class FourierPropagator(Propagator):
    r"""This class can numerically propagate given initial values :math:`\Psi(x_0, t_0)` on
    a potential hyper surface :math:`V(x)`. The propagation is done with a Strang splitting
    of the time propagation operator :math:`\exp(-\frac{i}{\varepsilon^2} \tau H)`.

    def __init__(self, potential, initial_values, para):
        r"""Initialize a new :py:class:`FourierPropagator` instance. Precalculate the
        the kinetic operator :math:`T_e` and the potential operator :math:`V_e`
        used or time propagation.

        :param potential: The potential :math:`V(x)` governing the time evolution.
        :type potential: A :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance.
        :param initial_values: The initial values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma, t_0)` given
                               in the canonical basis.
        :type initial_values: A :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.
        :param para: The set of simulation parameters. It must contain at least
                     the semi-classical parameter :math:`\varepsilon` and the
                     time step size :math:`tau`.

        :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` If the number of components of :math:`\Psi` does not match the
                           number of energy surfaces :math:`\lambda_i(x)` of the potential.
        # The embedded 'MatrixPotential' instance representing the potential 'V'.
        self._potential = potential

        # The initial values of the components '\psi_i' sampled at the given grid.
        self._psi = initial_values

        if self._potential.get_number_components() != self._psi.get_number_components():
            raise ValueError("Potential dimension and number of components do not match.")

        # The position space grid nodes '\Gamma'.
        self._grid = initial_values.get_grid()

        # The kinetic operator 'T' defined in momentum space.
        self._KO = KineticOperator(self._grid, para["eps"])

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/2*eps^2*dt*T)' used in the Strang splitting.
        self._KO.calculate_exponential(-0.5j * para["dt"] * para["eps"]**2)
        self._TE = self._KO.evaluate_exponential_at()

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/eps^2*dt*V)' used in the Strang splitting.
        self._potential.calculate_exponential(-0.5j * para["dt"] / para["eps"]**2)
        VE = self._potential.evaluate_exponential_at(self._grid)
        self._VE = tuple([ve.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for ve in VE])

    # TODO: Consider removing this, duplicate
    def get_number_components(self):
        r"""Get the number :math:`N` of components of :math:`\Psi`.

        :return: The number :math:`N`.
        return self._potential.get_number_components()

    def get_wavefunction(self):
        r"""Get the wavefunction that stores the current data :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)`.

        :return: The :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.
        return self._psi

    def get_operators(self):
        r"""Get the kinetic and potential operators :math:`T(\Omega)` and :math:`V(\Gamma)`.

        :return: A tuple :math:`(T, V)` containing two ``ndarrays``.
        # TODO: What kind of object exactly do we want to return?
        T = self._KO.evaluate_at()
        V = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid)
        V = tuple([v.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for v in V])
        return (T, V)

    def propagate(self):
        r"""Given the wavefunction values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t`, calculate
        new values :math:`\Psi^\prime(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t + \tau`. We perform exactly
        one single timestep of size :math:`\tau` within this function.
        # How many components does Psi have
        N = self._psi.get_number_components()

        # Unpack the values from the current WaveFunction
        values = self._psi.get_values()

        tmp = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values]

        # The first step with the potential
        for row in range(N):
            for col in range(N):
                tmp[row] = tmp[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * values[col]

        # Go to Fourier space
        tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # Apply the kinetic operator
        tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp]

        # Go back to real space
        tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # The second step with the potential
        values = [zeros(component.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for component in tmp]
        for row in range(N):
            for col in range(N):
                values[row] = values[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * tmp[col]

        # Pack values back to WaveFunction object
        # TODO: Consider squeeze(.) of data before repacking
class ChinChenPropagator(Propagator):
    r"""This class can numerically propagate given initial values :math:`\Psi(x_0, t_0)` on
    a potential hyper surface :math:`V(x)`. The propagation is done with a Chin-Chen [1]_
    splitting of the time propagation operator :math:`\exp(-\frac{i}{\varepsilon^2} \tau H)`.

    .. note:: This propagator is implemented for single-level potentials (:py:class:`MatrixPotential1S`)
              only. More precisely, the other potential implementations do not provide
              some functionality needed here.

    .. [1] S. A. Chin and C. R. Chen, "Fourth order gradient symplectic integrator methods
           for solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation",
           J. Chem. Phys. Volume 114, Issue 17, (2001) 7338-7341.

    def __init__(self, parameters, potential, initial_values):
        r"""Initialize a new :py:class:`ChinChenPropagator` instance. Precalculate the
        the kinetic operator :math:`T_e` and the potential operators :math:`V_e` and
        :math:`\tilde{V}_e` used for time propagation.

        :param parameters: The set of simulation parameters. It must contain at least
                           the semi-classical parameter :math:`\varepsilon` and the
                           time step size :math:`\tau`.
        :param potential: The potential :math:`V(x)` governing the time evolution.
        :type potential: A :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance.
        :param initial_values: The initial values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma, t_0)` given
                               in the canonical basis.
        :type initial_values: A :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.

        :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` If the number of components of :math:`\Psi` does not match the
                           number of energy surfaces :math:`\lambda_i(x)` of the potential.
        # The embedded 'MatrixPotential' instance representing the potential 'V'.
        self._potential = potential

        # The initial values of the components '\psi_i' sampled at the given grid.
        self._psi = initial_values

        if self._potential.get_number_components() != self._psi.get_number_components():
            raise ValueError("Potential dimension and number of components do not match.")

        # The position space grid nodes '\Gamma'.
        self._grid = initial_values.get_grid()

        # The kinetic operator 'T' defined in momentum space.
        self._KO = KineticOperator(self._grid, parameters["eps"])

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/4*eps^2*dt*T)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        self._KO.calculate_exponential(-0.25j * parameters["dt"] * parameters["eps"]**2)
        self._TE = self._KO.evaluate_exponential_at()

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/(6*eps^2)*dt*V)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        self._potential.calculate_exponential(-1.0j / 6.0 * parameters["dt"] / parameters["eps"]**2)
        VE = self._potential.evaluate_exponential_at(self._grid)
        self._VE = tuple([ve.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for ve in VE])

        # Operator V-tilde
        N = self._potential.get_number_components()
        n = self._grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True)

        # Memory for storing temporary values
        tmp = ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=complexfloating)

        # Evaluate potential and gradient
        Vx = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid)
        Jx = self._potential.evaluate_jacobian_canonical_at(self._grid)
        Jx = norm(vstack(Jx), axis=0).reshape(1, n)

        # Exponential '\exp(-2i/(3*eps^2)*dt * (V + 1/48*dt^2*JV))' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        # Fill in values
        for row in range(N):
            for col in range(N):
                tmp[:, row, col] = (-2.0j / (3.0 * parameters["eps"]**2) *
                                    (parameters["dt"] * Vx[N * row + col] +
                                     parameters["dt"]**3 / 48.0 * Jx[N * row + col]**2))

        # Calculate exponential
        for i in range(n):
            tmp[i, :, :] = expm(tmp[i, :, :])

        # Split the data into different components
        self._VEtilde = tuple([tmp[:, row, col].reshape((1, n)) for row in range(N) for col in range(N)])

    # TODO: Consider removing this, duplicate
    def get_number_components(self):
        r"""Get the number :math:`N` of components of :math:`\Psi`.

        :return: The number :math:`N`.
        return self._potential.get_number_components()

    def get_wavefunction(self):
        r"""Get the wavefunction that stores the current data :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)`.

        :return: The :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.
        return self._psi

    def get_operators(self):
        r"""Get the kinetic and potential operators :math:`T(\Omega)` and :math:`V(\Gamma)`.

        :return: A tuple :math:`(T, V)` containing two ``ndarrays``.
        # TODO: What kind of object exactly do we want to return?
        T = self._KO.evaluate_at()
        V = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid)
        V = tuple([v.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for v in V])
        return (T, V)

    def propagate(self):
        r"""Given the wavefunction values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t`, calculate
        new values :math:`\Psi^\prime(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t + \tau`. We perform exactly
        one single timestep of size :math:`\tau` within this function.
        # How many components does Psi have
        N = self._psi.get_number_components()

        # Unpack the values from the current WaveFunction
        values = self._psi.get_values()

        # First step with the potential
        tmp = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values]
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                tmp[row] = tmp[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * values[col]

        # Go to Fourier space
        tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # First step with the kinetic operator
        tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp]

        # Go back to real space
        tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # Central step with V-tilde
        tmp2 = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values]
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                tmp2[row] = tmp2[row] + self._VEtilde[row * N + col] * tmp[col]

        # Go to Fourier space
        tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp2]

        # Second step with the kinetic operator
        tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp]

        # Go back to real space
        tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # Second step with the potential
        values = [zeros(component.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for component in tmp]
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                values[row] = values[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * tmp[col]

        # Pack values back to WaveFunction object
        # TODO: Consider squeeze(.) of data before repacking
Example #3
class ChinChenPropagator(Propagator):
    r"""This class can numerically propagate given initial values :math:`\Psi(x_0, t_0)` on
    a potential hyper surface :math:`V(x)`. The propagation is done with a Chin-Chen [1]_
    splitting of the time propagation operator :math:`\exp(-\frac{i}{\varepsilon^2} \tau H)`.

    .. note:: This propagator is implemented for single-level potentials (:py:class:`MatrixPotential1S`)
              only. More precisely, the other potential implementations do not provide
              some functionality needed here.

    .. [1] S. A. Chin and C. R. Chen, "Fourth order gradient symplectic integrator methods
           for solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation",
           J. Chem. Phys. Volume 114, Issue 17, (2001) 7338-7341.
    def __init__(self, parameters, potential, initial_values):
        r"""Initialize a new :py:class:`ChinChenPropagator` instance. Precalculate the
        the kinetic operator :math:`T_e` and the potential operators :math:`V_e` and
        :math:`\tilde{V}_e` used for time propagation.

        :param parameters: The set of simulation parameters. It must contain at least
                           the semi-classical parameter :math:`\varepsilon` and the
                           time step size :math:`\tau`.
        :param potential: The potential :math:`V(x)` governing the time evolution.
        :type potential: A :py:class:`MatrixPotential` instance.
        :param initial_values: The initial values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma, t_0)` given
                               in the canonical basis.
        :type initial_values: A :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.

        :raise: :py:class:`ValueError` If the number of components of :math:`\Psi` does not match the
                           number of energy surfaces :math:`\lambda_i(x)` of the potential.
        # The embedded 'MatrixPotential' instance representing the potential 'V'.
        self._potential = potential

        # The initial values of the components '\psi_i' sampled at the given grid.
        self._psi = initial_values

        if self._potential.get_number_components(
        ) != self._psi.get_number_components():
            raise ValueError(
                "Potential dimension and number of components do not match.")

        # The position space grid nodes '\Gamma'.
        self._grid = initial_values.get_grid()

        # The kinetic operator 'T' defined in momentum space.
        self._KO = KineticOperator(self._grid, parameters["eps"])

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/4*eps^2*dt*T)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        self._KO.calculate_exponential(-0.25j * parameters["dt"] *
        self._TE = self._KO.evaluate_exponential_at()

        # Exponential '\exp(-i/(6*eps^2)*dt*V)' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        self._potential.calculate_exponential(-1.0j / 6.0 * parameters["dt"] /
        VE = self._potential.evaluate_exponential_at(self._grid)
        self._VE = tuple(
            [ve.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for ve in VE])

        # Operator V-tilde
        N = self._potential.get_number_components()
        n = self._grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True)

        # Memory for storing temporary values
        tmp = ndarray((n, N, N), dtype=complexfloating)

        # Evaluate potential and gradient
        Vx = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid)
        Jx = self._potential.evaluate_jacobian_canonical_at(self._grid)
        Jx = norm(vstack(Jx), axis=0).reshape(1, n)

        # Exponential '\exp(-2i/(3*eps^2)*dt * (V + 1/48*dt^2*JV))' used in the Chin-Chen splitting.
        # Fill in values
        for row in range(N):
            for col in range(N):
                tmp[:, row, col] = (
                    -2.0j / (3.0 * parameters["eps"]**2) *
                    (parameters["dt"] * Vx[N * row + col] +
                     parameters["dt"]**3 / 48.0 * Jx[N * row + col]**2))

        # Calculate exponential
        for i in range(n):
            tmp[i, :, :] = expm(tmp[i, :, :])

        # Split the data into different components
        self._VEtilde = tuple([
            tmp[:, row, col].reshape((1, n)) for row in range(N)
            for col in range(N)

    # TODO: Consider removing this, duplicate
    def get_number_components(self):
        r"""Get the number :math:`N` of components of :math:`\Psi`.

        :return: The number :math:`N`.
        return self._potential.get_number_components()

    def get_wavefunction(self):
        r"""Get the wavefunction that stores the current data :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)`.

        :return: The :py:class:`WaveFunction` instance.
        return self._psi

    def get_operators(self):
        r"""Get the kinetic and potential operators :math:`T(\Omega)` and :math:`V(\Gamma)`.

        :return: A tuple :math:`(T, V)` containing two ``ndarrays``.
        # TODO: What kind of object exactly do we want to return?
        T = self._KO.evaluate_at()
        V = self._potential.evaluate_at(self._grid)
        V = tuple([v.reshape(self._grid.get_number_nodes()) for v in V])
        return (T, V)

    def propagate(self):
        r"""Given the wavefunction values :math:`\Psi(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t`, calculate
        new values :math:`\Psi^\prime(\Gamma)` at time :math:`t + \tau`. We perform exactly
        one single timestep of size :math:`\tau` within this function.
        # How many components does Psi have
        N = self._psi.get_number_components()

        # Unpack the values from the current WaveFunction
        values = self._psi.get_values()

        # First step with the potential
        tmp = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values]
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                tmp[row] = tmp[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * values[col]

        # Go to Fourier space
        tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # First step with the kinetic operator
        tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp]

        # Go back to real space
        tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # Central step with V-tilde
        tmp2 = [zeros(value.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for value in values]
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                tmp2[row] = tmp2[row] + self._VEtilde[row * N + col] * tmp[col]

        # Go to Fourier space
        tmp = [fftn(component) for component in tmp2]

        # Second step with the kinetic operator
        tmp = [self._TE * component for component in tmp]

        # Go back to real space
        tmp = [ifftn(component) for component in tmp]

        # Second step with the potential
        values = [
            zeros(component.shape, dtype=complexfloating) for component in tmp
        for row in range(0, N):
            for col in range(0, N):
                values[row] = values[row] + self._VE[row * N + col] * tmp[col]

        # Pack values back to WaveFunction object
        # TODO: Consider squeeze(.) of data before repacking