Example #1
    def mask(self, frame, lowHue, lowSat, lowVal, highHue, highSat, highVal):
        #this is the limit threshold the lowest from the average value and the highest from the average value
            kernelDilation = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)  #kernel for dilation
            kernelErosion = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8)  #kernel for erosion

            #get mask for each chanel separately
            lower_blue = np.array([lowHue, lowSat - 255, lowVal - 255])
            upper_blue = np.array([highHue, highSat + 255, highVal + 255])
            mask1 = cv2.inRange(frame, lower_blue, upper_blue)
            mask1 = cv2.erode(mask1, kernelErosion, iterations=1)
            mask1 = cv2.dilate(mask1, kernelDilation, iterations=2)

            lower_blue = np.array([lowHue - 255, lowSat, lowVal - 255])
            upper_blue = np.array([highHue + 255, highSat, highVal + 255])
            mask2 = cv2.inRange(frame, lower_blue, upper_blue)

            lower_blue = np.array([lowHue - 255, lowSat - 255, lowVal - 25])
            upper_blue = np.array([highHue + 255, highSat + 255, highVal + 25])
            mask3 = cv2.inRange(frame, lower_blue, upper_blue)
            mask3 = cv2.dilate(mask3, kernelDilation, iterations=2)

            # get intersection of hue and value channels
            masks = cv2.bitwise_and(mask1, mask3)
            masks = cv2.erode(masks, kernelErosion, iterations=1)
            masks = cv2.dilate(masks, kernelDilation, iterations=2)

            from main import isShow
            interface = UI()
            if isShow[3]:
                interface.showWindow('hue', mask1)
            elif interface.isOpen('hue'):
            if isShow[4]:
                interface.showWindow('sat', mask2)
            elif interface.isOpen('sat'):
            if isShow[5]:
                interface.showWindow('val', mask3)
            elif interface.isOpen('val'):

        except Exception as e:
            return frame

        return masks