Example #1
    def doActions( self, actions, inEvent ):
        self._log.debug("doActions %s", actions)
        if actions :
            self._log.debug("doActions %s", actions)
            for action in actions:
                    cmd = action["cmd"]
                    adrs = action["address"]
                    uri = action["uri"]

                    # has uri got any % symbols in it, attempt substitution
                    if inEvent.getPayload() and '%' in uri:
                        # the uri can contain string substitutions of the form %(key)s where
                        # the key is a key into other_data, the s is the string specifier.
                        # See String Formatting Operations in the python library ref.
                        uri = uri % inEvent.getPayload()

                    self._log.info("url address : %s command: %s uri: %s" % (adrs, cmd, uri) )
                    if ( cmd == "GET" ):
                        # TODO rate limit requests to a webbrick at one time
                        url = str("http://%s%s" % (adrs,uri))
                        # list operations are thread safe
                        http_sin.addQueueEntry( adrs, action, url )
                        # TODO shift to twisted for POST
                        resp = DoHTTPRequest(adrs, cmd, uri)
                        if resp and (resp.status != 200) and resp.read():
                            self._log.error("HTTP error %i : %s in targetUrl" % (resp.status,resp.reason) )
                except Exception, ex:
                    self._log.exception( ex )
Example #2
    def doActions( self, actions, inEvent ):
        self._log.debug("doActions %s", actions)
        if actions :
            self._log.debug("doActions %s", actions)
            for action in actions:
                    cmd = action["cmd"]
                    adrs = action["address"]
                    uri = action["uri"]

                    # has uri got any % symbols in it, attempt substitution
                    if inEvent.getPayload() and '%' in uri:
                        # the uri can contain string substitutions of the form %(key)s where
                        # the key is a key into other_data, the s is the string specifier.
                        # See String Formatting Operations in the python library ref.
                        uri = uri % inEvent.getPayload()
                    if inEvent.getPayload() and '%' in adrs:
                        # the address can contain string substitutions of the form %(key)s where
                        # the key is a key into other_data, the s is the string specifier.
                        # See String Formatting Operations in the python library ref.
                        adrs = adrs % inEvent.getPayload()
                    self._log.info("url address : %s command: %s uri: %s" % (adrs, cmd, uri) )
                    if ( cmd == "GET" ):
                        # TODO rate limit requests to a webbrick at one time
                        url = str("http://%s%s" % (adrs,uri))
                        # list operations are thread safe
                        self.addQueueEntry( adrs, (action,url) )

                        # we need to handle this on the reactor thread as it will
                        # make network calls twisted is not thread safe!
                        # defer import to here so we can install alternate reactors.
                        from twisted.internet import reactor
                        reactor.callFromThread( self.actionStart, adrs )
                        # TODO shift to twisted for POST
                        resp = DoHTTPRequest(adrs, cmd, uri)
                        if resp and (resp.status != 200) and resp.read():
                            self._log.error("HTTP error %i : %s in targetUrl" % (resp.status,resp.reason) )
                except Exception, ex:
                    self._log.exception( ex )
Example #3
    def default(self, *args):
        # and request parameters as well.
        self._log.debug( 'WebBrickProxy args (%i) Uri %s' % (len(args), args ) )

        if len(args) == 0:
            ## no webbrick to handle.
        elif len(args) == 1:
            # no local part, redirect to index page
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( "%s/index.htm" % args[0] )
            wbaddr = args[0]    # Ip or DNS address
            reqUri = string.join( args[1:], '/' )

        # TODO should we use twisted or this is already worker thread so no issue
        self._log.debug( 'WebBrickProxy Address %s Uri %s' % (wbaddr, reqUri) )
        if not self._webbrickVers.has_key(wbaddr):
            # retrieve interface version string.
            r = DoHTTPRequest(wbaddr, "GET", "/ver")
            if r and (r.status == 200):
                self._webbrickVers[wbaddr] = r.read().strip()
                self._webbrickVers[wbaddr] = 'default'

        # is wbUri in local directory?
        # first look in default webbrick group.
        # TODO allow configuring webbrick UI by address/name
        # TODO list files that must be proxied to webbrick, i.e. .spi files
        localdir = os.path.join( self.proxyDir, self._webbrickVers[wbaddr] )
        if not os.path.exists( localdir ):

        localpath = os.path.join( localdir, reqUri )
        if os.path.exists( localpath ):
            # yes then return.
            return cherrypy.lib.cptools.serveFile(localpath)
            # do not cache stuff from webbricks.
            cherrypy.response.headerMap["cache-control"] = "no-cache"
            # retrieve from remote webbrick and serve
            wbUri = '/' + reqUri + '?' + cherrypy.request.query_string

            self._log.debug( 'WebBrickProxy Retrieve %s Uri %s' % (wbaddr, wbUri) )
            r = DoHTTPRequest(wbaddr, "GET", wbUri)
            if r:
                if (r.status == 200):
                    txt = r.read()
                    self._log.debug( 'WebBrickProxy %s return (%s)' % (wbaddr, txt) )
                    # if extension is not .inc, .xml then cache locally.
                    if not localpath.endswith('.inc') and not localpath.endswith('.xml'):
                        f = open(localpath,"wb")
                    return txt
                elif (r.status == 302):
                    # redirect by webbrick
                    self._log.debug("HTTP redirect %s" % ( r.getheaders() ) )
                    raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( r.getheader('Location') )
                    self._log.debug("HTTP error %i : %s %s " % ( r.status,r.reason,r.getheaders() ) )
                # TODO error handling
                # TODO error
        return {}