def _create_session_recording(self): self._session_recording = SessionRecordingComponent( (ClipCreator()), (ViewControlComponent()), name='Session_Recording', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(record_button=(self._session_record_button))) self._session_recording.set_enabled(True)
def _create_recording(self): record_button = MultiElement(self._session_record_button, self._foot_pedal_button.single_press) self._session_recording = SessionRecordingComponent((ClipCreator()), (self._view_control), name='Session_Recording', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(new_button=(self._foot_pedal_button.double_press), record_button=record_button, _uses_foot_pedal=(self._foot_pedal_button)))
class KeyLab(ArturiaControlSurface): def __init__(self, *a, **k): (super(KeyLab, self).__init__)(*a, **k) with self.component_guard(): self._create_controls() self._create_display() self._create_device() self._create_drums() self._create_transport() self._create_session() self._create_session_recording() self._create_mixer() def _create_controls(self): self._device_encoders = ButtonMatrixElement(rows=[[ EncoderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, ENCODER_CHANNEL, identifier, (Live.MidiMap.MapMode. relative_smooth_binary_offset), name=('Device_Encoder_%d_%d' % (col_index, row_index))) for col_index, identifier in enumerate(row) ] for row_index, row in enumerate((ENCODER_MSG_IDS[:4], ENCODER_MSG_IDS[4:8]))]) self._horizontal_scroll_encoder = EncoderElement( MIDI_CC_TYPE, ENCODER_CHANNEL, (ENCODER_MSG_IDS[(-2)]), (Live.MidiMap.MapMode.relative_smooth_binary_offset), name='Horizontal_Scroll_Encoder') self._vertical_scroll_encoder = EncoderElement( MIDI_CC_TYPE, ENCODER_CHANNEL, (ENCODER_MSG_IDS[(-1)]), (Live.MidiMap.MapMode.relative_smooth_binary_offset), name='Vertical_Scroll_Encoder') self._volume_sliders = ButtonMatrixElement(rows=[[ SliderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, ENCODER_CHANNEL, identifier) for identifier in SLIDER_MSG_IDS[:-1] ]]) self._master_slider = SliderElement(MIDI_CC_TYPE, ENCODER_CHANNEL, SLIDER_MSG_IDS[(-1)]) def make_keylab_button(name): button = ButtonElement(True, MIDI_CC_TYPE, 0, (get_button_identifier_by_name(name)), name=(name.title())) return button for button_name in list(BUTTON_HARDWARE_AND_MESSAGE_IDS.keys()): setattr(self, '_' + button_name, make_keylab_button(button_name)) self._pads = ButtonMatrixElement(rows=[[ ButtonElement(True, MIDI_CC_TYPE, PAD_CHANNEL, (col_index + row_offset), name=('Pad_%d_%d' % (col_index, row_index))) for col_index in range(4) ] for row_index, row_offset in enumerate(range(48, 35, -4))]) def _create_display(self): self._display_line1, self._display_line2 = DisplayElement( 16, 1), DisplayElement(16, 1) for index, display_line in enumerate( (self._display_line1, self._display_line2)): display_line.set_message_parts(SETUP_MSG_PREFIX + (4, 0, 96), SETUP_MSG_SUFFIX) display_line.segment(0).set_position_identifier((index + 1, )) def adjust_null_terminated_string(string, width): return string.ljust(width, ' ') + '\x00' self._display_line1_data_source, self._display_line2_data_source = DisplayDataSource( adjust_string_fn=adjust_null_terminated_string), DisplayDataSource( adjust_string_fn=adjust_null_terminated_string) self._display_line1.segment(0).set_data_source( self._display_line1_data_source) self._display_line2.segment(0).set_data_source( self._display_line2_data_source) self._display_line1_data_source.set_display_string('KeyLab') self._display_line2_data_source.set_display_string('Ableton Live') def _create_device(self): self._device = DeviceComponent( name='Device', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(parameter_controls=(self._device_encoders)), device_selection_follows_track_selection=True) self._device.set_enabled(True) self.set_device_component(self._device) self._device_navigation = DeviceNavigationComponent( name='Device_Navigation', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(device_nav_left_button=(self._device_left_button), device_nav_right_button=(self._device_right_button))) self._device_navigation.set_enabled(True) def _create_drums(self): self._drums = DrumRackComponent(name='Drums', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(pads=(self._pads))) self._drums.set_enabled(True) def _create_transport(self): self._transport = TransportComponent( name='Transport', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(play_button=(self._play_button), stop_button=(self._stop_button), record_button=(self._record_button), loop_button=(self._loop_button))) self._transport.set_enabled(True) def _create_session(self): self._session = SessionComponent( num_tracks=8, num_scenes=1, name='Session', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer( select_next_button=(self._scene_down_button), select_prev_button=(self._scene_up_button), selected_scene_launch_button=(self._scene_launch_button), stop_all_clips_button=(self._stop_all_clips_button), scene_select_encoder=(self._vertical_scroll_encoder))) self._session.set_enabled(True) def _create_session_recording(self): self._session_recording = SessionRecordingComponent( (ClipCreator()), (ViewControlComponent()), name='Session_Recording', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer(record_button=(self._session_record_button))) self._session_recording.set_enabled(True) def _create_mixer(self): self._mixer = MixerComponent( num_tracks=(self._volume_sliders.width()), name='Mixer', is_enabled=False, layer=Layer( volume_controls=(self._volume_sliders), track_select_encoder=(self._horizontal_scroll_encoder))) self._mixer.master_strip().layer = Layer( volume_control=(self._master_slider)) self._mixer.set_enabled(True) def _collect_setup_messages(self): for hardware_id, identifier in zip(ENCODER_HARDWARE_IDS, ENCODER_MSG_IDS): self._setup_hardware_encoder(hardware_id, identifier, ENCODER_CHANNEL) for hardware_id, identifier in zip(SLIDER_HARDWARE_IDS, SLIDER_MSG_IDS): self._setup_hardware_slider(hardware_id, identifier, ENCODER_CHANNEL) for hardware_id, identifier in BUTTON_HARDWARE_AND_MESSAGE_IDS.values( ): self._setup_hardware_button(hardware_id, identifier) for hardware_id, identifier in zip(PAD_HARDWARE_IDS, PAD_MSG_IDS): self._setup_hardware_pad(hardware_id, identifier) def _setup_hardware_encoder(self, hardware_id, identifier, channel=0): self._set_encoder_cc_msg_type(hardware_id, is_relative=True) self._set_identifier(hardware_id, identifier) self._set_channel(hardware_id, channel) def _setup_hardware_button(self, hardware_id, identifier, channel=0, **k): self._set_encoder_cc_msg_type(hardware_id) self._set_identifier(hardware_id, identifier) self._set_channel(hardware_id, channel) self._set_value_minimum(hardware_id) self._set_value_maximum(hardware_id) def _setup_hardware_pad(self, hardware_id, identifier, channel=PAD_CHANNEL): self._set_pad_note_msg_type(hardware_id) self._set_identifier(hardware_id, identifier) self._set_channel(hardware_id, channel) def _set_pad_note_msg_type(self, hardware_id): self._collect_setup_message(MODE_PROPERTY, hardware_id, PAD_NOTE_MODE) def _setup_hardware(self): for msg in self._messages_to_send: self._tasks.add( Task.sequence(partial(self._send_midi, msg), Task.wait(MESSAGE_DELAY))) self._messages_to_send = []
def _setup_session_recording_component(self): self._recorder = SessionRecordingComponent(ClipCreator(), ViewControlComponent())
class AumTroll_G(AumTroll): def __init__(self, *a, **k): super(AumTroll_G, self).__init__(*a, **k) with self.component_guard(): self._setup_session_recording_component() self._setup_APC_detail_component() self.log_message('Aumtroll G 4') def _setup_session_recording_component(self): self._recorder = SessionRecordingComponent(ClipCreator(), ViewControlComponent()) def _setup_APC_detail_component(self): self._alt_device_navigator = DetailViewCntrlComponent() """the mixer component corresponds and moves with our selection in Live, and allows us to assign physical controls""" """to Live's mixer functions without having to make all the links ourselves""" def _setup_mixer_control(self): is_momentary = True self._num_tracks = (8) #A mixer is one-dimensional; self._mixer = MixerComponent( 8, 2, True, False ) #These values represent the (Number_of_tracks, Number_of_returns, EQ_component, Filter_component) = 'Mixer' #We name everything that we might want to access in m4l self._mixer.set_track_offset( 0) #Sets start point for mixer strip (offset from left) for index in range(8): #self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_volume_control(self._fader[index]) #Since we gave our mixer 4 tracks above, we'll now assign our fader controls to it self._mixer.channel_strip( index ).name = 'Mixer_ChannelStrip_' + str( index ) #We also name the individual channel_strip so we can access it self._mixer.track_eq(index).name = 'Mixer_EQ_' + str( index ) #We also name the individual EQ_component so we can access it self._mixer.channel_strip( index )._invert_mute_feedback = True #This makes it so that when a track is muted, the corresponding button is turned off = self._mixer.channel_strip( 0 )._track #set the selected strip to the first track, so that we don't, for example, try to assign a button to arm the master track, which would cause an assertion error self._send_reset = ResetSendsComponent( self ) #This creates a custom MonoComponent that allows us to reset all the sends on a track to zero with a single button = 'Sends_Reset' #We name it so that we can access it from m4l """the session component represents a grid of buttons that can be used to fire, stop, and navigate clips in the session view""" def _setup_session_control(self): is_momentary = True num_tracks = 8 #we are working with a 4x4 grid, num_scenes = 4 #so the height and width are both set to 4 self._session = SessionComponent( num_tracks, num_scenes ) #we create our SessionComponent with the variables we set above it = "Session" #we name it so we can access it in m4l self._session.set_offsets( 0, 0 ) #we set the initial offset to the far left, top of the session grid self._session._track_banking_increment = 4 self._session.set_stop_clip_value( STOP_CLIP[self._rgb] ) #we assign the colors that will be displayed when the stop_clip button is pressed. This value comes from, which is imported in the header of our script self._scene = [ None for index in range(4) ] #we create an array to hold the Scene subcomponents so that we can get to them if we need them. for row in range( num_scenes ): #now we'll fill the array with different objects that were created when we called the SessionComponent() module self._scene[row] = self._session.scene( row) #each session row is a SceneComponent self._scene[row].name = 'Scene_' + str( row) #name it so we can access it in m4l for column in range( num_tracks ): #now we'll create holders and names for the contents of each scene clip_slot = self._scene[row].clip_slot( column ) #we use our assignment of the scene above to gain access to the individual clipslots. Here, we are just assigning 'clip_slot' each time as a local variable so we can manipulated it's properties = str(column) + '_Clip_Slot' + str( row) #name it so that we can acces it in m4l clip_slot.set_triggered_to_play_value( CLIP_TRG_PLAY[self._rgb]) #set its triggered to play color clip_slot.set_triggered_to_record_value( CLIP_TRG_REC[ self._rgb]) #set its triggered to record color clip_slot.set_stopped_value( CLIP_STOP[self._rgb]) #set its stop color clip_slot.set_started_value( CLIP_STARTED[self._rgb]) #set its started color clip_slot.set_recording_value( CLIP_RECORDING[self._rgb]) #set its recording value self._session.set_mixer( self._mixer ) #now we link the MixerComponent we created in _setup_mixer_control() to our session component so that they will follow each other when either is navigated self.set_highlighting_session_component(self._session) self._session_zoom = SessionZoomingComponent( self._session ) #this creates the ZoomingComponent that allows navigation when the shift button is pressed = 'Session_Overview' #name it so we can access it in m4l self._session_zoom.set_stopped_value( ZOOM_STOPPED[self._rgb]) #set the zooms stopped color self._session_zoom.set_playing_value( ZOOM_PLAYING[self._rgb]) #set the zooms playing color self._session_zoom.set_selected_value( ZOOM_SELECTED[self._rgb]) #set the zooms selected color self._session_zoom.set_button_matrix( self._matrix ) #assign the ButtonMatrixElement that we created in _setup_controls() to the zooming component so that we can control it self._session_zoom.set_zoom_button( self._button[31] ) #assign a shift button so that we can switch states between the SessionComponent and the SessionZoomingComponent """this section is used so that we can reassign the color properties of each state. Legacy, from the OhmModes script, to support either RGB or Monochrome""" def _assign_session_colors(self): num_tracks = 8 num_scenes = 4 self._session.set_stop_clip_value(STOP_ALL[self._rgb]) for row in range(num_scenes): for column in range(num_tracks): self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_triggered_to_play_value( CLIP_TRG_PLAY[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot( column).set_triggered_to_record_value( CLIP_TRG_REC[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_stopped_value( CLIP_STOP[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_started_value( CLIP_STARTED[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_recording_value( CLIP_RECORDING[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_stopped_value(ZOOM_STOPPED[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_playing_value(ZOOM_PLAYING[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_selected_value(ZOOM_SELECTED[self._rgb]) self.refresh_state() def deassign_live_controls(self, *a, **k): for index in range(4): self._encoder[index].send_value(0, True) self._encoder[index].clear_send_cache() self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_volume_control( None ) #Since we gave our mixer 4 tracks above, we'll now assign our fader controls to it #for the left side of the mixer self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_solo_button( None) #remove the solo button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_arm_button( None) #remove the arm button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_mute_button( None) #remove the mute button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_select_button( None) #remove the select button assignments #self._alt_device_navigator.set_arrange_session_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_device_clip_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_detail_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_enabled(False) #self._alt_device_navigator.set_shift_button(None) self._transport.set_nudge_buttons(None, None) self._recorder.set_record_button(None) self._recorder.set_re_enable_automation_button(None) super(AumTroll_G, self).deassign_live_controls(*a, **k) def assign_live_controls(self): """the following lines update all of the controls' last_sent properties, so that they forward the next value they receive regardless of whether or not it is the same as the last it recieved""" """we also reset the encoder rings and buttons, since the device component will not update them if it is not locked to a device in Live""" for index in range(16): self._grid[index].force_next_send() for index in range(32): #self._button[index].set_on_off_values(0, 127) self._button[index].send_value(0, True) self._button[index].force_next_send() for index in range(8): self._encoder_button[index + 4].send_value(0, True) self._encoder_button[index + 4].force_next_send() for index in range(12): self._encoder[index].send_value(0, True) self._encoder[index].force_next_send() """here we assign the left side of our mixer's buttons on the lower 32 keys""" if self._monohm is None: with self.component_guard(): for index in range( 4 ): #we set up a recursive loop to assign all four of our track channel strips' controls self._button[index + 16].set_on_value( MUTE[self._rgb]) #set the mute color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_mute_button( self._button[index + 16] ) #assign the mute buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index + 28].set_on_value( MUTE[self._rgb]) #set the mute color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_mute_button( self._button[index + 28] ) #assign the mute buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index].set_on_off_values( SELECT[self._rgb], SELECT_OFF[self._rgb]) self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_select_button( self._button[index] ) #assign the select buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index + 12].set_on_off_values( SELECT[self._rgb], SELECT_OFF[ self._rgb]) #set the select color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index + 4).set_select_button( self._button[index + 12] ) #assign the select buttons to our mixer channel strips #self._session.set_stop_track_clip_buttons(tuple(self._button[index+4] for index in range(8))) #these last two lines assign the send_reset buttons and the stop_clip buttons for each track for index in range(8): #self._button[index + 4].set_on_off_values(SOLO[self._rgb], SOLO[self._rgb]) #this assigns the custom colors defined in the file to the stop_clip buttons. They have seperate on/off values, but we assign them both the same value so we can always identify them self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_solo_button( self._button[index + 4]) #self._button[index + 4].send_value(STOP_CLIP[self._rgb], True) #finally, we send the on/off colors out to turn the LEDs on for the stop clip buttons for index in range( 4 ): #set up a for loop to generate an index for assigning the session nav buttons' colors self._button[index + 20].set_on_off_values( SESSION_NAV[self._rgb], SESSION_NAV_OFF[self._rgb] ) #assign the colors from to the session nav buttons self._session.set_track_bank_buttons( self._button[21], self._button[20] ) #set the track bank buttons for the Session navigation controls self._session.set_scene_bank_buttons( self._button[23], self._button[22] ) #set the scnee bank buttons for the Session navigation controls """this section assigns the grid to the clip launch functionality of the SessionComponent""" for column in range( 4 ): #we need to set up a double recursion so that we can generate the indexes needed to assign the grid buttons for row in range( 4 ): #the first recursion passes the column index, the second the row index self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_launch_button( self._grid[(row * 4) + column] ) #we use the indexes to grab the first the scene and then the clip we assigned above, and then we use them again to define the button held in the grid array that we want to assign to the clip slot from the session component for index in range( 4 ): #set up a for loop to generate an index for assigning the session nav buttons' colors self._button[index + 24].set_on_off_values( SHIFTS[self._rgb], SHIFTS_OFF[self._rgb] ) #assign the colors from to the session nav buttons self._session.update( ) #tell the Session component to update so that the grid will display the currently selected session region self._session.set_enabled(True) #enable the Session Component self._session_zoom.set_enabled(True) #enable the Session Zoom #self._alt_device_navigator.set_arrange_session_toggle_button(self._encoder_button[4]) self._alt_device_navigator.set_device_clip_toggle_button( self._encoder_button[5]) self._alt_device_navigator.set_detail_toggle_button( self._encoder_button[6]) #self._device_navigator.set_shift_button(self._encoder_button[7]) self._session_zoom.set_zoom_button( self._encoder_button[7] ) #assign the lower right key button to the shift function of the Zoom component self._session.set_scene_bank_buttons(self._button[25], self._button[24]) self._recorder.set_record_button(self._button[27]) self._recorder.set_re_enable_automation_button( self._button[26]) else: for index in range(8): self._mixer2.channel_strip(index).set_volume_control( self._fader[index]) self._mixer2.set_track_offset(TROLL_OFFSET) self._device_selector.set_mode_buttons(self._grid) if not self._shifted: self._assign_monomodular_controls() else: self._assign_shifted_controls() self._device1.set_parameter_controls( tuple([self._knobs[index] for index in range(8)])) self._device2.set_parameter_controls( tuple([self._knobs[index + 12] for index in range(8)])) self._device1.set_enabled(True) self._device2.set_enabled(True) self._find_devices() self._device1.update() self._device2.update() """this section assigns the encoders and encoder buttons""" self._device.set_parameter_controls( tuple([self._encoder[index + 4] for index in range(8)]) ) #assign the encoders from the device component controls - we are doing this here b #self._encoder_button[7].set_on_value(DEVICE_LOCK[self._rgb]) #set the on color for the Device lock encoder button #self._device.set_lock_button(self._encoder_button[7]) #assign encoder button 7 to the device lock control #self._encoder_button[4].set_on_value(DEVICE_ON[self._rgb]) #set the on color for the Device on/off encoder button #self._device.set_on_off_button(self._encoder_button[4]) #assing encoder button 4 to the device on/off control for index in range( 2 ): #setup a recursion to generate indexes so that we can reference the correct controls to assing to the device_navigator functions self._encoder_button[index + 8].set_on_value( DEVICE_NAV[ self._rgb]) #assign the on color for the device navigator self._encoder_button[index + 10].set_on_value( DEVICE_BANK[self._rgb] ) #assign the on color for the device bank controls self._device_navigator.set_nav_buttons( self._encoder_button[10], self._encoder_button[11] ) #set the device navigators controls to encoder buttons 10 and 11 self._device.set_bank_nav_buttons( self._encoder_button[8], self._encoder_button[9] ) #set the device components bank nav controls to encoder buttons 8 and 9 """now we turn on and update some of the components we've just made assignments to""" self._device.set_enabled(True) #enable the Device Component self._device_navigator.set_enabled(True) #enable the Device Navigator self._alt_device_navigator.set_enabled(True) self._device.update( ) #tell the Device component to update its assingments so that it will detect the currently selected device parameters and display them on the encoder rings
class AumTroll_G(AumTroll): def __init__(self, *a, **k): super(AumTroll_G, self).__init__(*a, **k) with self.component_guard(): self._setup_session_recording_component() self._setup_APC_detail_component() self.log_message('Aumtroll G 4') def _setup_session_recording_component(self): self._recorder = SessionRecordingComponent(ClipCreator(), ViewControlComponent()) def _setup_APC_detail_component(self): self._alt_device_navigator = DetailViewCntrlComponent() """the mixer component corresponds and moves with our selection in Live, and allows us to assign physical controls""" """to Live's mixer functions without having to make all the links ourselves""" def _setup_mixer_control(self): is_momentary = True self._num_tracks = (8) #A mixer is one-dimensional; self._mixer = MixerComponent(8, 2, True, False) #These values represent the (Number_of_tracks, Number_of_returns, EQ_component, Filter_component) = 'Mixer' #We name everything that we might want to access in m4l self._mixer.set_track_offset(0) #Sets start point for mixer strip (offset from left) for index in range(8): #self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_volume_control(self._fader[index]) #Since we gave our mixer 4 tracks above, we'll now assign our fader controls to it self._mixer.channel_strip(index).name = 'Mixer_ChannelStrip_' + str(index) #We also name the individual channel_strip so we can access it self._mixer.track_eq(index).name = 'Mixer_EQ_' + str(index) #We also name the individual EQ_component so we can access it self._mixer.channel_strip(index)._invert_mute_feedback = True #This makes it so that when a track is muted, the corresponding button is turned off = self._mixer.channel_strip(0)._track #set the selected strip to the first track, so that we don't, for example, try to assign a button to arm the master track, which would cause an assertion error self._send_reset = ResetSendsComponent(self) #This creates a custom MonoComponent that allows us to reset all the sends on a track to zero with a single button = 'Sends_Reset' #We name it so that we can access it from m4l """the session component represents a grid of buttons that can be used to fire, stop, and navigate clips in the session view""" def _setup_session_control(self): is_momentary = True num_tracks = 8 #we are working with a 4x4 grid, num_scenes = 4 #so the height and width are both set to 4 self._session = SessionComponent(num_tracks, num_scenes) #we create our SessionComponent with the variables we set above it = "Session" #we name it so we can access it in m4l self._session.set_offsets(0, 0) #we set the initial offset to the far left, top of the session grid self._session._track_banking_increment = 4 self._session.set_stop_clip_value(STOP_CLIP[self._rgb]) #we assign the colors that will be displayed when the stop_clip button is pressed. This value comes from, which is imported in the header of our script self._scene = [None for index in range(4)] #we create an array to hold the Scene subcomponents so that we can get to them if we need them. for row in range(num_scenes): #now we'll fill the array with different objects that were created when we called the SessionComponent() module self._scene[row] = self._session.scene(row) #each session row is a SceneComponent self._scene[row].name = 'Scene_' + str(row) #name it so we can access it in m4l for column in range(num_tracks): #now we'll create holders and names for the contents of each scene clip_slot = self._scene[row].clip_slot(column) #we use our assignment of the scene above to gain access to the individual clipslots. Here, we are just assigning 'clip_slot' each time as a local variable so we can manipulated it's properties = str(column) + '_Clip_Slot' + str(row) #name it so that we can acces it in m4l clip_slot.set_triggered_to_play_value(CLIP_TRG_PLAY[self._rgb]) #set its triggered to play color clip_slot.set_triggered_to_record_value(CLIP_TRG_REC[self._rgb])#set its triggered to record color clip_slot.set_stopped_value(CLIP_STOP[self._rgb]) #set its stop color clip_slot.set_started_value(CLIP_STARTED[self._rgb]) #set its started color clip_slot.set_recording_value(CLIP_RECORDING[self._rgb]) #set its recording value self._session.set_mixer(self._mixer) #now we link the MixerComponent we created in _setup_mixer_control() to our session component so that they will follow each other when either is navigated self.set_highlighting_session_component(self._session) self._session_zoom = SessionZoomingComponent(self._session) #this creates the ZoomingComponent that allows navigation when the shift button is pressed = 'Session_Overview' #name it so we can access it in m4l self._session_zoom.set_stopped_value(ZOOM_STOPPED[self._rgb]) #set the zooms stopped color self._session_zoom.set_playing_value(ZOOM_PLAYING[self._rgb]) #set the zooms playing color self._session_zoom.set_selected_value(ZOOM_SELECTED[self._rgb]) #set the zooms selected color self._session_zoom.set_button_matrix(self._matrix) #assign the ButtonMatrixElement that we created in _setup_controls() to the zooming component so that we can control it self._session_zoom.set_zoom_button(self._button[31]) #assign a shift button so that we can switch states between the SessionComponent and the SessionZoomingComponent """this section is used so that we can reassign the color properties of each state. Legacy, from the OhmModes script, to support either RGB or Monochrome""" def _assign_session_colors(self): num_tracks = 8 num_scenes = 4 self._session.set_stop_clip_value(STOP_ALL[self._rgb]) for row in range(num_scenes): for column in range(num_tracks): self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_triggered_to_play_value(CLIP_TRG_PLAY[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_triggered_to_record_value(CLIP_TRG_REC[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_stopped_value(CLIP_STOP[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_started_value(CLIP_STARTED[self._rgb]) self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_recording_value(CLIP_RECORDING[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_stopped_value(ZOOM_STOPPED[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_playing_value(ZOOM_PLAYING[self._rgb]) self._session_zoom.set_selected_value(ZOOM_SELECTED[self._rgb]) self.refresh_state() def deassign_live_controls(self, *a, **k): for index in range(4): self._encoder[index].send_value(0, True) self._encoder[index].clear_send_cache() self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_volume_control(None) #Since we gave our mixer 4 tracks above, we'll now assign our fader controls to it #for the left side of the mixer self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_solo_button(None) #remove the solo button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_arm_button(None) #remove the arm button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_mute_button(None) #remove the mute button assignments self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_select_button(None) #remove the select button assignments #self._alt_device_navigator.set_arrange_session_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_device_clip_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_detail_toggle_button(None) self._alt_device_navigator.set_enabled(False) #self._alt_device_navigator.set_shift_button(None) self._transport.set_nudge_buttons(None, None) self._recorder.set_record_button(None) self._recorder.set_re_enable_automation_button(None) super(AumTroll_G, self).deassign_live_controls(*a, **k) def assign_live_controls(self): """the following lines update all of the controls' last_sent properties, so that they forward the next value they receive regardless of whether or not it is the same as the last it recieved""" """we also reset the encoder rings and buttons, since the device component will not update them if it is not locked to a device in Live""" for index in range(16): self._grid[index].force_next_send() for index in range(32): #self._button[index].set_on_off_values(0, 127) self._button[index].send_value(0, True) self._button[index].force_next_send() for index in range(8): self._encoder_button[index+4].send_value(0, True) self._encoder_button[index+4].force_next_send() for index in range(12): self._encoder[index].send_value(0, True) self._encoder[index].force_next_send() """here we assign the left side of our mixer's buttons on the lower 32 keys""" if self._monohm is None: with self.component_guard(): for index in range(4): #we set up a recursive loop to assign all four of our track channel strips' controls self._button[index+16].set_on_value(MUTE[self._rgb]) #set the mute color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_mute_button(self._button[index+16]) #assign the mute buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index+28].set_on_value(MUTE[self._rgb]) #set the mute color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_mute_button(self._button[index+28]) #assign the mute buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index].set_on_off_values(SELECT[self._rgb], SELECT_OFF[self._rgb]) self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_select_button(self._button[index]) #assign the select buttons to our mixer channel strips self._button[index+12].set_on_off_values(SELECT[self._rgb], SELECT_OFF[self._rgb]) #set the select color from the self._mixer.channel_strip(index+4).set_select_button(self._button[index+12]) #assign the select buttons to our mixer channel strips #self._session.set_stop_track_clip_buttons(tuple(self._button[index+4] for index in range(8))) #these last two lines assign the send_reset buttons and the stop_clip buttons for each track for index in range(8): #self._button[index + 4].set_on_off_values(SOLO[self._rgb], SOLO[self._rgb]) #this assigns the custom colors defined in the file to the stop_clip buttons. They have seperate on/off values, but we assign them both the same value so we can always identify them self._mixer.channel_strip(index).set_solo_button(self._button[index+4]) #self._button[index + 4].send_value(STOP_CLIP[self._rgb], True) #finally, we send the on/off colors out to turn the LEDs on for the stop clip buttons for index in range(4): #set up a for loop to generate an index for assigning the session nav buttons' colors self._button[index + 20].set_on_off_values(SESSION_NAV[self._rgb], SESSION_NAV_OFF[self._rgb]) #assign the colors from to the session nav buttons self._session.set_track_bank_buttons(self._button[21], self._button[20]) #set the track bank buttons for the Session navigation controls self._session.set_scene_bank_buttons(self._button[23], self._button[22]) #set the scnee bank buttons for the Session navigation controls """this section assigns the grid to the clip launch functionality of the SessionComponent""" for column in range(4): #we need to set up a double recursion so that we can generate the indexes needed to assign the grid buttons for row in range(4): #the first recursion passes the column index, the second the row index self._scene[row].clip_slot(column).set_launch_button(self._grid[(row*4)+column]) #we use the indexes to grab the first the scene and then the clip we assigned above, and then we use them again to define the button held in the grid array that we want to assign to the clip slot from the session component for index in range(4): #set up a for loop to generate an index for assigning the session nav buttons' colors self._button[index + 24].set_on_off_values(SHIFTS[self._rgb], SHIFTS_OFF[self._rgb]) #assign the colors from to the session nav buttons self._session.update() #tell the Session component to update so that the grid will display the currently selected session region self._session.set_enabled(True) #enable the Session Component self._session_zoom.set_enabled(True) #enable the Session Zoom #self._alt_device_navigator.set_arrange_session_toggle_button(self._encoder_button[4]) self._alt_device_navigator.set_device_clip_toggle_button(self._encoder_button[5]) self._alt_device_navigator.set_detail_toggle_button(self._encoder_button[6]) #self._device_navigator.set_shift_button(self._encoder_button[7]) self._session_zoom.set_zoom_button(self._encoder_button[7]) #assign the lower right key button to the shift function of the Zoom component self._session.set_scene_bank_buttons(self._button[25], self._button[24]) self._recorder.set_record_button(self._button[27]) self._recorder.set_re_enable_automation_button(self._button[26]) else: for index in range(8): self._mixer2.channel_strip(index).set_volume_control(self._fader[index]) self._mixer2.set_track_offset(TROLL_OFFSET) self._device_selector.set_mode_buttons(self._grid) if not self._shifted: self._assign_monomodular_controls() else: self._assign_shifted_controls() self._device1.set_parameter_controls(tuple([self._knobs[index] for index in range(8)])) self._device2.set_parameter_controls(tuple([self._knobs[index+12] for index in range(8)])) self._device1.set_enabled(True) self._device2.set_enabled(True) self._find_devices() self._device1.update() self._device2.update() """this section assigns the encoders and encoder buttons""" self._device.set_parameter_controls(tuple([self._encoder[index+4] for index in range(8)])) #assign the encoders from the device component controls - we are doing this here b #self._encoder_button[7].set_on_value(DEVICE_LOCK[self._rgb]) #set the on color for the Device lock encoder button #self._device.set_lock_button(self._encoder_button[7]) #assign encoder button 7 to the device lock control #self._encoder_button[4].set_on_value(DEVICE_ON[self._rgb]) #set the on color for the Device on/off encoder button #self._device.set_on_off_button(self._encoder_button[4]) #assing encoder button 4 to the device on/off control for index in range(2): #setup a recursion to generate indexes so that we can reference the correct controls to assing to the device_navigator functions self._encoder_button[index + 8].set_on_value(DEVICE_NAV[self._rgb]) #assign the on color for the device navigator self._encoder_button[index + 10].set_on_value(DEVICE_BANK[self._rgb]) #assign the on color for the device bank controls self._device_navigator.set_nav_buttons(self._encoder_button[10], self._encoder_button[11]) #set the device navigators controls to encoder buttons 10 and 11 self._device.set_bank_nav_buttons(self._encoder_button[8], self._encoder_button[9]) #set the device components bank nav controls to encoder buttons 8 and 9 """now we turn on and update some of the components we've just made assignments to""" self._device.set_enabled(True) #enable the Device Component self._device_navigator.set_enabled(True) #enable the Device Navigator self._alt_device_navigator.set_enabled(True) self._device.update() #tell the Device component to update its assingments so that it will detect the currently selected device parameters and display them on the encoder rings