Example #1
def UamOnServerInitComplete():
    #print "UamModGameFixes.UamOnServerInitComplete: "+`command`
    agename = _UamUtils.GetAgeName()
    if agename == "Neighborhood" or agename == "NeighborhoodMOUL":  # or agename=="KirelMOUL" or agename=="Neighborhood02":
        if _UamUtils.IsDayInRange(
                10, 25, 11, 1
        ):  #oct 25 to nov 1.  Halloween is Oct 31, and Thanksgiving day in the US is Nov 25. (October's 2nd monday is in Canada, so somewhere from Oct 8 to Oct 14.)
            print "enable halloween stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("nb01ThanksgivingVis", 1)
            print "disable halloween stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("nb01ThanksgivingVis", 0)
        #New Years':
        if _UamUtils.IsDayInRange(12, 30, 1, 2):  #dec 30 to jan 2.
            print "enable new years stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("nb01HappyNewYearVis", 1)
            print "disable new years stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("nb01HappyNewYearVis", 0)
    elif agename == "BaronCityOffice":
        #if _UamUtils.IsDayInRange(11,30,1,1):  #nov 30 to jan 1.
        if _UamUtils.IsDayInRange(
                12, 7, 1, 8
        ):  #Changed to start after Dutch Sinterklaas festivities and continue to Epiphany and the Ukrainian Christmas day.
            print "enable Christmas stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("bcoChristmasVis", 1)
            print "disable Christmas stuff"
            uam.SetAgeSdl("bcoChristmasVis", 0)
Example #2
 def FindFile(self):
     #  ageresources/Agename--JournalName--lang1.txt
     #  ageresources/Agename--JournalName.txt
     #  ageresources/Agename--JournalName--lang2.txt
     #  ageresources/Agename--JournalName--lang3.txt
     filebase = "ageresources/" + _UamUtils.GetAgeName(
     ) + "--" + self.journalname
     lang = _UamUtils.GetLanguage()
     filename = filebase + "--" + lang + ".txt"
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
         return filename
     filename = filebase + ".txt"
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
         return filename
     if lang == "en":
         lang2 = "de"
         lang3 = "fr"
     elif lang == "de":
         lang2 = "en"
         lang3 = "fr"
     elif lang == "fr":
         lang2 = "en"
         lang3 = "de"
     filename = filebase + "--" + lang2 + ".txt"
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
         return filename
     filename = filebase + "--" + lang3 + ".txt"
     if os.path.isfile(filename):
         return filename
     return None
Example #3
def UamOnKiCommand(command):
    #print "UamModHelp.UamOnKiCommand: "+`command`
    agename = _UamUtils.GetAgeName()
    if agename == "BahroCave02" or agename == "BahroCave" or agename == "LiveBahroCaves":
        if command == "/nexus" or command == "/hood" or command.startswith(
                "/link "):
            uam.PrintKiMessage("You can't link out of a Bahro Cave this way.")
            return True  #intercept further handling
Example #4
def UamOnKiCommand(command):
    print "UamModDebug.UamOnKiCommand: " + ` command `
    args = command.split()  #splits on whitespace
    if command == "/uamtest 1":
        uam.DisplayLinkingBook("Aerie", "LinkInPointDefault")
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 2":
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 3":

        def _TimerTest():
            uam.PrintKiMessage("The timer works!")

        uam.SetTimer(_TimerTest, 1.0)
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 4":
        val = uam.GetAgeSdl("psnlLibraryDoorClosed")
        uam.PrintKiMessage("psnlLibraryDoorClosed set to: " + ` val `)
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 5":
        uam.SetAgeSdl("psnlLibraryDoorClosed", 1)
        val = uam.GetAgeSdl("psnlLibraryDoorClosed", 0)
        uam.PrintKiMessage("psnlLibraryDoorClosed set to: " + ` val `)
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 6":
        if _UamUtils._IsRestorationAge(
        ) and not _UamUtils._IsRestorationAge("ThisIsNotAnAgename"):
            uam.PrintKiMessage("Test6 successful!")
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 7":
        if _UamUtils.GetCorrectFilename("aerie") == "Aerie":
            uam.PrintKiMessage("Test7 successful!")
        return True
    if command == "/uamtest 8":
        uam.LinkToAge("Aerie", "LinkInPointDefault")
        return True
    if command == "/listmodules":
        import sys
        print "modules: " + ` sys.modules.keys() `
        return True
    if args[0] == "/show2":
        print "show:" + args[1]
        agename = _UamUtils.GetAgeName()
        av = Plasma.PtFindSceneobject(args[1], agename)
        return True
    if args[0] == "/hide2":
        success = _UamUtils.HideObject(args[1])
        if not success:
            uam.PrintKiMessage("Unable to find object: " + args[1])
        return True
Example #5
def UamOnKiCommand(command):
    #print "_UamModCheats.UamOnKiCommand: "+`command`
    if (command == "/opencleftdoor"):
        print "_UamModCheats: Opening Cleft Door"
        #Calling this twice is fine.  And we can call it only from the Cleft.
        if _UamUtils.GetAgeName() != "Cleft":
            uam.PrintKiMessage("You can only do this in the Cleft.")
            return True
        sdl = Plasma.PtGetAgeSDL()
        varname = "clftBahroDoorClosed"
        index = 0
        value = 0  #i.e. we want it opened
        sdl.setFlags(varname, 1, 1)
        sdl.setIndex(varname, index, value)
        return True
    if (command == "/getki"):
        print "_UamModCheats: getting ki"
        #Calling this twice should be okay, since kNormalKI is the highest level, so we won't be downgrading it ever.
        #We can call this from any Age.
        #Add the normal ki:
        #Set the chronicle directly, because the Offline-KI blocks this for some bizarre reason.
        return True
    if (command == "/getmarkers"):
        #Register the new link.  From IUpdateNexusLink from grtzKIMarkerMachine.py
        #This can be called multiple times okay, because the chron is never set higher and adding the spawnpoint more than once doesn't create duplicate copies.  And it can be called from any Age.
        #But you need to restart Uru for some unknown reason, before you can use F8 to create a mission.
        print "_UamModCheats: getting markers"
        success = GetMarkersAddGZLink()
        if success:
            #Set the chronicle saying that we've got
            uam._SetPlayerChronicle("KIMarkerLevel", "3")
                "You should now be able to do marker missions!  (Though you may need to restart Uru first.)"
                "You need to visit the Great Zero at least once first.")
        return True
Example #6
 def OnInit(self):
     print "UamVarJournal.OnInit"
     self.varname = str(_vartolisten.value)
     #self.text_en = str(_text_en.value)
     #self.text_de = str(_text_de.value)
     #self.text_fr = str(_text_fr.value)
     self.journalname = str(_journalname.value)
     self.showopen = int(_showopen.value)
     #print "booktype: "+`_booktype`
     #print "booktype: "+`dir(_booktype)`
     self.booktype = str(
         getattr(_booktype, "value", "Old Book")
     )  #Stupid Plasma bug.  We want _booktype.value, or "OldBook" if .value isn't defined.
     #self.booktype = str(_booktype.value)
     _UamVars.ListenToVar(self.varname, self)
     if self.FindFile() == None:
         _UamVars.Error("Unable to find journal: " + "ageresources/" +
                        _UamUtils.GetAgeName() + "--" + self.journalname +
Example #7
def LoadReltoPages():
    print "_UamModReltopages.UamOnNewAgeLoaded"
    import _UamUtils
    import uam
    import Plasma
    if _UamUtils.GetAgeName() == "Personal":

        #Read any updated pages

        #Do tasks given from other Ages
        if _UamUtils.AmInMyRelto():
            tasksstr = uam._GetPlayerChronicle("UamTasks")
            tasks = _UamUtils._StringToList(tasksstr)
            numtasks = len(tasks)
            for task in tasks:
                print "task to do: " + task
                if task.startswith("EnableReltoPage="):
                    page = task[len("EnableReltoPage="):]
                    #enable the page
                    pages = _UamUtils._StringToDict(
                        page] = "on"  #whether it was unset or on or off or unattained, it is on now!
                    #remove from task list
            if numtasks != len(tasks):
                #removed some, so save

        #Load pages
        PagesToLoad = {}  #set() #Sets don't exist in Python 2.2 :P
        ObjectsToHide = {}  #set() #Sets don't exist in Python 2.2 :P
        print "Loading Uam pages..."
        chronstr = uam.GetAgeChronicle(
            "UamReltoPages")  #on, off, or unattained
        pages = _UamUtils._StringToDict(chronstr)
        print "UamReltoPages: " + chronstr
        for pagename in pages:
            status = pages[pagename]
            if status == "on":
                PagesToLoad[pagename] = None  #we're using this dict as a set
                for hideitem in ReltoPages[pagename]["hide"]:
                        hideitem] = None  #we're using this dict as a set
        #Turn into sorted lists
        PagesToLoad = PagesToLoad.keys()
        ObjectsToHide = ObjectsToHide.keys()
        #Hide the objects
        for hideitem in ObjectsToHide:
            print "Hiding obj: " + hideitem
        #Load the pages
        for pagename in PagesToLoad:
                print "Loading page: " + pagename
                    "UamPage-" + pagename
                )  #doesn't throw an exception if page not present; simply doesn't load.
                import traceback
Example #8
def UamOnKiCommand(command):
    print "UamModReset.UamOnKiCommand: " + ` command `
    if command == "/reset":
        #resets the current age, with the help of the server's /!resetage command

        import _UamUtils
        import uam
        import Plasma

        curage = _UamUtils.GetAgeName()
        prefix = _UamUtils.GetSequencePrefix(curage)
        print "curage=" + ` curage ` + " prefix=" + ` prefix `

        #detect if this is an Age we can reset
        #if not _UamUtils.IsThisRestorationAge():
        if prefix < 100:
                "This Age cannot be reset.  You can only reset fan Ages.")
            return True

        #detect if there are any other players
        if _UamUtils.GetNumOfOtherPlayers() > 0:
                "There are other players in the Age.  You must be alone to reset the Age."
            return True

        ageVault = Plasma.ptAgeVault()

        #reset Age devices
        devfolder = ageVault.getAgeDevicesFolder(
        )  #Should be a ptVaultFolderNode
        print "devfolder: " + ` devfolder `

        #reset Age chronicles
        chronfolder = ageVault.getChronicleFolder(
        )  #Should be a ptVaultFolderNode
        print "chronfolder: " + ` chronfolder `

        #reset Player chronicles for this Agename from D'Lanor's system
        playerVault = Plasma.ptVault()
        entry = playerVault.findChronicleEntry("UserAges")
        if type(entry) == type(None):
            print "No UserAges chronicle folder."
            chronRefList = entry.getChildNodeRefList()
            for subChron in chronRefList:
                theChild = subChron.getChild()
                theChild = theChild.upcastToChronicleNode()
                if theChild.chronicleGetName() == curage:
                    #found it so delete it
                    print "Found Player chronicle node, so deleting it for Age: " + curage

        #reset Age SDL node (but the SDL is still stored in the .sav file/server)
        #sdlnode = ageVault.getAgeSDL() #Should be a ptSDLStateDataRecord.  We can get the ptVaultSDLNode through the AgeInfoNode if we want that instead.
        #print "sdlnode: "+`sdlnode`
        #print "sdlnode vars: "+`sdlnode.getVarList()`  #returns e.g. ["isPowerOn","SdlVar2"]
        #sdlval = sdlnode.findVar("isPowerOn")
        #print "sdlnode var: "+`sdlval`  #returns ptSimpleStateVariable, but maybe sometimes a ptSDLStateDataRecord?
        #vars = sdlnode.getVarList()
        #for var in vars:
        #    statevar = sdlnode.findVar(var)
        #    if isinstance(statevar,ptSimpleStateVariable):
        #        default = statevar.getDefault()
        #        print "default: "+`default`
        #    else:
        #        print "Error: statevar was actually: "+`statevar`
        ageinfo = ageVault.getAgeInfo()  #Should be a ptVaultAgeInfoNode
        print "ageinfo: " + ` ageinfo `
        sdlnode = ageinfo.getAgeSDL()  #Should be a ptVaultSDLNode
        print "sdlnode: " + ` sdlnode `

        guid = ageVault.getAgeGuid()
        print "guid: " + ` guid `

        print "offline reset done!"

        #get the server to reset the SDL and physics
        if _UamUtils.GetGame() == "pots":
            #delete the .sav file
            hexname = _UamUtils.GetPlayerNameInHex()
            path = "sav/" + hexname + "/current/" + Plasma.PtGetAgeName(
            ) + "_" + guid + ".sav"
            print path
            global delpath
            delpath = path
            #uam.PrintKiMessage("You should quit immediatly, then delete this file and restart Uru: "+path)
            #import os
                "Linking you to the nexus to finish resetting the Age...")

        elif _UamUtils.GetGame() == "alcugs":
            print "sending reset command to server..."
            #The /!resetage command should relink us
        return True