def testTrees():
	a = ArtificialPhylogeny(size=20,numChromosomes=5)
	while len(a.tree.getTips()) < 6:
	tipScores = [tip.getScore() for tip in a.tree.getTips()]
	s = a.tree.getScore()
	tipScores = [score -s for score in tipScores]
	for score in tipScores:
		assert score == 0

	copyTree = Tree(a.tree)

	if len(a.tree) != len(copyTree):
		print( len(a.tree) )
		print( len(copyTree))
		print( a.tree.getTips())
		raise Exception("Trees are not the same size")

	sub = a.tree.subs[0]
	a.tree.breakConnection( sub )

	if len(copyTree.subs) not in (1,3):
		print( len(copyTree.subs))
		assert False

	a.tree.addConnection( sub)

	aTips = a.tree.getTips()
	for cTip in copyTree.getTips():
		assert cTip not in aTips

	tipScores = [tip.getScore() for tip in a.tree.getTips()]
	s = a.tree.getScore()
	tipScores = [score -s for score in tipScores]
	for score in tipScores:
		assert score == 0

	aTips = a.tree.getTips()
	subTips = a.tree.subs[0].getTips()
	for tip in aTips:
		assert tip in subTips

	assert 2*len(copyTree.getTips()) - 2 == len(copyTree)

	print("All tree tests passed.")
class ArtificialPhylogeny( object ):

	def __init__( self, size=5, numChromosomes=3):
		self.original = Genome(name="origin")
		for c in range( numChromosomes ):
			self.original.addChromosome(range( c*size+1, (c+1)*size+1 ))
		self.firstRound = True
		self.tree = Tree( self.original )

	def mutate(self, ancestor):
		mod = rn.choice( ["REVERSAL", "TRANSLOCATION"] )

		def reversal( ancestor ):
			n = ancestor.getName()
			chromosome = rn.choice(ancestor.chromosomeList)
			if len(chromosome) == 0:
				assert False
			start = rn.randrange(len(chromosome))
			end = rn.randrange( start, min(len(chromosome), 1 + start + len(chromosome)/10) )
			a,b,c = chromosome[:start], chromosome[start:end:], chromosome[end:]
			b = [-1*val for val in b]
			b = b[::-1]
			revChromosome = a + b + c
			assert len(revChromosome) == len(chromosome)
			ind = ancestor.chromosomeList.index(chromosome)
			ancestor.chromosomeList[ind] = revChromosome
		def translocate( ancestor ):
			n = ancestor.getName()
			(chrA, chrB) = rn.sample(ancestor.chromosomeList,2)
			stA,stB = rn.randint(0, len(chrA)), rn.randint(0, len(chrB))
			enA = rn.randint(stA,  min(len(chrA), 1 + stA + len(chrA)/10))
			enB = rn.randint(stB,  min(len(chrB), 1 + stB + len(chrB)/10))
			transA= [a for i, a in enumerate(chrA) if i >= stA and i <=enA]
			if rn.random() < 0.5:
				transA = transA[::-1]
				transA = [-val for val in transA]

			transB= [b for i, b in enumerate(chrB) if i >= stB and i <=enB]
			if rn.random() < 0.5:
				transB = transB[::-1]
				transB = [-val for val in transB]

			frontA, backA, frontB, backB = chrA[:stA], chrA[enA+1:], chrB[:stB], chrB[enB+1:]
			tempA, tempB = frontA+transB+backA, frontB+transA+backB

			aInd = ancestor.chromosomeList.index(chrA)
			if len(tempA) > 0:
				ancestor.chromosomeList[aInd] = tempA

			bInd = ancestor.chromosomeList.index(chrB)
			if len(tempB) > 0:
				ancestor.chromosomeList[bInd] = tempB

		def split( ancestor):
			n = ancestor.getName()
			chromosome = rn.choice(ancestor.chromosomeList)
			i = rn.randrange(1,len(chromosome))
			a,b = chromosome[:i], chromosome[i:]
			k = ancestor.chromosomeList.index( chromosome)
			ancestor.chromosomeList[k] = a

		if mod == "REVERSAL":
			reversal( ancestor )

		elif mod == "TRANSLOCATION":
			if len(ancestor.chromosomeList) > 1 and rn.random > 0.1:
				translocate( ancestor )
				split( ancestor )

		return ancestor

	def evolve(self, evolutionRate=0.2):
		assert self.tree.isBinary()

		for tip in  self.tree.getTips():
			if rn.random() < evolutionRate:
				newGenome = Genome( genome=tip.genome, name=str(rn.randint(0,2**64)) )
				self.mutate( newGenome )

				if rn.random() < evolutionRate:
					self.mutate( tip.genome )
					tip.genome.getName( name=str(rn.randint(0,2**64)))
				tip.addConnection( tip.genome)
				tip.addConnection( newGenome)

		if self.firstRound and len(self.tree.subs) == 2:
			self.firstRound = False
			(a,b) = self.tree.subs
			a.breakConnection( self.tree )
			b.breakConnection( self.tree)
			self.tree = a
			assert len( self.tree.getTips() ) == 2
			assert self.tree.isBinary()

		assert self.tree.isBinary()