class Encoder_Decoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim_emb, dim_hid, vocab_file='./data/preprocessed/vocab_file.vocab'): super(Encoder_Decoder, self).__init__() self.vocab = Vocabulary() self.vocab.load(vocab_file=vocab_file) self.dim_hid = dim_hid self.word_embeddings = nn.Embedding(len(self.vocab), dim_emb) # self.gru = nn.GRU(dim_emb, dim_hid, batch_first=True) self.en_lstm = nn.LSTM(dim_emb, dim_hid, batch_first=True) self.de_lstm = nn.LSTM(dim_emb, dim_hid, batch_first=True) # LSTMの128次元の隠れ層を13次元に変換する全結合層 self.hidden2linear = nn.Linear(dim_hid, len(self.vocab)) def forward(self, sequence, state=None): embedding = self.word_embeddings(sequence) hs, (h, c) = self.en_lstm(embedding, state) output, (h, c) = self.de_lstm(embedding, (h, c)) # アテンションを計算 # t_output = torch.transpose(output, 1, 2) # s = torch.bmm(hs, t_output) # attention_weight = self.softmax(s) output = self.hidden2linear(output) return output, (h, c) def generate(self, start=None, max_len=17): if start is None: start = random.choice(self.vocab.index2word) idx = self.embed.weight.new_full((1, 1), self.vocab.get_index(start), dtype=torch.long) decoded = [start] state = None unk = self.vocab.get_index('<unk>') while decoded[-1] != '<eos>' and len(decoded) < max_len: x, state = self.forward(idx, state) x[:, :, unk] = -float('inf') # prob = list(map(self.to_int, x.squeeze().tolist())) # idx = torch.tensor(random.choices( # list(range(len(prob))), weights=prob, k=1)).view(1, -1) idx = torch.argmax(x, dim=-1) word = self.vocab.get_word(idx.item()) decoded.append(word) return ' '.join(decoded)
def make_data_set_and_vocab(trainpath=None, vectorpath=None, threshhold=0): vocab = Vocabulary() if vectorpath is not None: vocab.load(vectorpath) counter = collections.Counter() with open(trainpath, 'r') as f: for line in f: words = make_wakati(line.strip()) for word in words: counter[word] += 1 # for word, _ in counter.most_common(self.n_max_word - 2): for word, cnt in counter.most_common(): if cnt <= threshhold: break if word not in vocab: vocab.add_word(word)'vocab') # ここからデータセット作成 data_set = MyDataset(trainpath=trainpath, vocab=vocab) return data_set, vocab
def load_vocab(file): v = Vocabulary() v.load(file) return v
def sample(train_settings, data_settings, input_settings, model_settings): print("Sampling from model...") # Load vocab vocab = Vocabulary.load(data_settings["input_vocab"]) # INPUT PIPELINE input = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name="input") # Integers representing characters # Create state placeholders - 2 for each lstm cell. state_placeholders = list() initial_states = list() for i in range(0, model_settings["num_layers"]): state_placeholders.append( tuple([ tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, model_settings["lstm_size"]], name="lstm_state_c_" + str(i)), # Batch size x State size tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, model_settings["lstm_size"]], name="lstm_state_h_" + str(i)) ])) # Batch size x State size initial_states.append( tuple([ np.zeros(shape=[1, model_settings["lstm_size"]], dtype=np.float32), np.zeros(shape=[1, model_settings["lstm_size"]], dtype=np.float32) ])) state_placeholders = tuple(state_placeholders) initial_states = tuple(initial_states) # MODEL inference_settings = model_settings inference_settings[ "batch_size"] = 1 # Only sample from one example simultaneously inference_settings["num_unroll"] = 1 # Only sample one character at a time model = LyricsPredictor(inference_settings, vocab.size + 1) # Include EOS token probs, state = model.sample(input, state_placeholders) # LOOP # Start a prefetcher in the background, initialize variables sess = tf.Session() tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess) init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables() # CHECKPOINTING # Load pretrained model to sample latestCheckpoint = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( train_settings["checkpoint_dir"]) restorer = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables(), write_version=tf.train.SaverDef.V2) restorer.restore(sess, latestCheckpoint) print('Pre-trained model restored') inference = [probs, state] current_seq = "never" current_seq_ind = vocab.char2index(current_seq) # Warm up RNN with initial sequence s = initial_states for ind in current_seq_ind: # Create feed dict for states feed = dict() for i in range(0, model_settings["num_layers"]): for c in range(0, len(s[i])): feed[state_placeholders[i][c]] = s[i][c] feed[state_placeholders[i][c]] = s[i][c] feed[input] = [ind] # Add new input symbol to feed [p, s] =, feed_dict=feed) # Sample until we receive an end-of-lyrics token iteration = 0 while iteration < 100000: # Now p contains probability of upcoming char, as estimated by model, and s the last RNN state ind_sample = np.random.choice(range(0, vocab.size + 1), p=np.squeeze(p)) if ind_sample == vocab.size: # EOS token print("Model decided to stop generating!") break current_seq_ind.append(ind_sample) # Create feed dict for states feed = dict() for i in range(0, model_settings["num_layers"]): for c in range(0, len(s[i])): feed[state_placeholders[i][c]] = s[i][c] feed[state_placeholders[i][c]] = s[i][c] feed[input] = [ind_sample] # Add new input symbol to feed [p, s] =, feed_dict=feed) iteration += 1 c_sample = vocab.index2char(current_seq_ind) print("".join(c_sample)) sess.close()
class LM(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, dim_emb, dim_hid, vocab_file='./data/preprocessed/vocab_file.vocab'): super().__init__() self.vocab = Vocabulary() self.vocab.load(vocab_file=vocab_file) self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(len(self.vocab), dim_emb) self.rnn1 = torch.nn.LSTM(dim_emb, dim_hid, batch_first=True) self.rnn2 = torch.nn.LSTM(dim_hid, dim_hid, batch_first=True) # self.rnn3 = torch.nn.LSTM(dim_hid, dim_hid, batch_first=True) # self.rnn4 = torch.nn.LSTM(dim_hid, dim_hid, batch_first=True) self.out = torch.nn.Linear(dim_hid, len(self.vocab)) def forward(self, x, state1=None, state2=None): out = self.embed(x) out, state1 = self.rnn1(out, state1) out, state2 = self.rnn2(out, state2) # out, (h, c) = self.rnn3(out, None) # out, (h, c) = self.rnn4(out, None) out = self.out(out) return out, state1, state2 # def to_int(self, a): # if a == -float('inf'): # return 0 # else: # return int(1e9*a) def generate(self, prefix, max_len=30): cost = 0 softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1) start = '<bos>' idx = self.embed.weight.new_full((1, 1), self.vocab.get_index(start), dtype=torch.long) decoded = [start] state1, state2 = None, None unk = self.vocab.get_index('<unk>') while decoded[-1] != '<eos>' and len(decoded) < max_len: x, state1, state2 = self.forward(idx, state1, state2) if 0 < len(prefix): word = prefix.pop() idx = self.vocab.get_index(word) idx = torch.tensor(idx).view(1, 1).to(device) else: x[:, :, unk] = -float('inf') x = softmax(x) # idx = torch.argmax(x, dim=-1) x = x.squeeze().to('cpu').detach().numpy() accum = list(accumulate(x)) idx = bisect(accum, random.random() * accum[-1]) # word = self.vocab.get_word(idx.item()) cost += np.log2(x[idx]) word = self.vocab.get_word(idx) idx = torch.tensor(idx).view(1, 1).to(device) decoded.append(word) cost /= len(decoded) return ' '.join(decoded), cost