def test_create_license_technology_message(self):
        with open('./license_by_sa-va_full.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_architecture_mix_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '**Here is the architecture mix, by account**: \n' \
                   '* **Cisco Demo Customer Smart Account**\n' \
                   '    * Security: 100.0%\n' \
                   '* **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '    * Enterprise Networking: 99.5%\n' \
                   '    * Security: 0.5%\n' \
                   '* **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '    * Enterprise Networking: 72.8%\n' \
                   '    * Security: 27.2%\n' \
                   '* **Federal Team Testing Cisco Account**\n' \
                   '    * Enterprise Networking: 65.6%\n' \
                   '    * Data Center: 28.1%\n' \
                   '    * Security: 6.2%\n'

            expected, result,
            'test_create_license_technology_message.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'.
            format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_shortage(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)
        # expected = "noway"
        expected = '* [Top 5 License Shortages](None "License Shortage Link")\n' \
                   '    * **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '        * Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)\n' \
                   '            * ASAv10 Standard - 1G, has a shortage of 14 licenses\n' \
                   '        * DEFAULT\n' \
                   '            * CSR 1KV AX 250M, has a shortage of 13 licenses\n' \
                   '            * C3650_24_Ipserv, has a shortage of 12 licenses\n' \
                   '    * **Federal Team Testing Cisco Account**\n' \
                   '        * DoD-AF\n' \
                   '            * Prime Infrastructure 3.x, Lifecycle Lic., has a shortage of 11 licenses\n' \
                   '            * Prime Infrastructure 3.x, BASE Lic., has a shortage of 10 licenses'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_shortage.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_usage_message_large(self):
        with open('./usage_test_large.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result, success = sld.create_license_usage_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '**There are a large number of licenses.  Here is the license usage for the top 10 by account and virtual account**:\n' \
                   '* **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '    * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV APPX 2500M, has 14.0% utilization\n' \
                   '    * Some Virtual Account 1\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV APPX 10M, has 24.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License, has 64.0% utilization\n' \
                   '* **Some Goofy Production Test**\n' \
                   '    * Dowee Cheatum and Howe\n' \
                   '        * Some License IV, has 44.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License V, has 10.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License VI, has 8.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License VII, has 6.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License VIII, has 4.0% utilization\n' \
                   '    * Fly By Night\n' \
                   '        * Some License II, has 34.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Some License III, has 56.0% utilization\n\n' \
                   'Will export all the licenses usage info to an excel file.\n'

            expected, result,
            'test_create_license_usage_message_large.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_usage(self):

        with open('./usage_test.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '* [Top 5 Licenses By Consumption](None "License Consumption Link")\n' \
                   '    * **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '        * Some Virtual Account 1\n' \
                   '            * Some License, has 64.0% utilization\n' \
                   '            * CSR 1KV APPX 10M, has 24.0% utilization\n' \
                   '    * **Some Goofy Production Test**\n' \
                   '        * Fly By Night\n' \
                   '            * Some License III, has 56.0% utilization\n' \
                   '            * Some License II, has 34.0% utilization\n' \
                   '        * Dowee Cheatum and Howe\n' \
                   '            * Some License IV, has 44.0% utilization\n'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_usage.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_expired_status(
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)
        expected = '    * **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '        * DEFAULT\n' \
                   '            * ISRV AX 250M, Qty: 4990, Expired: 2018/11/19\n' \
                   '    * **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '        * ATT CUSTOMER 1\n' \
                   '            * ISRV AX 2500M, Qty: 5, Expired: 2019/04/02\n' \
                   '            * ISRV IPB 2500M, Qty: 5, Expired: 2019/04/02\n' \
                   '        * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '            * CSR 1KV AX 5G, Qty: 6, Expired: 2019/05/23\n' \
                   '        * ATT Account Team\n' \
                   '            * CSR 1KV AX 5G, Qty: 4, Expired: 2019/05/23\n'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_expired_status.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_future_expired_status(
        with open('./multiple_future_expiration.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)
        # expected = "noway"
        expected = '* [Top 5 Licenses Expiring in the Next 180 Days](None "Future Expired License Link")\n' \
                   '    * **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '        * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '            * **CSR 1KV APPX 2500M**, Qty: 50 expire on: 2019/08/04\n' \
                   '        * Some Virtual Account 1\n' \
                   '            * **CSR 1KV APPX 10M**, Qty: 50 expire on: 2019/09/04\n' \
                   '            * **Some License**, Qty: 50 expire on: 2019/09/15\n' \
                   '    * **Some Goofy Production Test**\n' \
                   '        * Dowee Cheatum and Howe\n' \
                   '            * **Some License IV**, Qty: 50 expire on: 2019/11/04\n' \
                   '        * Fly By Night\n' \
                   '            * **Some License III**, Qty: 50 expire on: 2019/11/30'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_expired_status.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_expired_licenses_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '**Here are the *expired licenses*, grouped by Account and Virtual Account**:\n' \
                   '* **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '    * DEFAULT\n' \
                   '        * ISRV AX 250M, Qty: 4990, expires: 2018/11/19\n' \
                   '    * Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)\n' \
                   '        * ISRV AX 500M, Qty: 10, expires: 2019/05/31\n' \
                   '* **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '    * ATT CUSTOMER 1\n' \
                   '        * ISRV AX 2500M, Qty: 5, expires: 2019/04/02\n' \
                   '        * ISRV IPB 2500M, Qty: 5, expires: 2019/04/02\n' \
                   '        * ISRV APPX 10M, Qty: 1, expires: 2019/05/31\n' \
                   '    * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV AX 5G, Qty: 6, expires: 2019/05/23\n' \
                   '    * ATT Account Team\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV AX 5G, Qty: 4, expires: 2019/05/23\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV IP BASE 10G, Qty: 4, expires: 2019/05/23\n' \
                   '        * CSR 1KV APPX 500M, Qty: 1, expires: 2019/05/31\n'

            result, expected,
            'test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_shortage_message_correct(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_shortages_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '    * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '        * There is a shortage of **3** licenses for "**CSR 1KV AX 5G**"\n' \
                   '        * There is a shortage of **2** licenses for "**CSR 1KV APPX 2500M**"\n'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct.\nExpected: \n{}\nResult:\n{}'
            .format(expected, result))

        expected = '* **Federal Team Testing Cisco Account**\n' \
                   '    * DoD-AF\n' \
                   '        * There is a shortage of **11** licenses for "**Prime Infrastructure 3.x, Lifecycle Lic.**"\n' \
                   '        * There is a shortage of **10** licenses for "**Prime Infrastructure 3.x, BASE Lic.**"\n' \
                   '        * There is a shortage of **9** licenses for "**Cisco Intersight SaaS - Essentials**"\n'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct.\nExpected: \n{}\nResult:\n{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_virtual_account_message_contains_correct_message(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        expected = '**Here are the *virtual accounts*, grouped by Account**:\n' \
                   '* **BU Production Test**\n' \
                   '    * ATT CUSTOMER 2\n' \
                   '    * ATT ENCS\n' \
                   '    * ATT Account Team\n' \
                   '    * ATT CUSTOMER 1\n' \
                   '* **Cisco Demo Customer Smart Account**\n' \
                   '    * AF-Region\n' \
                   '* **Federal Team Testing Cisco Account**\n' \
                   '    * DoD-AF\n' \
                   '* **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '    * DEFAULT\n' \
                   '    * Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)\n'

        result = sld.create_virtual_accounts_message(cssm_license)
            result, expected,
            'test_create_virtual_account_message_contains_correct_message.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
Example #10
    def test_returns_cssm_dataframe(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        expected = pd.DataFrame()
        self.assertIsInstance(parser.cssm_dataframe(), pd.DataFrame)
    def test_create_shortage_license_message(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()
        result = sld.create_license_shortages_message(cssm_license)
            result, str,
            'test_create_shortage_license_message.\nExpected: {}\nResult: {}\n'
            .format(type(result), type("")))
Example #12
    def test_json_from_list(self):
        the_list = [{'accountType': 'CUSTOMER', 'accountName': 'SA SME', 'roles': [{'licenses': [], 'role': 'Smart Account User'}, {'licenses': [{'license': 'CSR 1KV APPX 100M', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'USAGE', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'AT&T', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': '2019-01-18T01:07:36Z', 'endDate': '2022-01-17T01:07:36Z', 'subscriptionId': 'Sub208966', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'STANDARD', 'quantity': 1}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 1, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 1, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'DNA Advantage For SDWAN', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'AT&T', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': '2019-05-20', 'endDate': '2022-05-19', 'subscriptionId': 'Sub269233', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'TERM', 'quantity': 100}, {'startDate': '2019-05-30', 'endDate': '2020-05-29', 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'TERM', 'quantity': 100}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 200, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 200, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'ISRV AX 1G', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'AT&T', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': '2019-05-20', 'endDate': '2022-05-19', 'subscriptionId': 'Sub269233', 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'TERM', 'quantity': 100}, {'startDate': '2019-05-30', 'endDate': '2020-05-29', 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'TERM', 'quantity': 50}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 150, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 150, 'status': 'In Compliance'}], 'role': 'Virtual Account Administrator', 'virtualAccount': 'AT&T'}, {'licenses': [{'license': 'ISRV AX 1G', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'ATT EE CUSTOMER C', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': '2019-05-30', 'endDate': '2020-05-29', 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'TERM', 'quantity': 50}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 50, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 50, 'status': 'In Compliance'}], 'role': 'Virtual Account Administrator', 'virtualAccount': 'ATT EE CUSTOMER C'}], 'accountDomain': '', 'accountStatus': 'Active'}, {'accountType': 'CUSTOMER', 'accountName': 'Cisco Sales Enablement', 'roles': [{'licenses': [{'license': 'ASAv10 Standard - 1G', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': None, 'endDate': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'PERPETUAL', 'quantity': 10}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 10, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 10, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'ISRV AX 250M', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': None, 'endDate': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'PERPETUAL', 'quantity': 10}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 10, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 10, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'ISRV AX 500M', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': None, 'endDate': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'PERPETUAL', 'quantity': 10}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 10, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 10, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'ISRV IPBase 1G', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': None, 'endDate': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'PERPETUAL', 'quantity': 10}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 10, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 10, 'status': 'In Compliance'}, {'license': 'ISRV IPBase 500M', 'reserved': 0, 'billingType': 'PREPAID', 'isPortable': False, 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'ahaApps': False, 'pendingQuantity': 0, 'licenseDetails': [{'startDate': None, 'endDate': None, 'subscriptionId': None, 'status': 'ACTIVE', 'licenseType': 'PERPETUAL', 'quantity': 10}], 'licenseSubstitutions': [], 'available': 10, 'inUse': 0, 'quantity': 10, 'status': 'In Compliance'}], 'role': 'Virtual Account Administrator', 'virtualAccount': 'Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)'}], 'accountDomain': '', 'accountStatus': 'Active'}]

   #     the_json = json.loads(the_list)
        print(json.dumps(the_list, indent=4))
        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(the_list)

        expected = pd.DataFrame()

        print('  dataframe:  {}'.format(parser.cssm_dataframe().info()))
        print('yeah:  {}'.format(parser.cssm_dataframe()['accountName']))
        self.assertIsInstance(parser.cssm_dataframe(), pd.DataFrame)
    def test_create_thirty_day_expired_licenses_message(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_expired_licenses_message(cssm_license)
            result, str,
            'test_create_virtual_account_message_contains_message.\nExpected: {}\nResult: {}\n'
            .format(type(result), type("")))
Example #14
    def test_returns_cssm_license_for_williams_json2(self):
        with open('./william_json_v2.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        result = parser.cssm_license().account_names()

        expected = ['Cisco Sales Enablement']

        self.assertEqual(expected, result,
                         'test_returns_cssm_license_for_williams_json2 should return correct license info.  '
                         '\nExpected:\n{}\nResult:\n{}'.format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_has_correct_initial_text(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        expected = "**Here is the high level status of your licensing**:\n"

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_has_correct_initial_text.\nExpected:\n {}Result:\n{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct(self):
        with open('./multiple_assigned_license_test.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_expired_licenses_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '**Here are the *expired licenses*, grouped by Account and Virtual Account**:\n' \
                   '* **BU Production Test**\n    * ATT ENCS\n        * CSR 1KV APPX 2500M\n'

            expected, result,
            'test_create_expired_licenses_message_correct.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_usage_when_no_usage(
        with open('./my_licensing_info.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '* [License Usage: There are no licenses in use right now](None "License Consumption Link")'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_usage_when_no_usage.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_technology_empty(

        with open('./my_licensing_info.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '[License Shortage: There are no license shortages](None "License Shortage Link")'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_technology.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
    def test_create_correct_future_thirty_day_expired_licenses_message_single(
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        expected = '**Here are the licenses that will expire in 30 days:**:\n' \
                   '* **Cisco Sales Enablement**\n' \
                   '    * DEFAULT\n' \
                   '        * **ISR_4331_UnifiedCommunication**, Qty: 90 expire on: 2019/07/19\n'

        result = sld.create_future_expired_licenses_message(cssm_license)
            expected, result,
            'test_create_correct_future_thirty_day_expired_licenses_message.\nExpected: {}\nResult: {}\n'
            .format(expected, result))
Example #20
    def test_returns_cssm_license_for_alex_json(self):
        with open('./alex_json_v1.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        result = parser.cssm_license().account_names()

        expected = ['PnP Test Account - KB', 'SA SME', 'Cisco Sales Enablement']

        self.assertEqual(expected, result,
                         'test_returns_cssm_license_for_alex_json should return correct license info.  '
                         '\nExpected:\n{}\nResult:\n{}'.format(expected, result))

        result = parser.cssm_license().cssm_virt_account_by_accountName()

        expected = {'PnP Test Account - KB': ['RCDN-lab', 'ENCS', 'Crossroad Select', 'lcartwri - SD-WAN BT-1', 'STARFLIGHT-1-VA', 'TDOELLMA', 'MnM-Project', 'IoT-IA-PTP', 'Kishan-test', 'STARFLIGHT-VA', 'PNP-LABFKF', 'hkardame_test_cedge_order', 'BASE2HQ', 'DubDemo Enterprise Networks', 'ENFV-LAB', 'wirelesspnp'], 'SA SME': ['IBM-SDWAN deployment', 'ATT EE CUSTOMER C', 'SASME-demo', 'DEFAULT', 'SDWAN', 'AT&T'], 'Cisco Sales Enablement': ['Alex Daltrini (adaltrin)', 'DEFAULT']}

        self.assertEqual(expected, result,
                         'test_returns_cssm_license_for_alex_json should return correct virtual accounts license info.  '
                         '\nExpected:\n{}\nResult:\n{}'.format(expected, result))
    def test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_technology(

        with open('./alex_json_v1.json') as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        result = sld.create_license_status_message(cssm_license)

        expected = '* [Here is your architecture mix, by Account](None "License Architecture Mix Link")\n' \
                   '    * **PnP Test Account - KB**\n' \
                   '        * Security: 52.9%\n' \
                   '        * Enterprise Networking: 47.1%\n'

            expected in result,
            'test_create_license_status_message_creates_correct_top_technology.\nExpected: {}\nResult:{}'
            .format(expected, result))
Example #22
    def test_misc_test(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        result = parser.cssm_license().account_names()

        the_cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        license_df = the_cssm_license.cssm_dataframe

        # print(result)
        # print(parser.cssm_license().cssm_top_five_expired_licenses())
        # print(parser.cssm_license().cssm_top_five_future_expired_licenses())
        # print(parser.cssm_license().cssm_license_top_five_shortage())

        # grouped = license_df.groupby(['virtualAccount','license']).agg('assignedLicenses_quantity')
        # print(grouped.head())
        # print(type(grouped))
        # for key, group_df in grouped:
        #     print(key)
        #     print(group_df.head())


        filtered_df = license_df[(license_df['accountName']=='BU Production Test')]

        groupd_df = filtered_df.groupby(['accountName', 'virtualAccount', 'license'])['inUse', 'assignedLicenses_quantity'].sum()

        groupd_df['usage'] = license_utilization(groupd_df['inUse'], groupd_df['assignedLicenses_quantity'])

        print(groupd_df.sort_values(['usage'], ascending=False))

    def test_create_account_names_message_returns_correct_message(self):
        with open(file_name) as json_data:
            json_array = json.load(json_data)

        parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser(json_array)

        cssm_license = parser.cssm_license()

        expected_names = [
            'BU Production Test', 'Cisco Demo Customer Smart Account',
            'Federal Team Testing Cisco Account', 'Cisco Sales Enablement'
        expected = '**Here are the requested accounts:**\n\n'
        for name in expected_names:
            expected = expected + '* {}\n'.format(name)
        print('expected: {}'.format(expected))
        result = sld.create_account_names_message(cssm_license)

            expected, result,
            'test_create_account_names_message_returns_correct_message:\nExpected: {}\n'
            'Result: {}'.format(expected, result))
Example #24
 def test_CSSMJSONParser_Object_exists(self):
     parser = cssm_parser.CSSMJSONParser()
     self.assertIsNotNone(parser, 'test_CSSMJSONParser_Object_exists should return a value')