def main(): sys.stdout.write(banner()) product_id1 = input('Enter product id or Sale url: ') if '/in/goods/' in product_id1 or product_id1.isdigit(): product_id = re.findall(r'\d+', product_id1)[0] else: print( '\nIncorrect Sale url\nSale Url should be like' ) exit() all_cookies = input( 'Enter cookie file(s) on which you want to order seprated with comma "," ex- cookie1.txt,cookie2.txt ' ) cookie_list = [] regex = re.compile(',') if ( != None): c_ar = all_cookies.split(',') for c in c_ar: c = c.strip() cookie_file = Path('./my_cookies/' + c) if cookie_file.exists(): cookie_list.append(c) added = 1 else: added = 0 print( '\nSeems like your cookie file (' + c + ') doesn\'t exists in my_cookies folder\nPlease add all your cookie files to my_cookies folder' ) exit() else: cook = all_cookies.strip() cookie_file = Path('./my_cookies/' + cook) if cookie_file.exists(): cookie_list.append(cook) added = 1 else: added = 0 print( '\nSeems like your cookie file (' + cook + ') doesn\'t exists in my_cookies folder\nPlease add all your cookie files to my_cookies folder' ) exit() if added == 1: print('Cookie files added') input('Once sale begins press enter key to start: ') for i in cookie_list: os.system('start cmd /k python -c ' + i + ' -id ' + str(product_id))
def main(): sys.stdout.write(banner()) version = '1.0' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='', conflict_handler="resolve") general = parser.add_argument_group("General") general.add_argument( '-h', '--help',\ action='help',\ help="Shows the help.") general.add_argument( '-v', '--version',\ action='version',\ version=version,\ help="Shows the version.") authentication = parser.add_argument_group("Authentication") authentication.add_argument( '-c', '--cookies',\ dest='cookies',\ type=str,\ help="Cookies to authenticate",metavar='') authentication.add_argument( '-k', '--cron',\ dest='cron',\ action='store_true',\ help="Added support to create a cron job/task") try: args = parser.parse_args() ip = ".".join(map(str, (random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(4)))) if args.cookies: print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Trying to login with cookies! \n') time.sleep(0.8) cookies_file = Path(args.cookies) if cookies_file.exists(): fp = open(cookies_file, 'r') try: fp_toks ='||') access_token = fp_toks[0] client_id = fp_toks[1] print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Login Successful! \n') except Exception as z: print(fr + 'cookie file is not in right format') exit() csrftoken = '' cookies = cookiejar(client_id, access_token) head = { 'authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, 'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36', 'x-forwarded-for': str(ip), 'x-udemy-authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'referer': '', 'origin': '' } else: print(fr + 'Cookie file does not exists') exit() else: my_cookies, cookies = fetch_cookies() try: access_token = my_cookies['access_token'] csrftoken = my_cookies['csrftoken'] head = { 'authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, 'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36', 'x-forwarded-for': str(ip), 'x-udemy-authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token, 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'origin': '', 'referer': '' } print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Auto Login Successful! \n') except Exception as e: print( '\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fr + 'Make sure you are logged in to in chrome browser' ) access_token = '' if access_token != '': time.sleep(0.8) print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fw + 'Websites Available: ') bad_colors = ['BLACK', 'WHITE', 'LIGHTBLACK_EX', 'RESET'] codes = vars(colorama.Fore) colors = [ codes[color] for color in codes if color not in bad_colors ] for site in total_sites: print(random.choice(colors) + site) try: if args.cron: input_1 = 'y' else: print( '\n' + fc + sd + '----' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Want to see available coupons (INPUT "n") OR subscribe to all available courses automatically (input "y"): ', end='') input_1 = input() more = '' except: pass if input_1 == 'n': global d d = 1 for site_index, site in enumerate(total_sites): if site == 'Learn Viral': limit = 10 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Learn Viral ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = learnviral(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Discudemy': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Discudemy ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = discudemy(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Udemy Freebies': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Udemy Freebies ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = udemy_freebies(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Udemy Coupons': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Udemy Coupons ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = udemy_coupons_me(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Real Discount': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Real Discount ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = real_disc(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Tricks Info': limit = 6 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Tricks Info ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = tricksinfo(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Free Web Cart': limit = 7 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Free Web Cart ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = freewebcart(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Course Mania': limit = 1 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Course Mania ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = course_mania(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Help Covid': limit = 1 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Help Covid ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = helpcovid(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Jojo Coupons': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Jojo Coupons ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = jojocoupons(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 if site == 'Online Tutorials': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Online Tutorials ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = onlinetutorials(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) d += 1 elif input_1 == 'y': global count count = 0 for index, items in enumerate(func_list): print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>> ' + fb + total_sites[index] + fm + sb + ' <<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') limit = site_range[index] for d in range(1, limit): list_st = items(d) auto_add(list_st, cookies, access_token, csrftoken, head) else: print('Make sure you are logged in to in chrome browser') except Exception as e: print(e) exit('\nunknown error')
def main(): sys.stdout.write(banner()) cookies ='') my_cookies = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(cookies) try: access_token = my_cookies['access_token'] csrftoken = my_cookies['csrftoken'] except Exception as e: print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fr + 'Make sure you are logged in to in chrome browser') access_token = '' if access_token != '': print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Auto Login Successful! \n') time.sleep(0.8) print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fw + 'Websites Available: ') bad_colors = ['BLACK', 'WHITE', 'LIGHTBLACK_EX', 'RESET'] codes = vars(colorama.Fore) colors = [codes[color] for color in codes if color not in bad_colors] for site in total_sites: print(random.choice(colors) + site) print( '\n' + fc + sd + '----' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Want to see available coupons (INPUT "n") OR subscribe to all available courses automatically (input "y"): ', end='') input_1 = input() more = '' if input_1 == 'n': global d d = 1 for site_index, site in enumerate(total_sites): if site == 'Learn Viral': limit = 10 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Learn Viral ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = learnviral(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index, cookies, access_token, csrftoken) d += 1 if site == 'Discudemy': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Discudemy ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = discudemy(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index) d += 1 if site == 'Udemy Freebies': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Udemy Freebies ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = udemy_freebies(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index) d += 1 if site == 'Udemy Coupons': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Udemy Coupons ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = udemy_coupons_me(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index) d += 1 if site == 'Real Discount': limit = 4 print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>>' + fb + ' Real Discount ' + fm + sb + '<<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') while d <= limit: list_st = real_disc(d) site = process(list_st, d, limit, site_index) d += 1 elif input_1 == 'y': global count count = 0 for index, items in enumerate(func_list): print('\n' + fc + sd + '-------' + fm + sb + '>> ' + fb + total_sites[index] + fm + sb + ' <<' + fc + sd + '-------\n') limit = site_range[index] for d in range(1, limit): list_st = items(d) auto_add(list_st, cookies, access_token, csrftoken)
def main(): sys.stdout.write(banner()) product_id1 = input('Enter product id or Sale url: ') if '/in/goods/' in product_id1 or product_id1.isdigit(): product_id = re.findall(r'\d+', product_id1)[0] else: print( '\nIncorrect Sale url\nSale Url should be like' ) exit() all_cookies = input( 'Enter cookie file(s) on which you want to order seprated with comma "," ex- cookie1.txt,cookie2.txt ' ) cookie_list = [] regex = re.compile(',') if ( != None): c_ar = all_cookies.split(',') for c in c_ar: c = c.strip() cookie_file = Path('./my_cookies/' + c) if cookie_file.exists(): cookie_list.append(c) added = 1 else: added = 0 print( '\nSeems like your cookie file (' + c + ') doesn\'t exists in my_cookies folder\nPlease add all your cookie files to my_cookies folder' ) exit() else: cook = all_cookies.strip() cookie_file = Path('./my_cookies/' + cook) if cookie_file.exists(): cookie_list.append(cook) added = 1 else: added = 0 print( '\nSeems like your cookie file (' + cook + ') doesn\'t exists in my_cookies folder\nPlease add all your cookie files to my_cookies folder' ) exit() if added == 1: print('Cookie files added') s_year = input('Year as YYYY: ') s_month = input('Month as M: ') s_date = input('Date as D: ') s_hour = input('Hour as H: ') s_minute = input('Minute as M: ') pause.until( datetime(int(s_year), int(s_month), int(s_date), int(s_hour), int(s_minute), 0)) print( '\nNext step will be proceed at your provided time. Wait till then... ' ) for i in cookie_list: os.system('start cmd /k python -c ' + i + ' -id ' + str(product_id))