as f: skip_files = skip_fh = open(cfg.skip_files, 'a', buffering=1) for i, file in enumerate(doc_files): attempts = 3 if file in skip_files: logger.log('WARNING', 'file already imported. skipping... {}'.format(file), printout=True) sys.stdout.flush() continue logger.log('INFO', 'parsing a doc file {}'.format(file)) # - convert to a solr update xml format _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext == 'gz': doc_trans = transformer(et.parse( else: doc_trans = transformer(et.parse(file)) # pre-process using metamap [CUI] # doc_trans = utils.extract_cuis(doc_trans) # - run update with the converted file url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/update?commit=true" headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} while attempts > 0: r = None try: r =, data=et.tostring(doc_trans), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.log('ERROR', 'request exception: {}'.format(e), die=True, printout=True) if r.status_code != 200: attempts -= 1 logger.log('ERROR', 'requests error:') logger.log('ERROR', r.text) r.raise_for_status() if attempts < 0: logger.log('CRITICAL', 'terminating', die=True, printout=True) else: # - log the results logger.log('INFO', 'importing doc files in progress {}/{}'. format(i+1, len(doc_files)), printout=True) if cfg.skip_files: skip_fh.write(file + '\n') if cfg.sms and (i+1) % 100 == 0: logger.sms('importing doc files {}/{}'. \ format(i+1, len(doc_files))) break logger.log('INFO', 'importing medline documents completed', printout=True) # added for importing extra AACR documents doc_files_extra = [] path_extra = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['data-articles'], 'extra_abstracts') for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_extra): for file in files: if not file.startswith('AACR') or not file.endswith('txt'): continue doc_files_extra.append(os.path.join(root, file)) logger.log('INFO', '{} AACR documents found from {}'. \ format(len(doc_files_extra), path_extra), printout=True) # creating document xml in solr add format et_add = et.Element('add') attempts = 3 for i, file in enumerate(doc_files_extra): if file in skip_files: logger.log('WARNING', 'file already imported. skipping... {}'.format(file), printout=True) sys.stdout.flush() continue with open(file) as f: doc_lines = logger.log('INFO', 'parsing a doc file {}'.format(file), printout=True) et_doc = et.Element('doc') # use the filename as an id id, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file)) et_id = et.Element('field', name='id') et_id.text = id et_doc.append(et_id) # journal-title title = re.sub(r'^Meeting: ', '', doc_lines[0]) if len(title) > 0: et_title = et.Element('field', name='journal-title') et_title.text = title et_doc.append(et_title) # subject subject = re.sub(r'^Title: ', '', doc_lines[1]) if len(subject) > 0: et_subj = et.Element('field', name='subject') et_subj.text = subject et_doc.append(et_subj) # abstract abstract = ''.join(doc_lines[4:]) if len(abstract) > 0: et_abs = et.Element('field', name='abstract') et_abs.text = abstract et_doc.append(et_abs) et_add.append(et_doc) # - run update with the converted file url = "http://localhost:8983/solr/articles/update?commit=true" headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'} while attempts > 0: r = None try: r =, data=et.tostring(et_add), headers=headers) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.log('ERROR', 'request exception: {}'.format(e), die=True, printout=True) if r.status_code != 200: attempts -= 1 logger.log('ERROR', 'requests error:') logger.log('ERROR', r.text) r.raise_for_status() if attempts < 0: logger.log('CRITICAL', 'terminating', die=True, printout=True) else: # - log the results logger.log('INFO', 'importing doc files in progress {}/{}'. format(i+1, len(doc_files_extra)), printout=True) if cfg.skip_files: skip_fh.write(file + '\n') if cfg.sms and (i+1) % 1000 == 0: logger.sms('importing doc files {}/{}'. \ format(i+1, len(doc_files_extra))) break
def _run_exp_optimize_weights(): """ ! do not delete this run we have 5 query clauses; disease, gene, variant, demographics, others We want to randomly select weights for each, while maintaining the priorities of the groups, such that mesh:disease, mesh:gene > disease, gene, mutation > mesh:other > other > mesh:demographic for now, as an intermediate step, the order is as below: disease > gene > mutation > mesh:demographic """ target = 'a' tmpl_dir = 'var/q_tmpl-exp12' run = 100 count_update = 0 dt = strftime("%m%d%H%M%s", gmtime()) # datetime as an exp id resdir = os.path.join(cfg.PATHS['vardir'], 'res-'+dt) os.mkdir(resdir) top_k = 10 # prev_weight = random.sample(range(0, 300), 7) # below is for exp11, do not remove prev_weight = [61.7131052045164, 139.5433048356918, 177.81197097303223, 92.7144638040653, 95.5334, 224.83844597239275, 583.6807943285283, 24.860191103787024] # below is for exp12 prev_weight = [60.711201641273405, 4.880055149158676, 279.26698225881864, 10.125666977818522, 192.75185006506513, 76.04244782933952, 253.47416863967885, 212.58225480704252] prev_weight = [23.948835757798317, 13.309514268605971, 284.15669468723354, 1.1630530198432623, 155.01554494126165, 37.0197502834617, 277.45222362827445, 227.85804114860733] # [-2.2757592772051787, 4.164624621483287, 99.31682681787032, 171.97563793280884, 155.45324625453765, 75.8805921891793, 357.13763872425716, 297.9524237215415] curr_weight = deepcopy(prev_weight) variation = 5 best_score = 0 for i in range(run): logger.log('INFO', 'opt running - #{}'.format(i+1), printout=True) if i == 0: pass elif i % 10 == 1: # occasionally generate totally random weights curr_weight = random.sample(range(0, 300), 8) elif i % 10 == 2: # larger variation curr_weight = [max(0, random.gauss(wt, variation * 10)) for wt in prev_weight] elif i % 5 == 3: # just change one weight curr_weight = deepcopy(prev_weight) idx = random.randint(0, len(curr_weight)-1) curr_weight[idx] = random.gauss(curr_weight[idx], variation) else: # randomize curr_weight curr_weight = [max(0, random.gauss(wt, variation)) for wt in prev_weight] queries = [] q_no = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28] for i in range(1, 31): if i not in q_no: continue file = os.path.join(tmpl_dir, 'a{}.template'.format(i)) with open(file) as f: q = for j in range(8): q = q.replace('<WT{}>'.format(j+1), str(round(curr_weight[j]/100, 6))) queries.append({'query': q}) # run queries solr.run_queries(queries, resdir, target=target, q_no=q_no) logger.log('INFO', "previous weight: {}".format(prev_weight), printout=True) logger.log('INFO', "random weight: {}".format(curr_weight), printout=True) # run evaluators if cfg.evaluate: infAP, infNDCG = utils.run_evaluators(resdir) score = 2 / ((1 / infAP) + (1 / infNDCG)) if best_score < score: count_update += 1 logger.log('INFO', 'updating weights', printout=True) # update best_score and prev_weight prev_weight = curr_weight best_score = score logger.log('INFO', "Optimization finished:", printout=True) logger.log('INFO', "{} times out of {} runs updated" "".format(count_update, run), printout=True) logger.log('INFO', "best_weights: {}" "".format(', '.join([str(x) for x in prev_weight])), printout=True) logger.log('INFO', "best_score: {}".format(best_score), printout=True)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("command", help="run different tasks", choices=['import_docs', 'import_trials', 'import_extra', 'experiment']) parser.add_argument("-s", "--sms", action="store_true", help="send sms notification with progress status") parser.add_argument("--skip_files", help="skip files already imported") parser.add_argument("-e", "--evaluate", action="store_true", help="evaluate wrt. cosmic pubmed ref list") parser.add_argument("-t", "--topic", help="specify topic to query") args = parser.parse_args() update_obj(cfg, vars(args)) # initialize logger, solr logger = logger.Logger() logger.log('INFO', '-'*80 + '\ncommand requested: ' + cfg.command, printout=True) if args.command == 'import_docs': solr.run_import_docs() elif args.command == 'import_trials': solr.run_import_trials() elif args.command == 'import_extra': solr.run_import_extra() elif args.command == 'experiment': # _run_exp_optimize_weights() _run_exp_trial() # _run_exp_uprank() # _run_exp_11() # _run_exp_14()