def train(self):
        print("Total number of parameters: %d" % (self.hyp.shape[0]))

        # Gradients from autograd
        NLML = value_and_grad(self.likelihood)

        start_time = timeit.default_timer()
        for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1):
            # Fetch minibatch
            self.X_batch, self.y_batch = fetch_minibatch(
                self.X, self.y, self.N_batch)

            # Compute likelihood and gradients
            nlml, D_NLML = NLML(self.hyp)

            # Update hyper-parameters
            self.hyp, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp = stochastic_update_Adam(
                self.hyp, D_NLML, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp, self.lrate, i)

            if i % self.monitor_likelihood == 0:
                elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
                print('Iteration: %d, NLML: %.2f, Time: %.2f' %
                      (i, nlml, elapsed))
                start_time = timeit.default_timer()

        nlml, D_NLML = NLML(self.hyp)
 def train(self):
     # Gradients from autograd 
     MSE = value_and_grad(self.MSE)
     for i in range(1,self.max_iter+1):
         # Fetch minibatch
         self.X_batch, self.Y_batch = fetch_minibatch(self.X, self.Y, self.N_batch)
         # Compute MSE and gradients 
         MSE_value, D_MSE = MSE(self.hyp)
         # Update hyper-parameters
         self.hyp, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp = stochastic_update_Adam(self.hyp, D_MSE, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp, self.lrate, i)
         if i % self.monitor_likelihood == 0:
             print("Iteration: %d, MSE: %.5e" % (i, MSE_value))
 def train(self):
     # Gradients from autograd 
     NLML = value_and_grad(self.likelihood)
     for i in range(1,self.max_iter+1):
         # Fetch minibatch
         self.X_batch, self.Y_batch = fetch_minibatch(self.X, self.Y, self.N_batch) 
         # Compute likelihood_UB and gradients 
         NLML_value, D_NLML = NLML(self.hyp)
         # Update hyper-parameters
         self.hyp, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp = stochastic_update_Adam(self.hyp, D_NLML, self.mt_hyp, self.vt_hyp, self.lrate, i)
         if i % self.monitor_likelihood == 0:
             print("Iteration: %d, likelihood: %.2f" % (i, NLML_value))
def train():
    X = ModelInfo["X"]
    y = ModelInfo["y"]

    max_iter = ModelInfo["max_iter"]
    N_batch = ModelInfo["N_batch"]
    hyp = ModelInfo["hyp"]
    monitor_likelihood = ModelInfo["monitor_likelihood"]

    # Adam optimizer parameters
    mt_hyp = np.zeros(hyp.shape)
    vt_hyp = np.zeros(hyp.shape)
    lrate = ModelInfo["lrate"]

    print("Total number of parameters: %d" % (hyp.shape[0]))

    # Gradients from autograd
    UB = value_and_grad(likelihood_UB)

    start = time.time()
    for i in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        # Fetch minibatch
        X_batch, y_batch = fetch_minibatch(X, y, N_batch)
        ModelInfo.update({"X_batch": X_batch})
        ModelInfo.update({"y_batch": y_batch})

        # Compute likelihood_UB and gradients
        hyp = ModelInfo["hyp"]
        NLML, D_NLML = UB(hyp)

        # Update hyper-parameters
        hyp, mt_hyp, vt_hyp = stochastic_update_Adam(hyp, D_NLML, mt_hyp,
                                                     vt_hyp, lrate, i)

        ModelInfo.update({"hyp": hyp})

        if i % monitor_likelihood == 0:
            end = time.time()
                "Iteration: %d, likelihood_UB: %.2f, elapsed time: %.2f seconds"
                % (i, NLML, end - start))
            start = time.time()

    NLML, D_NLML = UB(hyp)