Example #1
class ContainedText(AttrElem):
    """Base class for a text widget contained as a cell in a canvas.
    Both Captions and Cells are derived from this class.

    def __init__(self, table, parentviewer, attrs):
        AttrElem.__init__(self, attrs)
        self._table = table
        self._container = table.container

##      from profile import Profile
##      from pstats import Stats
##      p = Profile()
##      # can't use runcall because that doesn't return the results
##      p.runctx('self._viewer = Viewer(master=table.container, context=parentviewer.context, scrolling=0, stylesheet=parentviewer.stylesheet, parent=parentviewer)',
##               globals(), locals())
##      Stats(p).strip_dirs().sort_stats('time').print_stats(5)

        self._viewer = Viewer(master=table.container,
        if not parentviewer.find_parentviewer():
            self._viewer.RULE_WIDTH_MAGIC = self._viewer.RULE_WIDTH_MAGIC - 6
        # for callback notification
        self._fw = self._viewer.frame
        self._tw = self._viewer.text
        self._width = 0
        self._embedheight = 0

    def new_formatter(self):
        formatter = AbstractFormatter(self._viewer)
        # set parskip to prevent blank line at top of cell if the content
        # starts with a <P> or header element.
        formatter.parskip = 1
        return formatter

    def freeze(self): self._viewer.freeze()
    def unfreeze(self): self._viewer.unfreeze()
    def close(self): self._viewer.close()

    def maxwidth(self):
        return self._maxwidth           # not useful until after finish()
    def minwidth(self):
        return self._minwidth           # likewise

    def height(self):
        return max(self._embedheight, _get_height(self._tw))

    def recalc(self):
        # recalculate width and height upon notification of completion
        # of all context's readers (usually image readers)
        min_nonaligned = self._minwidth
        maxwidth = self._maxwidth
        embedheight = self._embedheight
        # take into account all embedded windows
        for sub in self._viewer.subwindows:
            # the standard interface is used if the object has a
            # table_geometry() method
            if hasattr(sub, 'table_geometry'):
                submin, submax, height = sub.table_geometry()
                min_nonaligned = max(min_nonaligned, submin)
                maxwidth = max(maxwidth, submax)
                embedheight = max(embedheight, height)
                # this is the best we can do
##              print 'non-conformant embedded window:', sub.__class__
##              print 'using generic method, which may be incorrect'
                geom = sub.winfo_geometry()
                match = CELLGEOM_RE.search(geom)
                if match:
                    [w, h, x, y] = map(grailutil.conv_integer,
                                       match.group(1, 2, 3, 4))
                min_nonaligned = max(min_nonaligned, w) # x+w?
                maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w)             # x+w?
                embedheight = max(embedheight, h)       # y+h?
        self._embedheight = embedheight
        self._minwidth = min_nonaligned
        self._maxwidth = maxwidth
        return len(self._viewer.subwindows)

    def finish(self, padding=0):
        # TBD: if self.layout == AUTOLAYOUT???
        self._x = self._y = 0
        fw = self._fw
        tw = self._tw
        # Set the padding before grabbing the width, but it could be
        # denoted as a percentage of the viewer width
        if type(padding) == StringType:
                # divide by 200 since padding is a percentage and we
                # want to put equal amounts of pad on both sides of
                # the picture.
                padding = int(self._table.get_available_width() *
                              string.atoi(padding[:-1]) / 200)
            except ValueError:
                padding = 0
        tw['padx'] = padding
        # TBD: according to the W3C table spec, minwidth should really
        # be max(min_left + min_right, min_nonaligned).  Also note
        # that minwidth is recalculated by minwidth() call
        self._minwidth, self._maxwidth = _get_widths(self._tw)
        # first approximation of height.  this is the best we can do
        # without forcing an update_idletasks() fireworks display
        tw['height'] = _get_linecount(tw) + 1
        # initially place the cell in the canvas at position (0,0),
        # with the maximum width and closest approximation height.
        # situate() will be called later with the final layout
        # parameters.
        self._tag = self._container.create_window(
            0, 0,
            window=fw, anchor=NW,

    def situate(self, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None):
        # canvas.move() deals in relative positioning, but we want
        # absolute coordinates
        xdelta = x - self._x
        ydelta = y - self._y
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._container.move(self._tag, xdelta, ydelta)
        if width <> None and height <> None:
                                          width=width, height=height)
        elif width <> None:
            self._container.itemconfigure(self._tag, width=width)
            self._container.itemconfigure(self._tag, height=height)
Example #2
class ContainedText(AttrElem):
    """Base class for a text widget contained as a cell in a canvas.
    Both Captions and Cells are derived from this class.

    def __init__(self, table, parentviewer, attrs):
        AttrElem.__init__(self, attrs)
        self._table = table
        self._container = table.container

##      from profile import Profile
##      from pstats import Stats
##      p = Profile()
##      # can't use runcall because that doesn't return the results
##      p.runctx('self._viewer = Viewer(master=table.container, context=parentviewer.context, scrolling=0, stylesheet=parentviewer.stylesheet, parent=parentviewer)',
##               globals(), locals())
##      Stats(p).strip_dirs().sort_stats('time').print_stats(5)

        self._viewer = Viewer(master=table.container,
        if not parentviewer.find_parentviewer():
            self._viewer.RULE_WIDTH_MAGIC = self._viewer.RULE_WIDTH_MAGIC - 6
        # for callback notification
        self._fw = self._viewer.frame
        self._tw = self._viewer.text
        self._width = 0
        self._embedheight = 0

    def new_formatter(self):
        formatter = AbstractFormatter(self._viewer)
        # set parskip to prevent blank line at top of cell if the content
        # starts with a <P> or header element.
        formatter.parskip = 1
        return formatter

    def freeze(self): self._viewer.freeze()
    def unfreeze(self): self._viewer.unfreeze()
    def close(self): self._viewer.close()

    def maxwidth(self):
        return self._maxwidth           # not useful until after finish()
    def minwidth(self):
        return self._minwidth           # likewise

    def height(self):
        return max(self._embedheight, _get_height(self._tw))

    def recalc(self):
        # recalculate width and height upon notification of completion
        # of all context's readers (usually image readers)
        min_nonaligned = self._minwidth
        maxwidth = self._maxwidth
        embedheight = self._embedheight
        # take into account all embedded windows
        for sub in self._viewer.subwindows:
            # the standard interface is used if the object has a
            # table_geometry() method
            if hasattr(sub, 'table_geometry'):
                submin, submax, height = sub.table_geometry()
                min_nonaligned = max(min_nonaligned, submin)
                maxwidth = max(maxwidth, submax)
                embedheight = max(embedheight, height)
                # this is the best we can do
##              print 'non-conformant embedded window:', sub.__class__
##              print 'using generic method, which may be incorrect'
                geom = sub.winfo_geometry()
                if CELLGEOM_RE.search(geom) >= 0:
                    [w, h, x, y] = map(grailutil.conv_integer,
                                       CELLGEOM_RE.group(1, 2, 3, 4))
                min_nonaligned = max(min_nonaligned, w) # x+w?
                maxwidth = max(maxwidth, w)             # x+w?
                embedheight = max(embedheight, h)       # y+h?
        self._embedheight = embedheight
        self._minwidth = min_nonaligned
        self._maxwidth = maxwidth
        return len(self._viewer.subwindows)

    def finish(self, padding=0):
        # TBD: if self.layout == AUTOLAYOUT???
        self._x = self._y = 0
        fw = self._fw
        tw = self._tw
        # Set the padding before grabbing the width, but it could be
        # denoted as a percentage of the viewer width
        if isinstance(padding,str):
                # divide by 200 since padding is a percentage and we
                # want to put equal amounts of pad on both sides of
                # the picture.
                padding = int(self._table.get_available_width() *
                              int(padding[:-1]) / 200)
            except ValueError:
                padding = 0
        tw['padx'] = padding
        # TBD: according to the W3C table spec, minwidth should really
        # be max(min_left + min_right, min_nonaligned).  Also note
        # that minwidth is recalculated by minwidth() call
        self._minwidth, self._maxwidth = _get_widths(self._tw)
        # first approximation of height.  this is the best we can do
        # without forcing an update_idletasks() fireworks display
        tw['height'] = _get_linecount(tw) + 1
        # initially place the cell in the canvas at position (0,0),
        # with the maximum width and closest approximation height.
        # situate() will be called later with the final layout
        # parameters.
        self._tag = self._container.create_window(
            0, 0,
            window=fw, anchor=NW,

    def situate(self, x=0, y=0, width=None, height=None):
        # canvas.move() deals in relative positioning, but we want
        # absolute coordinates
        xdelta = x - self._x
        ydelta = y - self._y
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._container.move(self._tag, xdelta, ydelta)
        if width != None and height != None:
                                          width=width, height=height)
        elif width != None:
            self._container.itemconfigure(self._tag, width=width)
            self._container.itemconfigure(self._tag, height=height)