def getAffmaps_from_Affnet(patches_np): sp1, sp2 = np.shape(patches_np[0]) subpatches = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.zeros([len(patches_np), 1, 32, 32], dtype=torch.float32), volatile=True).view(len(patches_np), 1, 32, 32) for k in range(0, len(patches_np)): subpatch = patches_np[k][int(sp1 / 2) - 16:int(sp2 / 2) + 16, int(sp1 / 2) - 16:int(sp2 / 2) + 16].reshape( 1, 1, 32, 32) subpatches[k, :, :, :] = torch.from_numpy(subpatch.astype( np.float32)) #=subpatch x, y = subpatches.shape[3] / 2.0 + 2, subpatches.shape[2] / 2.0 + 2 LAFs = normalizeLAFs( torch.tensor([[AffNetPix.PS / 2, 0, x], [0, AffNetPix.PS / 2, y]]).reshape(1, 2, 3), subpatches.shape[3], subpatches.shape[2]) baseLAFs = torch.zeros([subpatches.shape[0], 2, 3], dtype=torch.float32) for m in range(subpatches.shape[0]): baseLAFs[m, :, :] = LAFs if USE_CUDA: # or ---> A = AffNetPix(subpatches.cuda()).cpu() with torch.no_grad(): A = batched_forward(AffNetPix, subpatches.cuda(), 256).cpu() else: with torch.no_grad(): A = AffNetPix(subpatches) LAFs =[torch.bmm(A, baseLAFs[:, :, 0:2]), baseLAFs[:, :, 2:]], dim=2) dLAFs = denormalizeLAFs(LAFs, subpatches.shape[3], subpatches.shape[2]) Alist = convertLAFs_to_A23format(dLAFs.detach().cpu().numpy().astype( np.float32)) return Alist
def AffNetHardNet_describeFromKeys(img_np, KPlist): img = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(img_np.astype(np.float32)), volatile=True) img = img.view(1, 1, img.size(0), img.size(1)) HessianAffine = ScaleSpaceAffinePatchExtractor(mrSize=5.192, num_features=0, border=0, num_Baum_iters=0) if USE_CUDA: HessianAffine = HessianAffine.cuda() img = img.cuda() with torch.no_grad(): HessianAffine.createScaleSpace( img) # to generate scale pyramids and stuff descriptors = [] Alist = [] n = 0 # for patch_np in patches: for kp in KPlist: x, y = np.float32( LAFs = normalizeLAFs( torch.tensor([[AffNetPix.PS / 2, 0, x], [0, AffNetPix.PS / 2, y]]).reshape(1, 2, 3), img.size(3), img.size(2)) with torch.no_grad(): patch = HessianAffine.extract_patches_from_pyr(denormalizeLAFs( LAFs, img.size(3), img.size(2)), PS=AffNetPix.PS) if WRITE_IMGS_DEBUG: SaveImageWithKeys(patch.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape([32, 32]), [], 'p2/' + str(n) + '.png') if USE_CUDA: # or ---> A = AffNetPix(subpatches.cuda()).cpu() with torch.no_grad(): A = batched_forward(AffNetPix, patch.cuda(), 256).cpu() else: with torch.no_grad(): A = AffNetPix(patch) new_LAFs =[torch.bmm(A, LAFs[:, :, 0:2]), LAFs[:, :, 2:]], dim=2) dLAFs = denormalizeLAFs(new_LAFs, img.size(3), img.size(2)) with torch.no_grad(): patchaff = HessianAffine.extract_patches_from_pyr(dLAFs, PS=32) if WRITE_IMGS_DEBUG: SaveImageWithKeys( patchaff.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape([32, 32]), [], 'p1/' + str(n) + '.png') SaveImageWithKeys(img_np, [kp], 'im1/' + str(n) + '.png') descriptors.append( HardNetDescriptor(patchaff).cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)) Alist.append( convertLAFs_to_A23format(LAFs.detach().cpu().numpy().astype( np.float32))) n = n + 1 return descriptors, Alist
def getAffineShape(self, final_resp, LAFs, final_pyr_idxs, final_level_idxs, num_features = 0): pe_time = 0 affnet_time = 0 pyr_inv_idxs = get_inverted_pyr_index(self.scale_pyr, final_pyr_idxs, final_level_idxs) t = time.time() patches_small = extract_patches_from_pyramid_with_inv_index(self.scale_pyr, pyr_inv_idxs, LAFs, PS = self.AffNet.PS) pe_time+=time.time() - t t = time.time() base_A = torch.eye(2).unsqueeze(0).expand(final_pyr_idxs.size(0),2,2) if final_resp.is_cuda: base_A = base_A.cuda() base_A = Variable(base_A) is_good = None n_patches = patches_small.size(0) for i in range(self.num_Baum_iters): t = time.time() A = batched_forward(self.AffNet, patches_small, 512) is_good_current = 1 affnet_time += time.time() - t if is_good is None: is_good = is_good_current else: is_good = is_good * is_good_current base_A = torch.bmm(A, base_A); new_LAFs =[torch.bmm(base_A,LAFs[:,:,0:2]), LAFs[:,:,2:] ], dim =2) #print torch.sqrt(new_LAFs[0,0,0]*new_LAFs[0,1,1] - new_LAFs[0,1,0] *new_LAFs[0,0,1]) * scale_pyr[0][0].size(2) if i != self.num_Baum_iters - 1: pe_time+=time.time() - t t = time.time() patches_small = extract_patches_from_pyramid_with_inv_index(self.scale_pyr, pyr_inv_idxs, new_LAFs, PS = self.AffNet.PS) pe_time+= time.time() - t l1,l2 = batch_eig2x2(A) ratio1 = torch.abs(l1 / (l2 + 1e-8)) converged_mask = (ratio1 <= 1.2) * (ratio1 >= (0.8)) l1,l2 = batch_eig2x2(base_A) ratio = torch.abs(l1 / (l2 + 1e-8)) idxs_mask = ((ratio < 6.0) * (ratio > (1./6.)))# * converged_mask.float()) > 0 num_survived = idxs_mask.float().sum() if (num_features > 0) and ([0] > num_features): final_resp = final_resp * idxs_mask.float() #zero bad points final_resp, idxs = torch.topk(final_resp, k = num_features); else: idxs = torch.nonzero( final_resp = final_resp[idxs] final_pyr_idxs = final_pyr_idxs[idxs] final_level_idxs = final_level_idxs[idxs] base_A = torch.index_select(base_A, 0, idxs) LAFs = torch.index_select(LAFs, 0, idxs) new_LAFs =[torch.bmm(rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp(base_A), LAFs[:,:,0:2]), LAFs[:,:,2:]], dim =2) print 'affnet_time',affnet_time print 'pe_time', pe_time return final_resp, new_LAFs, final_pyr_idxs, final_level_idxs
def AffNetHardNet_describe(patches): descriptors = np.zeros(shape=[patches.shape[0], 128], dtype=np.float32) HessianAffine = [] subpatches = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.zeros([len(patches), 1, 32, 32], dtype=torch.float32), volatile=True).view( len(patches), 1, 32, 32) baseLAFs = torch.zeros([len(patches), 2, 3], dtype=torch.float32) for m in range(patches.shape[0]): patch_np = patches[m, :, :, 0].reshape(np.shape(patches)[1:3]) HessianAffine.append( ScaleSpaceAffinePatchExtractor(mrSize=5.192, num_features=0, border=0, num_Baum_iters=0)) with torch.no_grad(): var_image = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy( patch_np.astype(np.float32)), volatile=True) patch = var_image.view(1, 1, var_image.size(0), var_image.size(1)) with torch.no_grad(): HessianAffine[m].createScaleSpace( patch) # to generate scale pyramids and stuff x, y = patch.size(3) / 2.0 + 2, patch.size(2) / 2.0 + 2 LAFs = normalizeLAFs( torch.tensor([[AffNetPix.PS / 2, 0, x], [0, AffNetPix.PS / 2, y]]).reshape(1, 2, 3), patch.size(3), patch.size(2)) baseLAFs[m, :, :] = LAFs with torch.no_grad(): subpatch = HessianAffine[m].extract_patches_from_pyr( denormalizeLAFs(LAFs, patch.size(3), patch.size(2)), PS=AffNetPix.PS) if WRITE_IMGS_DEBUG: SaveImageWithKeys( subpatch.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape([32, 32]), [], 'p1/' + str(n) + '.png') # This subpatch has been blured by extract_patches _from_pyr... # let't us crop it manually to obtain fair results agains other methods subpatch = patch_np[16:48, 16:48].reshape(1, 1, 32, 32) #var_image = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.from_numpy(subpatch.astype(np.float32)), volatile = True) #subpatch = var_image.view(1, 1, 32,32) subpatches[m, :, :, :] = torch.from_numpy( subpatch.astype(np.float32)) #=subpatch if WRITE_IMGS_DEBUG: SaveImageWithKeys( subpatch.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape([32, 32]), [], 'p2/' + str(n) + '.png') if USE_CUDA: # or ---> A = AffNetPix(subpatches.cuda()).cpu() with torch.no_grad(): A = batched_forward(AffNetPix, subpatches.cuda(), 256).cpu() else: with torch.no_grad(): A = AffNetPix(subpatches) LAFs =[torch.bmm(A, baseLAFs[:, :, 0:2]), baseLAFs[:, :, 2:]], dim=2) dLAFs = denormalizeLAFs(LAFs, patch.size(3), patch.size(2)) Alist = convertLAFs_to_A23format(dLAFs.detach().cpu().numpy().astype( np.float32)) for m in range(patches.shape[0]): with torch.no_grad(): patchaff = HessianAffine[m].extract_patches_from_pyr( dLAFs[m, :, :].reshape(1, 2, 3), PS=32) if WRITE_IMGS_DEBUG: SaveImageWithKeys( patchaff.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape([32, 32]), [], 'im1/' + str(n) + '.png') SaveImageWithKeys(patch_np, [], 'im2/' + str(n) + '.png') subpatches[m, :, :, :] = patchaff if USE_CUDA: with torch.no_grad(): # descriptors = HardNetDescriptor(subpatches.cuda()).detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32) descriptors = batched_forward(HardNetDescriptor, subpatches.cuda(), 256).cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32) else: with torch.no_grad(): descriptors = HardNetDescriptor( subpatches).detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32) return descriptors, Alist
def optimize(self, laf1, laf2, img1, img2, n_iters=10): if self.cuda: img1, img2 = img1.cuda(), img2.cuda() w1, h1 = img1.size(3), img1.size(2) w2, h2 = img2.size(3), img2.size(2) self.scale_pyr1, self.sigmas1, self.pix_dists1 = self.ScalePyrGen(img1) self.scale_pyr2, self.sigmas2, self.pix_dists2 = self.ScalePyrGen(img2) for d_idx in range(len(self.names_list)): D = self.desc_list[d_idx] try: if self.cuda: D = D.cuda() except: pass N = self.names_list[d_idx] print N l1 = deepcopy(Variable(deepcopy(laf1))) l2 = deepcopy(Variable(deepcopy(laf2))) if self.cuda: l1 = l1.cuda() l2 = l2.cuda() l1o, opt1 = get_input_param_optimizer(l1[:, :2, :2], l2o, opt2 = get_input_param_optimizer(l2[:, :2, :2], self.out_lafs1[N].append( deepcopy([,[:, :, 2:]], dim=2).cpu())) self.out_lafs2[N].append( deepcopy([,[:, :, 2:]], dim=2).cpu())) self.shape_diff[N].append( deepcopy( FrobNorm(deepcopy(l1o.detach()), deepcopy(l2o.detach())))) for it in range(n_iters): #p1 = extract_patches(img1, normalizeLAFs([l1o, l1[:,:,2:]],dim = 2), w1, h1)); p1 = self.extract_patches_from_pyr( [l1o, l1[:, :, 2:]], dim=2), self.scale_pyr1, self.sigmas1, self.pix_dists1, PS=32) desc1 = batched_forward(D, p1, 32) p2 = self.extract_patches_from_pyr( [l2o, l2[:, :, 2:]], dim=2), self.scale_pyr2, self.sigmas2, self.pix_dists2, PS=32) #p2 = extract_patches(img2, normalizeLAFs([l2o, l2[:,:,2:]],dim = 2), w2, h2)); desc2 = batched_forward(D, p2, 32) loss = self.loss_func(desc1, desc2) if it % 10 == 0: print opt1.zero_grad() opt2.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt1.step() opt2.step() self.out_lafs1[N].append( deepcopy([,[:, :, 2:]], dim=2).cpu())) self.out_lafs2[N].append( deepcopy([,[:, :, 2:]], dim=2).cpu())) self.out_loss_mean[N].append(deepcopy( self.cent_diff[N].append( 0 ) #deepcopy(torch.sqrt((([:,:,2] -[:,:,2])**2).sum(dim=1)+1e-12).mean())) self.shape_diff[N].append( deepcopy( FrobNorm(deepcopy(l1o.detach()), deepcopy(l2o.detach())))) with torch.no_grad(): self.snn[N].append( deepcopy(get_snn(desc1, desc2).cpu().view(1, -1))) del l1, l2, opt1, opt2 gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.img1 = self.img2 = return