def json(self): self._compute_() jret = [] for idx in xrange(1, self.nbins+1): jbin = { 'median' : self.median_value(idx), 'one_sigma' : {'range' : self.one_sigma_range(idx)}, 'two_sigma' : {'range' : self.two_sigma_range(idx)}, 'label' : self.median_.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(idx), 'low_edge' : self.median_.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(idx), 'up_edge' : self.median_.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(idx), } jbin['one_sigma']['val'] = max( abs(i - jbin['median']) for i in jbin['one_sigma']['range'] ) jbin['two_sigma']['val'] = max( abs(i - jbin['median']) for i in jbin['two_sigma']['range'] ) if jbin['median']: jbin['one_sigma']['relative'] = jbin['one_sigma']['val']/jbin['median'] jbin['two_sigma']['relative'] = jbin['two_sigma']['val']/jbin['median'] else: jbin['one_sigma']['relative'] = 0 jbin['two_sigma']['relative'] = 0 jret.append(jbin) return prettyjson.dumps(jret)
def dump(self, fname): json = { 'events' : self.evts, 'lumimap' : {} } for run, lumis in self.run_map.iteritems(): json['lumimap'][str(run)] = self.collapse(lumis) with open(fname, 'w') as output: output.write(prettyjson.dumps(json))
def save_card(self, name): if not self.card: raise RuntimeError('There is no card to save!') self.card.normalize_signals(), self.outputdir) self.card = None binning_file = '%s/%s.binning.json' % (self.outputdir, name) with open(binning_file, 'w') as json: json.write(prettyjson.dumps(self.binning)) self.binning = {}'binning saved in %s' % binning_file)
def save(self, filename, directory=''): 'save(self, name, directory=' ') saves the datacard and the shape file' ## # Write datacard file ## txt_name = os.path.join(directory, '%s.txt' % filename) with open(txt_name, 'w') as txt: for cmt in self.comments: txt.write('## %s \n' % cmt) separator = '-' * 40 + '\n' ncategories = len(self.categories) sample_category = self.categories.values()[0] has_data = 'data_obs' in sample_category samples = sample_category.keys() samples = filter(lambda x: not self.shape_sys_naming.match(x), samples) #set_trace() nsamples = len(samples) if has_data: nsamples -= 1 #HEADER txt.write('imax %i number of categories \n' % ncategories) txt.write('jmax %i number of samples minus one \n' % (nsamples - 1)) txt.write('kmax * number of nuisance parameters \n') #WHERE TO FIND THE SHAPES txt.write(separator) txt.write( 'shapes * * %s.root $CHANNEL/$PROCESS $CHANNEL/$PROCESS_$SYSTEMATIC \n' % filename) #DATA COUNT IN EACH CATEGORY (FIXME: ASSUMES YOU HAVE DATA) txt.write(separator) max_cat_name = max(max(len(i) for i in self.categories), 11) + 4 format = (''.join(['%-', str(max_cat_name), 's' ])) * (ncategories + 1) + '\n' txt.write(format % tuple(['bin'] + self.categories.keys())) txt.write(format % tuple(['observation'] + [ '%-7.1f' % i.data_obs.Integral() for i in self.categories.itervalues() ])) #SAMPLES TABLE mcsamples = [] bkg_idx, sig_idx = 1, 0 for sample in samples: if 'data_obs' == sample: continue if any(j.match(sample) for j in self.signals): mcsamples.append((sample, sig_idx)) sig_idx -= 1 else: mcsamples.append((sample, bkg_idx)) bkg_idx += 1 mcsamples = dict(mcsamples) #WRITE RATE FOR EACH SAMPLE/CATEGORY columns = ['header:%-30s'] bin_line = ['bin'] proc_num_line = ['process'] proc_name_line = ['process'] rate_line = ['rate'] rates = {} for category, info in self.categories.iteritems(): rates[category] = {} category_yield = 0 for sample, shape in info.iteritems(): if sample not in mcsamples: continue width = max(len(category), len(sample), 7) + 4 format = ''.join(['%-', str(width), 's']) columns.append('%s_%s:%s' % (category, sample, format)) bin_line.append(category) proc_num_line.append(mcsamples[sample]) proc_name_line.append(sample) rate = shape.Integral() #keep the first 6 significant digits if rate <= 0: logging.error('Sample %s in category %s has a negative' ' number of expected events! (%f) \n' 'Clamping to zero' % (sample, category, rate)) shape.Reset() rate = 0. #raise ValueError( # 'Sample %s in category %s has a negative' # ' number of expected events! (%f)' % (sample, category, rate) # ) rates[category][sample] = rate category_yield += rate mag = max(int(math.log10(abs(rate))), 0) if rate != 0 else 0 float_format = '%.' + str(max(5 - mag, 0)) + 'f' rate_line.append(float_format % rate) if rate == 0: logging.warning( "Category %s does not have any expected event!" % category) #SYSTEMATICS TABLE sys_table = Table(*columns, show_title=False, show_header=False) sys_table.add_separator() sys_table.add_line(*bin_line) sys_table.add_line(*proc_num_line) sys_table.add_line(*proc_name_line) sys_table.add_line(*rate_line) sys_table.add_separator() param_sys = [] line = None for sys_name, syst in self.systematics.iteritems(): if syst.type == 'param': param_sys.append((sys_name, syst)) continue line = sys_table.new_line() line.header = '%s %s' % (sys_name, syst.type) logging.debug('Adding systematic %s' % sys_name) for category, info in self.categories.iteritems(): for sample, _ in info.iteritems(): if sample not in mcsamples: continue if rates[category][sample] < 10.**-5: line['%s_%s' % (category, sample)] = '-' else: line['%s_%s' % (category, sample)] = syst.effect( category, sample) if line is not None: del line sys_table.add_separator() txt.write('%s\n' % sys_table) for sys_name, syst in param_sys: txt.write('%s param %f %f\n' % (sys_name, syst.val, syst.unc))'Written file %s' % txt_name) ## # Write shape file ## shape_name = os.path.join(directory, '%s.root' % filename) with io.root_open(shape_name, 'recreate') as out: for name, cat in self.categories.iteritems(): out.mkdir(name).cd() for sample, shape in cat.iteritems(): shape.SetName(sample) shape.SetTitle(sample) shape.Write()'Written file %s' % shape_name) ## # if we normalized the signal to outsource the yields to a json file # dump it too ## if self.yields: json_name = os.path.join(directory, '%s.json' % filename) with open(json_name, 'w') as txt: txt.write(prettyjson.dumps(self.yields))
#! /bin/env python __doc__ = 'simple script to read a son file and dump part of it into a new json file' import URAnalysis.Utilities.prettyjson as prettyjson from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('input', metavar='input.json', type=str, help='input json') parser.add_argument('output', metavar='output.json', type=str, help='Json output file name') parser.add_argument( 'toget', metavar='this:that', type=str, help='column-separated list of things to get, means json[this][that]') #TODO ' futher syntax may be implemented to support list slicing and regex matching') args = parser.parse_args() json = prettyjson.loads(open(args.input).read()) chain = args.toget.split(':') to_get = json for i in chain: to_get = to_get[i] with open(args.output, 'w') as out: out.write(prettyjson.dumps(to_get))
elif das_name.startswith('TO BE UPDATED -- '): das_name = das_name.replace('TO BE UPDATED -- ', '') _, prim_dset, prod, tier = tuple(das_name.split('/')) if fnmatch(prod, args.newProd): print "%s already matches! Skipping..." % sample['name'] continue query = 'dataset dataset=%s status=%s' % \ ('/'.join(['',prim_dset, args.newProd, tier]), 'VALID' if args.valid else '*') newsamples = das.query(query, True) print 'Availeble options' for info in enumerate(newsamples): print '[%d] %s' % info print '[%d] None of the above' % len(newsamples) idx = raw_input('Which should I pick? ') while isinstance(idx, str): try: idx = int(idx) except: idx = raw_input('%s is not a number! plase repeat: ' % idx) if idx == len(newsamples): print "OK, I'm skipping the sample and putting a 'TO BE UPDATED -- ' before the old sample" sample['DBSName'] = 'TO BE UPDATED -- %s' % das_name else: sample['DBSName'] = str(newsamples[idx]) with open(args.json, 'w') as out: out.write(prettyjson.dumps(json))
def run_unfolder(itoy = 0, outdir = opts.dir, tau = opts.tau): styles = { 'scan_overlay' : { 'markerstyle':[0, 29], 'linecolor':[1,1], 'markercolor':[1,2], 'drawstyle':['ALP', 'P'], 'markersize':[0,3] }, 'data_overlay' : { 'linestyle' : [1,0], 'markerstyle':[0,21], 'linecolor' : [2,1], 'markercolor':[2,1], 'drawstyle' : ['hist', 'p'], 'legendstyle' : ['l', 'p'] }, 'dots' : { 'markerstyle' : 20, 'markersize' : 2, 'linestyle' : 0, 'drawstyle' : 'P' }, 'line' : { 'linestyle':1, 'markerstyle':0 }, } plotter = BasePlotter( outdir, defaults = { 'clone' : False, 'show_title' : True, } ) #canvas = plotting.Canvas(name='adsf', title='asdf') if "toy" in opts.fit_file: data_file_basedir = 'toy_' + str(itoy) data_file_dir = data_file_basedir + '/' + opts.var else: data_file_dir = opts.var xaxislabel = set_pretty_label(opts.var) scale = 1. if opts.no_area_constraint: area_constraint='None' else: area_constraint='Area' myunfolding = URUnfolding(regmode = opts.reg_mode, constraint = area_constraint) ## Migration matrix preprocessing ## remove oflow bins var_dir = getattr(resp_file, opts.var) migration_matrix = var_dir.migration_matrix for bin in migration_matrix: if bin.overflow: bin.value = 0 bin.error = 0 myunfolding.matrix = migration_matrix thruth_unscaled = var_dir.thruth_unscaled reco_unscaled = var_dir.reco_unscaled project_reco = 'X' if myunfolding.orientation == 'Vertical' else 'Y' project_gen = 'Y' if myunfolding.orientation == 'Vertical' else 'X' reco_project = rootpy.asrootpy( getattr(migration_matrix, 'Projection%s' % project_reco)() ) gen_project = rootpy.asrootpy( getattr(migration_matrix, 'Projection%s' % project_gen)() ) if gen_project.Integral() < thruth_unscaled.Integral(): eff_correction = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(gen_project, thruth_unscaled) elif gen_project.Integral() == thruth_unscaled.Integral(): eff_correction = None else: log.warning( 'Efficiency correction: The visible part of the migration matrix' ' has a larger integral than the full one! (%.3f vs. %.3f).\n' 'It might be a rounding error, but please check!'\ % (reco_project.Integral(), reco_unscaled.Integral()) ) eff_correction = None if reco_project.Integral() < reco_unscaled.Integral(): purity_correction = ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(reco_project, reco_unscaled) elif reco_project.Integral() == reco_unscaled.Integral(): purity_correction = None else: log.warning( 'Purity correction: The visible part of the migration matrix' ' has a larger integral than the full one! (%.3f vs. %.3f).\n' 'It might be a rounding error, but please check!'\ % (reco_project.Integral(), reco_unscaled.Integral()) ) purity_correction = None #flush graphs into histograms (easier to handle) eff_hist = gen_project.Clone() eff_hist.reset() = 'eff_hist' if eff_correction: for idx in range(eff_correction.GetN()): eff_hist[idx+1].value = eff_correction.GetY()[idx] eff_hist[idx+1].error = max( eff_correction.GetEYhigh()[idx], eff_correction.GetEYlow()[idx] ) else: for b in eff_hist: b.value = 1. b.error = 0. purity_hist = reco_project.Clone() purity_hist.reset() = 'purity_hist' if purity_correction: for idx in range(purity_correction.GetN()): bin.value = purity_correction.GetY()[idx] bin.error = max( purity_correction.GetEYhigh()[idx], purity_correction.GetEYlow()[idx] ) else: for bin in purity_hist: bin.value = 1. bin.error = 0. #Get measured histogram measured = None if opts.use_reco_truth: log.warning("Using the MC reco distribution for the unfolding!") measured = getattr(resp_file, opts.var).reco_distribution else: measured = getattr(data_file, data_file_dir).tt_right measured_no_correction = measured.Clone() = 'measured_no_correction' = 'measured' measured.multiply(purity_hist) myunfolding.measured = measured #get gen-level distribution gen_distro = getattr(resp_file, opts.var).true_distribution.Clone() full_true = gen_distro.Clone() = 'complete_true_distro' gen_distro.multiply(eff_hist) = 'true_distribution' myunfolding.truth = gen_distro if opts.cov_matrix != 'none': if 'toy' in opts.fit_file: input_cov_matrix = make_cov_matrix( getattr(data_file, data_file_basedir).correlation_matrix, getattr(data_file, data_file_dir).tt_right ) input_corr_matrix = make_corr_matrix( getattr(data_file, data_file_basedir).correlation_matrix, getattr(data_file, data_file_dir).tt_right ) else: input_cov_matrix = make_cov_matrix( data_file.correlation_matrix, getattr(data_file, data_file_dir).tt_right ) input_corr_matrix = make_corr_matrix( data_file.correlation_matrix, getattr(data_file, data_file_dir).tt_right ) = 'input_cov_matrix' = 'input_corr_matrix' myunfolding.cov_matrix = input_cov_matrix myunfolding.InitUnfolder() hdata = myunfolding.measured # Duplicate. Remove! #plot covariance matrix input_corr_matrix.SetStats(False) input_corr_matrix.Draw('colz') plotter.pad.SetLogz(True)'correlation_matrix.png') #optimize best_taus = {} if tau >= 0: best_taus['External'] = tau else: t_min, t_max = eval(opts.tau_range) best_l, l_curve, graph_x, graph_y = myunfolding.DoScanLcurve(100, t_min, t_max) best_taus['L_curve'] = best_l l_curve.SetName('lcurve') = 'lcurve' = 'l_scan_x' = 'l_scan_y' l_tau = math.log10(best_l) points = [(graph_x.GetX()[i], graph_x.GetY()[i], graph_y.GetY()[i]) for i in xrange(graph_x.GetN())] best = [(x,y) for i, x, y in points if l_tau == i] graph_best = plotting.Graph(1) graph_best.SetPoint(0, *best[0]) plotter.reset() plotter.overlay( [l_curve, graph_best], **styles['scan_overlay'] ) = 'L_curve' info = plotter.make_text_box('#tau = %.5f' % best_l, 'NE') #ROOT.TPaveText(0.65,1-canvas.GetTopMargin(),1-canvas.GetRightMargin(),0.999, "brNDC") info.Draw() canvas.Update() plotter.set_subdir('L_curve') modes = ['RhoMax', 'RhoSquareAvg', 'RhoAvg'] for mode in modes: plotter.set_subdir(mode) best_tau, tau_curve, index_best = myunfolding.DoScanTau(100, t_min, t_max, mode) best_taus[mode] = best_tau tau_curve.SetName('%s_scan' % mode) tau_curve.SetMarkerStyle(1) points = [(tau_curve.GetX()[i], tau_curve.GetY()[i]) for i in xrange(tau_curve.GetN())] best = [points[index_best]] graph_best = plotting.Graph(1) graph_best.SetPoint(0, *best[0]) plotter.overlay( [tau_curve, graph_best], **styles['scan_overlay'] ) = 'c'+tau_curve.GetName() info = plotter.make_text_box('#tau = %.5f' % best_tau, 'NE') #ROOT.TPaveText(0.65,1-canvas.GetTopMargin(),1-canvas.GetRightMargin(),0.999, "brNDC") info.Draw()'Tau_curve') #force running without regularization best_taus['NoReg'] = 0 for name, best_tau in best_taus.iteritems():'best tau option for %s: %.3f' % (name, best_tau)) if opts.runHandmade: #hand-made tau scan plotter.set_subdir('Handmade') unc_scan, bias_scan = myunfolding.scan_tau( 200, 10**-6, 50, os.path.join(outdir, 'Handmade', 'scan_info.root')) = 'Handmade' bias_scan.title = 'Avg. Bias - Handmade' plotter.plot(bias_scan, logx=True, logy=True, **styles['dots'])'bias_scan') = 'Handmade' unc_scan.title = 'Avg. Unc. - Handmade' plotter.plot(unc_scan, logx=True, logy=True, **styles['dots'])'unc_scan') bias_points = [(bias_scan.GetX()[i], bias_scan.GetY()[i]) for i in xrange(bias_scan.GetN())] unc_points = [(unc_scan.GetX()[i], unc_scan.GetY()[i]) for i in xrange(unc_scan.GetN())] fom_scan = plotting.Graph(unc_scan.GetN()) for idx, info in enumerate(zip(bias_points, unc_points)): binfo, uinfo = info tau, bias = binfo _, unc = uinfo fom_scan.SetPoint(idx, tau, quad(bias, unc)) = 'Handmade' fom_scan.title = 'Figure of merit - Handmade' plotter.plot(fom_scan, logx=True, logy=True, **styles['dots'])'fom_scan') to_save = [] outfile =, opts.out),'recreate') for name, best_tau in best_taus.iteritems(): plotter.set_subdir(name) method_dir = outfile.mkdir(name) myunfolding.tau = best_tau hdata_unfolded = myunfolding.unfolded #apply phase space efficiency corrections hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected = hdata_unfolded.Clone() hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected.Divide(eff_hist) hdata_refolded = myunfolding.refolded #apply purity corrections hdata_refolded_wpurity = hdata_refolded.Clone() error_matrix = myunfolding.ematrix_total hcorrelations = myunfolding.rhoI_total hbias = myunfolding.bias #canvas = overlay(myunfolding.truth, hdata_unfolded) myunfolding.truth.xaxis.title = xaxislabel hdata_unfolded.xaxis.title = xaxislabel n_neg_bins = 0 for ibin in range(1,hdata_unfolded.GetNbinsX()+1): if hdata_unfolded.GetBinContent(ibin) < 0: n_neg_bins = n_neg_bins + 1 hn_neg_bins = plotting.Hist( 2,-1, 1, name = 'nneg_bins', title = 'Negative bins in ' + hdata_unfolded.GetName()+ ';Bin sign; N_{bins}' ) hn_neg_bins.SetBinContent(1,n_neg_bins) hn_neg_bins.SetBinContent(2,hdata_unfolded.GetNbinsX()-n_neg_bins) plotter.plot( hn_neg_bins, writeTo='unfolding_bins_sign', **styles['line'] ) leg = LegendDefinition( title=name, labels=['Truth','Unfolded'], position='ne' ) sumofpulls = 0 sumofratios = 0 for ibin in range(1,myunfolding.truth.GetNbinsX()+1): binContent1 = myunfolding.truth.GetBinContent(ibin) binContent2 = hdata_unfolded.GetBinContent(ibin) binError1 = myunfolding.truth.GetBinError(ibin) binError2 = hdata_unfolded.GetBinError(ibin) error = sqrt(binError1*binError1 + binError2*binError2) if error != 0: pull = (binContent2-binContent1)/error else: pull = 9999 if binContent1 != 0: ratio = binContent2/binContent1 sumofpulls = sumofpulls + pull sumofratios = sumofratios + ratio sumofpulls = sumofpulls / myunfolding.truth.GetNbinsX() sumofratios = sumofratios / myunfolding.truth.GetNbinsX() hsum_of_pulls = plotting.Hist( 1, 0, 1, name = 'sum_of_pulls_' + hdata_unfolded.GetName(), title = 'Sum of pulls wrt truth for ' + hdata_unfolded.GetName()+ ';None; #Sigma(pulls) / N_{bins}' ) hsum_of_pulls[1].value = sumofpulls plotter.plot(hsum_of_pulls, writeTo='unfolding_sum_of_pulls', **styles['line']) hsum_of_ratios = plotting.Hist( 1, 0, 1, name = 'sum_of_ratios_' + hdata_unfolded.GetName(), title = 'Sum of ratios wrt truth for ' + hdata_unfolded.GetName()+ ';None; #Sigma(ratios) / N_{bins}' ) hsum_of_ratios[1].value = sumofratios plotter.plot(hsum_of_ratios, writeTo='unfolding_sum_of_ratios', **styles['line']) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [myunfolding.truth], hdata_unfolded, legend_def=leg, writeTo='unfolding_pull', **styles['data_overlay'] ) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [myunfolding.truth], hdata_unfolded, legend_def=leg, method='ratio', writeTo='unfolding_ratio', **styles['data_overlay'] ) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [full_true], hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected, legend_def=leg, writeTo='unfolding_pull', **styles['data_overlay'] ) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [full_true], hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected, legend_def=leg, method='ratio', writeTo='unfolding_ratio', **styles['data_overlay'] ) nbins = myunfolding.measured.GetNbinsX() input_distro = getattr(resp_file, opts.var).prefit_distribution leg = LegendDefinition(title=name, position='ne') myunfolding.measured.xaxis.title = xaxislabel hdata_refolded.xaxis.title = xaxislabel myunfolding.measured.drawstyle = 'e1' style = {'linestyle':[1, 0], 'markerstyle':[20, 20], 'markercolor':[2,4], 'linecolor':[2,4], 'drawstyle' : ['hist', 'e1'], 'legendstyle' : ['l', 'p'], 'title' : ['Refolded', 'Reco'] } plotter.overlay_and_compare( [hdata_refolded], myunfolding.measured, legend_def=leg, writeTo='refolded_pull', **style ) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [hdata_refolded], myunfolding.measured, legend_def=leg, method='ratio', writeTo='refolded_ratio', **style ) style = {'linestyle':[1,0,0], 'markerstyle':[20,21,21], 'markercolor':[2,4,1], 'linecolor':[2,4,1], 'drawstyle' : ['hist', 'e1', 'e1'], 'legendstyle' : ['l', 'p', 'p'], 'title' : ['Refolded', 'Reco', 'Input'] } measured_no_correction.drawstyle = 'e1' plotter.overlay_and_compare( [hdata_refolded_wpurity, measured_no_correction], input_distro, legend_def=leg, writeTo='refolded_wpurity_pull', **style ) plotter.overlay_and_compare( [hdata_refolded_wpurity, measured_no_correction], input_distro, legend_def=leg, method='ratio', writeTo='refolded_wpurity_ratio', **style ) method_dir.WriteTObject(hdata_unfolded, 'hdata_unfolded') method_dir.WriteTObject(hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected, 'hdata_unfolded_ps_corrected') method_dir.WriteTObject(hdata_refolded, 'hdata_refolded') method_dir.WriteTObject(hdata_refolded_wpurity, 'hdata_refolded_wpurity') method_dir.WriteTObject(error_matrix, 'error_matrix') method_dir.WriteTObject(hbias, 'bias') method_dir.WriteTObject(hn_neg_bins, 'hn_neg_bins') method_dir.WriteTObject(hsum_of_pulls, 'hsum_of_pulls') method_dir.WriteTObject(hsum_of_ratios, 'hsum_of_ratios') htruth = myunfolding.truth hmatrix = myunfolding.matrix hmeasured = myunfolding.measured #with, opts.out),'recreate') as outfile: to_save.extend([ measured_no_correction, eff_hist, purity_hist, full_true, myunfolding.truth, ## 4 myunfolding.measured, ## 5 myunfolding.matrix,]) ## 6 if opts.tau < 0: to_save.extend([ l_curve, ## 9 tau_curve, ## 10 graph_x, graph_y ]) if opts.cov_matrix != 'none': to_save.extend([input_cov_matrix]) to_save.extend([input_corr_matrix]) for i, j in enumerate(to_save): log.debug('Saving %s as %s' % (, j.GetName())) j.Write() getattr(resp_file, opts.var).reco_distribution.Write() getattr(resp_file, opts.var).prefit_distribution.Write() json = ROOT.TText(0., 0., prettyjson.dumps(best_taus)) outfile.WriteTObject(json, 'best_taus') myunfolding.write_to(outfile, 'urunfolder') outfile.Close()
parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('output', type=str) parser.add_argument('inputs', type=str, nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args() if len(args.inputs) == 1: shutil.copy(args.inputs[0], args.output) else: nevts = 0 nweighted = 0 sumw = None partial = args.output.replace('.json', '.part.json') tmp = args.output.replace('.json', '.tmp.json') tmp2= args.output.replace('.json', '.tmp2.json') with open(partial, 'w') as p: p.write(prettyjson.dumps({})) for jin in args.inputs: jmap = prettyjson.loads(open(jin).read()) nevts += jmap['events'] nweighted += jmap['weightedEvents'] if 'sum_weights' in jmap: if sumw is None: sumw = [i for i in jmap['sum_weights']]: else: if len(jmap['sum_weights']) and len(sumw): raise ValueError( 'I got a vector of size %d and' ' I was expecting it %d long' % (len(sumw), len(jmap['sum_weights']))) for i in range(sumw): sumw[i] += jmap['sum_weights']
def save(self, filename, png=True, pdf=True, dotc=False, dotroot=False, json=False, verbose=False): ''' Save the current canvas contents to [filename] ''' self.pad.Draw() self.canvas.Update() if not os.path.exists(self.outputdir): os.makedirs(self.outputdir) if verbose: print 'saving ' + os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.png' if png: self.canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.png') if pdf: self.canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.pdf') if dotc: self.canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.C') if json: jdict = {} for obj in self.keep: if isinstance(obj, ROOT.TH1): jdict[obj.GetTitle()] = [ obj.GetBinContent(1), obj.GetBinError(1) ] if isinstance(obj, ROOT.THStack): jdict['hist_stack'] = {} for i in obj.GetHists(): jdict['hist_stack'][i.GetTitle()] = [ i.GetBinContent(1), i.GetBinError(1) ] with open(os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.json', 'w') as jout: jout.write(prettyjson.dumps(jdict)) if dotroot: outfile = ROOT.TFile.Open( os.path.join(self.outputdir, filename) + '.root', 'recreate') self.canvas.Write() for obj in self.keep: obj.Write() #self.keep = [] self.reset() outfile.Close() #self.canvas = plotting.Canvas(name='adsf', title='asdf') #self.pad = plotting.Pad(0., 0., 1., 1.) #ful-size pad if self.keep and self.lower_pad: #pass self.reset() else: # Reset keeps self.keep = [] # Reset logx/y self.canvas.SetLogx(False) self.canvas.SetLogy(False)
def run_module(**kwargs): args = Struct(**kwargs) if not = args.var results = [prettyjson.loads(open(i).read())[-1] for i in args.results] #set_trace() results.sort(key=lambda x: x['median']) nevts_graph = plotting.Graph(len(results)) upbound_graph = plotting.Graph(len(results)) max_unc = 0. bound_range = args.vrange #results[-1]['up_edge'] - results[0]['up_edge'] step = results[1]['up_edge'] - results[0]['up_edge'] #bound_range += step bound_min = results[0]['up_edge'] - step for idx, info in enumerate(results): nevts_graph.SetPoint(idx, info['median'], info["one_sigma"]["relative"]) upbound_graph.SetPoint(idx, info['up_edge'], info["one_sigma"]["relative"]) if info["one_sigma"]["relative"] > max_unc: max_unc = info["one_sigma"]["relative"] canvas = plotting.Canvas() nevts_graph.Draw('APL') nevts_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('average number of events') nevts_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('relative fit uncertainty') canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'nevts_%s.png' % tf1 = Plotter.parse_formula( 'scale / (x - shift) + offset', 'scale[1,0,10000],shift[%.2f,%.2f,%.2f],offset[0, 0, 1]' % (bound_min, bound_min - 2 * step, bound_min + step)) # ROOT.TF1('ret', '[0]/(x - [1])', -3, 1000) tf1.SetRange(0, 1000) tf1.SetLineColor(ROOT.EColor.kAzure) tf1.SetLineWidth(3) result = upbound_graph.Fit(tf1, 'MES') #WL scale = tf1.GetParameter('scale') shift = tf1.GetParameter('shift') offset = tf1.GetParameter('offset') upbound_graph.Draw('APL') upbound_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle('upper bin edge') upbound_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle('relative fit uncertainty') if args.fullrange: upbound_graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(offset, max_unc * 1.2) upbound_graph.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(shift, (shift + bound_range) * 1.2) delta = lambda x, y: ((x - shift) / bound_range)**2 + ((y - offset) / (max_unc - offset)) points = ((bound_min + step) + i * (bound_range / 100.) for i in xrange(100)) math_best_x = min(points, key=lambda x: delta(x, tf1.Eval(x))) math_best_y = tf1.Eval(math_best_x) ## math_best_x = math.sqrt(scale*bound_range*(max_unc-offset))+shift ## math_best_y = tf1.Eval(math_best_x) #max_unc*math.sqrt(scale)+offset best = min(results, key=lambda x: abs(x['up_edge'] - math_best_x)) upbound_best = plotting.Graph(1) upbound_best.SetPoint(0, best['up_edge'], best["one_sigma"]["relative"]) upbound_best.markerstyle = 29 upbound_best.markersize = 3 upbound_best.markercolor = 2 upbound_best.Draw('P same') print math_best_x, math_best_y print best['up_edge'], best["one_sigma"]["relative"] math_best = plotting.Graph(1) math_best.SetPoint(0, math_best_x, math_best_y) math_best.markerstyle = 29 math_best.markersize = 3 math_best.markercolor = ROOT.EColor.kAzure math_best.Draw('P same') canvas.SaveAs(os.path.join(args.outdir, 'upbound_%s.png' % json = {'best': best['up_edge'], 'unc': best["one_sigma"]["relative"]} with open(os.path.join(args.outdir, '%s.json' %, 'w') as jfile: jfile.write(prettyjson.dumps(json))
title='%s efficiencies' % qtype) effs[qtype] = {} for wpoint, jmap in jmaps.iteritems(): line = table.new_line() line.WP = wpoint isThere = ("lead_%sEff" % qtype) in wpoints[wpoint] line.clead = 100 * wpoints[wpoint]["lead_%sEff" % qtype] if isThere else 0. line.csub = 100 * wpoints[wpoint]["sub_%sEff" % qtype] if isThere else 0. leff = compute_eff(jmap, 'leading', qtype) seff = compute_eff(jmap, 'subleading', qtype) teff = (leff + seff) / 2. line.lead = leff * 100 line.sub = seff * 100 line.avg = teff * 100 line.diff = 100 * (leff - seff) / teff effs[qtype][wpoint] = { 'leading': leff, 'subleading': seff, 'average': teff } del line print '\n\n' print table with open('plots/%s/btageff/mc_effs.json' % jobid, 'w') as out: out.write(prettyjson.dumps(effs))
vals.append( (tdir, plotter.get_yields(50)) ) if 'discriminant'in var: plotter.mc_samples = plotter.generic_mcs jmap = {} for tdir, sams in vals: for sam, lo, hi in sams: if sam not in jmap: jmap[sam] = {} jmap[sam]['%s/%s' % (tdir, 'hi')] = hi jmap[sam]['%s/%s' % (tdir, 'lo')] = lo with open('yields.json', 'w') as out: out.write(prettyjson.dumps(jmap)) if args.shapes or args.all: for peak, dname in [('*', 'shapes'), ('Peak', 'shapes_peak'), ('Int', 'shapes_interference')]: plotter.set_subdir(dname) for mass in [400, 500, 600, 750]: histos = [] for width, color in zip([5, 10, 25, 50], ['#f9a505', '#2aa198', '#0055ff', '#6666b3']): htt_view = plotter.get_view('HtoTT_M%d_%dpc_%s' % (mass, width, peak)) histos.append( sum( htt_view.Get('%s/nosys/tight/MTHigh/m_tt' % i) \ for i in ['right', 'matchable', 'unmatchable', 'noslep'] ) ) histos[-1].Rebin(2)