def _execute_http_request(self, http_request, action=None): if http_request.method == 'POST': http_request.body = urlencode(sorted(http_request.params.iteritems())) if action: http_request.params['Action'] = action if getattr(self, 'APIVersion', None): http_request.params['Version'] = self.APIVersion # Stringify all the headers, or twisted's web client will be cranky. http_request.headers = {k: str(v) for k, v in http_request.headers.iteritems()} # Sign the request log.debug('Token: %s' % self.provider.security_token) http_request.authorize(connection=self) # Only force header for non-s3 connections, because s3 uses # an older signing method + bucket resource URLs that include # the port info. All others should be now be up to date and # not include the port. if 's3' not in self._required_auth_capability(): if not getattr(self, 'anon', False): self.set_host_header(http_request) # Stringify all the headers, or twisted's web client will be cranky. http_request.headers = {k: str(v) for k, v in http_request.headers.iteritems()} url = str('%s://%s:%s%s' % (http_request.protocol,, http_request.port, http_request.path)) log.debug('Method: %s' % http_request.method) log.debug('URL: %s' % url) log.debug('Data: %s' % http_request.body) log.debug('Headers: %s' % http_request.headers) log.debug('Params: %s' % http_request.params) if http_request.method == 'POST': response = yield getPage( concurrent_key=self.concurrent_key(http_request), concurrent_limit=MAX_PARALLEL, method=http_request.method, url=url, headers=http_request.headers, postdata=http_request.body, agent=http_request.headers['User-Agent'] ) defer.returnValue(response) elif http_request.method == 'GET': response = yield getPage( concurrent_key=self.concurrent_key(http_request), concurrent_limit=MAX_PARALLEL, method=http_request.method, url=url, headers=http_request.headers, agent=http_request.headers['User-Agent'] ) defer.returnValue(response) else: raise Exception("http_request method %s not implemented" % http_request.method)
def doQuery(self, config, url, ds, startTime): try: key = (lookup_cwregion(ds.params['region']), ds.ec2accesskey) result = yield getPage( url, concurrent_key=key, concurrent_limit=ds.zAWSCloudWatchMaxParallel, max_retries=ds.zAWSCloudWatchMaxRetries, description=self.ds_description(config, ds)) defer.returnValue((ds, startTime, result)) except Exception, e: defer.returnValue((ds, startTime, e))