Example #1
 def test_51_execution(self):
     print "\n(5.1) Test execution.\n  ",
     capExplicit = "0"
     radEntries = None
     radCoeffRegis = ""
     radCoeffTd = ""
         ## Check mass calculation
         parser = XmlParser()
         data = parser.loadFile(tNodePath % tNetwork)
         ## Open it for reading and save its xml data.
         entries = parser.getElements(data, "node")
         ## Loop through each source entry, totaling the mass.
         massSum = 0;
         for entry in entries:                
             ## Create and initialize XmlEntryAnalyzer object.
             mass = parser.getChildText(entry, "mass")
             massSum = massSum + float(mass)
             ## Store capacitance of a specific node in question.
             if "GOOD_EXPLICIT_12" == parser.getChildText(entry, "name"):
                 capExplicit = parser.getChildText(entry, "capacitance") 
         ## Read radiation data for testing.    
         radData = parser.loadFile(tRadPath % tNetwork)
         radEntries = parser.getElements(radData, "radiation")
         ## Check radiation coefficients.  
         radCoeffTd = parser.getChildText(radEntries[0], "coefficient")
         radCoeffRegis = parser.getChildText(radEntries[1], "coefficient")
     except (Exception), e:
         print e
         self.fail("Uncaught exception during execute().")
Example #2
class SymbolLoader():
    ## @brief:
    ## Constructs the SymbolLoader and creates a XmlParser object.
    def __init__(self):
        ## An XmlParser() object for getting data from xml elements.
        self.mParser = XmlParser()

        ## Stores name of current file being parsed.
        self.mCurrentFile = "[mCurrentFile not set]"

    ## @brief:
    ## Main public function. Creates a dictionary based on symbols defined in the xml file.
    ## @param[in]: symFiles   name of xml-file containing symbols data
    ## @return:    a dictionary with key = symbol, value = resulting numerical value of symbol
    def execute(self, symFiles):

        masterNameList = []
        masterExpList = []

        for file in symFiles:
            ## Read each file.
            [nameList, expList, desList,
             groupList] = self.loadSymbolsFrom(file)

            ## Update master lists
            masterNameList = masterNameList + nameList
            masterExpList = masterExpList + expList

        return self.defineSymbols(masterNameList, masterExpList, locals())

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## @brief:
    ## Private method. Defines a symbol list given an expression list.
    ## @param[in]: symFile       name of xml-file containing symbols data
    ## @param[in]: areDesAndGroupIncluded    a boolean to specify if the group/des tags need to be
    ##                                       read as well (like in the generate_TD_symbols case)
    ## @return:    nameList      list of text under <name> tag in symbols xml
    ## @return:    expList       list of text under <exp> tag in symbols xml
    def loadSymbolsFrom(self, symFile):

        ## Set current file for error reporting purposes.
        self.mCurrentFile = symFile

        ## Try to open the symbol file. Open it for reading and save its xml data.
        symbols = self.mParser.loadFile(symFile)

        ## Initialize lists.
        nameList = []
        expList = []
        desList = []
        groupList = []

        ## Loop over the symbols.
        for symbol in symbols:
            ## Initialize name for error reporting.
            name = "[error reading name]"

            ## Get data.
                name = self.mParser.getChildText(symbol, "name")
                expElem = self.mParser.getElements(symbol, "exp", True,
                expText = self.mParser.getText(expElem, name)

                if name in nameList:
                    ## If the symbol is a mass, it can overwrite a previous instance.
                    if 'mass_' == name[:5]:
                        expList[nameList.index(name)] = expText
                        raise ThermError("Symbol previously defined (%s)." %

                ## Special instructions for capacitance symbols, for mass accounting purposes.
                if 'cap_' == name[:4]:
                        ## Read the given mass from the symbols element.
                        specHeatText = self.mParser.getChildText(
                            expElem, "specHeat", name)
                        massText = self.mParser.getChildText(
                            expElem, "mass",
                            name).replace('%Cp', specHeatText)
                        expText = "(%s) * (%s)" % (massText, specHeatText)

                    except (TagNotFound), e:
                        ## Store a "-1" as an indication that no mass data was provided.
                        massText = "-1"

                    ## Append a symbol for the mass.
                    nameList.append(name.replace("cap_", "mass_"))

                ## Append name and expression to list.

            except (TagNotFound, ThermError), e:
                print e,
                print "Symbol will be ignored (%s)." % name