def make(cls, awm, customer_name, phone, address, delivery_fees, date_, status, note, order_items): # order_items type: list of OrderItem try: customer = Customer.get_by_phone(phone) if customer is None: customer = Customer.new_customer(customer_name, phone, address) with DatabaseManager() as db: query = ( "insert into OrderTable " "(AWM, customerID, customer_name, address, phone, delivery_fees, date, status, note) " "values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") db.execute(query, (awm, customer.ID, customer_name, address, phone, delivery_fees, str(date_), status, note)) db.commit() with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute( 'select top 1 order_id from OrderTable order by order_id desc' ) ID = db.fetchone()[0] for item in order_items: order = Order(ID, awm, customer_name, phone, address, delivery_fees, date_, status, note, order_items) cls.orders.append(order) return order except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while saving order to the database') print(err)
def delete(self): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute("update ColorsTable set flag = 'deleted' where lenseID = ? and color_id = ?", (self.lense_id, self.color_id)) db.commit() except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while deleting color from the database')
def delete(self): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute("update LensesTable set flag = 'deleted' where lense_id = ?", self.ID) db.commit() self.load_lenses() except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while deleting Lense from the database')
def delete(self): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute( 'delete from OrderDetails where orderID = ? and colorID = ?', (self.order_id, self.color_id)) db.commit() except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while deleting order item from the database')
def delete(self): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute( 'update CustomerTable set flag = ? where customer_id = ?', ('deleted', self.ID)) db.commit() self.load_cutomers() except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while deleting customer from the database')
def save(self, order_id): self.order_id = order_id try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute( 'insert into OrderDetails (orderID, colorID, quantity) values(?, ?, ?)', (self.order_id, self.color_id, self.quantity)) db.commit() except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while adding order item to the database in add()')
def load_cutomers(cls): cls.customers.clear() try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute("select * from CustomerTable where flag = 'live'") rows = db.fetchall() for row in rows: cls.customers.append(Customer(*row[:-1])) except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while loading customers')
def load_colors(cls, lense_id): colors_list = [] try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute("select * from ColorsTable where lenseID = ? and flag = 'live'", lense_id) colors_data = db.fetchall() for row in colors_data: colors_list.append(Color(*row[:-1])) return colors_list except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while loading colors data from the database', err, sep='\n')
def edit(self, name, quantity): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('update ColorsTable set name = ?, quantity = ? where lenseID = ? and color_id = ?', (name, quantity, self.lense_id, self.color_id)) db.commit() = name self.quantity = quantity except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while updating color data in the database') print(err)
def save(cls, lense_id, name, quantity): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('insert into ColorsTable (lenseID, name, quantity) values(?, ?, ?)', (lense_id, name, quantity)) db.commit() db.execute('select top 1 color_id from ColorsTable order by color_id desc') color_id = db.fetchone()[0] return Color(lense_id, color_id, name, quantity) except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while adding new color to the database') print(err)
def update_prices(self, wholesale_price, selling_price): current_date, max_date = self.get_dates() with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('update PriceDetails set end_date = ? where end_date = ?', (current_date, max_date)) db.commit() sleep(1) current_date, max_date = self.get_dates() db.execute('insert into PriceDetails (lense_id, wholesale_price, selling_price, start_date, end_date) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', self.ID, wholesale_price, selling_price,current_date, max_date) db.commit() self.wholesale_price = wholesale_price self.selling_price = selling_price
def edit(self, name, diameter): # we will just edit the lenses data and the colors will be updated separately try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('update LensesTable set name = ?, diameter = ? where lense_id = ?', (name, diameter, self.ID)) db.commit() = name self.diameter = diameter except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while updating lense data in the database') print(err)
def new(cls, name, wholesale_price, selling_price, diameter, colors: list): # colors is a list of colornamedtuple objects colors_list = [] current_date, max_date = cls.get_dates() try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('insert into LensesTable (name, diameter) values(?, ?)', (name, diameter)) db.commit() db.execute('select top 1 lense_id from LensesTable order by lense_id desc') id_ = db.fetchone()[0] for color in colors: colors_list.append(,, color.quantity)) with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute(f"insert into PriceDetails (lense_id, wholesale_price, selling_price, start_date, end_date) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (id_, wholesale_price, selling_price, current_date, max_date)) db.commit() cls.load_lenses() return Lense(id_, name, diameter, colors_list) except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while adding new lense to the database') print(err)
def get_prices(self): current_datetime = try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute('select wholesale_price, selling_price from PriceDetails where ? between start_date and end_date and lense_id = ?', (current_datetime, self.ID)) prices = db.fetchone() if prices: return prices else: return None, None except pyodbc.Error: print('Error while fetching the price from the database')
def load_lenses(cls): cls.lenses.clear() try: with DatabaseManager() as db: db.execute("select lense_id, name, diameter from LensesTable where flag = 'live'") lenses_data = db.fetchall() for row in lenses_data: colors = cls.load_colors(row[0]) lense = Lense(*row, colors) if lense.wholesale_price is not None and lense.selling_price is not None: cls.lenses.append(lense) except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while loading lenses data from the database', err, sep='\n')
def edit(self, new_name, new_phone, new_address): try: with DatabaseManager() as db: # db.execute('update CustomerTable set name = ?, phone = ?, address = ? where customer_id = ?', # (new_name, new_phone, new_address, self.ID)) db.execute( f"update CustomerTable set name = N'{new_name}', phone = N'{new_phone}', address = N'{new_address}' where customer_id = {self.ID}" ) db.commit() = new_name = new_phone self.address = new_address except pyodbc.Error as err: print('error while editing the customer data') print(str(err))
def new_customer(cls, name, phone, address) -> 'Customer': try: with DatabaseManager() as db: # db.execute("insert into CustomerTable (name, phone, address) values(?, ?, ?)", # (name, phone, address)) db.execute( f"insert into CustomerTable (name, phone, address) values(N'{name}', N'{phone}', N'{address}')" ) db.commit() cls.load_cutomers() except pyodbc.Error as err: print('Error while adding new customer data to the database') print(err) finally: return cls.get_by_phone(phone)