Example #1
    def createTRENDMAP(self, varname):
        trend = self.calcTREND(self.VARS[varname])
        output_fh = os.path.join(self.OutFldr, '{0}.zip'.format(varname))
        self.factor = np.interp(self.Area, [50000, 625000000], [0.1, 1.0])
        scale = self.scale.multiply(self.factor).getInfo()

        geegis.downloadImage(trend, output_fh, self.CountryShape, scale)
        TREND = becgis.OpenAsArray(os.path.join(output_fh[:-4], 'test.long-trend.tif'))
        MASK = becgis.OpenAsArray(os.path.join(output_fh[:-4], 'test.max.tif'))
        PVALUE = becgis.OpenAsArray(os.path.join(output_fh[:-4], 'test.p-value.tif'))
        assert np.shape(TREND) == np.shape(MASK), "resolution dont match"
        TREND[MASK == 0] = np.nan
        TREND[TREND == 0.0000000000] = np.nan # need to fix this properly.
        TREND[PVALUE > 0.1] = np.nan

        PVALUE[PVALUE <= 0.1] = np.nan
        PVALUE[MASK == 0] = np.nan
        PVALUE[~np.isnan(PVALUE)] = 1.
        AREA = becgis.MapPixelAreakm(os.path.join(output_fh[:-4], 'test.max.tif'))
        self.PixelArea = np.mean(AREA[MASK == 1]) * 100 # ha
        self.Columns[varname]['TREND'] = TREND
        self.Columns[varname]['PVALUE'] = PVALUE
        ds = gdal.Open(os.path.join(output_fh[:-4], 'test.long-trend.tif'))
        gt = ds.GetGeoTransform()
        n_cols = ds.RasterXSize
        n_rows = ds.RasterYSize
        ds = None
        self.extent_ll = (gt[0], gt[0] + (gt[1] * n_cols), gt[3] + (gt[5] * n_rows), gt[3])
def livestock_feed(output_folder, lu_fh, ndm_fhs, feed_dict, live_feed, cattle_fh, fraction_fhs, ndmdates):
    Calculate natural livestock feed production

    lu_fh : str
        filehandle for land use map
    ndm_fhs: nd array
        array of filehandles of NDM maps
    ndm_dates: nd array
        array of dates for NDM maps
    feed_dict: dict
        dictionnary 'pasture class':[list of LULC]
    feed_pct: dict
        dictionnary 'pasture class':[percent available as feed]
    cattle_fh : str
        filehandle for cattle map
    Data_Path_Feed = "Feed"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_Feed)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):

    area_ha = becgis.MapPixelAreakm(lu_fh) * 100
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
  #  cattle = RC.Open_tiff_array(cattle_fh)
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(lu_fh)

    f_pct = np.zeros(LULC.shape)
    for lu_type in feed_dict.keys():
        classes = feed_dict[lu_type]
        mask = np.logical_or.reduce([LULC == value for value in classes])
        f_pct[mask] = live_feed[lu_type]
    feed_fhs_landscape = []
    feed_fhs_incremental = []
    for d in range(len(ndm_fhs)):
        ndm_fh = ndm_fhs[d]
        fraction_fh = fraction_fhs[d]
        date1 = ndmdates[d]
        year = '%d' %date1.year
        month = '%02d' %date1.month

        yield_fract = RC.Open_tiff_array(fraction_fh)

        out_fh_l = out_folder+'\\feed_prod_landscape_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
        out_fh_i = out_folder+'\\feed_prod_incremental_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
#        out_fh2 = out_folder+'\\Feed_prod_pH_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
        NDM = becgis.OpenAsArray(ndm_fh, nan_values=True)
        NDM_feed = NDM * f_pct
        NDM_feed_incremental = NDM_feed * yield_fract * area_ha/1e6
        NDM_feed_landscape = (NDM_feed *(1-yield_fract)) * area_ha/1e6
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_l, NDM_feed_landscape, geo_out)
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_i, NDM_feed_incremental, geo_out)
#        NDM_feed_perHead = NDM_feed / cattle
#        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh2, NDM_feed, geo_out)
    return feed_fhs_landscape, feed_fhs_incremental
def lu_type_sum(data_fh, lu_fh, lu_dict, convert=None):
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    in_data = becgis.OpenAsArray(data_fh, nan_values=True)
#    in_data = RC.Open_tiff_array(data_fh)
    if convert == 'mm_to_km3':
        AREA = becgis.MapPixelAreakm(data_fh)
        in_data *= AREA / 1e6
    out_data = {}
    for lu_class in lu_dict.keys():
        mask = [LULC == value for value in lu_dict[lu_class]]
        mask = (np.sum(mask, axis=0)).astype(bool)
        out_data[lu_class] = np.nansum(in_data[mask])
    return out_data
def fuel_wood(output_folder, lu_fh, ndm_fhs, fraction_fhs, ndmdates):
    Calculate natural livestock feed production

    lu_fh : str
        filehandle for land use map
    ndm_fhs: nd array
        array of filehandles of NDM maps
    abv_grnd_biomass_ratio: dict
        dictionnary 'LULC':[above ground biomass]
    Data_Path_Fuel = "Fuel"
    out_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, Data_Path_Fuel)
    if not os.path.exists(out_folder):

    area_ha = becgis.MapPixelAreakm(lu_fh) * 100
    LULC = RC.Open_tiff_array(lu_fh)
    geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = RC.Open_array_info(lu_fh)

    fuel_classes = [1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
    fuel_mask = np.zeros(LULC.shape)
    for fc in fuel_classes:
        fuel_mask[np.where(LULC == fc)] = 1

    fuel_fhs_landscape = []
    fuel_fhs_incremental = []

    for d in range(len(ndm_fhs)):
        ndm_fh = ndm_fhs[d]
        fraction_fh = fraction_fhs[d]
        yield_fract = RC.Open_tiff_array(fraction_fh)
        date1 = ndmdates[d]
        year = '%d' %date1.year
        month = '%02d' %date1.month
#        year = ndm_fh[-14:-10]
#        month = ndm_fh[-9:-7]
        out_fh_l = out_folder+'\\fuel_prod_landscape_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
        out_fh_i = out_folder+'\\fuel_prod_incremental_%s_%s.tif' %(year, month)
        NDM = becgis.OpenAsArray(ndm_fh, nan_values=True)

        NDM_fuel_incremental = NDM * .05 * fuel_mask * yield_fract * area_ha/1e6
        NDM_fuel_landscape = NDM  * .05 * fuel_mask *(1-yield_fract) * area_ha/1e6
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_i, NDM_fuel_incremental, geo_out)
        DC.Save_as_tiff(out_fh_l, NDM_fuel_landscape, geo_out)

    return fuel_fhs_landscape, fuel_fhs_incremental
def calc_sheet1(entries, lu_fh, sheet1_lucs, recycling_ratio, q_outflow, q_out_avg, 
                output_folder, q_in_sw, q_in_gw = 0., q_in_desal = 0., q_out_sw = 0., q_out_gw = 0.):
    Calculate the required values to plot Water Accounting Plus Sheet 1.
    entries : dict
        Dictionary with several filehandles, also see examples below.
    lu_fh : str
        Filehandle pointing to the landuse map.
    sheet1_lucs : dict
        Dictionary sorting different landuse classes into categories.
    recycling_ratio : float
        Value indicating the recycling ratio.
    q_outflow : float
        The outflow of the basin.
    q_out_avg : float
        The longterm average outflow.
    output_folder : str
        Folder to store results.
    q_in_sw : float, optional
        Surfacewater inflow into the basin. Default is 0.0.
    q_in_gw : float, optional
        Groundwater inflow into the basin. Default is 0.0.
    q_in_desal : float, optional
        Desalinised water inflow into the basin. Default is 0.0.
    q_out_sw : float, optional
        Additional surfacewater outflow from basin. Default is 0.0.
    q_out_gw : float, optional
        Groundwater outflow from the basin. Default is 0.0.
    results : dict
        Dictionary containing necessary variables for Sheet 1.
    results = dict()
    LULC = becgis.OpenAsArray(lu_fh, nan_values = True)
    P = becgis.OpenAsArray(entries['P'], nan_values = True)
    ETgreen = becgis.OpenAsArray(entries['ETgreen'], nan_values = True)
    ETblue = becgis.OpenAsArray(entries['ETblue'], nan_values = True)
    pixel_area = becgis.MapPixelAreakm(lu_fh)

    gray_water_fraction = becgis.calc_basinmean(entries['WPL'], lu_fh)
    ewr_percentage = becgis.calc_basinmean(entries['EWR'], lu_fh)
    P[np.isnan(LULC)] = ETgreen[np.isnan(LULC)] = ETblue[np.isnan(LULC)] = np.nan
    P, ETgreen, ETblue = np.array([P, ETgreen, ETblue]) * 0.000001 * pixel_area
    ET = np.nansum([ETblue, ETgreen], axis = 0)
    results['et_advection'], results['p_advection'], results['p_recycled'], results['dS'] = calc_wb(P, ET, q_outflow, recycling_ratio, 
           q_in_sw = q_in_sw, q_in_gw = q_in_gw, q_in_desal = q_in_desal, q_out_sw = q_out_sw, q_out_gw = q_out_gw)

    results['non_recoverable'] = gray_water_fraction * (q_outflow + q_out_sw) # Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2015), Global Gray Water Footprint and Water Pollution Levels Related to Anthropogenic Nitrogen Loads to Fresh Water
    results['reserved_outflow_demand'] = q_out_avg * ewr_percentage
    results['other'] = 0.0
    landscape_et = calc_ETs(ETgreen, lu_fh, sheet1_lucs)
    incremental_et = calc_ETs(ETblue, lu_fh, sheet1_lucs)
    results['manmade'] = incremental_et['Managed']
    results['natural'] = incremental_et['Modified'] + incremental_et['Protected'] + incremental_et['Utilized']    
    other_fractions = {'Modified': 0.00,
                       'Managed':  1.00,
                       'Utilized': 0.00}    
    non_recoverable_fractions = {'Modified': 0.00,
                                 'Managed':  1.00,
                                 'Utilized': 0.00}  
    results['uf_plu'], results['uf_ulu'], results['uf_mlu'], results['uf_mwu'] = calc_utilizedflow(incremental_et, results['other'], results['non_recoverable'], other_fractions, non_recoverable_fractions)
    net_inflow = results['p_recycled'] + results['p_advection'] + q_in_sw + q_in_gw + q_in_desal + results['dS'] 
    consumed_water = np.nansum(landscape_et.values()) + np.nansum(incremental_et.values()) + results['other'] + results['non_recoverable']
    non_consumed_water = net_inflow - consumed_water
    results['non_utilizable_outflow'] = min(non_consumed_water, max(0.0, calc_non_utilizable(P, ET, entries['Fractions'])))
    results['reserved_outflow_actual'] = min(non_consumed_water - results['non_utilizable_outflow'], results['reserved_outflow_demand'])
    results['utilizable_outflow'] = max(0.0, non_consumed_water - results['non_utilizable_outflow'] - results['reserved_outflow_actual'])
    results['landscape_et_mwu'] = landscape_et['Managed']
    results['landscape_et_mlu'] = landscape_et['Modified']
    results['landscape_et_ulu'] = landscape_et['Utilized']
    results['landscape_et_plu'] = landscape_et['Protected']
    results['q_outflow'] = q_outflow
    results['q_in_sw'] = q_in_sw
    results['q_in_gw'] = q_in_gw
    results['q_in_desal'] = q_in_desal
    results['q_out_sw'] = q_out_sw
    results['q_out_gw'] = q_out_gw
    return results