def testCaching(self): """ _testCaching_ Verify that JobSubmitter caching works. """ config = self.createConfig() mySubmitterPoller = JobSubmitterPoller(config) mySubmitterPoller.getThresholds() mySubmitterPoller.refreshCache() self.assertEqual(len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs), 0, "Error: The job cache should be empty.") self.injectJobs() mySubmitterPoller.refreshCache() # Verify the cache is full self.assertEqual(len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs), 20, "Error: The job cache should contain 20 jobs. Contains: %i" % len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs)) killWorkflow("wf001", jobCouchConfig = config) mySubmitterPoller.refreshCache() # Verify that the workflow is gone from the cache self.assertEqual(len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs), 10, "Error: The job cache should contain 10 jobs. Contains: %i" % len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs)) killWorkflow("wf002", jobCouchConfig = config) mySubmitterPoller.refreshCache() # Verify that the workflow is gone from the cache self.assertEqual(len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs), 0, "Error: The job cache should be empty. Contains: %i" % len(mySubmitterPoller.cachedJobIDs)) return
def cancelWork(self, elementIDs=None, SubscriptionId=None, WorkflowName=None, elements=None): """Cancel work - delete in wmbs, delete from workqueue db, set canceled in inbox Elements may be directly provided or determined from series of filter arguments """ if not elements: args = {} if SubscriptionId: args['SubscriptionId'] = SubscriptionId if WorkflowName: args['RequestName'] = WorkflowName elements = self.backend.getElements(elementIDs=elementIDs, **args) # take wf from args in case no elements exist for workflow (i.e. work was negotiating) requestNames = set([x['RequestName'] for x in elements]) | set( [wf for wf in [WorkflowName] if wf]) if not requestNames: return [] inbox_elements = [] for wf in requestNames: inbox_elements.extend( self.backend.getInboxElements(WorkflowName=wf)) # if local queue, kill jobs, update parent to Canceled and delete elements if self.params['LocalQueueFlag']: # if we can talk to wmbs kill the jobs if self.params['PopulateFilesets']:"""Canceling work for workflow(s): %s""" % (requestNames)) from WMCore.WorkQueue.WMBSHelper import killWorkflow for workflow in requestNames: try: myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.dbi = self.conn.dbi myThread.logger = self.logger killWorkflow(workflow, self.params["JobDumpConfig"], self.params["BossAirConfig"]) except Exception, ex: self.logger.error( 'Aborting %s wmbs subscription failed: %s' % (workflow, str(ex))) # Don't update as fails sometimes due to conflicts (#3856) [ x.load().__setitem__('Status', 'Canceled') for x in inbox_elements if x['Status'] != 'Canceled' ] updated_inbox_ids = [ for x in self.backend.saveElements(*inbox_elements) ] # delete elements - no longer need them self.backend.deleteElements(*[ x for x in elements if x['ParentQueueId'] in updated_inbox_ids ])
def cancelWork(self, elementIDs = None, SubscriptionId = None, WorkflowName = None, elements = None): """Cancel work - delete in wmbs, delete from workqueue db, set canceled in inbox Elements may be directly provided or determined from series of filter arguments """ if not elements: args = {} if SubscriptionId: args['SubscriptionId'] = SubscriptionId if WorkflowName: args['RequestName'] = WorkflowName elements = self.backend.getElements(elementIDs = elementIDs, **args) # only cancel in global if work has not been passed to a child queue if not self.params['LocalQueueFlag']: elements = [x for x in elements if not x['ChildQueueUrl']] requestNames = set([x['RequestName'] for x in elements]) if not requestNames: return [] # if we can talk to wmbs kill the jobs if self.params['PopulateFilesets']: from WMCore.WorkQueue.WMBSHelper import killWorkflow self.logger.debug("""Canceling work in wmbs, workflows: %s""" % (requestNames)) for workflow in requestNames: try: myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.dbi = self.conn.dbi myThread.logger = self.logger killWorkflow(workflow, self.params["JobDumpConfig"], self.params["BossAirConfig"]) except RuntimeError: #TODO: Check this logic and improve if possible if SubscriptionId:"""Cancel update: Only some subscription's canceled. This might be due to a child subscriptions: %s""" % elementIDs) # update parent elements to canceled for wf in requestNames: inbox_elements = self.backend.getInboxElements(WorkflowName = wf, returnIdOnly = True) if not inbox_elements: raise RuntimeError, "Cant find parent for %s" % wf self.backend.updateInboxElements(*inbox_elements, Status = 'Canceled') # delete elements - no longer need them self.backend.deleteElements(*elements) return [ for x in elements]
def killWorkflowAgent(WorkflowName): """ Cancel work for a given workflow - delete in wmbs, delete from workqueue db, set canceled in inbox """ # get configuration file path if not os.environ.has_key("WMAGENT_CONFIG"): os.environ[ 'WMAGENT_CONFIG'] = '/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/' # load config wmConfig = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ['WMAGENT_CONFIG']) wqManager = wmConfig.section_('WorkQueueManager') couchUrl = wqManager.couchurl dbname = wqManager.dbname inboxDatabase = wqManager.inboxDatabase parentQueueCouchUrl = wqManager.queueParams['ParentQueueCouchUrl'] # Creates backend backend = WorkQueueBackend(couchUrl, dbname, inboxDatabase, parentQueueCouchUrl) args = {} args['RequestName'] = WorkflowName elements = backend.getElements(**args) # take wf from args in case no elements exist for workflow (i.e. work was negotiating) requestNames = set([x['RequestName'] for x in elements]) | set( [wf for wf in [WorkflowName]]) if not requestNames: print 'Workflow is not at the backend' inbox_elements = [] for wf in requestNames: inbox_elements.extend(backend.getInboxElements(WorkflowName=wf)) print "Canceling work for workflow: %s" % (requestNames) for workflow in requestNames: try: connectToDB() jobDumpConfig = wmConfig bossAirConfig = wmConfig killWorkflow(workflow, jobDumpConfig, bossAirConfig) except Exception, ex: print 'Aborting %s wmbs subscription failed: %s' % (workflow, str(ex))
def testKillWorkflow(self): """ _testKillWorkflow_ Verify that workflow killing works correctly. """ baAPI = BossAirAPI(config=self.config, insertStates=True) # Create nine jobs self.setupForKillTest(baAPI=baAPI) self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 9) killWorkflow("Main", self.config, self.config) self.verifyFileKillStatus() self.verifyJobKillStatus() self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 8) return
def killWorkflowAgent(WorkflowName): """ Cancel work for a given workflow - delete in wmbs, delete from workqueue db, set canceled in inbox """ # get configuration file path if not os.environ.has_key("WMAGENT_CONFIG"): os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"] = "/data/srv/wmagent/current/config/wmagent/" # load config wmConfig = loadConfigurationFile(os.environ["WMAGENT_CONFIG"]) wqManager = wmConfig.section_("WorkQueueManager") couchUrl = wqManager.couchurl dbname = wqManager.dbname inboxDatabase = wqManager.inboxDatabase parentQueueCouchUrl = wqManager.queueParams["ParentQueueCouchUrl"] # Creates backend backend = WorkQueueBackend(couchUrl, dbname, inboxDatabase, parentQueueCouchUrl) args = {} args["RequestName"] = WorkflowName elements = backend.getElements(**args) # take wf from args in case no elements exist for workflow (i.e. work was negotiating) requestNames = set([x["RequestName"] for x in elements]) | set([wf for wf in [WorkflowName]]) if not requestNames: print "Workflow is not at the backend" inbox_elements = [] for wf in requestNames: inbox_elements.extend(backend.getInboxElements(WorkflowName=wf)) print "Canceling work for workflow: %s" % (requestNames) for workflow in requestNames: try: connectToDB() jobDumpConfig = wmConfig bossAirConfig = wmConfig killWorkflow(workflow, jobDumpConfig, bossAirConfig) except Exception, ex: print "Aborting %s wmbs subscription failed: %s" % (workflow, str(ex))
def cancelWork(self, elementIDs = None, SubscriptionId = None, WorkflowName = None, elements = None): """Cancel work - delete in wmbs, delete from workqueue db, set canceled in inbox Elements may be directly provided or determined from series of filter arguments """ if not elements: args = {} if SubscriptionId: args['SubscriptionId'] = SubscriptionId if WorkflowName: args['RequestName'] = WorkflowName elements = self.backend.getElements(elementIDs = elementIDs, **args) # take wf from args in case no elements exist for workflow (i.e. work was negotiating) requestNames = set([x['RequestName'] for x in elements]) | set([wf for wf in [WorkflowName] if wf]) if not requestNames: return [] inbox_elements = [] for wf in requestNames: inbox_elements.extend(self.backend.getInboxElements(WorkflowName = wf)) # if local queue, kill jobs, update parent to Canceled and delete elements if self.params['LocalQueueFlag']: # if we can talk to wmbs kill the jobs if self.params['PopulateFilesets']:"""Canceling work for workflow(s): %s""" % (requestNames)) from WMCore.WorkQueue.WMBSHelper import killWorkflow for workflow in requestNames: try: myThread = threading.currentThread() myThread.dbi = self.conn.dbi myThread.logger = self.logger killWorkflow(workflow, self.params["JobDumpConfig"], self.params["BossAirConfig"]) except Exception, ex: self.logger.error('Aborting %s wmbs subscription failed: %s' % (workflow, str(ex))) # Don't update as fails sometimes due to conflicts (#3856) [x.load().__setitem__('Status', 'Canceled') for x in inbox_elements if x['Status'] != 'Canceled'] updated_inbox_ids = [ for x in self.backend.saveElements(*inbox_elements)] # delete elements - no longer need them self.backend.deleteElements(*[x for x in elements if x['ParentQueueId'] in updated_inbox_ids])
def testKillWorkflow(self): """ _testKillWorkflow_ Verify that workflow killing works correctly. """ configFile = EmulatorSetup.setupWMAgentConfig() config = loadConfigurationFile(configFile) baAPI = BossAirAPI(config=config) # Create nine jobs self.setupForKillTest(baAPI=baAPI) self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 9) killWorkflow("Main", config, config) self.verifyFileKillStatus() self.verifyJobKillStatus() self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 8) EmulatorSetup.deleteConfig(configFile) return
def testKillWorkflow(self): """ _testKillWorkflow_ Verify that workflow killing works correctly. """ configFile = EmulatorSetup.setupWMAgentConfig() config = loadConfigurationFile(configFile) baAPI = BossAirAPI(config = config) # Create nine jobs self.setupForKillTest(baAPI = baAPI) self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 9) killWorkflow("Main", config, config) self.verifyFileKillStatus() self.verifyJobKillStatus() self.assertEqual(len(baAPI._listRunJobs()), 8) EmulatorSetup.deleteConfig(configFile) return