Example #1
 async def give(self, ctx, mentioned_user: discord.Member = discord.Member, amount="0"):
     """Give a user money [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]"""
         amount = ex.remove_commas(amount)
         check = True
     except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send(f"> **{amount} is not a proper value.**")
         check = False
         if check:
             user_id = ctx.author.id
             if not await ex.check_in_game(user_id, ctx):
                 await ex.register_user(user_id)
                 if mentioned_user.id != user_id:
                     current_amount = await ex.get_balance(user_id)
                     if amount == 0:
                         await ctx.send("> **Please specify an amount [Format: %give (@user) (amount)]**", delete_after=60)
                     if amount > 0:
                         if amount > current_amount:
                             await ctx.send("> **You do not have enough money to give!**", delete_after=60)
                         if amount <= current_amount:
                             mentioned_money = await ex.get_balance(mentioned_user.id)
                             new_amount = mentioned_money + amount
                             subtracted_amount = current_amount - amount
                             await ex.update_balance(mentioned_user.id, str(new_amount))
                             await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(subtracted_amount))
                             await ctx.send("> **Your money has been transferred.**")
                 elif mentioned_user.id == user_id:
                     await ctx.send("> **You can not give money to yourself!**")
     except Exception as e:
Example #2
 async def joingame(self, ctx, game_id=0, amount="0"):
     """Join a game [Format: %joingame (gameid) (bid)] [Aliases: jg]"""
         amount = ex.remove_commas(amount)
         user_id = ctx.author.id
         if await ex.process_bj_game(ctx, amount, user_id):
             game = await ex.get_game(game_id)
             if game is None:
                 await ctx.send(f"> **{ctx.author}, {game_id} is not a valid game.**")
                 if game[5] == ctx.channel.id:  # Did not use already existing function due to incompatibility.
                     await ex.add_player_two(game_id, user_id, amount)
                     await ex.start_game(game_id)
                     await ctx.send(f"> **{ctx.author}, that game ({game_id}) is not available in this text channel.**")
     except Exception as e:
Example #3
 async def blackjack(self, ctx, amount="0", versus="player"):
     """Start a game of BlackJack [Format: %blackjack (amount)] [Aliases: bj]"""
         amount = ex.remove_commas(amount)
         user_id = ctx.author.id
         if versus != "bot":
             if await ex.process_bj_game(ctx, amount, user_id):
                 await ex.add_bj_game(user_id, amount, ctx, "player")
             if await ex.process_bj_game(ctx, amount, user_id):
                 await ex.add_bj_game(user_id, amount, ctx, "bot")
                 game_id = await ex.get_game_by_player(user_id)
                 fake_bot_id = int(f"{ex.get_int_index(bot_id, 9)}{randint(1,999999999)}")
                 await ex.add_player_two(game_id, fake_bot_id, amount)
                 await ex.start_game(game_id)
     except Exception as e:
Example #4
 async def bet(self, ctx, *, balance="1"):
     """Bet your money [Format: %bet (amount)]"""
         balance = ex.remove_commas(balance)
         check = True
     except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send(f"> **{balance} is not a proper value.**")
         check = False
         if check:
             user_id = ctx.author.id
             if not await ex.check_in_game(user_id, ctx):
                 keep_going = True
                 if balance == 0:
                     await ctx.send("> **You are not allowed to bet 0.**")
                     keep_going = False
                 if balance > 0:
                     if keep_going:
                         await ex.register_user(user_id)
                         amount = await ex.get_balance(user_id)
                         if balance > amount:
                             await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Not Enough Money", title_desc=f"**You do not have enough money to bet {balance:,}. You have {amount:,} Dollars.**" ))
                         if balance <= amount:
                             a = randint(1, 100)
                             if a <= 50:
                                 if a <= 10:
                                     new_balance = round(balance)
                                     new_amount = round(amount - balance)
                                     await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Loss", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Got Super Unlucky! You lost {new_balance:,} out of {balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                     await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                 if a > 10:
                                     new_balance = round(balance - (balance / 2))
                                     new_amount = round(amount - new_balance)
                                     await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Loss", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Lost! You lost {new_balance:,} out of {balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                     await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                             if a > 50:
                                 if a <= 60:
                                     new_balance = round(balance / 5)
                                     new_amount = round(amount + new_balance)
                                     await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                     await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                 if a > 60:
                                     if a <= 70:
                                         new_balance = round(balance / 4)
                                         new_amount = round(amount + new_balance)
                                         await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                         await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                     if a > 70:
                                         if a <= 80:
                                             new_balance = round(balance / 2)
                                             new_amount = round(amount + new_balance)
                                             await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                             await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                         if a > 80:
                                             if a <= 90:
                                                 new_balance = round(balance * 1.5)
                                                 new_amount = round((amount - balance) + new_balance)
                                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                             if a > 90:
                                                 if a <= 99:
                                                     new_balance = round(balance * 2)
                                                     new_amount = round((amount - balance) + new_balance)
                                                     await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                                     await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
                                                 if a == 100:
                                                     new_balance = round(balance * 3)
                                                     new_amount = round((amount - balance) + new_balance)
                                                     await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Bet Win", title_desc=f"**<@{user_id}> Won! You bet {balance:,} and received {new_balance:,}. Your updated balance is {new_amount:,}.**"))
                                                     await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(new_amount))
     except Exception as e:
Example #5
 async def rps(self, ctx, choice='', amount="0"):
     """Play Rock Paper Scissors for Money [Format: %rps (r/p/s)(amount)][Aliases: rockpaperscissors]"""
         amount = ex.remove_commas(amount)
         check = True
     except Exception as e:
         await ctx.send(f"> **{amount} is not a proper value.**")
         check = False
         if check:
             if amount < 0:
                 await ctx.send("> **You can't bet a negative number!**")
             elif amount >= 0:
                 user_id = ctx.author.id
                 await ex.register_user(user_id)
                 if not await ex.check_in_game(user_id, ctx):
                     current_balance = await ex.get_balance(user_id)
                     if amount > current_balance:
                         await ctx.send("> ** You do not have enough money **", delete_after=60)
                     if amount <= current_balance:
                         rps = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']
                         a = randint(0, 2)
                         b = randint(0, 2)
                         cd = int(amount // (1/1.5))  # using floor division instead of multiplication
                         if amount == 0:
                             cd = 0
                         if choice == '':
                             choice = rps[a]
                         compchoice = rps[b]
                         if compchoice == 'rock':
                             if choice == 'rock' or choice == 'r':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**We Both Chose {compchoice} and Tied! You get nothing!**"))
                             if choice == 'paper' or choice == 'p':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**You Won {cd:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance + cd))
                             if choice == 'scissors' or choice == 's':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors",title_desc=f"**You Lost {amount:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance - amount))
                         if compchoice == 'paper':
                             if choice == 'rock' or choice == 'r':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**You Lost {amount:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance - amount))
                                 check_amount = str(current_balance - amount)
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, check_amount)
                             if choice == 'paper' or choice == 'p':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**We Both Chose {compchoice} and Tied! You get nothing!**"))
                             if choice == 'scissors' or choice == 's':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**You Won {cd:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance + cd))
                         if compchoice == 'scissors':
                             if choice == 'rock' or choice == 'r':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**You Won {cd:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance + cd))
                             if choice == 'paper' or choice == 'p':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**You Lost {amount:,} Dollars! I chose {compchoice} while you chose {choice}!**"))
                                 await ex.update_balance(user_id, str(current_balance - amount))
                             if choice == 'scissors' or choice == 's':
                                 await ctx.send(embed=await ex.create_embed(title="Rock Paper Scissors", title_desc=f"**We Both Chose {compchoice} and Tied! You get nothing!**"))
             await ctx.message.delete(delay=15)
     except Exception as e: