class WMStatsClient(object):
    ACTIVE_STATUS = ["new",
    def __init__(self, url):
        # main CouchDB database where requests/workloads are stored
        url = url or ""
        couchUrl, dbName = splitCouchServiceURL(url)
        self.server = CouchServer(couchUrl)
        self.couchdb = self.server.connectDatabase(dbName)
        self.couchapp = "WMStats"
    def getRequestByNames(self, requestNames, jobInfoFlag = False):
        data = self._getRequestByNames(requestNames, True)
        requestInfo = self._formatCouchData(data)
        if jobInfoFlag:
            # get request and agent info
        return requestInfo
    def getActiveData(self, jobInfoFlag = False):
        return self.getRequestByStatus(WMStatsClient.ACTIVE_STATUS, jobInfoFlag)
    def getRequestByStatus(self, statusList, jobInfoFlag = False):
        data = self._getRequestByStatus(statusList, True)
        requestInfo = self._formatCouchData(data)

        if jobInfoFlag:
            # get request and agent info
        return requestInfo
    def _updateReuestInfoWithJobInfo(self, requestInfo):
        if len(requestInfo.keys()) != 0:
            requestAndAgentKey = self._getRequestAndAgent(requestInfo.keys())
            jobDocIds = self._getLatestJobInfo(requestAndAgentKey)
            jobInfoByRequestAndAgent = self._getAllDocsByIDs(jobDocIds)
            self._combineRequestAndJobData(requestInfo, jobInfoByRequestAndAgent)
    def _getCouchView(self, view, options, keys = []):
        if not options:
            options = {}
        options.setdefault("stale", "update_after")
        if keys and type(keys) == str:
            keys = [keys]
        return self.couchdb.loadView(self.couchapp, view, options, keys)
    def _formatCouchData(self, data, key = "id"):
        result = {}
        for row in data['rows']:
            result[row[key]] = row["doc"]
        return result
    def _combineRequestAndJobData(self, requestData, jobData):
        update the request data with job info
        requestData['AgentJobInfo'] = {'': {"_id":"d1d11dfcb30e0ab47db42007cb6fb847",
             "sites":{"T2_DE_DESY": {"success":325,"wrappedTotalJobTime":11305908,
             "subscription_status":{"updated":1393108089, "finished":2, "total":2,"open":0},
        for row in jobData["rows"]:
            jobInfo = requestData[row["doc"]["workflow"]]
            jobInfo["AgentJobInfo"]  = {} 
            jobInfo["AgentJobInfo"][row["doc"]["agent_url"]] = row["doc"]
    def _getRequestByNames(self, requestNames, detail = True):
        'status': list of the status
        options = {}
        options["include_docs"] = detail
        result = self.couchdb.allDocs(options, requestNames)
        return result
    def _getRequestByStatus(self, statusList, detail = True):
        'status': list of the status
        options = {}
        options["include_docs"] = detail
        keys = statusList or WMStatsClient.ACTIVE_STATUS
        return self._getCouchView("requestByStatus", options, keys)
    def _getRequestAndAgent(self, filterRequest = None):
        returns the [['request_name', 'agent_url'], ....]
        options = {}
        options["reduce"] = True
        options["group"] = True
        result = self._getCouchView("requestAgentUrl", options)
        if filterRequest == None:
            keys = [row['key'] for row in result["rows"]]
            keys = [row['key'] for row in result["rows"] if row['key'][0] in filterRequest]
        return keys
    def _getLatestJobInfo(self, keys):
        keys is [['request_name', 'agent_url'], ....]
        returns ids
        options = {}
        options["reduce"] = True
        options["group"] = True
        result = self._getCouchView("latestRequest", options, keys)
        ids = [row['value']['id'] for row in result["rows"]]
        return ids
    def _getAllDocsByIDs(self, ids):
        keys is [id, ....]
        returns document
        options = {}
        options["include_docs"] = True
        result = self.couchdb.allDocs(options, ids)
        return result
from WMCoreService.CouchClient import Document as CouchDoc
from WMCoreService.WMStatsClient import WMStatsClient
from WMCoreService.DataStruct.RequestInfoCollection import RequestInfoCollection

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="server",
                    help="CouchDB server to write results to", )
    parser.add_option("-d", "--database", dest="database", default='latency_analytics',
                    help="CouchDB database for results")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    analyticsServer = CouchServer(options.server)
    couchdb = analyticsServer.connectDatabase(options.database)

    url = ""
    WMStats = WMStatsClient(url)
    print "Getting job information from %s. Please wait." % url
    requests = WMStats.getRequestByStatus(WMStatsClient.ACTIVE_STATUS, jobInfoFlag = True)

    requestCollection = RequestInfoCollection(requests)
    result = requestCollection.getJSONData()
    requestsDict = requestCollection.getData()
    print "Total %s requests retrieved\n" % len(result)

    report = {}
    for wf in result.keys():
        # Store a copy of the CouchDB document so we can compare later before updating
        if couchdb.documentExists(wf):