Example #1
	def doForwardPropagation_asLayer(self, X, theta):
		Wrapper function for doForwardPropagation for cases where Softmax model is
		used as a layer of a deep network.
		X			: data matrix in the form [input dim., number of samples]
		theta		: model parameters for the first layer, must be packed as [weights+biases]
		activation	: activation if the first layer
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:Softmax:doForwardPropagationAsLayer: The instance is not properly initialized'
		assert X.shape[0]==self.nParams, 'ERROR:Softmax:doForwardPropagation: Dimensions of given data do not match with the number of parameters'
		assert np.size(theta)==self.thetaMatrixPrototype[0]*self.thetaMatrixPrototype[1], 'ERROR:Softmax:doForwardPropagation: Dimensions of given weights do not match the internal structure'
		weights = self.unrollParameters(theta);
		activation = self.doForwardPropagation(X, weights);
		# Convert output to probabilities:
		aux2 = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(activation, np.amax(activation, 0), 'sub', axis=0); #Substracts the maximm value of the matrix "aux".
		aux3 = np.exp(aux2);
		y = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(aux3, np.sum(aux3, 0), 'div', axis=0); #I divides the vector "aux3" by the sum of its elements.

		return y;
Example #2
    def l2rowscaledg(self, x, y, outderv, alpha):
		Back-projects weight gradients from norm ball to their original space
		x		: Old weight matrix
		y		: Weight matrix projected to norm ball
		outderv	: Gradients projected to norm ball
		alpha	: Scale factor
		Weight gradient matrix back-projected to the original weight space
        normeps = 1e-5
        epssumsq = np.sum(x**2, 1) + normeps

        l2rows = np.sqrt(epssumsq) * alpha

        if len(y) == 0:
            y = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(x, l2rows, 'div')

        aux1 = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(
            outderv, l2rows, 'div')
        aux2 = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(
            y, (np.sum(outderv * x, 1) / epssumsq), 'mul')

        return aux1 - aux2
Example #3
    def doForwardPropagation(self, X, weights, biases):
		Computes the forward propagation of the input in the SMNN:
		Z{l+1} = W{l}*H{l} + B{l}
		H{l+1} = f(Z{l+1})
		where {l} and {l+1} denote layers,
		B is the bias matrix, columnwise repetition of the bias vector with the number of samples,
		Z is the output matrix of neurons before the activation function is applied,
		f(.) is the activation function
		H is the output matrix of neurons after the activation function is applied (h{1}=X),
		X			: data matrix in the form [input dim., number of samples]
		weights		: list of weight matrices of each layer
		biases		: list of bias vectors of each layer
		outputs		: list of output matrices (z) of each layer (output of neuron before activation function)
		activities	: list of activation matrices (h) of each layer (output of neuron after activation function)
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:SMNN:doForwardPropagation: The instance is not properly initialized'

        # Default behaviour is bad implementation
        #if len(weights)==0 or len(biases)==0:
        #	[weights, biases] = self.unrollParameters(self.params);

        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            weights, self.weightPrototypes
        ), 'ERROR:SMNN:doForwardPropagation: weight dimension does not match the network topology'
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            biases, self.biasPrototypes
        ), 'ERROR:SMNN:doForwardPropagation: bias dimension does not match the network topology'

        outputs = []
        activities = []
        for layer in range(self.nLayers - 1):

            if layer == 0:
                x = X
                x = activities[layer - 1]

            z = np.dot(weights[layer], x) + np.repeat(biases[layer],
                                                      x.shape[1], 1)

            if self.activation_fun == SMNN_ACTIVATION_FUNCTIONS[
                h = AuxFunctions.sigmoid(z)
                # Should not be here
                print 'ERROR:SMNN:doForwardPropagation: Wrong activation function'


        return [outputs, activities]
Example #4
    def doForwardPropagation(self, X, weights, biases):
		Computes the forward propagation of the input in the network.
		X			: data matrix in the form [input dim., number of samples]
		weights		: list of weight matrices of each layer
		biases		: list of bias vectors of each layer
		activities	: list of activation matrices (h) of each layer (output of neuron after activation function)
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:StackedAutoencoder:doForwardPropagation: The instance is not properly initialized'

        activities = []
        indata = X
        for i in range(len(self.hiddenLayers)):

            # Get original weights and biases of the sparse autoencoder layers
            W_sa = self.hiddenLayers[i].getWeights()
            b_sa = self.hiddenLayers[i].getBiases()
            # Replace the first layer's weights and biases with the current ones
            W_sa[0] = weights[i]
            b_sa[0] = biases[i]
            # Do the forward prop. with the new weights
            [outputs_sa, activities_sa
             ] = self.hiddenLayers[i].doForwardPropagation(indata, W_sa, b_sa)
            # Get the activity of the first layer
            activity = activities_sa[0]

            indata = activity

        outdata = self.softmaxmodel.doForwardPropagation(indata, weights[-1])
        #outdata = np.dot(weights[-1], indata);

        # Convert output to probabilities:
        aux2 = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(outdata,
                                                        np.amax(outdata, 0),
        #Substracts the maximm value of the matrix "aux".
        aux3 = np.exp(aux2)
        y = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(aux3,
                                                     np.sum(aux3, 0),
        #I divides the vector "aux3" by the sum of its elements.


        return activities
Example #5
	def setParameters(self, W, b):
		Sets the weights and biases of the layer with the given parameters
		W	: weights to set
		b	: biases to set
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters([W], [self.weightPrototype]), 'ERROR:ConvLayer:setParameters: weight dimension does not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters([b], [self.biasPrototype]), 'ERROR:ConvLayer:setParameters: bias dimension does not match the network topology';

		self.weights = W;
		self.biases = b;
Example #6
	def rollParameters(self, weights, biases):
		Converts the parameters in matrix form into vector
		weights	: list of weight matrix of each layer 
		biases	: list of bias vector of each layer 
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(weights, self.weightPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:rollParameters: weight dimension does not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(biases, self.biasPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:rollParameters: bias dimension does not match the network topology';
		params = np.array([]);
		for i in range(len(weights)):
			params = np.hstack((params, weights[i].flatten(), biases[i].flatten()))
		return params
Example #7
	def doForwardPropagation(self, X, weights, biases):
		Computes the forward propagation of the input in the CNN.
		X			: data matrix in the form [input dim., number of samples]
		weights		: list of weight matrices of each layer
		biases		: list of bias vectors of each layer
		activations	: list of activation matrices (h) of each layer (output of neuron after activation function)
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:CNN:doForwardPropagation: The instance is not properly initialized'
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(weights, self.weightPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:doForwardPropagation: weight dimension does not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(biases, self.biasPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:doForwardPropagation: bias dimension does not match the network topology';
		activations = [];
		# Input to the network
		indata = X;
		# Propagate through the convolutional layers
		for i in range(len(self.layers)):
			# Compute the activity of the current layer
			outdata = self.layers[i].doForwardPropagation(indata, weights[i], biases[i]);
			# Save the activity of the current layer
			# Set the activity of the current layer as the input to the next layer
			indata = outdata[INDEX_ACTIVATION_POOL];
		# Compute the activity of the softmax (output) layer
		# Reshape input for the softmax layer
		indata = np.reshape(indata, [indata.shape[0]*indata.shape[1]*indata.shape[2], indata.shape[3]]);
		# Compute the activity
		#outdata = self.softmaxmodel.predict(indata);
		z = np.dot(weights[-1], indata) + np.repeat(biases[-1], X.shape[2], 1);
		h = np.exp(z);
		y = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(h, np.sum(h, 0), 'div', axis=0 );
		# Save the activity
		return activations;
Example #8
	def unrollParameters(self, params):
		Converts the vectorized parameters into matrix
		params: parameters to unroll
		weights = [];
		biases = [];
		read_start = 0;
		read_end = 0;
		# Convolutional layers
		for i in range(len(self.layers)):
			# set the end index for read
			read_end = read_start + self.layers[i].filterDim[INDEX_X]*self.layers[i].filterDim[INDEX_Y]*self.layers[i].numFilters;
			# read the weights for the current layer
			w = params[read_start:read_end];
			# reshape and the weights
			weights.append( np.reshape(w, (self.layers[i].filterDim[INDEX_X], self.layers[i].filterDim[INDEX_Y], self.layers[i].numFilters)) );
			# set the start index for the next read
			read_start = read_end;
			# set the end index for the next read
			read_end = read_start + self.layers[i].numFilters;
			# read the bias terms
			b = params[read_start:read_end];
			# reshape and store the bias
			biases.append( np.reshape(b, (self.layers[i].numFilters, 1)) )
			# set the start index for the next read
			read_start = read_end;
		# Softmax layer
		read_end = read_start+np.size(self.weights)
		w = params[read_start:read_end];
		weights.append( np.reshape(w, self.weights.shape) );
		# set the start index for the next read
		read_start = read_end;
		# set the end index for the next read
		read_end = read_start + len(self.biases);
		b = params[read_start:read_end];
		biases.append(np.reshape(b, self.biases.shape))
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(weights, self.weightPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:unrollParameters: dimensions of given parameters do not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(biases, self.biasPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:unrollParameters: dimensions of given parameters do not match the network topology';
		return weights, biases;
Example #9
	def setNetworkParameters(self, weights, biases):
		Returns the parameters of the network in a stacked form
		weights	: list weights to set for each layer
		biases	: list of biases to set for each layer
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(weights, self.weightPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:setNetworkParameters: weight dimension does not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(biases, self.biasPrototypes), 'ERROR:CNN:setNetworkParameters: bias dimension does not match the network topology';
		for i in range(len(self.layers)):
			W = weights[i];
			b = biases[i];
			self.layers[i].setParameters(W, b); # Size check is done in the layer
		self.weights = weights[-1];
		self.biases = biases[-1];
Example #10
	def doForwardPropagation(self, X, weights, biases):
		Computes the forward propagation of the input in the network.
		X			: data matrix in the form [input dim., number of samples]
		weights		: list of weight matrices of each layer
		biases		: list of bias vectors of each layer
		activities	: list of activation matrices from convolution and pooling layers, respectively
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:ConvLayer:doForwardPropagation: The instance is not properly initialized'
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters([weights], [self.weightPrototype]), 'ERROR:ConvLayer:doForwardPropagation: weight dimension does not match the network topology' ;
		assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters([biases], [self.biasPrototype]), 'ERROR:ConvLayer:doForwardPropagation: bias dimension does not match the network topology';
		# Convolution
		activations_conv = convolve(self.filterDim, self.numFilters, X, weights, biases);
		# Pooling
		activations_pool = pool(self.poolDim, activations_conv, self.poolingFunction);
		return [activations_conv, activations_pool];
Example #11
	def computeCost(self, theta, X, y):
		Computes the value of the Softmax regression objective function for given parameters
		(theta), data matrix (X) and corresponding labels (y):
		f = -( Y * log( P(Y|X;theta) ) )
		where Y is ground truth matrix, a binary matrix where for each column (i.e. sample) 
		the row corresponding to the true class is one and the rest is zero
		P(Y|X;theta) = exp(theta'*X)/sum_j(exp(theta_j'*X)),	j = 1 to number of classes

		theta	: function parameters in the form (number of parameters * number of classes, )
		X		: data in the form [number of parameters, number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		f		: computed cost (floating point number)
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:Softmax:computeCost: The instance is not properly initialized'
		assert X.shape[0]==self.nParams, 'ERROR:Softmax:computeCost: Dimensions of given data do not match with the number of parameters'
		epsilon = 1e-6;
		theta = self.unrollParameters(theta);
		f = 0;
		nSamples = X.shape[1];
		aux1 = np.exp(np.dot(theta, X));
		P = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(aux1, np.sum(aux1, 0), 'div', axis=0);
		# Guard for log(0)
		if np.min(P)<epsilon:
			P = P + epsilon;
		aux3 = np.transpose(np.log(P));
		#aux3 = np.transpose(np.log(P.clip(min=epsilon)));
		aux4 = np.repeat(np.reshape(range(self.nClasses), [1, self.nClasses]), nSamples, 0)
		aux5 = np.repeat(np.reshape(y, [nSamples, 1]), self.nClasses, 1);
  		f = (-1.0/nSamples) * np.sum(aux3[aux4==aux5]);
		return f
Example #12
    def rollParameters(self, weights, biases):
		Converts the parameters in matrix form into vector
		weights	: list of weight matrices of each layer 
		biases	: list of bias vectors of each layer 
		params	: parameter vector
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            weights, self.weightPrototypes
        ), 'ERROR:SparseAutoencoder:rollParameters: weight dimension does not match the network topology'
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            biases, self.biasPrototypes
        ), 'ERROR:SparseAutoencoder:rollParameters: bias dimension does not match the network topology'

        params = np.array([])
        for i in range(len(weights)):
            params = np.hstack(
                (params, weights[i].flatten(), biases[i].flatten()))

        return params
Example #13
    def setBiases(self, biases_new):
		Updates the biases of the model parameters of the network
		biases_new	: New biases to set
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:SparseAutoencoder:setBiases: The instance is not properly initialized'
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            biases_new, self.biasPrototypes
        ), 'ERROR:SparseAutoencoder:setBiases: bias dimension does not match the network topology'

        [weights, biases] = self.unrollParameters(self.params)
        biases = biases_new
        self.params = self.rollParameters(weights, biases)
Example #14
def convolve(filterDim, numFilters, X, W, b):
	Returns the convolution of the features given by W and b with the given data X
	filterDim			: filter (feature) dimension
	numFilters			: number of feature maps
	X					: input data in the form images(r, c, image number)
	W					: weights i.e. features, is of shape (filterDim,filterDim,numFilters)
	b					: biases, is of shape (numFilters,1)
	convolvedFeatures	: matrix of convolved features in the form convolvedFeatures(imageRow, imageCol, featureNum, imageNum)
	inputDimX = X.shape[INDEX_X];
	inputDimY = X.shape[INDEX_Y];
	numData   = X.shape[2];
	convDimX = inputDimX - filterDim[INDEX_X] + 1;
	convDimY = inputDimY - filterDim[INDEX_Y] + 1;

	convolvedFeatures = np.zeros([convDimX, convDimY, numFilters, numData]);

	for i in range(numData):
	  for filterNum in range (numFilters):

		# Convolution of image with feature matrix
		convolvedImage = np.zeros([convDimX, convDimY]);

		# Obtain the feature (filterDim x filterDim) needed during the convolution
		filter = W[:,:,filterNum];
		# Flip the feature matrix because of the definition of convolution, as explained later
		filter = np.rot90(filter, 2);
		# Obtain data
		data = X[:,:,i];

		#Convolve "filter" with "data", adding the result to convolvedImage
		convolvedImage = scipy.signal.convolve2d(data, filter, mode='valid');
		# Add the bias unit
		# Then, apply the sigmoid function to get the hidden activation
		convolvedImage = AuxFunctions.sigmoid(convolvedImage + b[filterNum]);
		convolvedFeatures[:,:,filterNum,i] = convolvedImage;
	return convolvedFeatures
Example #15
    def rollParameters(self, theta):
		Converts a given parameter matrix into a vector
		theta	: parameter matrix
		theta	: parameter vector
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:SoftICA:unrollParameters: The instance is not properly initialized'
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            [theta], [self.weightPrototype]
        ), 'ERROR:SoftICA:rollParameters: Weight dimension does not match the network topology'

        return theta.flatten()
Example #16
    def testGradient(self, X, y):
		Tests the analytical gradient computation by comparing it with the numerical gradients

		X		: data matrix the form [input dim., number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples].
		result	: 0 if passed, -1 if failed
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:DeepNetwork:testGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'

        if self.debug:
            print 'DEBUG:DeepNetwork:testGradient: Testing gradient computation...'

        result = 0

        theta_list = self.getNetworkParameters()
        theta = self.unstackParameters(theta_list)

        grad = self.computeGradient(theta, X, y)

        numGrad = AuxFunctions.computeNumericalGradient(func=self.computeCost,
                                                        args=((X, y)))

        errorGrad = np.sqrt(np.sum((grad - numGrad)**2))

        if errorGrad < 1e-4:
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:DeepNetwork:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:DeepNetwork:testGradient:Gradient check PASSED!'

            result = 0

            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:DeepNetwork:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:DeepNetwork:testGradient:Gradient check FAILED!'

            result = -1

        return result
Example #17
    def l2rowscaled(self, x, alpha):
		Project weights to norm ball to prevent degenerate bases
		x		: Weight matrix
		alpha	: Scale factor
		y		: Weight matrix projected to norm ball
        normeps = 1e-5
        epssumsq = np.sum(x**2, 1) + normeps

        l2rows = np.sqrt(epssumsq) * alpha
        y = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(x, l2rows, 'div')

        return y
Example #18
    def testGradient(self, X, y):
		Tests the analytical gradient computation by comparing it with the numerical gradients

		X		: data matrix the form [number of parameters, number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		result	: 0 if passed, -1 if failed
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:Linreg:testGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'
        assert X.shape[
            0] == self.nParams, 'ERROR:Linreg:testGradient: Dimensions of given data do not match with the number of parameters'

        if self.debug:
            print 'DEBUG:Linreg:testGradient: Testing gradient computation... '

        result = 0

        grad = self.computeGradient(self.theta, X, y)

        numGrad = AuxFunctions.computeNumericalGradient(func=self.computeCost,
                                                        args=(X, y))

        errorGrad = np.sqrt(np.sum((grad - numGrad)**2))

        if errorGrad < 1e-4:
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:Linreg:testGradient: Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:Linreg:testGradient: Gradient check PASSED!'

            result = 0
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:Linreg:testGradient: Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:Linreg:testGradient: Gradient check FAILED!'

            result = -1

        return result
Example #19
	def testGradient(self, X, y):
		Tests the analytical gradient computation by comparing it with the numerical gradients

		X		: data matrix the form [input dim., number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		result	: 0 if passed, -1 if failed
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:CNN:testGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'
		if self.debug: print 'DEBUG:CNN:testGradient: Testing gradient computation...'
		result = 0;
		[weights, biases] = self.getNetworkParameters();
		params = self.rollParameters(weights, biases);
		grad = self.computeGradient(params, X, y);
		numGrad = AuxFunctions.computeNumericalGradient( func=self.computeCost, params=params, args=((X, y)) );
		errorGrad = np.sqrt(np.sum((grad - numGrad)**2));
		if errorGrad<1e-4:
			if self.debug:
				print 'DEBUG:CNN:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
				print 'DEBUG:CNN:testGradient:Gradient check PASSED!'
			result = 0;
			if self.debug:
				print 'DEBUG:CNN:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
				print 'DEBUG:CNN:testGradient:Gradient check FAILED!'
			result = -1;
		return result
Example #20
    def unstackParameters(self, theta_list):
		Converts the model parameters from stacked form into vector form
		theta_list	: list of model parameters of each layer 
		theta		: vector of combined model parameters of the network
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:DeepNetwork:unstackParameters: The instance is not properly initialized'
        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            theta_list, self.modelParameterPrototype
        ), 'ERROR:DeepNetwork:unstackParameters: model parameter dimension does not match the network topology'

        theta = np.array([])
        for i in range(len(theta_list)):
            theta = np.hstack((theta, theta_list[i].flatten()))

        return theta
Example #21
	def computeCost(self, theta, X, y):
		Computes the value of the CNN objective function for given parameters
		(theta), data matrix (X) and corresponding labels (y):
		f = -( Y * log( P(Y|X;theta) ) )
		where Y is ground truth matrix, a binary matrix where for each column (i.e. sample) 
		the row corresponding to the true class is one and the rest is zero
		P(Y|X;theta) = exp(theta'*X)/sum_j(exp(theta_j'*X)),	j = 1 to number of classes
		theta	: function parameters in the form (number of parameters * number of classes, )
		X		: data in the form [number of parameters, number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		f		: computed cost (floating point number)
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:CNN:computeCost: The instance is not properly initialized'
		f = 0;
		nSamples = X.shape[2];
		[weights, biases] = self.unrollParameters(theta);
		activations = self.doForwardPropagation(X, weights, biases);
		P = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(activations[-1], np.sum(activations[-1], 0), 'div', axis=0);
		aux3 = np.transpose(np.log(P));
		aux4 = np.repeat(np.reshape(range(self.outputDim), [1, self.outputDim]), nSamples, 0)
		aux5 = np.repeat(np.reshape(y, [nSamples, 1]), self.outputDim, 1);
		aux6 = aux4==aux5;
		f = (-1.0/nSamples) * np.sum(aux3 * aux6.astype(int));
		return f
Example #22
	def computeGradient(self, theta, X, y):
		Computes gradients of the Softmax regression objective function wrt parameters
		(theta) for a given data matrix (X) and corresponding labels (y):
		g = -( X * (Y - P(y|X;theta)) )
		where Y is ground truth matrix, a binary matrix where for each column (i.e. sample) 
		the row corresponding to the true class is one and the rest is zero
		P(Y|X;theta) = exp(theta'*X)/sum_j(exp(theta_j'*X)),	j = 1 to number of classes
		theta	: function parameters in the form [number of parameters, 1]
		X		: data in the form [number of parameters, number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		g		: computed gradients of parameters array in the form (number of parameters*number of classes,)
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:Softmax:computeGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'
		assert X.shape[0]==self.nParams, 'ERROR:Softmax:computeGradient: Dimensions of given data do not match with the number of parameters'
		theta = self.unrollParameters(theta);
		g = np.zeros(np.shape(theta));
		nSamples = X.shape[1];
		aux1 = np.exp(np.dot(theta, X));
		P = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(aux1, np.sum(aux1, 0), 'div', axis=0);
		aux4 = np.repeat(np.reshape(range(self.nClasses), [1, self.nClasses]), nSamples, 0)
		aux5 = np.repeat(np.reshape(y, [nSamples, 1]), self.nClasses, 1);
		aux6 = aux4==aux5;
		g = (-1.0/nSamples) * np.transpose(np.dot(X, np.transpose(np.transpose(aux6.astype(int)) - P)));
		return g.flatten()
Example #23
    def __init__(self, sizeLayers, lambd=0.99, epsilon=1e-2, debug=0):
		Initialization function of the SoftICA class
		sizeLayers		: Size of the layers, must be in the form [Input dimensions, hidden layer dimensions, output layer dimensions]
						  where output layer dimensions = input layer dimensions
		lambd			: Sparsity cost, default is 0.99
		epsilon			: L1-regularisation epsilon |Wx| ~ sqrt((Wx).^2 + epsilon), default is 1e-2
		debug			: Debugging flag
        self.isInitialized = False

        self.debug = debug
        self.inputDim = sizeLayers[0]
        self.featureDim = sizeLayers[1]
        self.lambd = lambd
        self.epsilon = epsilon

        assert self.inputDim > 0, 'ERROR:SoftICA:init: Input size must be >0'
        assert self.featureDim > 0, 'ERROR:SoftICA:init: Feature size must be >0'

        weights = np.random.rand(self.featureDim, self.inputDim) * 0.01
        weights = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(
            weights, np.sqrt(np.sum(weights**2, 1)), 'div')

        self.params = weights.flatten()

        self.weightPrototype = (self.featureDim, self.inputDim)

        if debug:
            print 'DEBUG:SoftICA:init: initialized for inputDim: ', self.inputDim
            print 'DEBUG:SoftICA:init: initialized for featureDim: ', self.featureDim
            print 'DEBUG:SoftICA:init: initialized for lambda: ', self.lambd
            print 'DEBUG:SoftICA:init: initialized for epsilon: ', self.epsilon

        self.isInitialized = True
Example #24
    def stackParameters(self, theta):
		Converts the model parameters from vector form into stacked form
		theta		: vector of combined model parameters of the network
		theta_list	: list of model parameters of each layer 
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:DeepNetwork:stackParameters: The instance is not properly initialized'

        theta_list = []
        i_start = 0
        for i in range(len(self.modelParameterPrototype)):
            i_stop = i_start + self.modelParameterPrototype[i]
            i_start = i_stop

        assert AuxFunctions.checkNetworkParameters(
            theta_list, self.modelParameterPrototype
        ), 'ERROR:DeepNetwork:stackParameters: model parameter dimension does not match the network topology'

        return theta_list
Example #25
	def computeGradient(self, theta, X, y):
		Computes gradients of the CNN objective function for given parameters,	data and corresponding labels
		using the back propagation. First, the error of the output (Softmax) layer is computed:
		E_out = (Y - P(y|X;theta))
		where Y is ground truth matrix, a binary matrix where for each column (i.e. sample) 
		the row corresponding to the true class is one and the rest is zero
		P(Y|X;theta) = exp(theta'*X)/sum_j(exp(theta_j'*X)),	j = 1 to number of classes
		The output error is then back propagated to the convolutional layer:
		error_conv = W_out' * E_out
		And this error is further propagated within the convolutional layers. Gradients are computed:
		dJ(W,b;X,y)/dW_{l} = E_{l+1} * H_{l}'
		dJ(W,b;X,y)/db_{l} = sum(E_{l+1})
		where sum(.) is taken columnwise i.e. over samples
		theta	: function parameters in the form (feature dim * input dim, )
		X		: data matrix in the form [input dim, number of samples]
		y		: labels in the form [1, number of samples]
		grad	: gradients of weights and biases in rolled form
		assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:CNN:computeGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'
		gradients_W = [];
		gradients_b = [];
		nSamples = X.shape[2];
		[weights, biases] = self.unrollParameters(theta);
		activations = self.doForwardPropagation(X, weights, biases);
		# Error of the output layer
		P = AuxFunctions.doUnbalancedMatrixOperation(activations[-1], np.sum(activations[-1], 0), 'div', axis=0);
		aux4 = np.repeat(np.reshape(range(self.outputDim), [1, self.outputDim]), nSamples, 0)
		aux5 = np.repeat(np.reshape(y, [nSamples, 1]), self.outputDim, 1);
		aux6 = aux4==aux5;
		error_out = (-1.0/nSamples) * (np.transpose(aux6.astype(int)) - P);
		# Gradient of the output layer
		act = activations[-2][INDEX_ACTIVATION_POOL]
		act = np.reshape(act, [act.shape[0]*act.shape[1]*act.shape[2], act.shape[3]])
		W_grad = np.dot(error_out, np.transpose(act));
		b_grad = np.dot(error_out, np.ones([nSamples, 1]));
		# Propagation of error_out to the last pooling layer
		error_pool = np.reshape( (np.dot(np.transpose(weights[-1]), error_out)), [self.layers[-1].outputDim[INDEX_X], self.layers[-1].outputDim[INDEX_Y], self.layers[-1].numFilters, nSamples]);
		# Back propagation of error through the layers
		error = error_pool
		for i in range(len(self.layers)):
			# Layer input
			if i==(len(self.layers)-1):
				layer_in = X;
				layer_in = activations[len(self.layers)-1-i-1][INDEX_ACTIVATION_POOL];
			# Layer output
			layer_out = activations[len(self.layers)-1-i]
			# Backpropagate error
			#[error_bp, W_grad, b_grad] = self.layers[len(self.layers)-1-i].backPropagateError(error, layer_in, layer_out);
			[error_bp, W_grad, b_grad] = self.layers[len(self.layers)-1-i].backPropagateError(error, layer_in, layer_out, weights[i]);
			# Save gradients
			# Set error for the next (previous) layer
			error = error_bp;
		# Reverse gradients
		gradients_W = list(reversed(gradients_W))
		gradients_b = list(reversed(gradients_b))
		return self.rollParameters(gradients_W, gradients_b);
Example #26
    def testGradient(self, X):
		Tests the analytical gradient computation by comparing it with the numerical gradients

		X		: data matrix the form [input dim., number of samples]
		result	: 0 if passed, -1 if failed
        assert self.isInitialized, 'ERROR:SparseCoding:testGradient: The instance is not properly initialized'

        if self.debug:
            print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Checking weight gradient...'

        result = 0

        grad = self.computeWeightGradient(self.weights_vec, self.features_vec,

        numGrad = AuxFunctions.computeNumericalGradient(
            args=(self.features_vec, X))

        errorGrad = np.sqrt(np.sum((grad - numGrad)**2))

        if errorGrad < 1e-4:
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient check PASSED!'
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient check FAILED!'

            result = -1

        if self.debug:
            print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Checking feature gradient...'

        grad = self.computeFeatureGradient(self.features_vec, self.weights_vec,

        numGrad = AuxFunctions.computeNumericalGradient(
            args=(self.weights_vec, X))

        errorGrad = np.sqrt(np.sum((grad - numGrad)**2))

        if errorGrad < 1e-4:
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient check PASSED!'
            if self.debug:
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient error: ', errorGrad
                print 'DEBUG:SparseCoding:testGradient:Gradient check FAILED!'

            result = -1

        return result