def insert_into_table(self, table_name, cols, values, update_on_duplicate=True, db_name=None):
        """Insert the values in the columns of the given Table.

        table_name: string
            Name of the table to add the records to
        cols: (numpy) array of strings
            List of the columns to fill
        values: (numpy) array of tuples
            List of the values to fill.
        update_on_duplicate: boolean
            Determines what happens if a duplicate key is encountered
            If True: the record is updated (default)
            If False: the insertion is ignored
        db_name: string
            Name of the database in which the table is defined. If no database name is given,
            the current database is used.


        Connection to a database shall have been made
        Table `table_name` shall exists
        Table `table_name` shall contain all columns in `cols`

        If possible, all records are added to the Table

        Only 1000 records can be added in a single INSERT INTO statement (MySQL restriction)
        This method breaks up the insertion in multiple insertions of a 1000
        when more than 1000 records need to be inserted.
        Assert.py_type(table_name, str, 'table_name')
        if db_name is not None:
            Assert.py_type(db_name, str, 'db_name')
            table_name = db_name + '.' + table_name
        for col in cols:
            Assert.py_type(col, str, 'Column {0}'.format(col))
        nr_cols = len(cols)
        for val in values:
            Assert.nonemptylist(val, nr_cols)
        assert self.current_database() is not None, \
            'Connection to a database must have been made.'

        # Split up the values in chunks of 1,000
        max_inserts = 1000
        nr_queries = np.ceil(len(values) / max_inserts)
        list_values = np.array_split(values, nr_queries)

        for vals in list_values:
            # Build up the query
            if update_on_duplicate:
                ignore = ''
                ignore = 'IGNORE '

            q = "INSERT {0}INTO {1}\n".format(ignore, table_name)
            q += "("
            for i_col, col in enumerate(cols):
                q += col
                if i_col < nr_cols - 1:
                    q += ", "
            q += ")\n"
            q += "VALUES\n"
            for i_val, val in enumerate(vals):
                q += "("
                for i_field, field in enumerate(val):
                    # Field with quotes if necessary
                    if field is None:
                        q += "NULL"
                    elif isinstance(field, str):
                        if field.upper() == "NULL":
                            q += "NULL"
                            q += "'{0}'".format(field)
                    elif isinstance(field, date) or isinstance(field, time):
                        q += "'{0}'".format(field)
                    elif isinstance(field, Decimal):
                        # TODO: Note! Decimal is converted here to float!
                        # In principle, this should not matter, if you insert it
                        # in the database again, the desired precision is maintained. 
                        q += "{}".format(float(field))
                    elif np.isnan(field):
                        q += "NULL"
                    elif np.isscalar(field):
                        q += "{0}".format(field)
                        msg = 'Type {0} not recognized'.format(type(field))
                        raise AssertionError(msg)
                    # Trailing comma
                    if i_field < nr_cols - 1:
                        q += ", "
                q += ")"
                if i_val < len(vals) - 1:
                    q += ","
                q += "\n"
            if update_on_duplicate:
                q += "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n"
                for i_col, col in enumerate(cols):
                    q += "{0}=VALUES({0})".format(col)
                    if i_col < nr_cols - 1:
                        q += ",\n"

            # Execute the query