def main(): sys.stdout.write(bannerTop()) print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Select a college from all available colleges to proceed....\n') time.sleep(0.4) bad_colors = ['BLACK', 'WHITE', 'LIGHTBLACK_EX', 'RESET'] codes = vars(colorama.Fore) colors = [codes[color] for color in codes if color not in bad_colors] for index, college in enumerate(allColleges): print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fy + str(index + 1) + ' - ' + random.choice(colors) + college) isIDError = True while isIDError != False: print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Enter college id for ex - 1 or 2 or 3.... : ', end='') userInput = int(input()) if userInput > len(allColleges) or userInput < 1: print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fr + 'Wrong College id') else: userInput = userInput - 1 isIDError = False time.sleep(0.4) print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Selected College: ' + fy + allColleges[userInput]) time.sleep(0.4) print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Enter Your Email: ', end='') userEmail = input() time.sleep(0.4) print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Performing Incapsula Bypass') fg_lp = EduHelper(clg_ids[userInput]) start_url, cookies, token = fg_lp._tryHarder() time.sleep(1) reg_url = start_url + clg_ids[userInput] start_bot(start_url, userEmail, allColleges[userInput], userInput + 1, cookies, token)
def main(): sys.stdout.write(bannerTop()) print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Select a college from all available colleges to proceed....\n') time.sleep(0.4) bad_colors = ['BLACK', 'WHITE', 'LIGHTBLACK_EX', 'RESET'] codes = vars(colorama.Fore) colors = [codes[color] for color in codes if color not in bad_colors] for index, college in enumerate(allColleges): print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fy + str(index + 1) + ' - ' + random.choice(colors) + college) isIDError = True while isIDError != False: print( '\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Enter College ID from the above list. For example, - 1 or 2 or 3.... : ', end='') userInput = int(input()) if userInput > len(allColleges) or userInput < 1: print(fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fr + 'Wrong College ID') else: userInput = userInput - 1 isIDError = False time.sleep(0.4) print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Selected College: ' + fy + allColleges[userInput]) time.sleep(0.4) print('\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Enter Your Email( Dont use TempMail) : ', end='') userEmail = input() time.sleep(0.4) print( '\n' + fc + sd + '[' + fm + sb + '*' + fc + sd + '] ' + fg + 'Hold on Starting now, Keep checking this terminal for instructions.') time.sleep(1) reg_url = start_url + clg_ids[userInput] start_bot(reg_url, userEmail, allColleges[userInput], userInput + 1)