Example #1
 def testReceiverBuferring(self):
     Test sending alerts that are buffered into a queue.
     numAlertMsgs = 7
     q = Queue()
     # start a process that generates 5 alerts, worker can run
     # as a different process, though is not necessary here
     self.p = Process(target = worker, args = (self.addr, self.ctrl, q, numAlertMsgs))
     # alerts received will be added to the queue
     handler = lambda x: q.put(x)
     rec = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.ctrl)
     rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call
     # wait here until the Receiver is not shut
     while rec.isReady():
     # worker will send shutdown message and execution will resume here
     # check the content of the queue - 5 alert messages
     alertCount = 0
     while not q.empty():
         alert = q.get()
         self.assertEqual(alert["Type"], "Alert")
         alertCount += 1
     self.assertEqual(alertCount, numAlertMsgs)
Example #2
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"

        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker()
        # also need to wait, otherwise tearDown kicks off and scrapes the
        # couch so half of the alerts will be undelivered

        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
Example #3
    def testReceiverBuferring(self):
        Test sending alerts that are buffered into a queue.

        # alerts received will be added to the queue
        alertList = []
        handler = lambda x: alertList.append(x)
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        numAlertMsgs = 7
        thread = AlertsSender(self.addr, self.ctrl, numAlertMsgs)
        # thread will send numAlertMsgs and eventually shut the receiver
        # down by a shutdown control message

        # wait here until the Receiver is not shut
        while rec.isReady():

        # worker will send shutdown message and execution will resume here
        # check the content of the queue - 5 alert messages
        self.assertEqual(len(alertList), numAlertMsgs)
        for alert in alertList:
            self.assertEqual(alert["Type"], "Alert")
Example #4
    def testReceiverBuferring(self):
        Test sending alerts that are buffered into a queue.

        # alerts received will be added to the queue
        alertList = []
        handler = lambda x: alertList.append(x)
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        numAlertMsgs = 7
        thread = AlertsSender(self.addr, self.ctrl, numAlertMsgs)
        # thread will send numAlertMsgs and eventually shut the receiver
        # down by a shutdown control message

        # wait here until the Receiver is not shut
        while rec.isReady():

        # worker will send shutdown message and execution will resume here
        # check the content of the queue - 5 alert messages
        self.assertEqual(len(alertList), numAlertMsgs)
        for alert in alertList:
            self.failUnless("Type" in alert)
            self.assertEqual(alert["Type"], "Alert")
Example #5
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch

        processor = Processor(config)
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call
        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)
        # wait until the Receiver is shut by worker
        while rec.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver to shut ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3]
Example #6
def setUpReceiver(address, controlAddr):
    Return set up handler, receiver pair.
    Receiver starts two channels on the address and controlAddr addresses.

    handler = ReceiverHandler()
    receiver = Receiver(address, handler, controlAddr)
    receiver.startReceiver()  # non blocking call
    return handler, receiver
Example #7
def setUpReceiver(address, controlAddr):
    Return set up handler, receiver pair.
    Receiver starts two channels on the address and controlAddr addresses.

    handler = ReceiverHandler()
    receiver = Receiver(address, handler, controlAddr)
    receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
    return handler, receiver
Example #8
    def testReceiverShutdownByCall(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type = "Alert", Level = 20))

        # now messages are sent so shutdown the Receiver by a convenience
        # call, should block until the Receiver finishes, don't have to wait
Example #9
 def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
     Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.
     processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
     rec = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
     # since the above is non-blocking, could send the messages from here
     # directly, yet running via Process doesn't harm
     sender = Process(target=simpleWorker, args=(self.addr, self.ctrl))
     # wait until the Receiver is shut by simpleWorker
     while rec.isReady():
Example #10
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker()
        # also need to wait, otherwise tearDown kicks off and scrapes the
        # couch so half of the alerts will be undelivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
class AlertProcessor(Harness):
    def __init__(self, config):
        Harness.__init__(self, config)
        self._myName = self.__class__.__name__
        self.config = config
        # instance of processor
        self._processor = None
        # instance of Receiver which owns Processor (self._processor) 
        # and runs on background
        self._receiver = None
        logging.info("%s initialized." % self._myName)
    def preInitialization(self):
        Start up the ZMQ Receiver + Processor.
        logging.info("%s starting ..." % self._myName)
        self._processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver listens on work channel (address) and on control
        # channel (controlAddr)
        self._receiver = Receiver(self.config.AlertProcessor.address,
        logging.info("%s started, Receiver should be listening." % self._myName)
    def stopProcessor(self):
        Method to shutdown the Alert Processor.
        logging.info("%s shutting down, waiting for Receiver ..." % self._myName)
    def prepareToStop(self, wait = False, stopPayload = ""):
        Override prepareToStop to include call to stopProcessor.
        Ugly, but seems no other way to do this...
        Harness.prepareToStop(self, wait, stopPayload)
Example #12
    def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
        Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.

        processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non-blocking call

        # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
        # give some time so that the previous call shuts down the receiver
        time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
Example #13
    def testReceiverShutdownByMessage(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type = "Alert", Level = 10))
        # terminate the Receiver

        # wait until the Receiver is properly shut
        # this will not be necessary when shutting down by a call
        while rec.isReady():
Example #14
    def preInitialization(self):
        Start up the ZMQ Receiver + Processor.

        logging.info("preInitialization ...")
        # something fishy (again) going on in Harness, wmcoreD
        # component may fail, still will be considered as running (#3602)
        # this is why #3320 is difficult to fix ... wmcoreD would happily
        # continue even after raising an exception even from this very method directly
        self._processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver listens on work channel (address) and on control
        # channel (controlAddr)
        self._receiver = Receiver(self.config.AlertProcessor.address,
        logging.info("preInitialization - finished.")
Example #15
    def testReceiverShutdownByMessage(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type="Alert", Level=10))
        # terminate the Receiver

        # wait until the Receiver is properly shut
        # this will not be necessary when shutting down by a call
        while rec.isReady():
Example #16
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile

        config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile

        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker(), then all
        # alerts shall be delivered and could proceed to check if successfully delivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])

        # check the FileSink output files for content:
        # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
        # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
        # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
        # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
        softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
        criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
        softList = softSink.load()
        criticalList = criticalSink.load()
        # check soft level alerts
        # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
        self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3)
        for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
        # check 'critical' levels
        # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
        self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
        for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
Example #17
   def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
       Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.
       processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
       rec = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
       rec.startReceiver() # non-blocking call
       # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
       s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
       # wait until the Receiver is shut by sending the above control messages
       while rec.isReady():
           print "%s waiting for Receiver to shut ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3]
Example #18
 def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
     # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
     config = self.config.AlertProcessor
     config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile 
     config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile
     processor = Processor(config)
     rec = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
     rec.startReceiver() # non blocking call
     # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
     # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
     worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)
     # wait until the Receiver is shut by worker
     while rec.isReady():
         print "%s waiting for Receiver to shut ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3]
     # now check the FileSink output files for content:
     # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
     # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
     # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
     # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
     softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
     criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
     softList = softSink.load()
     criticalList = criticalSink.load()
     # check soft level alerts
     # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
     self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3) 
     for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
         self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
     # check 'critical' levels
     # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
     self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
     for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
         self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
 def preInitialization(self):
     Start up the ZMQ Receiver + Processor.
     logging.info("%s starting ..." % self._myName)
     self._processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
     # Receiver listens on work channel (address) and on control
     # channel (controlAddr)
     self._receiver = Receiver(self.config.AlertProcessor.address,
     logging.info("%s started, Receiver should be listening." % self._myName)
Example #20
    def testSenderBasic(self):
        Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
        Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.

        nAlerts = 10
        # start Receiver, handler is list for alerts
        # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
        alertsQueue = []
        handler = lambda x: alertsQueue.append(x)
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
        self.receiver.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # instantiate sender and send ...
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.control, "Sender_t")
        # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
        # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
        # send some alerts
        for i in range(0, nAlerts):
            a = Alert(Level=i, Type="Alert")
            s(a)  # actual alert message sending
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)

        # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
        # is received if there is no more messages coming

        self.assertEqual(nAlerts, len(alertsQueue))
Example #21
 def testSenderBasic(self):
     Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
     Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.
     nAlerts = 10
     # start Receiver, handler is Queue
     # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
     self.alertsQueue = Queue()
     handler = lambda x: self.alertsQueue.put(x)
     self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
     self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
     # instantiate sender and send ...
     s = Sender(self.addr, "Sender_t", self.control)
     # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
     # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
     while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
     # send some alerts        
     for i in range(0, nAlerts):
         a = Alert(Level = i, Type = "Alert")
         s(a) # actual alert message sending
     while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
     # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
     # is received if there is no more messages coming
     # check received alerts in the Queue
     qSize = 0
     while True:
             self.alertsQueue.get(block = False)
             qSize += 1
         except queues.Empty:
     # .qsize() is not properly implemented in Python 2.7, on e.g. Mac OS
     #self.assertEqual(nAlerts, self.alertsQueue.qsize())
     self.assertEqual(nAlerts, qSize)
Example #22
    def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
        Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.
        processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()        
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non-blocking call

        # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
        # give some time so that the previous call shuts down the receiver
        time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
Example #23
 def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
     # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
     config = self.config.AlertProcessor
     config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile 
     config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile
     processor = Processor(config)
     # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
     self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
     self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
     # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
     # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
     worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)
     # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker(), then all
     # alerts shall be delivered and could proceed to check if successfully delivered
     while self.receiver.isReady():
         time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
         logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
     # check the FileSink output files for content:
     # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
     # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
     # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
     # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
     softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
     criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
     softList = softSink.load()
     criticalList = criticalSink.load()
     # check soft level alerts
     # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
     self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3) 
     for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
         self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
     # check 'critical' levels
     # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
     self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
     for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
         self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
Example #24
    def testReceiverShutdownByCall(self):
        # start a Receiver
        rec = Receiver(self.addr, self.printer, self.ctrl)
        rec.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        workChann, contChann = self._getSenderChannels()

        # send some messages to the receiver and shut it eventually
        workChann.send_json(Alert(Type="Alert", Level=20))

        # now messages are sent so shutdown the Receiver by a convenience
        # call, should block until the Receiver finishes, don't have to wait
Example #25
 def testSenderBasic(self):
     Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
     Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.
     nAlerts = 10
     # start Receiver, handler is list for alerts
     # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
     alertsQueue = []
     handler = lambda x: alertsQueue.append(x)
     self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
     self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
     # instantiate sender and send ...
     s = Sender(self.addr, "Sender_t", self.control)
     # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
     # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
     while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
     # send some alerts        
     for i in range(0, nAlerts):
         a = Alert(Level = i, Type = "Alert")
         s(a) # actual alert message sending
     while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
     self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
     # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
     # is received if there is no more messages coming
     self.assertEqual(nAlerts, len(alertsQueue))
Example #26
class ProcessorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    TestCase for Processor.
    def setUp(self):
        Set up for tests.
        l = logging.getLogger()
        self.addr = "tcp://"
        self.ctrl = "tcp://"
        self.softOutputFile = "/tmp/ProcessorTestSoftAlerts.json"
        self.criticalOutputFile = "/tmp/ProcessorTestCriticalAlerts.json"
        self.config = Configuration()
        self.config.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        self.config.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 1
        self.config.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 3
    def tearDown(self):
        for f in (self.criticalOutputFile, self.softOutputFile):
            if os.path.exists(f):
        if hasattr(self, "testInit"):
        if hasattr(self, "receiver"):
            # wait until the Receiver is shut by the Shutdown control
            # message which the worker() function should have sent
            while self.receiver.isReady():
                logging.info("tearDown: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ...")
                time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
                if self.receiver.isReady():
            logging.info("tearDown: Is the Receiver shut down: %s" % (not self.receiver.isReady()))

    def testProcessorBasic(self):
        p = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)

    def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
        Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.
        processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()        
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non-blocking call

        # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
        # give some time so that the previous call shuts down the receiver
        time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile 
        config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)
        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker(), then all
        # alerts shall be delivered and could proceed to check if successfully delivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
        # check the FileSink output files for content:
        # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
        # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
        # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
        # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
        softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
        criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
        softList = softSink.load()
        criticalList = criticalSink.load()
        # check soft level alerts
        # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
        self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3) 
        for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
        # check 'critical' levels
        # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
        self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
        for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker()
        # also need to wait, otherwise tearDown kicks off and scrapes the
        # couch so half of the alerts will be undelivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
Example #27
class ProcessorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    TestCase for Processor.


    def setUp(self):
        Set up for tests.


        l = logging.getLogger()

        self.addr = "tcp://"
        self.ctrl = "tcp://"

        self.softOutputFile = "/tmp/ProcessorTestSoftAlerts.json"
        self.criticalOutputFile = "/tmp/ProcessorTestCriticalAlerts.json"

        self.config = Configuration()

        self.config.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        self.config.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 1
        self.config.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 3


    def tearDown(self):
        for f in (self.criticalOutputFile, self.softOutputFile):
            if os.path.exists(f):
        if hasattr(self, "testInit"):
        if hasattr(self, "receiver"):
            # wait until the Receiver is shut by the Shutdown control
            # message which the worker() function should have sent
            while self.receiver.isReady():
                logging.info("tearDown: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ...")
                time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)
                if self.receiver.isReady():
            logging.info("tearDown: Is the Receiver shut down: %s" % (not self.receiver.isReady()))

    def testProcessorBasic(self):
        p = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)

    def testProcessorWithReceiver(self):
        Test startup and shutdown of processor in receiver.

        processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non-blocking call

        # now sender tests control messages (register, unregister, shutdown)
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.ctrl, "Processor_t")
        # give some time so that the previous call shuts down the receiver
        time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.1)

    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndFileSink(self):
        # add corresponding part of the configuration for FileSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.criticalOutputFile

        config.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.softOutputFile

        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker(), then all
        # alerts shall be delivered and could proceed to check if successfully delivered
        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])

        # check the FileSink output files for content:
        # the soft Alerts has threshold level set to 0 so Alerts
        # with level 1 and higher, resp. for critical the level
        # was above set to 5 so 6 and higher out of worker's 0 .. 9
        # (10 Alerts altogether) shall be present
        softSink = FileSink(config.soft.sinks.file)
        criticalSink = FileSink(config.critical.sinks.file)
        softList = softSink.load()
        criticalList = criticalSink.load()
        # check soft level alerts
        # levels 1 .. 4 went in (level 0 is, according to the config not considered)
        self.assertEqual(len(softList), 3)
        for a, level in zip(softList, range(1, 4)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)
        # check 'critical' levels
        # only levels 5 .. 9 went in
        self.assertEqual(len(criticalList), 5)
        for a, level in zip(criticalList, range(5, 10)):
            self.assertEqual(a["Level"], level)

    def testProcessorWithReceiverAndCouchSink(self):
        # set up couch first
        self.testInit = TestInitCouchApp(__file__)
        dbName = "couch_sink"

        # add corresponding part of the configuration for CouchSink(s)
        config = self.config.AlertProcessor
        config.critical.sinks.couch.url = self.testInit.couchUrl
        config.critical.sinks.couch.database = self.testInit.couchDbName

        # just send the Alert into couch
        processor = Processor(config)
        # Receiver is waited for shutdown / shutdown explicitly in tearDown()
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, processor, self.ctrl)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # run worker(), this time directly without Process as above,
        # worker will send 10 Alerts to Receiver
        worker(self.addr, self.ctrl, 10)

        # wait until Receiver is shut down (by a message from worker()
        # also need to wait, otherwise tearDown kicks off and scrapes the
        # couch so half of the alerts will be undelivered

        while self.receiver.isReady():
            time.sleep(ReceiverLogic.TIMEOUT_AFTER_SHUTDOWN * 1.5)
            logging.info("%s: Waiting for Receiver shutdown ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3])
Example #28
    def testForwardSinkEntireChain(self):
        The test chain looks as follows:
        worker -> Receiver1(+its Processor configured to do ForwardSink) -> Receiver2 whose
            address as the destination the ForwardSink is configured with -> Receiver2 will
            do FileSink so that it's possible to verify the chain.

        # configuration for the Receiver+Processor+ForwardSink 1 (group)
        config1 = Configuration()

        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # address of the Receiver2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"

        # 1) first item of the chain is source of Alerts: worker()

        # 2) second item is Receiver1 + its Processor + its ForwardSink
        processor1 = Processor(config1.AlertProcessor)
        # ForwardSink will be created automatically by the Processor
        receiver1 = Receiver(self.address1, processor1, self.controlAddr1)
        receiver1.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # 3) third group is Receiver2 with its Processor and final FileSink
        config2 = Configuration()

        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # configuration of the final sink
        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft

        processor2 = Processor(config2.AlertProcessor)
        # final FileSink will be automatically created by the Processor
        receiver2 = Receiver(self.address2, processor2, self.controlAddr2)
        receiver2.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # now send the Alert messages via worker() and eventually shut the receiver1
        worker(self.address1, self.controlAddr1, 10)
        # wait until receiver1 shuts
        while receiver1.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver1 to shut ..." % inspect.stack(

        # shut down receiver2 - need to sendShutdown() to it
        s = Sender(self.address2, self.controlAddr2, "some_id")
        # wait until receiver2 shuts
        while receiver2.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver2 to shut ..." % inspect.stack(

        # check the result in the files
        # the bufferSize for soft-level Alerts was set to 0 so all
        # Alerts should be present also in the soft-level type file
        # initial 10 Alerts (Level 0 .. 9) gets distributed though a cascade
        # of two Receivers. soft alerts with level 0 .. 4 are considered
        # so Receiver1 forwards through its ForwardSink 0 .. 4 Alerts as soft and
        # 5 .. 9 level Alerts through 'critical'. order is not guaranteed
        # critical Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(5, 10)  # that is 5 .. 9
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        d = dict(very="interesting")
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)

        # soft Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(0, 5)  # that is 0 .. 4
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)
Example #29
class AlertProcessor(Harness):
    def __init__(self, config):
        Harness.__init__(self, config)
        self.config = config
        # instance of processor
        self._processor = None
        # instance of Receiver which owns Processor (self._processor)
        # and runs on background
        self._receiver = None
        #3602 related:
        # Harness, nor the components, handle signal.SIGTERM which
        # is used by wmcoreD --shutdown, hence shutdown sequence is not called
        # this shall later be moved into (hopefully largely improved) Harness
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._signalHandler)

    def _signalHandler(self, signalNumber, frame):
        logging.info("Signal number %s caught." % signalNumber)

    def preInitialization(self):
        Start up the ZMQ Receiver + Processor.

        logging.info("preInitialization ...")
        # something fishy (again) going on in Harness, wmcoreD
        # component may fail, still will be considered as running (#3602)
        # this is why #3320 is difficult to fix ... wmcoreD would happily
        # continue even after raising an exception even from this very method directly
        self._processor = Processor(self.config.AlertProcessor)
        # Receiver listens on work channel (address) and on control
        # channel (controlAddr)
        self._receiver = Receiver(self.config.AlertProcessor.address,
        logging.info("preInitialization - finished.")

    def stopAlertProcessor(self):
        Method to shutdown the AlertProcessor.

        logging.info("stopAlertProcessor - stopping Receiver ...")
        logging.info("stopAlertProcessor finished.")

    def prepareToStop(self, wait = False, stopPayload = ""):
        Override prepareToStop to include call to stopProcessor.
        Ugly, but seems no other way to do this...

        logging.info("Shutting down the component - prepareToStop ...")
        Harness.prepareToStop(self, wait, stopPayload)
        logging.info("prepareToStop finished.")
Example #30
class SenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.addr = "tcp://"
        self.control = "tcp://"


        # real Receiver instance, do test real stuff rather than with
        # mock Receiver
        self.receiver = None

    def tearDown(self):
        Clean up.

        if self.receiver:
            print "Receiver should be stopped now."
            print "Receiver running: (isReady()): %s" % self.receiver.isReady()
            if self.receiver.isReady():
                print "Receiver shutdown ..."
                print "Receiver running: (isReady()): %s" % self.receiver.isReady(
        self.receiver = None

    def testSenderBasic(self):
        Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
        Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.

        nAlerts = 10
        # start Receiver, handler is list for alerts
        # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
        alertsQueue = []
        handler = lambda x: alertsQueue.append(x)
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
        self.receiver.startReceiver()  # non blocking call

        # instantiate sender and send ...
        s = Sender(self.addr, self.control, "Sender_t")
        # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
        # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
        # send some alerts
        for i in range(0, nAlerts):
            a = Alert(Level=i, Type="Alert")
            s(a)  # actual alert message sending
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)

        # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
        # is received if there is no more messages coming

        self.assertEqual(nAlerts, len(alertsQueue))

    def testSenderNonBlockingWhenReceiverNotAvailable(self):
        Repeatedly instantiate Sender, register, send alerts, etc
        and test that the Sender is not blocking due to undelivered
        messages since no Receiver is available.
        This test shall wait (between iterations) only delay specified
        in the Sender.

        iterations = 2
        nAlerts = 3
        for i in range(iterations):
            # instantiate sender and send ...
            s = Sender(self.addr, self.control, "Sender_t")
            # send some alerts
            for i in range(0, nAlerts):
                a = Alert(Level=10, Type="Alert")
                s(a)  # actual alert message sending
            # call destructor explicitly, the hanging should not occur here
            del s
Example #31
    def testForwardSinkEntireChain(self):
        The test chain looks as follows:
        worker -> Receiver1(+its Processor configured to do ForwardSink) -> Receiver2 whose
            address as the destination the ForwardSink is configured with -> Receiver2 will
            do FileSink so that it's possible to verify the chain.

        # configuration for the Receiver+Processor+ForwardSink 1 (group)
        config1 = Configuration()

        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # address of the Receiver2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.address = self.address2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.controlAddr = self.controlAddr2
        config1.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.forward.label = "ForwardSinkTest"

        # 1) first item of the chain is source of Alerts: worker()

        # 2) second item is Receiver1 + its Processor + its ForwardSink
        processor1 = Processor(config1.AlertProcessor)
        # ForwardSink will be created automatically by the Processor
        receiver1 = Receiver(self.address1, processor1, self.controlAddr1)
        receiver1.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # 3) third group is Receiver2 with its Processor and final FileSink
        config2 = Configuration()

        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.level = 5
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.level = 0
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.bufferSize = 0


        # configuration of the final sink
        config2.AlertProcessor.critical.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        config2.AlertProcessor.soft.sinks.file.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft

        processor2 = Processor(config2.AlertProcessor)
        # final FileSink will be automatically created by the Processor
        receiver2 = Receiver(self.address2, processor2, self.controlAddr2)
        receiver2.startReceiver() # non blocking call

        # now send the Alert messages via worker() and eventually shut the receiver1
        worker(self.address1, self.controlAddr1, 10)
        # wait until receiver1 shuts
        while receiver1.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver1 to shut ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3]

        # shut down receiver2 - need to sendShutdown() to it
        s = Sender(self.address2, self.controlAddr2, "some_id")
        # wait until receiver2 shuts
        while receiver2.isReady():
            print "%s waiting for Receiver2 to shut ..." % inspect.stack()[0][3]

        # check the result in the files
        # the bufferSize for soft-level Alerts was set to 0 so all
        # Alerts should be present also in the soft-level type file
        # initial 10 Alerts (Level 0 .. 9) gets distributed though a cascade
        # of two Receivers. soft alerts with level 0 .. 4 are considered
        # so Receiver1 forwards through its ForwardSink 0 .. 4 Alerts as soft and
        # 5 .. 9 level Alerts through 'critical'. order is not guaranteed
        # critical Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileCritical
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(5, 10) # that is 5 .. 9
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        d = dict(very = "interesting")
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)

        # soft Alerts
        fileConfig = ConfigSection("file")
        fileConfig.outputfile = self.outputfileSoft
        sink = FileSink(fileConfig)
        expectedLevels = range(0, 5) # that is 0 .. 4
        loadAlerts = sink.load()
        self.assertEqual(len(loadAlerts), len(expectedLevels))
        for a in loadAlerts:
            self.assertEqual(a["Details"], d)
Example #32
class SenderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.addr = "tcp://"
        self.control = "tcp://"
        logging.basicConfig(logLevel = logging.DEBUG)
        # real Receiver instance, do test real stuff rather than with
        # mock Receiver
        self.receiver = None
    def tearDown(self):
        Clean up.
        if self.receiver:
            print "Receiver should be stopped now."
            print "Receiver running: (isReady()): %s" % self.receiver.isReady()
            if self.receiver.isReady():
                print "Receiver shutdown ..."
                print "Receiver running: (isReady()): %s" % self.receiver.isReady()
        self.receiver = None
    def testSenderBasic(self):
        Immediate testing register, unregister messages.
        Alert messages tested as saved in the queue.
        nAlerts = 10
        # start Receiver, handler is list for alerts
        # wait for control messages to arrive and test immediately
        alertsQueue = []
        handler = lambda x: alertsQueue.append(x)
        self.receiver = Receiver(self.addr, handler, self.control)
        self.receiver.startReceiver() # non blocking call
        # instantiate sender and send ...
        s = Sender(self.addr, "Sender_t", self.control)
        # nothing is registered up to now with the Receiver
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
        # test that RegisterMsg arrived, consider delay
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 0:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 1)
        # send some alerts        
        for i in range(0, nAlerts):
            a = Alert(Level = i, Type = "Alert")
            s(a) # actual alert message sending
        while len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders) == 1:
        self.assertEqual(len(self.receiver._receiver._registSenders), 0)
        # this makes sure that Receiver waits certain delay even after shutdown
        # is received if there is no more messages coming
        self.assertEqual(nAlerts, len(alertsQueue))
    def testSenderNonBlockingWhenReceiverNotAvailable(self):
        Repeatedly instantiate Sender, register, send alerts, etc
        and test that the Sender is not blocking due to undelivered
        messages since no Receiver is available.
        This test shall wait (between iterations) only delay specified
        in the Sender (was hanging indefinitely due to -1 default value).
        iterations = 2
        nAlerts = 3
        for i in range(iterations):
            # instantiate sender and send ...
            s = Sender(self.addr, "Sender_t", self.control)
            # send some alerts        
            for i in range(0, nAlerts):
                a = Alert(Level = 10, Type = "Alert")
                s(a) # actual alert message sending
            # call destructor explicitly, the hanging should not occur here
            del s