def __init__(self, alpha_label, theta0=None, powers = [.3,.5,.7,.9], lmbda = .9999, switching=True): self.switching = switching if theta0 is None: theta0=[1./alpha_label]*alpha_label print("default dist:",theta0) self.alpha_label = alpha_label self.theta0 = theta0 self.lmbda = lp.LogWeightProb(lmbda) self.powers = powers self.N = len(powers) #cumprob for each expert self.cumprob = np.repeat( lp.LogWeightProb(1.), self.N) self.weights = np.repeat( lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.N), self.N) self.trainingPoints = [] self.trainingLabels = [] if switching: # initialize switching # no switch before time 1 self.w_theta0 = lp.LogWeightProb(1 - # switch before time 1 self.w_thetaz = lp.LogWeightProb(
def predictKNNlambda(self,point,label,k): if k>0: dists = pairwise.pairwise_distances(X=[point],Y=self.trainingPoints)[0] #1 neighbor = taking the smallest distance = 0th element k-=1 kthElem = np.partition(dists, kth=k )[k] cond = dists<=kthElem dist = np.histogram(np.array(self.trainingLabels)[cond],bins=self.alpha_label,range=[0,self.alpha_label])[0] dist = dist/np.sum(dist,dtype=float) #print(dist) prob = dist[label] prob = lp.LogWeightProb(prob) else: prob = self.predictTheta0(label) ## lambda mix as in the paper: mix with uniform prob (could be theta0 as well) prob = self.lmbda*prob + (lp.LogWeightProb(1.)-self.lmbda)*lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.alpha_label) return prob
def __init__(self, alpha_label, theta0=None, scales = np.logspace(-20,28,num=(28+20)/4+1, base=2), switching=True): self.switching = switching if theta0 is None: theta0=[1./alpha_label]*alpha_label print("default dist:",theta0) self.alpha_label = alpha_label self.theta0 = theta0 self.scales = scales self.N = len(scales) #cumprob for each expert self.cumprob = np.repeat( lp.LogWeightProb(1.), self.N) self.weights = np.repeat( lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.N), self.N) self.trainingPoints = [] self.trainingLabels = [] self.gpc = None if switching: # initialize switching # no switch before time 1 self.w_theta0 = lp.LogWeightProb(1 - # switch before time 1 self.w_thetaz = lp.LogWeightProb(
def predict(self, point, label, update=None): jointprobs = [lp.LogWeightProb(d.probability(np.array(point))[0]) * lp.LogWeightProb(prior) for prior,d in zip(self.theta0,self.dists)] sum_jp = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) for p in jointprobs: sum_jp+= p return jointprobs[label]/sum_jp
def predict(self, point, label, update): ''' Give prob of label given point, using KNNBMASW ''' prob_mixture = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) n = len(self.trainingPoints) #MIX USING POSTERIOR for i in range(self.N): prob_gp = self.predictGP(point,label,i) if update: self.cumprob[i] *= prob_gp prob_mixture += prob_gp * self.weights[i] if self.switching: theta0Prob = self.predictTheta0(label) switchProb = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob + self.w_thetaz*prob_mixture if update: self.trainingPoints.append(point) self.trainingLabels.append(label) acc = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) for i in range(self.N): self.weights[i] = self.cumprob[i] * lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.N) acc += self.weights[i] for i in range(self.N): self.weights[i] /= acc if self.switching: # update switching posteriors #we saw n points, we just predicted the n+1-th and, now we compute the weights for the n+2-th self.w_theta0 = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob* lp.LogWeightProb(1 - self.w_thetaz = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob* lp.LogWeightProb( + self.w_thetaz * prob_mixture total = self.w_theta0 + self.w_thetaz self.w_theta0 /= total self.w_thetaz /= total ## compute GP posterior for next time if self.gpc is not None or len(np.unique(self.trainingLabels))==self.alpha_label : ## fit needs all the classes self.gpc = [] for s in self.scales: kernel = 1.0 * RBF(s) self.gpc.append( GaussianProcessClassifier(kernel=kernel, optimizer=None, n_jobs=1).fit(self.trainingPoints, self.trainingLabels)) if self.switching: return switchProb else: return prob_mixture
def predict(self, point, label, update): ''' Give prob of label given point, using KNNBMASW ''' prob_mixture = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) n = len(self.trainingPoints) #MIX USING POSTERIOR for i in range(self.N): if n==0: k=0 else: k = self.kofn_pow(n,self.powers[i]) #print "n= ",n," k= ",k prob_knn = self.predictKNNlambda(point,label,k) if update: self.cumprob[i] *= prob_knn prob_mixture += prob_knn * self.weights[i] if self.switching: theta0Prob = self.predictTheta0(label) switchProb = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob + self.w_thetaz*prob_mixture if update: self.trainingPoints.append(point) self.trainingLabels.append(label) acc = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) for i in range(self.N): self.weights[i] = self.cumprob[i] * lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.N) acc += self.weights[i] for i in range(self.N): self.weights[i] /= acc if self.switching: # update switching posteriors #we saw n points, we just predicted the n+1-th and, now we compute the weights for the n+2-th self.w_theta0 = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob* lp.LogWeightProb(1 - self.w_thetaz = self.w_theta0*theta0Prob* lp.LogWeightProb( + self.w_thetaz * prob_mixture total = self.w_theta0 + self.w_thetaz self.w_theta0 /= total self.w_thetaz /= total if self.switching: return switchProb else: return prob_mixture
def predictGP(self,point,label): if self.gpc is not None: probas = self.gpc.predict_proba(point.reshape(1, -1))[0] prob = lp.LogWeightProb( probas[label] ) else: prob = self.predictTheta0(label) return prob
def predict(self, point, label, update): logprobs = [ -.5 * ( point-self.mean[c] , self.sigmainv[c] ) , point-self.mean[c] ) +\ self.logDetSigma[c]) + self.lnTheta0[c] for c in [0,1] ] #print(logprobs) probs = softmax(logprobs) #print(probs) prob = lp.LogWeightProb( probs[label]) return prob
def __init__(self, depth=0, tree=None ): self.depth = depth self.tree = tree self.projDir = np.random.randint(0,self.tree.dim) self.items = [] #samples observed in this node. if not self.tree.keep_items, they are moved to children node when created self.Children = None #references to children of this node self.pivot = None #splitting point self.counts = [0 for x in range(self.tree.alpha_label)] # CTProb is the prob on whole seq giving by doing cts on this node (=mixing with children) self.CTprob = lp.LogWeightProb(1.) ## for CTS self.wa = lp.LogWeightProb(.5) self.wb = lp.LogWeightProb(.5)
def predict(self, point, label, update=True): ''' Give prob of label given point, using CT* ''' assert update # mandatory for kdSwitch prob_trees_mixture = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) #MIX USING POSTERIOR for i in range(self.J): prob_tree = self.trees[i].predictUpdateKDSwitch(point,label) prob_trees_mixture += prob_tree * self.weights[i] acc = lp.LogWeightProb(0.) for i in range(self.J): self.weights[i] = self.trees[i].root.CTprob * lp.LogWeightProb(1./self.J) acc += self.weights[i] for i in range(self.J): self.weights[i] /= acc return prob_trees_mixture
def __init__(self, J, dim, alpha_label, theta0=None, keepItems=False, max_rot_dim = None, local_alpha= True, ctw=False, global_rot=True): self.max_rot_dim = max_rot_dim self.local_alpha = local_alpha self.J = J self.trees = [] self.ctw =ctw for i in range(J): self.trees.append( SeqTree(dim=dim, alpha_label=alpha_label, theta0=theta0, keepItems=keepItems, max_rot_dim = max_rot_dim, local_alpha=local_alpha, ctw=ctw) ) # initialize with uniform weights self.weights = np.repeat( lp.LogWeightProb(1./J), J)
def __init__(self, dim, alpha_label, theta0 = None, local_alpha=True, keepItems = False, max_rot_dim = None, ctw=False): self.ctw = ctw self.max_rot_dim = max_rot_dim self.local_alpha = local_alpha if max_rot_dim > 0: #random rotation matrix print("generating random rotation matrix...") if dim > max_rot_dim: print("using "+ str(max_rot_dim) + "random axes") rot_axes = np.random.choice(range(dim),max_rot_dim,replace=False) self.rot_mask = [True if i in rot_axes else False for i in range(dim)] rot_dim = max_rot_dim else: self.rot_mask = None rot_dim = dim self.R = special_ortho_group.rvs(rot_dim) else: self.R = None print("No rotation.") self.theta0 = theta0 self.dim = dim self.alpha_label = alpha_label #set this value to avoid learning global proportion if self.theta0 is not None: self.P0Dist = [lp.LogWeightProb(p) for p in theta0] else: self.P0Dist = None self.n = 0 #keep items in each node for post-hoc analysis: high memory consumption self.keepItems = keepItems self.root = SeqNode(depth=0,tree=self)
def predictTheta0(self,label): return lp.LogWeightProb(self.theta0[label])
def predictUpdateKDSwitch(self,point,label, updateStructure=True): splitOccurredHere = False #STEP 1: UPDATE STRUCTURE if leaf (full-fledged kd tree algorithm) if updateStructure and self.Children is None: splitOccurredHere = True self.pivot = self.computeProj(point) self.Children = [ self.__class__(depth=self.depth+1, tree=self.tree), self.__class__(depth=self.depth+1, tree=self.tree) ] for p in self.items: ### make all the update steps, notice that we are not yet adding current point i = self._selectBranch(p.point) self.Children[i].items.append(cm.LabeledPoint(point=p.point,label=p.label)) self.Children[i].counts[p.label] += 1 i = self._selectBranch(point) self.Children[i].items.append(cm.LabeledPoint(point=point,label=label)) #add current point to children's collection but not to label count, it will be done after prediction #initialize children using already existing symbols for i in [0,1]: self.Children[i].CTprob = lp.LogWeightProb(log_wp=-cm.KT(self.Children[i].counts,alpha = self.tree.alpha_label)) self.Children[i].wa *= self.Children[i].CTprob self.Children[i].wb *= self.Children[i].CTprob if not self.tree.keepItems: self.items = [] #all items have been sent down to children, so now should be empty #STEP 2 and 3: PREDICT AND UPDATE #save CTS_prob before update (lt_n = <n , cts prob up to previous symbol) prob_CTS_lt_n = self.CTprob if self.depth ==0 and self.tree.P0Dist is not None: #known distribution prob_KT_next = self.tree.P0Dist[label] else: prob_KT_next = lp.LogWeightProb(cm.seqKT(self.counts,label,alpha = self.tree.alpha_label)) #labels in self.items are not used, just counts are used #now we can UPDATE the label count self.counts[label] += 1 if self.Children is None: #PREDICT self.CTprob*=prob_KT_next #just KT #UPDATE self.wa*= prob_KT_next self.wb*= prob_KT_next else: #PREDICT (and recursive UPDATE) i = self._selectBranch(point) pr = self.Children[i].predictUpdateKDSwitch(point,label, updateStructure=not splitOccurredHere) self.CTprob = self.wa * prob_KT_next + self.wb * pr #UPDATE if self.tree.local_alpha: alpha_n_plus_1 = self.tree.alpha(sum(self.counts)+1) else: alpha_n_plus_1 = self.tree.alpha(self.tree.n+1) self.wa = alpha_n_plus_1 * self.CTprob + (lp.LogWeightProb(1.)- lp.LogWeightProb(2.)*alpha_n_plus_1)* self.wa * prob_KT_next; self.wb = alpha_n_plus_1 * self.CTprob + (lp.LogWeightProb(1.)- lp.LogWeightProb(2.)*alpha_n_plus_1)* self.wb * pr; prob_CTS_up_to_n = self.CTprob return prob_CTS_up_to_n / prob_CTS_lt_n
def alpha(self,n): if self.ctw: #never switches return lp.LogWeightProb(0.) else: return lp.LogWeightProb(1.)/lp.LogWeightProb(n)
def tst(self): # #cumulate in log form cumCProb = logPr.LogWeightProb(1.) cumTheta0Prob = logPr.LogWeightProb(1.) self.pvalue = logPr.LogWeightProb(1.) # convert to log form alpha = logPr.LogWeightProb(self.alpha) i = 1 reject = False while (self.max_time is None or time.process_time() - self.start_time <= self.max_time) and ( self.max_samples is None or i <= self.max_samples): if psutil.virtual_memory().percent > self.maxMem: print('Not enough memory to proceed. Used percentage %s. ' % psutil.phymem_usage().percent) if not reject: print("No difference detected so far.") break if self.max_samples is not None: if i > self.max_samples: print('Max samples %s reached. ' % self.max_samples) if not reject: print("No difference detected so far.") break if self.seqIndex is not None: if self.seqIndex < self.seqFeatures.shape[0]: lp = cm.LabeledPoint(self.seqFeatures[self.seqIndex], self.seqLabels[self.seqIndex]) self.seqIndex += 1 else: lp = None else: lp = self.getSample() if lp is None: print('No more samples.') if not reject: print("No difference detected so far.") break #print("label: ",lp.label, " point: ", lp.point) condProb = self.model.predict(lp.point, lp.label, update=True) theta0Prob = self.predictTheta0(lp.label) cumCProb *= condProb cumTheta0Prob *= theta0Prob self.pvalue = cumTheta0Prob / cumCProb #min(1.0,math.pow(2,log_theta0Prob-log_CTWProb)) n = len(self.processed) + 1 if n % 10 == 0: print('n=', n, 'p-value', self.pvalue, 'alpha', self.alpha) nll = -cumCProb.getLogWeightProb() / n self.probs_file.write( str(time.process_time() - self.start_time) + " " + str(condProb) + " " + str(nll) + "\n") self.processed.append(lp) i += 1 if not reject and self.pvalue <= alpha: reject = True n_reject = n p_value_reject = self.pvalue if self.stop_when_reject and reject: break if not reject: n_ = n p_value_ = self.pvalue else: n_ = n_reject p_value_ = p_value_reject print('n=', n_, 'p-value', p_value_, 'alpha', self.alpha) print('n=', n, 'norm_log_loss', nll) result = etree.SubElement(self.XMLroot, 'result') etree.SubElement(result, 'stopping_time').text = str(n_) etree.SubElement(result, 'reject').text = str(reject) etree.SubElement(result, 'final_norm_log2_loss').text = str(nll) etree.SubElement(result, 'final_n').text = str(n)
def predictTheta0(self, label): if self.theta0 is not None: return logPr.LogWeightProb(self.theta0[label]) else: return logPr.LogWeightProb(0.)
def __init__(self, max_samples, max_time, alpha, dataset, seq_dataset_fname, fname0, fname1, key0, key1, theta0, maxTrials, maxMem, trial_n=None, saveData=False, probs_fname=None, alpha_size=None, data_gen_seed=None, stop_when_reject=False, synth_dim=None, mean_gmd=None, var_gvd=None, estimate_median_pdist=False): self.tstData = None self.stop_when_reject = stop_when_reject if data_gen_seed == None: data_gen_seed = trial_n self.start_time = None self.alpha_size = alpha_size self.probs_file = open("./probs_seq_" + str(trial_n) + ".dat", "w") #max memory usage allowed self.maxMem = maxMem self.gadgetSampler = random.Random() self.gadgetSampler.seed(trial_n) self.dataSampler = random.Random() self.dataSampler.seed(data_gen_seed) #set global seed random.seed(trial_n) np.random.seed(trial_n) #self.min_samples = min_samples self.max_samples = max_samples self.max_time = max_time self.alpha = alpha self.maxTrials = maxTrials self.theta0 = theta0 self.cumTheta0 = np.cumsum(self.theta0) #create xml output file self.XMLroot = etree.Element('experiment') params = etree.SubElement(self.XMLroot, 'parameters') etree.SubElement(params, 'maxMem').text = str(self.maxMem) etree.SubElement(params, 'max_time').text = str(self.max_time) etree.SubElement(params, 'max_samples').text = str(self.max_samples) etree.SubElement(params, 'alpha').text = str(self.alpha) etree.SubElement(params, 'maxTrials').text = str(self.maxTrials) etree.SubElement(params, 'theta0').text = str(self.theta0) etree.SubElement(params, 'gadget_sampler_seed').text = str(trial_n) etree.SubElement(params, 'global_seed').text = str(trial_n) xml_data = etree.SubElement(self.XMLroot, 'data') self.synthGen = None self.seqIndex = None self.unlimitedData = False if dataset is None and seq_dataset_fname is not None: data = pickle.load(open(seq_dataset_fname, "rb")) self.seqFeatures = data["features"] self.seqLabels = data["labels"] self.seqIndex = 0 etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'seq_dataset_fname').text = seq_dataset_fname self.dim = self.seqFeatures.shape[1] etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset is None and fname0 is not None and fname1 is not None: self.fname0 = fname0 self.fname1 = fname1 releaseFiles = True #load datasets into memory and release files if releaseFiles: self.hf0 = h5py.File(self.fname0, 'r') self.hf1 = h5py.File(self.fname1, 'r') #use the first dataset of each file ## [()] to get everything and put it in memory as numpy array (faster) self.datasets = {0: self.hf0[key0][()], 1: self.hf1[key1][()]} self.hf0.close() self.hf1.close() else: self.hf0 = h5py.File(self.fname0, 'r') self.hf1 = h5py.File(self.fname1, 'r') #use the first dataset of each file self.datasets = {0: self.hf0[key0], 1: self.hf1[key1]} etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'fname0').text = str(self.fname0) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'fname1').text = str(self.fname1) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'seed').text = str(data_gen_seed) self.dim = self.datasets[0].shape[1] etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset.startswith("sklearn_"): from sklearn.utils import shuffle X, y = getattr(datasets, 'load' + dataset[7:])(return_X_y=True) X, y = shuffle(X, y, random_state=data_gen_seed) self.seqFeatures = X self.seqLabels = y self.seqIndex = 0 self.dim = self.seqFeatures.shape[1] etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'sklearn').text = dataset[8:] elif dataset == "gmm": self.dim = synth_dim self.synthGen = NClassGaussianMixture(dim=synth_dim, seed=data_gen_seed) self.unlimitedData = True self.X = None self.Y = None self.xi = None self.yi = None etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset == "blobs": num_blobs = 4 distance = 5 stretch = 2 angle = math.pi / 4.0 self.synthGen = mySSBlobs(blob_distance=distance, num_blobs=num_blobs, stretch=stretch, angle=angle) self.sample_as_gretton(data_gen_seed) self.xi = 0 #next sample to consume self.yi = 0 #next sample to consume if saveData: if not os.path.exists("X"): os.makedirs("X") if not os.path.exists("Y"): os.makedirs("Y") n = self.max_samples / 2 np.savetxt("X/blobs_X" + str(data_gen_seed) + ".dat", self.X, header=str(2) + " " + str(n), comments='') np.savetxt("Y/blobs_Y" + str(data_gen_seed) + ".dat", self.X, header=str(2) + " " + str(n), comments='') etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'seed').text = str(data_gen_seed) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'num_blobs').text = str(num_blobs) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'distance').text = str(distance) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'stretch').text = str(stretch) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'angle').text = str(angle) self.dim = 2 etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset == "gmd": if synth_dim is None: self.dim = 100 else: self.dim = synth_dim meanshift = mean_gmd self.synthGen = mySSGaussMeanDiff(d=self.dim, my=meanshift) self.sample_as_gretton(data_gen_seed) self.xi = 0 #next sample to consume self.yi = 0 #next sample to consume etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'meanshift').text = str(meanshift) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset == "gvd": if synth_dim is None: self.dim = 50 else: self.dim = synth_dim var_d1 = var_gvd self.synthGen = mySSGaussVarDiff(d=self.dim, var_d1=var_d1) self.sample_as_gretton(data_gen_seed) self.xi = 0 #next sample to consume self.yi = 0 #next sample to consume etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'vardiff').text = str(var_d1) etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) elif dataset == "sg": if synth_dim is None: self.dim = 50 else: self.dim = synth_dim self.synthGen = mySSSameGauss(d=self.dim) self.sample_as_gretton(data_gen_seed) self.xi = 0 #next sample to consume self.yi = 0 #next sample to consume etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'same_gaussian').text = "default_value" etree.SubElement(xml_data, 'dim').text = str(self.dim) else: exit("Wrong dataset") #sets of row indexes already sampled #this is used to ensure sampling without replacement self.sampled = {} for i in range(self.alpha_size): self.sampled[i] = set() self.processed = list() self.model = None # will be set later #here will be stored the p-value resulting from the two-sample test self.pvalue = logPr.LogWeightProb(1.)