def __init__(self, siteName):
        self.siteName = siteName
        self.rdList = Set()

        self.recordIndicator = Set()
        self.dic = dict()
        self.dicCacheCount = dict()
        self.dicTotalCount = dict()
        self.localtime = time.localtime()
        self.httpsCount = 0
        self.httpsCached = 0
        self.cacheableObjectCount = 0
        self.cacheableObjectsThatAreCached = 0
        self.responseFileString = ""

        self.imageCount = 0
        self.imageCached = 0
        self.imageHttps = 0
        self.imageHttpsCached = 0

        self.textCount = 0
        self.textCached = 0
        self.textHttps = 0
        self.textHttpsCached = 0

        self.scriptCount = 0
        self.scriptCached = 0
        self.scriptHttps = 0
        self.scriptHttpsCached = 0

        self.videoCount = 0
        self.videoCached = 0
        self.videoHttps = 0
        self.videoHttpsCached = 0

        self.iconCount = 0
        self.iconCached = 0
        self.iconHttps = 0
        self.iconHttpsCached = 0

        self.appCount = 0
        self.appCached = 0
        self.appHttps = 0
        self.appHttpsCached = 0

        self.sizeDetailSet = Set()

        self.requestFileRaw = Utils.getConfig("requestFolder") + siteName.rstrip() + ".request_raw"
        self.requestFile = Utils.getConfig("requestFolder") + siteName.rstrip() + ".request"
        self.responseFile = Utils.getConfig("responseFolder") + siteName.rstrip() + ".response"
Example #2
def parse_options():
    """parse_options() -> opts, args

    Parse any command-line options given returning both
    the parsed options and arguments.

    parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=USAGE, version=VERSION)

    parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
            action="store", default=Utils.getConfig("defaultFile"), dest="file",
            help="Read the site name from external file")

    parser.add_option("-s", "--site-name",
            action="store", default="", dest="sitename",
            help="Get links for specified url only")

    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    return opts, args
Example #3
from Utils import Utils
import threading,Queue,time,sys,traceback
from time import sleep
from sets import Set
import optparse

from ResponseGenerator  import *
from RequestGenerator   import *
from ResourceDetails    import *
from LinkSetGenerator   import Crawler

maximumSites = int(Utils.getConfig("maximumSites"))
threadLimiter = threading.BoundedSemaphore(maximumSites)

#Globals (start with a captial letter)
Qin  = Queue.Queue() 
Qout = Queue.Queue()
Qerr = Queue.Queue()
Pool = []   

def err_msg():
    trace= sys.exc_info()[2]
    return str(traceback.format_tb(trace)),str(sys.exc_type),exc_value

def get_errors():
 def __init__(self, profile=Utils.getConfig("profile", "firefox")):
     #1. Add HTTP-Request Logger extension to Firefox
     #2. Set Firefox profile so that HTTP-Request Logger will be available
     self.fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(profile)