Example #1
    def MWtemphum(self):

        Theta = N.zeros_like(self.z, dtype=N.dtype('f8'))
        RH = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        P = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        # P = self.get_stdP(self.z)
        RV = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        T = N.zeros_like(Theta)

        # P[0] = 101325
        P[0] = 100000
        # P[0] = 99500
        T[0] = self.th0

        for idx, z in enumerate(self.z):
            if z <= self.zT:
                Theta[idx] = self.th0 + ((self.thT - self.th0) *
                                         ((z / self.zT)**1.25))
                RH[idx] = 1 - (0.75 * ((z / self.zT)**1.25))
                Theta[idx] = self.thT * N.exp(
                    (mc.g / (mc.cp * self.tT)) * (z - self.zT))
                RH[idx] = 0.25

        for idx, z in enumerate(self.z):
            if idx > 0:
                dZ = self.z[idx] - self.z[idx - 1]
                # dZZ = self.z[idx]

                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],DryBulb[idx-1]-(6.5*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],T[idx-1],dZ)
                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],T[idx-1]-(7*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
                mT = T[idx - 1] - (7 * 0.5 * dZ * 10**-3)
                # mT = T[idx-1]
                P[idx] = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx - 1], mT, RH[idx], dZ)
                # P[idx] = P[idx-1] + (1.0*dP)
                T[idx] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[idx], P[idx])

        # pdb.set_trace()
        T = self.compute_drybulb(Theta, P)
        T_D = self.compute_Td(T, RH)
        # RV = self.compute_rv(P,T,RH)
        RV = self.compute_rv(P, Td=T_D)
        RV = RV * 0.85
        # Set constant mixing ratio at surface
        # PBLidx = N.argmax(P<85000)
        PBLidx = N.argmax(RV < self.qv0)  #-2
        # RV_const = RV[PBLidx+1]
        RV_const = self.qv0
        RV[0:PBLidx] = RV_const

        RH2 = self.RH_invert_RV(P, T, RV)

        # Fix constant theta-e in lowest layer
        # hLCL = ( 20 + ((T[0]-273.15)/5)) * (100-(100*RH2[0]))
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # LCLidx = N.argmax(self.z>hLCL)#-2
        # thE = self.compute_thetaep(P[LCLidx],RV[LCLidx],T[LCLidx],RH[LCLidx])
        # Theta[0:LCLidx] = self.compute_theta(thE,RV[0:LCLidx],T[LCLidx])
        # pdb.set_trace()

        test_plot = False
        if test_plot:
            # Recalculate RH in PBL
            # ES = self.compute_es(T)
            # RVs = 0.622*(ES/(P-ES))
            # RH2 = RV/RVs
            # T_D = self.compute_Td(T,RH2)
            # T = self.compute_drybulb(Theta,P)
            T_D = self.compute_Td(T, RH2)
            sT.plot_profile(P / 100, T - 273.15, T_D - 273.15,
        # pdb.set_trace()
        return Theta, RV
Example #2
    def MWtemphum(self):

        Theta = N.zeros_like(self.z,dtype=N.dtype('f8'))
        RH = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        P = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        # P = self.get_stdP(self.z)
        RV = N.zeros_like(Theta)
        T = N.zeros_like(Theta)

        # P[0] = 101325
        P[0] = 100000
        # P[0] = 99500
        T[0] = self.th0

        for idx,z in enumerate(self.z):
            if z <= self.zT:
                Theta[idx] = self.th0 + ((self.thT - self.th0)*(
                RH[idx] = 1 - (0.75*((z/self.zT)**1.25))
                Theta[idx] = self.thT * N.exp(
                RH[idx] = 0.25

        for idx,z in enumerate(self.z):
            if idx > 0:
                dZ = self.z[idx] - self.z[idx-1]
                # dZZ = self.z[idx]

                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],DryBulb[idx-1]-(6.5*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],T[idx-1],dZ)
                # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],T[idx-1]-(7*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
                mT = T[idx-1] - (7*0.5*dZ*10**-3)
                # mT = T[idx-1]
                P[idx] = self.compute_P_at_z(P[idx-1],mT,RH[idx],dZ)
                # P[idx] = P[idx-1] + (1.0*dP)
                T[idx] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[idx],P[idx])

        # pdb.set_trace()
        T = self.compute_drybulb(Theta,P)
        T_D = self.compute_Td(T,RH)
        # RV = self.compute_rv(P,T,RH)
        RV = self.compute_rv(P,Td=T_D)
        RV = RV*0.85
        # Set constant mixing ratio at surface
        # PBLidx = N.argmax(P<85000)
        PBLidx = N.argmax(RV<self.qv0)#-2
        # RV_const = RV[PBLidx+1]
        RV_const = self.qv0
        RV[0:PBLidx] = RV_const

        RH2 = self.RH_invert_RV(P,T,RV)

        # Fix constant theta-e in lowest layer
        # hLCL = ( 20 + ((T[0]-273.15)/5)) * (100-(100*RH2[0]))
        # pdb.set_trace()
        # LCLidx = N.argmax(self.z>hLCL)#-2
        # thE = self.compute_thetaep(P[LCLidx],RV[LCLidx],T[LCLidx],RH[LCLidx])
        # Theta[0:LCLidx] = self.compute_theta(thE,RV[0:LCLidx],T[LCLidx])
        # pdb.set_trace()

        test_plot = False
        if test_plot:
            # Recalculate RH in PBL
            # ES = self.compute_es(T)
            # RVs = 0.622*(ES/(P-ES))
            # RH2 = RV/RVs
            # T_D = self.compute_Td(T,RH2)
            # T = self.compute_drybulb(Theta,P)
            T_D = self.compute_Td(T,RH2)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        return Theta, RV
Example #3
    def buoyancy(self, ):
        """ Parcel buoyancy profile, or Eq. (A1) in MW01.


        b   :   array_like
            Atmospheric profile of buoyancy.
        qv  :   array_like
            Atmospheric profile of mixing ratio
        z = self.z
        E = self.E
        m = self.m
        zL = self.zL
        H = self.H
        zT = self.zT
        RH = self.RH

        # z' in Eq (1)
        dz = z - zL

        # Index of LCL, k2, and tropopause
        Lidx = N.where(z == zL)[0][0]
        k2idx = N.where(z == self.k2z)[0][0]
        Tidx = N.where(z == zT)[0][0]

        # Height above LCL of max buoyancy
        self.Zb = H / m

        # Buoyancy profile
        b = ((E * dz * m**2) / (H**2)) * N.exp((m / H) * -dz)

        # Set buoyancy to zero at and above tropopause
        # troposphere = N.where(z>=zT)
        # bT = copy.copy(b)
        # bT[troposphere] = 0

        # Generating other arrays
        P = N.zeros_like(z, dtype=N.dtype('f8'))
        Theta = N.zeros_like(P)
        Rv = N.zeros_like(P)
        DryBulb = N.zeros_like(P)

        # Stats at k2
        P[k2idx] = self.k2P
        Rv[k2idx] = self.compute_rv(self.k2P, Td=self.k2Td)
        self.k2RH = self.compute_RH(self.k2Td, self.k2T)
        Theta[k2idx] = self.compute_theta_2(self.k2P, self.k2T)
        DryBulb[k2idx] = self.k2T

        # Temperature at the LCL
        TLCL = self.compute_TLCL(self.k2Td, self.k2T)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_4(DryBulb[k2idx],P[k2idx],
        # Rv[k2idx],TLCL)
        self.k2the = self.compute_thetaep(P[k2idx], Rv[k2idx], self.k2T,

        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_3(Theta[k2idx],self.k2P,self.k2Td, self.k2T,Rv[k2idx],TL=TLCL)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae(self.k2T,self.k2rv,self.k2P,self.k2Td)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_2(self.k2th,self.k2rv,self.k2T)+4

        # Get to next z level
        # dZ = zdiff[znext]
        # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(self.k2P,self.k2T,dZ)
        # P[znext] = self.k2P + dP
        # DryBulb[znext] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[znext],self.k2P,self.k2T)
        # DryBulb[znext] = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(self.k2the,P[znext],self.k2rv,self.k2T)
        # Rv[znext] =  self.compute_rv(P[znext],T=DryBulb[znext],RH=self.RH)
        # Theta-e is conserved, and use T of LCL
        # Theta[znext] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the,Rv[znext],self.k2T)
        # Theta[znext] = self.compute_theta_2(P[znext],DryBulb[znext])

        # Now iterate up sounding from k2 thru LCL to top of model
        for zidx in range(k2idx + 1, len(z)):
            zbot = zidx - 1
            dZ = z[zidx] - z[zbot]
            dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[zbot],
                                     DryBulb[zbot] - (6.5 * dZ * 10**-3), dZ)
            # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[zbot],DryBulb[zbot],dZ)
            P[zidx] = P[zbot] + dP

            if zidx < Lidx:
                Rv[zidx] = Rv[k2idx]
                # DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx],self.k2P,self.k2T)
                Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the, Rv[k2idx], TLCL)
                DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[zidx], P[zidx])

            elif zidx == Lidx:
                # Using LCL RH = 0.9. Could try 1?
                DryBulb[zidx] = TLCL
                Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx], TLCL)
                Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(P[zidx],
                TdLCL = self.compute_Td(DryBulb[zidx], self.RH)
                # theLCL = self.compute_thetae_4(DryBulb[zidx],P[zidx],
                # Rv[zidx],TLCL)
                theLCL = self.compute_thetaep(P[zidx], Rv[zidx], DryBulb[zidx],
                # theLCL = self.compute_thetae_3(Theta[zidx],P[zidx],TdLCL,TLCL,Rv[zidx])

            elif zidx > Lidx:
                T2 = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx], P[Lidx], TLCL)
                Th2 = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx], T2)
                Rv2 = self.compute_rv(P[zidx], T=T2, RH=self.RH)
                # Th1 = self.compute_theta(theLCL,Rv[zbot],TLCL)
                # T1 = self.compute_drybulb(Th1,P[zidx])
                # T3 = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(theLCL,P[zidx],Rv[zbot],TLCL)
                # Th3 = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx],T3)
                Theta[zidx] = Th2
                DryBulb[zidx] = T2
                Rv[zidx] = Rv2
                # pdb.set_trace()

        # Now iterate down from LCL to surface
        for zidx in range(0, Lidx + 1)[::-1]:
            ztop = zidx + 1

            dZ = z[zidx] - z[ztop]
            dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[ztop],
                                     DryBulb[ztop] + (6.5 * dZ * 10**-3), dZ)
            # pdb.set_trace()
            P[zidx] = P[ztop] + dP
            # DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(self.k2the,P[zidx],Rv[zbot],self.k2T)
            DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx], self.k2P,
            # Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(P[zidx],T=DryBulb[zidx],RH=self.RH)
            Rv[zidx] = Rv[Lidx]
            Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the, Rv[zidx], self.k2T)


        # Create isothermal layer above tropopause
        isotherm = DryBulb[Tidx]

        # for zidx in range(Tidx+1,len(z)):
        # Theta = isothermC * (100000/P)**(mc.R/mc.cp)
        TRO = slice(Tidx + 1, len(z))
        Theta[TRO] = self.compute_theta_2(P[TRO], isotherm)
        DryBulb[TRO] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[TRO], P[TRO])
        # ttt = Theta/( (100000/P)**(mc.R/mc.cp))
        # Enforce 90% again
        # Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(p=P[zidx],T=ttt, RH=self.RH)
        Rv[TRO] = self.compute_rv(p=P[TRO], T=DryBulb[TRO], RH=self.RH)

        # Integrate CAPE between LCL and model top after isothermal calc
        Et = integrate.trapz(b[Lidx:], x=z[Lidx:])

        # Multiply buoyancy profile by CAPE ratio
        B = b * (E / Et)

        # Calc virtual temp perturbations from buoyancy
        # Tpert = (B*Theta)/mc.g
        Tpert = self.compute_thetapert(B, DryBulb, Rv)

        # Change theta, sfc/LCL to tropopause, to create CAPE==E in sounding
        THETA = Theta.copy()
        modify_bLCL = False
        if not modify_bLCL:
            # Only change LCL upward
            THETA[Lidx:Tidx] = Theta[Lidx:Tidx] - Tpert[Lidx:Tidx]
            # Change near surface too
            THETA[:Tidx] = Theta[:Tidx] - Tpert[:Tidx]

        # Enforce RH = 90% for new theta values
        DRYBULB = self.compute_drybulb(THETA, P)
        SL = slice(Lidx, Tidx)
        RV = self.compute_rv(P, T=DRYBULB, RH=self.RH)
        # RV[SL] = self.compute_rv(P[SL],T=DRYBULB[SL],RH=self.RH)

        # Change PW
        # Substract ~8C from theta and dewpoint
        # T in C; RH in 0-100 %
        # Td = utils.dewpoint(T,RH)
        # Modified RH

        # Extra fields for plotting skew-T
        ES = self.compute_es(DRYBULB)
        RVs = 0.622 * (ES / (P - ES))
        RHs = RV / RVs
        T_D = self.compute_Td(DRYBULB, RHs)
        sT.plot_profile(P / 100, DRYBULB - 273.15, T_D - 273.15, self.fdir)
        # sT.plot_profile(pres,oldtemps,dewpoints,self.fdir,fname='skewT_oldtemps.png')

        return THETA, RV
Example #4
    def buoyancy(self,):
        """ Parcel buoyancy profile, or Eq. (A1) in MW01.


        b   :   array_like
            Atmospheric profile of buoyancy.
        qv  :   array_like
            Atmospheric profile of mixing ratio
        z = self.z
        E = self.E
        m = self.m
        zL = self.zL
        H = self.H
        zT = self.zT
        RH = self.RH

        # z' in Eq (1)
        dz = z-zL

        # Index of LCL, k2, and tropopause
        Lidx = N.where(z==zL)[0][0]
        k2idx = N.where(z==self.k2z)[0][0]
        Tidx = N.where(z==zT)[0][0]

        # Height above LCL of max buoyancy
        self.Zb = H/m

        # Buoyancy profile
        b = ((E*dz*m**2)/(H**2))*N.exp((m/H)*-dz)
        # Set buoyancy to zero at and above tropopause
        # troposphere = N.where(z>=zT)
        # bT = copy.copy(b)
        # bT[troposphere] = 0

        # Generating other arrays 
        P = N.zeros_like(z,dtype=N.dtype('f8'))
        Theta = N.zeros_like(P)
        Rv = N.zeros_like(P)
        DryBulb = N.zeros_like(P)

        # Stats at k2
        P[k2idx] = self.k2P        
        Rv[k2idx] = self.compute_rv(self.k2P,Td=self.k2Td)
        self.k2RH = self.compute_RH(self.k2Td,self.k2T)
        Theta[k2idx] = self.compute_theta_2(self.k2P,self.k2T)
        DryBulb[k2idx] = self.k2T

        # Temperature at the LCL
        TLCL = self.compute_TLCL(self.k2Td,self.k2T)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_4(DryBulb[k2idx],P[k2idx],
                            # Rv[k2idx],TLCL)
        self.k2the = self.compute_thetaep(P[k2idx],Rv[k2idx],self.k2T,self.k2RH)

        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_3(Theta[k2idx],self.k2P,self.k2Td, self.k2T,Rv[k2idx],TL=TLCL)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae(self.k2T,self.k2rv,self.k2P,self.k2Td)
        # self.k2the = self.compute_thetae_2(self.k2th,self.k2rv,self.k2T)+4

        # Get to next z level
        # dZ = zdiff[znext]
        # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(self.k2P,self.k2T,dZ)
        # P[znext] = self.k2P + dP
        # DryBulb[znext] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[znext],self.k2P,self.k2T)
        # DryBulb[znext] = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(self.k2the,P[znext],self.k2rv,self.k2T)
        # Rv[znext] =  self.compute_rv(P[znext],T=DryBulb[znext],RH=self.RH)
        # Theta-e is conserved, and use T of LCL
        # Theta[znext] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the,Rv[znext],self.k2T)
        # Theta[znext] = self.compute_theta_2(P[znext],DryBulb[znext])

        # Now iterate up sounding from k2 thru LCL to top of model
        for zidx in range(k2idx+1,len(z)):
            zbot = zidx-1
            dZ = z[zidx]-z[zbot]
            dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[zbot],DryBulb[zbot]-(6.5*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
            # dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[zbot],DryBulb[zbot],dZ)
            P[zidx] = P[zbot] + dP

            if zidx < Lidx:
                Rv[zidx] = Rv[k2idx]
                # DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx],self.k2P,self.k2T)
                Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the,Rv[k2idx],TLCL)
                DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[zidx],P[zidx])

            elif zidx == Lidx:
                # Using LCL RH = 0.9. Could try 1?
                DryBulb[zidx] = TLCL
                Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx],TLCL)
                Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(P[zidx],T=DryBulb[zidx],RH=self.RH)
                TdLCL = self.compute_Td(DryBulb[zidx],self.RH)
                # theLCL = self.compute_thetae_4(DryBulb[zidx],P[zidx],
                            # Rv[zidx],TLCL)
                theLCL = self.compute_thetaep(P[zidx],Rv[zidx],DryBulb[zidx],self.RH)
                # theLCL = self.compute_thetae_3(Theta[zidx],P[zidx],TdLCL,TLCL,Rv[zidx])

            elif zidx > Lidx:
                T2 = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx],P[Lidx],TLCL)
                Th2 = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx],T2)
                Rv2 = self.compute_rv(P[zidx],T=T2,RH=self.RH)
                # Th1 = self.compute_theta(theLCL,Rv[zbot],TLCL)
                # T1 = self.compute_drybulb(Th1,P[zidx])
                # T3 = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(theLCL,P[zidx],Rv[zbot],TLCL)
                # Th3 = self.compute_theta_2(P[zidx],T3)
                Theta[zidx] = Th2
                DryBulb[zidx] = T2
                Rv[zidx] = Rv2
                # pdb.set_trace()

        # Now iterate down from LCL to surface
        for zidx in range(0,Lidx+1)[::-1]:
            ztop = zidx+1

            dZ = z[zidx]-z[ztop]
            dP = self.compute_P_at_z(P[ztop],DryBulb[ztop]+(6.5*dZ*10**-3),dZ)
            # pdb.set_trace()
            P[zidx] = P[ztop] + dP
            # DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_invert_thetae(self.k2the,P[zidx],Rv[zbot],self.k2T)
            DryBulb[zidx] = self.compute_T_with_LCL(P[zidx],self.k2P,self.k2T)
            # Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(P[zidx],T=DryBulb[zidx],RH=self.RH)
            Rv[zidx] = Rv[Lidx]
            Theta[zidx] = self.compute_theta(self.k2the,Rv[zidx],self.k2T)

        # Create isothermal layer above tropopause
        isotherm = DryBulb[Tidx]
        # for zidx in range(Tidx+1,len(z)):
        # Theta = isothermC * (100000/P)**(mc.R/mc.cp)
        TRO = slice(Tidx+1,len(z))
        Theta[TRO] = self.compute_theta_2(P[TRO],isotherm)
        DryBulb[TRO] = self.compute_drybulb(Theta[TRO],P[TRO])
        # ttt = Theta/( (100000/P)**(mc.R/mc.cp))
        # Enforce 90% again
        # Rv[zidx] = self.compute_rv(p=P[zidx],T=ttt, RH=self.RH)
        Rv[TRO] = self.compute_rv(p=P[TRO],T=DryBulb[TRO], RH=self.RH)

        # Integrate CAPE between LCL and model top after isothermal calc
        Et = integrate.trapz(b[Lidx:],x=z[Lidx:])

        # Multiply buoyancy profile by CAPE ratio
        B = b * (E/Et)

        # Calc virtual temp perturbations from buoyancy
        # Tpert = (B*Theta)/mc.g
        Tpert = self.compute_thetapert(B,DryBulb,Rv)

        # Change theta, sfc/LCL to tropopause, to create CAPE==E in sounding
        THETA = Theta.copy()
        modify_bLCL = False
        if not modify_bLCL:
            # Only change LCL upward
            THETA[Lidx:Tidx] = Theta[Lidx:Tidx]-Tpert[Lidx:Tidx]
            # Change near surface too
            THETA[:Tidx] = Theta[:Tidx]-Tpert[:Tidx]

        # Enforce RH = 90% for new theta values
        DRYBULB = self.compute_drybulb(THETA,P)
        SL = slice(Lidx,Tidx)
        RV = self.compute_rv(P,T=DRYBULB,RH=self.RH)
        # RV[SL] = self.compute_rv(P[SL],T=DRYBULB[SL],RH=self.RH)

        # Change PW
        # Substract ~8C from theta and dewpoint
        # T in C; RH in 0-100 %
        # Td = utils.dewpoint(T,RH) 
        # Modified RH

        # Extra fields for plotting skew-T
        ES = self.compute_es(DRYBULB)
        RVs = 0.622*(ES/(P-ES))
        RHs = RV/RVs
        T_D = self.compute_Td(DRYBULB,RHs)
        # sT.plot_profile(pres,oldtemps,dewpoints,self.fdir,fname='skewT_oldtemps.png')

        return THETA, RV