async def glitch(event): if event.fwd_from: return await event.get_reply_message() okbruh = await event.edit("`Gli, Glitchiiingggg.....`") photolove = await convert_to_image(event, friday) pathsn = f"./whiteeyez/@WhiteEyeDevs.gif" glitch_imgs = glitcher.glitch_image(photolove, 2, gif=True, color_offset=True) glitch_imgs[0].save( pathsn, format="GIF", append_images=glitch_imgs[1:], save_all=True, duration=DURATION, loop=LOOP, ) c_time = time.time() optimize(pathsn) stark_m = await uf( file_name="*****@*****.**", client=borg, file=open(pathsn, "rb"), progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "Uploading..", pathsn)), ) await borg.send_file(event.chat_id, stark_m, caption="Powered By @WhiteEyeDevs") await okbruh.delete() for starky in (pathsn, photolove): if starky and os.path.exists(starky): os.remove(starky)
async def flip(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.reply_to_msg_id: await event.edit("Reply To Any Video.") return await event.edit("Ah, Shit. Here it Starts.") kk = await event.get_reply_message() if not or kk.video_note: await event.edit("`Oho, Reply To Video Only`") return hmm = await event.client.download_media( c_time = time.time() cmd = f'ffmpeg -i {hmm} -vf "transpose=2,transpose=2" [email protected]' await runcmd(cmd) filem = "[email protected]" if not os.path.exists(filem): await event.edit("**Process, Failed !**") return final_file = await uf( file_name=filem, client=bot, file=open(filem, "rb"), progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "Uploading Flipped video..", filem)), ) await event.delete() await borg.send_file( event.chat_id, final_file, caption="**Video Flipped** - Powered By @WhiteEyeDevs", ) for files in (filem, hmm): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def audio_extract(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.reply_to_msg_id: await event.edit("Reply To Any Video.") return await event.edit("Ah, Shit. Here it Starts.") kk = await event.get_reply_message() if not or kk.video_note: await event.edit("`Oho, Reply To Video Only`") return hmm = await event.client.download_media( try: thumb = await event.client.download_media(, thumb=-1) except: thumb = "./resources/20201201_001148.jpg" name_out = str([1].file_name.split(".")[0]) + str(".mp3") c_time = time.time() cmd = f"ffmpeg -i {hmm} -map 0:a {name_out}" await runcmd(cmd) filem = name_out if not os.path.exists(filem): await event.edit("**Process, Failed !**") return final_file = await uf( file_name=filem, client=bot, file=open(filem, "rb"), progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "Uploading Audio From The video..", filem)), ) await event.delete() await borg.send_file( event.chat_id, final_file, thumb=thumb, caption="**Audio Extarcted** - Powered By @WhiteEyeDevs", ) for files in (filem, hmm): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def convert_to_note(event): if event.fwd_from: return if not event.reply_to_msg_id: await event.edit("Reply To Any Video.") return await event.edit("Ah, Shit. Here it Starts.") kk = await event.get_reply_message() if not ( or kk.video_note or kk.gif or kk.video_note): await event.edit("`Oho, Reply To Video Only.`") return hmm = await event.client.download_media( try: thumb = await event.client.download_media(, thumb=-1) except: thumb = "./resources/20201201_001148.jpg" c_time = time.time() filem = "[email protected]" await crop_vid(hmm, filem) if not os.path.exists(filem): await event.edit("**Process, Failed !**") return final_file = await uf( file_name=filem, client=bot, file=open(filem, "rb"), progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "Uploading Round / Video Note.", filem)), ) await event.delete() await borg.send_file(event.chat_id, final_file, thumb=thumb, video_note=True) for files in (filem, hmm): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return urlissed = myself_stark = await edit_or_reply( event, f"`Getting {urlissed} From Youtube Servers. Please Wait.`") search = SearchVideos(f"{urlissed}", offset=1, mode="dict", max_results=1) mi = search.result() mio = mi["search_result"] mo = mio[0]["link"] thum = mio[0]["title"] WhiteEyez = mio[0]["id"] thums = mio[0]["channel"] kekme = f"{WhiteEyez}/hqdefault.jpg" await asyncio.sleep(0.6) if not os.path.isdir("./music/"): os.makedirs("./music/") path = Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY url = mo sedlyf =, out=path) opts = { "format": "bestaudio", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "writethumbnail": True, "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [{ "key": "FFmpegExtractAudio", "preferredcodec": "mp3", "preferredquality": "480", }], "outtmpl": "%(title)s.mp3", "quiet": True, "logtostderr": False, } try: with YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl: ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url) except Exception as e: await event.edit(f"**Failed To Download** \n**Error :** `{str(e)}`") return c_time = time.time() file_stark = f"{ytdl_data['title']}.mp3" lol_m = await upload_file( file_name=file_stark, client=borg, file=open(file_stark, "rb"), progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "Uploading Your Song!", file_stark)), ) capy = f"**Song Name ➠** `{thum}` \n**Requested For ➠** `{urlissed}` \n**Channel ➠** `{thums}` \n**Link ➠** `{mo}`" await event.delete() await borg.send_file( event.chat_id, lol_m, force_document=False, allow_cache=False, caption=capy, thumb=sedlyf, attributes=[ DocumentAttributeAudio( duration=int(ytdl_data["duration"]), title=str(ytdl_data["title"]), performer=str(ytdl_data["uploader"]), ) ], supports_streaming=True, ) for files in (sedlyf, file_stark): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)