def run(self): if (self.algorithm == 'RSA'): t = xRsa() print("Running RSA Decryption") #cipher = raw_input("Cipher text: ") plaintext = t.decrptyMsg(14638872678012233450065572822) # Print the string content after encryption and decryption print("decrypted text:" + plaintext) elif (self.algorithm == 'MD5'): print("unsupported") elif (self.algorithm == 'DES'): print("Running DES Decryption") desObj = des() desObj.decryption( "key.txt", "file(txt).des" ) # thie will generate file.txt at the same directory elif (self.algorithm == 'VG'): print("Running VG Decryption") obj = VG() cipher_text = input("Cipher_text: ") key = input("Key: ") obj.create_table(key) deciper_text = obj.decipher(cipher_text, key) print(deciper_text) else: print("end")
def calculate(self): algo = VG() cipher_text = self.ids.cipher.text key = self.ids.key.text if (key != ''): algo.create_table(key) plane_text = algo.decipher(cipher_text, key) self.ids.plane.text = plane_text else: self.ids.cipher.text = cipher_text
def run(self): if (self.algorithm == 'RSA'): print("Running RSA Encrption") msg = raw_input('Message: ') t = xRsa() print("plain text:" + msg) cipher = t.encrptyMsg(msg) print("cipher text:" + str(cipher)) elif (self.algorithm == 'MD5'): print("Running MD5 Encrption") key = input("key:") obj = MD5_State() buff = [''] * 16 ciper = obj.md5_digest(key, len(key), buff) print("deciper_text =") for i in range(16): print("%x" % ((ord(buff[i]) & 0xF0) >> 4), end='') print("%x" % (ord(buff[i]) & 0x0F), end='') #encryption = MD5() elif (self.algorithm == 'DES'): print("Running DES Encrption") desObj = des() desObj.encryption( "key.txt", "file.txt" ) # this will generte file(des).txt at the same directory elif (self.algorithm == 'VG'): print("Running VG Encrption") key = raw_input('key:') input_string = raw_input('input_string:') obj = VG() obj.create_table(key) print('key') print(obj.dict_key) print(obj.dict_char2int) print(obj.dict_int2char) print(obj.table) ciper_text = obj.cipher(input_string, key) print(ciper_text) else: print('END')
nu = # changing parameterization from {theta,sigma, nu} to {c,m,g} [c, m, g] = ParamChangeVG(theta, sigma, nu) # - # ## Initialize projection variables tau = 10 # investment horizon dt = 1 / 20 # infinitesimal step for simulations t_j = arange(0,tau+dt,dt) # time vector for simulations j_ = 15 # number of simulations # ## Simulate VG paths x_j = VG(theta, sigma, nu, t_j, j_)[0] # VG paths x_j = x_j + tile(shift*t_j[newaxis,...],(j_, 1)) # shifted-VG path x_j = pnl[t_-1] + x_j # centered path # ## Projection to horizon # + # moments mu_tau, sigma2_tau, _, _ = ShiftedVGMoments(0, theta, sigma, nu, tau) expectation = pnl[t_-1] + shift*tau + mu_tau # shift and center mean sigma_tau = sqrt(sigma2_tau) # analytical pdf l_ = 2000 par1 = namedtuple('par', 'c m g') par1.c = c
be = 0 de = 1 # convert parameters to Cont-Tankov notation th, k, s = Schout2ConTank(al, be, de) x_nig = NIG(th, k, s, t, j_) # - # ## Simulate Variance-Gamma process # + mu = 0.1 # deterministic drift in subordinated Brownian motion kappa = 1 sigma = 0.2 # in subordinated Brownian motion x_vg, _ = VG(mu, sigma, kappa, t, j_) # - # ## Generate figure # + t = t.reshape(1, -1) f, ax = subplots(2, 1) ax[0].plot(t.T, x_nig.T) title('normal-inverse-Gaussian') ax[1].plot(t.T, x_vg.T) title('variance gamma') plt.tight_layout() # save_plot(ax=plt.gca(), extension='png', scriptname=os.path.basename('.')[:-3], count=plt.get_fignums()[-1])
nu = # #changing parameterization from {theta,sigma, nu} to {c,m,g} # [c, m, g] = ParamChangeVG(theta,sigma,nu) # - # ## Initialize projection variables tau = 15 # investment horizon dt = 1 / 75 # infinitesimal step for simulations t_j = arange(0, tau + dt, dt) # time vector for simulations j_ = 2 # number of simulations # + # ## Simulate VG paths [X, T] = VG(theta, sigma, nu, t_j, j_) # VG paths X = X + tile(shift * t_j[newaxis, ...], (j_, 1)) # shifted-VG path X = pnl[t_ - 1] + X # centered path dT = r_['-1', zeros((j_, 1)), diff(T, 1, 1)] # - # ## Projection to horizon # moments mu_tau, sigma2_tau, _, _ = ShiftedVGMoments(0, theta, sigma, nu, tau) expectation = pnl[t_ - 1] + shift * tau + mu_tau # shift and center mean sigma_tau = sqrt(sigma2_tau) # ## Generate the figure s_ = 2
from RSA import xRsa from des import des from md5 import MD5_State import string import sys from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import raw_input while True: input = raw_input('exit or work:') if input == 'exit': exit() elif input == 'work': type = raw_input("Select method(vg,des,rsa,md5):") if type == 'vg': vg_1 = VG() key = raw_input('key:') plain_text = raw_input('plain_text:') table = vg_1.create_table(key) print("Table created!") print(table) cipher_text = vg_1.cipher(plain_text, key) print("Encrypted finish") print(cipher_text) decrypt = raw_input("decript yes or no:") if decrypt == "yes": vg_1.decipher(cipher_text, key) decrypt_text = vg_1.decipher(cipher_text, key) print("Decrypted finished!") print(decrypt_text) continue