def main(*args): logString = ' ' def log(line): Logger.Log_(logString + line) def getSectionNumber(page_, sectionName_): PARAMS_ = { "action": "parse", "page": page_, "prop": 'sections', "format": 'json' } R_ = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS_) DATA_ = R_.json() sectionList_ = [] if 'parse' in DATA_ and 'sections' in DATA_['parse']: sections_ = DATA_['parse']['sections'] for section_ in sections_: if section_["anchor"] == sectionName_: sectionList_.append(section_["index"]) if len(sectionList_) == 1: return sectionList_[0] elif len(sectionList_) == 0: return -1 else: outputString_ = "**ERROR**: cannot find section number for " + page_ + '#' + sectionName_ + '.' print(outputString_) log(outputString_) return None def editSection(page_, section_, sectionNumber_, sectionText_, summary_): PARAMS_EditPage_ = { "action": "edit", "format": 'json', "text": sectionText_, "title": page_, "section": sectionNumber_, "summary": summary_, "bot": '1', "token": CSRF_TOKEN } log('Editing ' + page_ + '#' + section_) R_ =, data=PARAMS_EditPage_) DATA_ = R_.json() if "edit" in DATA_ and "result" in DATA_[ "edit"] and "Success" == DATA_["edit"]["result"]: with open(completedSectionsFullPath, 'a', newline='') as dataOut_: dataOut_.write(page_ + '#' + section_ + '\n') else: outString_ = 'Failed ' + ' to edit ' + page_ + '#' + section_ print(outString_) print(DATA_) log(outString_) log(DATA_) sys.exit() def editPage(page_, text_, summary_): PARAMS_EditPage_ = { "action": "edit", "format": 'json', "text": text_, "title": page_, "summary": summary_, "bot": '1', "token": CSRF_TOKEN } log('Editing ' + page_) R_ =, data=PARAMS_EditPage_) DATA_ = R_.json() if "edit" in DATA_ and "result" in DATA_[ "edit"] and "Success" == DATA_["edit"]["result"]: with open(completedSectionsFullPath, 'a', newline='') as dataOut_: dataOut_.write(page_ + '\n') else: outString_ = 'Failed ' + ' to edit ' + page_ print(outString_) print(DATA_) log(outString_) log(DATA_) sys.exit() def UploadSectionForEachItemPage(sectionName, dirSection): for f_ in os.listdir(dirSection): if f_.endswith('.txt'): page_ = ItemDict[f_[7:-4]]["Page"] section_ = sectionName if not page_ + '#' + section_ in completedPageSectionPairs: sectionNumber_ = getSectionNumber(page_, section_) if sectionNumber_ is not None and not sectionNumber_ == -1: sectionText_ = LoadTextFile(dirSection, f_) summary_ = '/* ' + section_ + ' */ Bot added info for game version v' + gameVersion + ', bot version ' + botVersion + '. Contact [[User:Alleryn]] for issues concerning this bot edit.' editSection(page_, section_, sectionNumber_, sectionText_, summary_) else: outputString_ = "**ERROR**: cannot find section number for " + page_ + '#' + section_ + '.' print(outputString_) log(outputString_) def ArchivePyFiles(directory): files = set(f_ for f_ in os.listdir(directory) if f_.endswith('.py')) for filename in files: source = LoadTextFile(directory, filename) SaveTextFile(dirPython, botVersion + '_' + filename, source) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) gameVersion = urllib.request.urlopen( '').read().decode( 'UTF-8') botVersion = LoadTextFile('.', 'BotVersion.txt') dirBase = './Data/' + botVersion if not gameVersion == LoadTextFile(dirBase, botVersion + '_GameVersion.txt'): outputString = '**ERROR** GAME VERSION MISMATCH' log(outputString) sys.exit(outputString) S = requests.Session() URL = "" PARAMS_GetLoginToken = { "action": "query", "meta": 'tokens', "type": 'login', "format": 'json' } log('Getting logintoken') R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS_GetLoginToken) DATA = R.json() LOGIN_TOKEN = DATA['query']['tokens']['logintoken'] if not LOGIN_TOKEN: sys.exit("Login Token acquisition failed!") PARAMS_DoLogin = { "action": "login", "lgname": sys.argv[1], "lgpassword": sys.argv[2], "lgtoken": LOGIN_TOKEN, "format": 'json' } log('Logging in') R =, data=PARAMS_DoLogin) DATA = R.json() if not DATA['login']['result'] == "Success": sys.exit("Login failed!") PARAMS_GetCsrfToken = { "action": "query", "meta": 'tokens', "format": 'json' } log('Getting csrftoken') R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS_GetCsrfToken) DATA = R.json() CSRF_TOKEN = DATA['query']['tokens']['csrftoken'] if not CSRF_TOKEN: sys.exit("Csrf Token acquisition failed!") completedSectionsFullPath = './CompletedSections.txt' if os.path.isfile(completedSectionsFullPath): outString = "Loading file: " + completedSectionsFullPath log(outString) print(outString) with open(completedSectionsFullPath, 'r') as file: completedPageSectionPairs ='\n') else: completedPageSectionPairs = [] with open(completedSectionsFullPath, 'w', newline='') as dataOut: dataOut.write('') # UPLOAD SECTION dirLoad = dirBase + '/VersionizedUploadData' dirAbLoad = dirLoad + '/' + Ab_String dirFvLoad = dirLoad + '/' + Fv_String dirQRLoad = dirLoad + '/' + QR_String dirQFLoad = dirLoad + '/' + QF_String dirRULoad = dirLoad + '/' + RU_String dirRPLoad = dirLoad + '/' + RP_String dirRKLoad = dirLoad + '/' + RK_String dirXPLoad = dirLoad + '/' + XP_String ItemDict = LoadJson(dirBase + '/Jsons', 'items.json', True) for f in os.listdir(dirLoad): if f.endswith('.txt'): if '#' in f: page, section = f[4:-4].replace('~', '/').replace('@', ':').split('#') if page + '#' + section not in completedPageSectionPairs: sectionNumber = getSectionNumber(page, section) if sectionNumber is not None and not sectionNumber == -1: sectionText = LoadTextFile(dirLoad, f) summary = 'Bot added info for game version v' + gameVersion + ', bot version ' + botVersion + '. Contact [[User:Alleryn]] for issues concerning this bot edit.' editSection(page, section, sectionNumber, sectionText, summary) else: page = f[4:-4].replace('~', '/').replace('@', ':') if page not in completedPageSectionPairs: text = LoadTextFile(dirLoad, f) summary = 'Bot added info for game version v' + gameVersion + ', bot version ' + botVersion + '. Contact [[User:Alleryn]] for issues concerning this bot edit.' editPage(page, text, summary) for f in os.listdir(dirXPLoad): if f.endswith('.txt'): page = 'Xptables/' + f[7:-4] if page not in completedPageSectionPairs: text = LoadTextFile(dirLoad, f) summary = 'Bot added info for game version v' + gameVersion + ', bot version ' + botVersion + '. Contact [[User:Alleryn]] for issues concerning this bot edit.' editPage(page, text, summary) for f in os.listdir(dirRKLoad): if f.endswith('.txt'): page = 'Category:Items/' + f[7:-4] section = 'Using_in_Recipes' if not page + '#' + section in completedPageSectionPairs: sectionNumber = getSectionNumber(page, section) sectionText = LoadTextFile(dirRKLoad, f) summary = 'Bot added info for game version v' + gameVersion + ', bot version ' + botVersion + '. Contact [[User:Alleryn]] for issues concerning this bot edit.' if sectionNumber == -1: PARAMS_EditPage = { "action": "edit", "format": 'json', "text": sectionText, "title": page, "summary": summary, "bot": '1', "token": CSRF_TOKEN } log('Editing ' + page + '#' + section) R =, data=PARAMS_EditPage) DATA = R.json() if "edit" in DATA and "result" in DATA[ "edit"] and "Success" == DATA["edit"]["result"]: with open(completedSectionsFullPath, 'a', newline='') as dataOut: dataOut.write(DATA["edit"]["title"] + '#' + section + '\n') else: outString = 'Failed ' + ' to edit ' + page + '#' + section print(outString) print(DATA) log(outString) log(DATA) sys.exit() elif sectionNumber is not None: editSection(page, section, sectionNumber, sectionText, summary) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(Ab_String, dirAbLoad) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(Fv_String, dirFvLoad) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(QR_String, dirQRLoad) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(QF_String, dirQFLoad) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(RU_String, dirRULoad) UploadSectionForEachItemPage(RP_String, dirRPLoad) # End UPLOAD SECTION PARAMS_DoLogout = { "action": "logout", "token": CSRF_TOKEN, "format": "json" } log('Logging out') R =, data=PARAMS_DoLogout) DATA = R.json() print(DATA) dirPython = dirBase + '/Python' MakeDir(dirPython) log('Archiving Python files') ArchivePyFiles('.') ArchivePyFiles('./Generators') os.rename(completedSectionsFullPath, dirBase + './CompletedSections.txt') log('Archiving Data') oldVersion = str(int(botVersion) - 1) dirOld = './Data/' + oldVersion os.rename(dirOld, './Archive/Data/' + oldVersion) log('Updating botVersion.txt') with open('./BotVersion.txt', 'w', newline='') as dataOut: dataOut.write(str(int(botVersion) + 1))
import os import datetime import atexit from Util import SaveTextFile, AppendDateAndTime, MakeDir def Log_(line): logLines.append(line) def CleanUp_(): sourceLog = '\n'.join(logLines) filenameLog = AppendDateAndTime(, 'Log') + '.txt' SaveTextFile(dirLogs, filenameLog, sourceLog) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) logLines = [] dirLogs = './Logs' MakeDir(dirLogs) atexit.register(CleanUp_)
import urllib.request from Util import MakeDir, LoadJson, SaveJson, SaveTextFile from Generators.WikiRecipeTemplate import GenerateWikiRecipeTemplate os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) version = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode('UTF-8') print("version = " + version) prefix = '' midfix = '/data/' postfix = '.json' dirJsons = './Jsons' MakeDir(dirJsons) dirSave = dirJsons + '/v' + version MakeDir(dirSave) JsonNames = [ "abilities", "advancementtables", "ai", "areas", "attributes", "directedgoals", "effects", "items", "itemuses", "lorebookinfo",
from Util import MakeDir, AppendDateAndTime, LoadTextFile, SaveTextFile def GetLatestBackup(filename): backups = sorted( [f for f in os.listdir('./Backups') if f.endswith(filename)], reverse=True) if backups: return LoadTextFile('./Backups', backups[0]) else: return None def BackupPyFiles(timestamp, directory): files = set(f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('.py')) for filename in files: source = LoadTextFile(directory, filename) if not source == GetLatestBackup(filename): SaveTextFile('./Backups', AppendDateAndTime(timestamp, filename), source) print('Saving backup to ' + filename) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) MakeDir('./Backups') timestampBackup = BackupPyFiles(timestampBackup, '.') BackupPyFiles(timestampBackup, './Generators')
gameVersion = urllib.request.urlopen( '').read().decode('UTF-8') botVersionCurrent = LoadTextFile('.', 'BotVersion.txt') dirBaseCurrent = './Data/' + botVersionCurrent dirLoadCurrent = dirBaseCurrent + '/WikiData' if not gameVersion == LoadTextFile(dirBaseCurrent, botVersionCurrent + '_GameVersion.txt'): sys.exit('**ERROR** GAME VERSION MISMATCH') botVersionPrevious = str(int(botVersionCurrent) - 1) dirBasePrevious = './Data/' + botVersionPrevious dirLoadPrevious = dirBasePrevious + '/WikiData' dirSave = dirBaseCurrent + '/ChangedFiles' MakeDir(dirSave) SaveJson(dirSave, 'OtherChangedFiles.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData')) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_Ab_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + Ab_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_Fv_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + Fv_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_QR_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + QR_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_QF_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + QF_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_RU_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + RU_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_RP_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + RP_String)) SaveJson(dirSave, 'Changed_RK_Files.json', FindChangedFiles('WikiData/' + RK_String))
from Util import LoadTextFile, LoadJson, SaveTextFile, MakeDir from GlobalStrings import Ab_String, Fv_String, QR_String, QF_String, RU_String, RP_String, RK_String, XP_String os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) gameVersion = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode('UTF-8') botVersion = LoadTextFile('.', 'BotVersion.txt') dirBase = './Data/' + botVersion if not gameVersion == LoadTextFile(dirBase, botVersion + '_GameVersion.txt'): sys.exit('**ERROR** GAME VERSION MISMATCH') dirLoadCompare = dirBase + '/ChangedFiles' dirLoadWikiData = dirBase + '/WikiData' dirSave = dirBase + '/VersionizedUploadData' MakeDir(dirSave) dirAbSave = dirSave + '/' + Ab_String dirFvSave = dirSave + '/' + Fv_String dirQRSave = dirSave + '/' + QR_String dirQFSave = dirSave + '/' + QF_String dirRUSave = dirSave + '/' + RU_String dirRPSave = dirSave + '/' + RP_String dirRKSave = dirSave + '/' + RK_String dirXPSave = dirSave + '/' + XP_String MakeDir(dirAbSave) MakeDir(dirFvSave) MakeDir(dirQRSave) MakeDir(dirQFSave) MakeDir(dirRUSave) MakeDir(dirRPSave)
if "ItemCode" in ingredient: ingredient["Link"] = ItemJson['item_' + str(ingredient["ItemCode"])]["Link"] ingredient["IconString"] = ItemJson[ 'item_' + str(ingredient["ItemCode"])]["IconString"] for result in RecipeJson[recipe]['ResultItems']: if "ItemCode" in result: result["Link"] = ItemJson['item_' + str(result["ItemCode"])]["Link"] result["IconString"] = ItemJson[ 'item_' + str(result["ItemCode"])]["IconString"] botVersion = LoadTextFile('.', 'BotVersion.txt') dirData = './Data' MakeDir(dirData) dirVersion = dirData + '/' + botVersion MakeDir(dirVersion) dirSave = dirVersion + '/Jsons' MakeDir(dirSave) SaveTextFile(dirVersion, botVersion + '_GameVersion.txt', gameVersion) SaveJson(dirSave, 'items.json', ItemJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'abilities.json', AbilityJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'skills.json', SkillJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'npcs.json', NpcJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'quests.json', QuestJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'recipes.json', RecipeJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'attributes.json', AttributeJson) SaveJson(dirSave, 'xptables.json', XpTableJson)