""" The default geometry is Extended2017Plan1. If a different geometry is needed, the appropriate flag has to be passed at command line, e.g.: cmsRun runP_Tracker_cfg.py geom="XYZ" The default component to be monitored is the Tracker. If other components need to be studied, they must be supplied, one at a time, at the command line, e.g.: cmsRun runP_Tracker_cfg.py label="XYZ" """ from Validation.Geometry.plot_utils import _LABELS2COMPS _ALLOWED_LABELS = _LABELS2COMPS.keys() options = VarParsing('analysis') options.register( 'geom', #name 'Extended2017Plan1', #default value VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # kind of options VarParsing.varType.string, # type of option "Select the geometry to be studied" # help message ) options.register( 'label', #name 'Tracker', #default value VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # kind of options VarParsing.varType.string, # type of option
The default geometry is Extended2017Plan1. If a different geometry is needed, the appropriate flag has to be passed at command line, e.g.: cmsRun runP_Tracker_cfg.py geom="XYZ" The default component to be monitored is the Tracker. If other components need to be studied, they must be supplied, one at a time, at the command line, e.g.: cmsRun runP_Tracker_cfg.py label="XYZ" """ from Validation.Geometry.plot_utils import _LABELS2COMPS process.load("FWCore.MessageLogger.MessageLogger_cfi") _ALLOWED_LABELS = _LABELS2COMPS.keys() options = VarParsing('analysis') options.register('geom', #name 'Extended2017Plan1', #default value VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # kind of options VarParsing.varType.string, # type of option "Select the geometry to be studied" # help message ) options.register('label', #name 'Tracker', #default value VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # kind of options VarParsing.varType.string, # type of option "Select the label to be used to create output files. Default to tracker. If multiple components are selected, it defaults to the join of all components, with '_' as separator." # help message )