Example #1
    def __call__(self, client, request, response=None):
        '''Traversing at home'''
        vh_used = 0
        stack = request['TraversalRequestNameStack']
        path = None
        while 1:
            if stack and stack[-1] == 'VirtualHostBase':
                vh_used = 1
                protocol = stack.pop()
                host = stack.pop()
                hostname, port = splitport(host)
                port = int(port) if port else None
                request.setServerURL(protocol, hostname, port)
                path = list(stack)

            # Find and convert VirtualHostRoot directive
            # If it is followed by one or more path elements that each
            # start with '_vh_', use them to construct the path to the
            # virtual root.
            vh = -1
            for ii in range(len(stack)):
                if stack[ii] == 'VirtualHostRoot':
                    vh_used = 1
                    pp = ['']
                    at_end = (ii == len(stack) - 1)
                    if vh >= 0:
                        for jj in range(vh, ii):
                            pp.insert(1, stack[jj][4:])
                        stack[vh:ii + 1] = ['/'.join(pp), self.id]
                        ii = vh + 1
                    elif ii > 0 and stack[ii - 1][:1] == '/':
                        pp = stack[ii - 1].split('/')
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack.insert(ii, '/')
                        ii += 1
                    if '*' in stack:
                        stack[stack.index('*')] = host.split('.')[0]
                    path = stack[:ii]
                    # If the directive is on top of the stack, go ahead
                    # and process it right away.
                    if at_end:
                        del stack[-2:]
                elif vh < 0 and stack[ii][:4] == '_vh_':
                    vh = ii

            if vh_used or not self.have_map:
                if path is not None:
                    vh_part = ''
                    if path and path[0].startswith('/'):
                        vh_part = path.pop(0)[1:]
                    if vh_part:
                        request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                            request['SERVER_URL'], vh_part,
                        request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                            request['SERVER_URL'], quote('/'.join(path)))
                    request['VIRTUAL_URL'] = '/'.join(vup)

                    # new ACTUAL_URL
                    add = path and \
                        request['ACTUAL_URL'].endswith('/') and '/' or ''
                    request['ACTUAL_URL'] = request['VIRTUAL_URL'] + add

            vh_used = 1  # Only retry once.
            # Try to apply the host map if one exists, and if no
            # VirtualHost directives were found.
            host = request['SERVER_URL'].split('://')[1].lower()
            hostname, port = (host.split(':', 1) + [None])[:2]
            ports = self.fixed_map.get(hostname, 0)
            if not ports and self.sub_map:
                get = self.sub_map.get
                while hostname:
                    ports = get(hostname, 0)
                    if ports:
                    if '.' not in hostname:
                    hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[1]
            if ports:
                pp = ports.get(port, 0)
                if pp == 0 and port is not None:
                    # Try default port
                    pp = ports.get(None, 0)
                if not pp:
                # If there was no explicit VirtualHostRoot, add one at the end
                if pp[0] == '/':
                    pp = pp[:]
                    pp.insert(1, self.id)
Example #2
    def __call__(self, client, request, response=None):
        """Traversing at home"""
        vh_used = 0
        stack = request["TraversalRequestNameStack"]
        path = None
        while 1:
            if stack and stack[-1] == "VirtualHostBase":
                vh_used = 1
                protocol = stack.pop()
                host = stack.pop()
                if ":" in host:
                    host, port = host.split(":")
                    request.setServerURL(protocol, host, port)
                    request.setServerURL(protocol, host)
                path = list(stack)

            # Find and convert VirtualHostRoot directive
            # If it is followed by one or more path elements that each
            # start with '_vh_', use them to construct the path to the
            # virtual root.
            vh = -1
            for ii in range(len(stack)):
                if stack[ii] == "VirtualHostRoot":
                    vh_used = 1
                    pp = [""]
                    at_end = ii == len(stack) - 1
                    if vh >= 0:
                        for jj in range(vh, ii):
                            pp.insert(1, stack[jj][4:])
                        stack[vh : ii + 1] = ["/".join(pp), self.id]
                        ii = vh + 1
                    elif ii > 0 and stack[ii - 1][:1] == "/":
                        pp = stack[ii - 1].split("/")
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack.insert(ii, "/")
                        ii += 1
                    path = stack[:ii]
                    # If the directive is on top of the stack, go ahead
                    # and process it right away.
                    if at_end:
                        del stack[-2:]
                elif vh < 0 and stack[ii][:4] == "_vh_":
                    vh = ii

            if vh_used or not self.have_map:
                if path is not None:
                    vh_part = ""
                    if path and path[0].startswith("/"):
                        vh_part = path.pop(0)[1:]
                    if vh_part:
                        request["VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS"] = vup = (request["SERVER_URL"], vh_part, quote("/".join(path)))
                        request["VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS"] = vup = (request["SERVER_URL"], quote("/".join(path)))
                    request["VIRTUAL_URL"] = "/".join(vup)

                    # new ACTUAL_URL
                    add = (path and request["ACTUAL_URL"].endswith("/")) and "/" or ""
                    request["ACTUAL_URL"] = request["VIRTUAL_URL"] + add

            vh_used = 1  # Only retry once.
            # Try to apply the host map if one exists, and if no
            # VirtualHost directives were found.
            host = request["SERVER_URL"].split("://")[1].lower()
            hostname, port = (host.split(":", 1) + [None])[:2]
            ports = self.fixed_map.get(hostname, 0)
            if not ports and self.sub_map:
                get = self.sub_map.get
                while hostname:
                    ports = get(hostname, 0)
                    if ports:
                    if "." not in hostname:
                    hostname = hostname.split(".", 1)[1]
            if ports:
                pp = ports.get(port, 0)
                if pp == 0 and port is not None:
                    # Try default port
                    pp = ports.get(None, 0)
                if not pp:
                # If there was no explicit VirtualHostRoot, add one at the end
                if pp[0] == "/":
                    pp = pp[:]
                    pp.insert(1, self.id)
    def __call__(self, client, request, response=None):
        '''Traversing at home'''
        vh_used = 0
        stack = request['TraversalRequestNameStack']
        path = None
        while 1:
            if stack and stack[-1] == 'VirtualHostBase':
                vh_used = 1
                protocol = stack.pop()
                host = stack.pop()
                request.setServerURL(protocol, *splitport(host))
                path = list(stack)

            # Find and convert VirtualHostRoot directive
            # If it is followed by one or more path elements that each
            # start with '_vh_', use them to construct the path to the
            # virtual root.
            vh = -1
            for ii in range(len(stack)):
                if stack[ii] == 'VirtualHostRoot':
                    vh_used = 1
                    pp = ['']
                    at_end = (ii == len(stack) - 1)
                    if vh >= 0:
                        for jj in range(vh, ii):
                            pp.insert(1, stack[jj][4:])
                        stack[vh:ii + 1] = ['/'.join(pp), self.id]
                        ii = vh + 1
                    elif ii > 0 and stack[ii - 1][:1] == '/':
                        pp = stack[ii - 1].split('/')
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack[ii] = self.id
                        stack.insert(ii, '/')
                        ii += 1
                    if '*' in stack:
                        stack[stack.index('*')] = host.split('.')[0]
                    path = stack[:ii]
                    # If the directive is on top of the stack, go ahead
                    # and process it right away.
                    if at_end:
                        del stack[-2:]
                elif vh < 0 and stack[ii][:4] == '_vh_':
                    vh = ii

            if vh_used or not self.have_map:
                if path is not None:
                    vh_part = ''
                    if path and path[0].startswith('/'):
                        vh_part = path.pop(0)[1:]
                    if vh_part:
                        request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                            vh_part, quote('/'.join(path)))
                        request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                            request['SERVER_URL'], quote('/'.join(path)))
                    request['VIRTUAL_URL'] = '/'.join(vup)

                    # new ACTUAL_URL
                    add = path and \
                        request['ACTUAL_URL'].endswith('/') and '/' or ''
                    request['ACTUAL_URL'] = request['VIRTUAL_URL'] + add

            vh_used = 1  # Only retry once.
            # Try to apply the host map if one exists, and if no
            # VirtualHost directives were found.
            host = request['SERVER_URL'].split('://')[1].lower()
            hostname, port = (host.split(':', 1) + [None])[:2]
            ports = self.fixed_map.get(hostname, 0)
            if not ports and self.sub_map:
                get = self.sub_map.get
                while hostname:
                    ports = get(hostname, 0)
                    if ports:
                    if '.' not in hostname:
                    hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[1]
            if ports:
                pp = ports.get(port, 0)
                if pp == 0 and port is not None:
                    # Try default port
                    pp = ports.get(None, 0)
                if not pp:
                # If there was no explicit VirtualHostRoot, add one at the end
                if pp[0] == '/':
                    pp = pp[:]
                    pp.insert(1, self.id)
Example #4
def traversal(self, client, request, response=None):
    This is a copy of
    with tweaks for:
        1. better detect protocol
        2. better detect host name

    with the ability to already map domains, better predicting http vs https
    and host names is mostly all we need here...
    vh_used = 0
    stack = request['TraversalRequestNameStack']
    path = None

    # detect forwarded for host, port, scheme automatically
    protocol = _get_protocol(request)
    host = request['SERVER_URL'].split('://')[1].lower()
    host, _, port = request.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', host).partition(':')
    port = port or None
    if port:
        server_url = '{}://{}:{}'.format(protocol, host, port)
        server_url = '{}://{}'.format(protocol, host)

    if server_url != request.SERVER_URL:
        request.setServerURL(protocol, host, port)
        stack_path = stack[:]
        request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
            request['SERVER_URL'], quote('/'.join(stack_path)))
        request['VIRTUAL_URL'] = '/'.join(vup)

        # new ACTUAL_URL
        add = (stack_path and
               request['ACTUAL_URL'].endswith('/')) and '/' or ''
        request['ACTUAL_URL'] = request['VIRTUAL_URL'] + add

    while 1:
        if stack and stack[-1] == 'VirtualHostBase':
            vh_used = 1
            protocol = stack.pop()
            host = stack.pop()
            if ':' in host:
                host, port = host.split(':')
                request.setServerURL(protocol, host, port)
                request.setServerURL(protocol, host)
            path = list(stack)

        # Find and convert VirtualHostRoot directive
        # If it is followed by one or more path elements that each
        # start with '_vh_', use them to construct the path to the
        # virtual root.
        vh = -1
        for ii in range(len(stack)):
            if stack[ii] == 'VirtualHostRoot':
                vh_used = 1
                pp = ['']
                at_end = (ii == len(stack) - 1)
                if vh >= 0:
                    for jj in range(vh, ii):
                        pp.insert(1, stack[jj][4:])
                    stack[vh:ii + 1] = ['/'.join(pp), self.id]
                    ii = vh + 1
                elif ii > 0 and stack[ii - 1][:1] == '/':
                    pp = stack[ii - 1].split('/')
                    stack[ii] = self.id
                    stack[ii] = self.id
                    stack.insert(ii, '/')
                    ii += 1
                path = stack[:ii]
                # If the directive is on top of the stack, go ahead
                # and process it right away.
                if at_end:
                    del stack[-2:]
            elif vh < 0 and stack[ii][:4] == '_vh_':
                vh = ii

        if vh_used or not self.have_map:
            if path is not None:
                vh_part = ''
                if path and path[0].startswith('/'):
                    vh_part = path.pop(0)[1:]
                if vh_part:
                    request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                        vh_part, quote('/'.join(path)))
                    request['VIRTUAL_URL_PARTS'] = vup = (
                        request['SERVER_URL'], quote('/'.join(path)))
                request['VIRTUAL_URL'] = '/'.join(vup)

                # new ACTUAL_URL
                add = (path and
                       request['ACTUAL_URL'].endswith('/')) and '/' or ''
                request['ACTUAL_URL'] = request['VIRTUAL_URL'] + add


        vh_used = 1  # Only retry once.
        # Try to apply the host map if one exists, and if no
        # VirtualHost directives were found.

        if self.sub_map:

        host = request['SERVER_URL'].split('://')[1].lower()
        hostname, port = (host.split(':', 1) + [None])[:2]
        ports = self.fixed_map.get(hostname, 0)
        if not ports:
            get = self.sub_map.get
            while hostname:
                ports = get(hostname, 0)
                if ports:
                if '.' not in hostname:
                hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[1]
        elif ports:
            pp = ports.get(port, 0)
            if pp == 0 and port is not None:
                # Try default port
                pp = ports.get(None, 0)
            if not pp:
            # If there was no explicit VirtualHostRoot, add one at the end
            if pp[0] == '/':
                pp = pp[:]
                pp.insert(1, self.id)