def param(self, name, func, *args, **kwargs): """Create a black box parameter and return its value.""" if self._got_reward: raise ValueError("all parameter definitions must come before maximize/minimize") if not isinstance(name, Str): raise TypeError("name must be a string, not {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(name))) if name in self._new_params: raise ValueError("parameter of name {_coconut_format_0} already exists".format(_coconut_format_0=(name))) args = param_processor.standardize_args(func, args) kwargs = param_processor.standardize_kwargs(kwargs) _coconut_match_to = self._old_params _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get(name, _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_temp_0) == 3): old_func = _coconut_match_temp_0[0] old_args = _coconut_match_temp_0[1] old_kwargs = _coconut_match_temp_0[2] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: if (func, args) != (old_func, old_args): print("BBopt Warning: detected change in parameter {_coconut_format_0} ({_coconut_format_1} != {_coconut_format_2}) (you may need to delete your old BBopt data)".format(_coconut_format_0=(name), _coconut_format_1=((func, args)), _coconut_format_2=((old_func, old_args)))) value = self.backend.param(name, func, *args, **kwargs) self._new_params[name] = (func, args, kwargs) self._current_example["values"][name] = value return value
def serve_values( name, func, args, kwargs, serving_values, fallback_func, backend_name=None, implemented_funcs=None, supported_kwargs=None, ): """Determines the parameter value to serve for the given parameter name and kwargs. First checks for unsupported funcs or kwargs, then uses the following algorithm: 1. if name in serving_values, use serving_values[name], else 2. if guess in kwargs, use the guess, else 3. call fallback_func(name, func, *args, **kwargs).""" # validate arguments if implemented_funcs is not None: assert backend_name is not None, "serve_values expects a backend_name argument when doing func validation" if func not in implemented_funcs: raise ValueError( "the {_coconut_format_0} backend does not implement the {_coconut_format_1} function" .format(_coconut_format_0=(backend_name), _coconut_format_1=(func))) if supported_kwargs is not None: assert backend_name is not None, "serve_values expects a backend_name argument when doing kwargs validation" unsupported_kwargs = set(kwargs) - set(supported_kwargs) if unsupported_kwargs: raise ValueError( "the {_coconut_format_0} backend does not support {_coconut_format_1} option(s)" .format(_coconut_format_0=(backend_name), _coconut_format_1=(unsupported_kwargs))) # determine value _coconut_match_to = serving_values _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get(name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: value = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return value else: _coconut_match_to = kwargs _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( "guess", _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: guess = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return guess else: return fallback_func(name, func, *args, **kwargs)
def running_best(examples): """Yield running best examples seen at each point.""" best_example = max_gain = min_loss = None for example in examples: _coconut_case_match_to_0 = example _coconut_case_match_check_0 = False _coconut_match_set_name_values = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_match_set_name_gain = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_case_match_to_0, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_case_match_to_0.get("values", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_case_match_to_0.get("gain", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut_match_temp_1 is not _coconut_sentinel): _coconut_match_set_name_values = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_set_name_gain = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_case_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_match_check_0: if _coconut_match_set_name_values is not _coconut_sentinel: values = _coconut_match_temp_0 if _coconut_match_set_name_gain is not _coconut_sentinel: gain = _coconut_match_temp_1 if _coconut_case_match_check_0: if min_loss is not None: raise ValueError("cannot have examples with maximize and examples with minimize") if max_gain is None or gain >= max_gain: best_example = example max_gain = gain if not _coconut_case_match_check_0: _coconut_match_set_name_values = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_case_match_to_0, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_case_match_to_0.get("values", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_case_match_to_0.get("loss", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut_match_temp_1 is not _coconut_sentinel): _coconut_match_set_name_values = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_case_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_match_check_0: if _coconut_match_set_name_values is not _coconut_sentinel: values = _coconut_match_temp_0 if _coconut_match_set_name_loss is not _coconut_sentinel: loss = _coconut_match_temp_1 if _coconut_case_match_check_0: if max_gain is not None: raise ValueError("cannot have examples with maximize and examples with minimize") if min_loss is None or loss <= min_loss: best_example = example min_loss = loss if not _coconut_case_match_check_0: raise ValueError("invalid example {_coconut_format_0}".format(_coconut_format_0=(example))) yield best_example
def make_features( values, params, fallback_func=param_processor.choose_default_placeholder, converters={}, convert_fallback=True, ): """Return an iterator of the values for the parameters in sorted order with the given fallback function. If passed, converters must map funcs to functions from (value, *args) -> new_value which will be run on the resulting value for that func (but only on fallbacks if convert_fallback).""" for name, (func, args, kwargs) in sorted_items(params): # determine feature fallback = False _coconut_match_to = values _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: feature = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: pass else: _coconut_match_to = kwargs _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( "placeholder_when_missing", _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: placeholder_value = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: feature = placeholder_value else: fallback = True feature = fallback_func(name, func, *args, **kwargs) # run converters if not fallback or convert_fallback: _coconut_match_to = converters _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( func, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: converter_func = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: feature = converter_func(feature, *args) yield feature
def split_examples( examples, params, fallback_func=param_processor.choose_default_placeholder, converters={}, convert_fallback=True, ): """Split examples into a list of data points and a list of losses with the given fallback function.""" data_points, losses = [], [] for example in examples: # extract values, loss _coconut_match_to = example _coconut_case_check_0 = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( "values", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to.get( "gain", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut_match_temp_1 is not _coconut_sentinel): values = _coconut_match_temp_0 gain = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_case_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_check_0: loss = negate_objective(gain) if not _coconut_case_check_0: if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get( "values", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to.get( "loss", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and ( _coconut_match_temp_1 is not _coconut_sentinel): values = _coconut_match_temp_0 loss = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_case_check_0 = True if _coconut_case_check_0: pass if not _coconut_case_check_0: raise ValueError("invalid example {}".format(example)) # extract features features = (list)(make_features(values, params, fallback_func, converters, convert_fallback)) # add to data_points, losses (data_points.append)(features) (losses.append)(loss) return data_points, losses
def register_alias(self, name, alias, replace=False): """Register an alias for the given name.""" if not replace: _coconut_match_to_2 = self.aliases _coconut_match_check_2 = False _coconut_match_set_name_stored_alias = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_2, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_2.get( name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: _coconut_match_set_name_stored_alias = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check_2 = True if _coconut_match_check_2: if _coconut_match_set_name_stored_alias is not _coconut_sentinel: stored_alias = _coconut_match_temp_0 if _coconut_match_check_2: if stored_alias == alias: return else: raise ValueError( "cannot change registry for already existing alias: {_coconut_format_0}" .format(_coconut_format_0=(alias))) if alias in self.registered: raise ValueError( "cannot register overlapping alias: {_coconut_format_0}". format(_coconut_format_0=(alias))) for registry in self.no_conflict_registries: if name in registry: raise ValueError( "cannot register alias with conflicting {_coconut_format_0}: {_coconut_format_1}" .format(_coconut_format_0=(registry.obj_name), _coconut_format_1=(alias))) self.aliases[alias] = name
def register(self, name, value, replace=False): """Register value under the given name.""" if not replace: _coconut_match_to_1 = self.registered _coconut_match_check_1 = False _coconut_match_set_name_stored_val = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_1, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_1.get( name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: _coconut_match_set_name_stored_val = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check_1 = True if _coconut_match_check_1: if _coconut_match_set_name_stored_val is not _coconut_sentinel: stored_val = _coconut_match_temp_0 if _coconut_match_check_1: if stored_val == value: return else: raise ValueError( "cannot change registry for already existing name: {_coconut_format_0}" .format(_coconut_format_0=(name))) if name in self.aliases: raise ValueError( "cannot register name with existing alias: {_coconut_format_0}" .format(_coconut_format_0=(name))) for registry in self.no_conflict_registries: if name in registry: raise ValueError( "cannot register name with conflicting {_coconut_format_0}: {_coconut_format_1}" .format(_coconut_format_0=(registry.obj_name), _coconut_format_1=(name))) self.registered[name] = value
def _coconut_lambda_0(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs): _coconut_match_check_0 = False _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error( ) if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1: if (_coconut.isinstance( _coconut_match_args[0], and (_coconut.len( _coconut_match_args[0]) == 2): _coconut_match_set_name_val = _coconut_match_args[0][0] _coconut_match_set_name_loss = _coconut_match_args[0][ 1] if not _coconut_match_kwargs: _coconut_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_match_check_0: if _coconut_match_set_name_val is not _coconut_sentinel: val = _coconut_match_set_name_val if _coconut_match_set_name_loss is not _coconut_sentinel: loss = _coconut_match_set_name_loss if not _coconut_match_check_0: raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError( 'best_val, min_loss = min(marginals, key=def ((val, loss)) -> loss)', _coconut_match_args) return loss
def _load_from(self, df): """Load data from the given file.""" contents = if contents: _coconut_match_to_0 = self._loads(contents) _coconut_match_check_2 = False _coconut_match_set_name_params = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_match_set_name_examples = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_0, _coconut_match_temp_7 = _coconut_match_to_0.get( "params", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_8 = _coconut_match_to_0.get( "examples", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_7 is not _coconut_sentinel) and ( _coconut_match_temp_8 is not _coconut_sentinel): _coconut_match_set_name_params = _coconut_match_temp_7 _coconut_match_set_name_examples = _coconut_match_temp_8 _coconut_match_check_2 = True if _coconut_match_check_2: if _coconut_match_set_name_params is not _coconut_sentinel: params = _coconut_match_set_name_params if _coconut_match_set_name_examples is not _coconut_sentinel: examples = _coconut_match_set_name_examples if not _coconut_match_check_2: raise _coconut_MatchError( '{"params": params, "examples": examples} = self._loads(contents)', _coconut_match_to_0) self._old_params = params self._add_examples(examples)
def examples_to_trials(examples, params): """Create hyperopt trials from the given examples.""" trials = [] NA = object() # used to mark missing values for tid, ex in enumerate(examples): _coconut_match_to_0 = ex _coconut_match_check_0 = False _coconut_match_set_name_gain = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_0, _coconut_match_temp_4 = _coconut_match_to_0.get("gain", _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_4 is not _coconut_sentinel: _coconut_match_set_name_gain = _coconut_match_temp_4 _coconut_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_match_check_0: if _coconut_match_set_name_gain is not _coconut_sentinel: gain = _coconut_match_set_name_gain if _coconut_match_check_0: loss = negate_objective(gain) else: loss = ex["loss"] result = {"status": STATUS_OK, "loss": loss} vals = {} idxs = {} for k, v in get_names_and_features(ex["values"], params, fallback_func=lambda name, func, *args, **kwargs: NA, converters={"choice": lambda val, choices: choices.index(val), "randrange": lambda val, start, stop, step: val - start}, convert_fallback=False): vals[k] = [v,] if v is not NA else [] idxs[k] = [tid,] if v is not NA else [] misc = {"tid": tid, "idxs": idxs, "vals": vals, "cmd": None} trials.append({"tid": tid, "result": result, "misc": misc, "spec": spec_from_misc(misc), "state": JOB_STATE_DONE, "owner": None, "book_time": None, "refresh_time": None, "exp_key": None}) return trials
def bbopt_actor(env): _coconut_match_to_0 = env _coconut_match_check_0 = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_0, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_0.get(bb_name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: bb = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_match_check_0 and not (bb is not None): _coconut_match_check_0 = False if _coconut_match_check_0: if isinstance(util_func, Str): util = env[util_func] else: util = util_func(env) bb.maximize(util) else: bb = BlackBoxOptimizer(file=file, tag=env["game"].name + "_" + name) env[bb_name] = bb if not env["game"].final_step else None) if print_chosen_alg: chosen_alg = bb.get_current_run()["values"].get(meta_opt_alg_var) if chosen_alg is not None: print("\nusing BBopt alg =", chosen_alg) return tunable_actor(bb, env)
def get_points_values(self, new_data, new_losses): """Convert data and losses into pySOT-compatible points and values.""" points = [] values = [] for ex_dict, loss in zip(new_data, new_losses): pt = [] for name, val in ex_dict.items(): _coconut_match_to_1 = self.choices _coconut_match_check_1 = False _coconut_match_set_name_choices = _coconut_sentinel if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_1, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_1.get( name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: _coconut_match_set_name_choices = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check_1 = True if _coconut_match_check_1: if _coconut_match_set_name_choices is not _coconut_sentinel: choices = _coconut_match_temp_0 if _coconut_match_check_1: chosen_ind = choices.index(val) pt.append(chosen_ind) else: pt.append(val) points.append(pt) values.append(loss) return np.array(points), np.array(values)
def factorial(n, acc=1): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" def _coconut_mock_func(n, acc=1): return n, acc while True: _coconut_match_to = n _coconut_case_check_2 = False if _coconut_match_to == 0: _coconut_case_check_2 = True if _coconut_case_check_2: return acc if not _coconut_case_check_2: if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int): _coconut_case_check_2 = True if _coconut_case_check_2 and not (n > 0): _coconut_case_check_2 = False if _coconut_case_check_2: try: _coconut_is_recursive = factorial is _coconut_recursive_func_4 except _coconut.NameError: _coconut_is_recursive = False if _coconut_is_recursive: n, acc = _coconut_mock_func(n - 1, acc * n) continue else: return _coconut_tail_call(factorial, n - 1, acc * n) if not _coconut_case_check_2: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0") # Test cases: return None
def sieve(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_args[0], xs = _coconut.iter(_coconut_match_to_args[0]) _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut.tuple( _coconut_igetitem(xs, _coconut.slice(None, 1))) if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_temp_0) == 1) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs): x = _coconut_match_temp_0[0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError( "pattern-matching failed for " "'def sieve([x] :: xs) = [x] :: sieve(n for n in xs if n % x)'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def sieve([x] :: xs) = [x] :: sieve(n for n in xs if n % x)' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err return _coconut_tail_call( _coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable, (f() for f in (lambda: [x], lambda: sieve((n for n in xs if n % x)))))
def factorial(n, acc=1): def _coconut_mock_func(n, acc=1): return n, acc while True: """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut_match_to == 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return acc if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int)): if (n > 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: if factorial is _coconut_recursive_func_3: n, acc = _coconut_mock_func(n - 1, acc * n) continue else: raise _coconut_tail_call(factorial, n - 1, acc * n) if not _coconut_match_check: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0") # Test cases: return None
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" try: _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut_match_to == 0): _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'0 = n # destructuring assignment'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = '0 = n # destructuring assignment' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err # destructuring assignment except MatchError: try: _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int)): _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'_ is int = n # also destructuring assignment'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = '_ is int = n # also destructuring assignment' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err # also destructuring assignment except MatchError: pass else: if n > 0: # in Coconut, if, match, and try are allowed after else return n * factorial(n - 1) else: return 1 raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def __eq__(self, other): """Compare whether two vectors are equal.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = other if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut_match_to[0] == self.pts): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return True else: return False
def to_json(a: 'Any') -> 'Json': # line 8 _coconut_match_to = a # line 9 _coconut_match_check = False # line 9 if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, (list, tuple)): # line 9 a = _coconut_match_to # line 9 _coconut_match_check = True # line 9 if _coconut_match_check: # line 9 result = JsonArray(Lists.wrap(a) / to_json) # line 11 if not _coconut_match_check: # line 12 if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, dict): # line 12 a = _coconut_match_to # line 12 _coconut_match_check = True # line 12 if _coconut_match_check: # line 12 result = JsonObject(Map(a).valmap(to_json)) # line 13 if not _coconut_match_check: # line 14 a = _coconut_match_to # line 14 _coconut_match_check = True # line 14 if _coconut_match_check: # line 14 result = JsonScalar(a) # line 15 return result # line 16
def __new__(cls, *pts): """Create a new vector from the given pts.""" _coconut_match_to = pts _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], vector)): v = _coconut_match_to[0] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return v # vector(v) where v is a vector should return v else: return _coconut_tail_call(makedata, cls, *pts) # accesses base constructor
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) == 0): _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([]) = []'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([]) = []' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err return []
def mean(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs): _coconut_match_check_0 = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args[0]) >= 0): xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_args[0]) if not _coconut_match_kwargs: _coconut_match_check_0 = True if not _coconut_match_check_0: raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def mean([] + xs) =', _coconut_match_args) return sum(xs) / len(xs)
def __mul__(self, other): """Scalar multiplication and dot product.""" _coconut_match_to = other _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector): other_pts = _coconut_match_to[0:] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: assert len(other_pts) == len(self.pts) return _coconut_tail_call((sum), map(_coconut.operator.mul, self.pts, other_pts)) # dot product else: return _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, other), self.pts)) # scalar multiplication
def mean(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs): """Compute the arithmetic mean of the given sequence.""" _coconut_match_check_1 = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[0], xs = _coconut_match_args[0] if not _coconut_match_kwargs: _coconut_match_check_1 = True if not _coconut_match_check_1: raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('addpattern def mean(() :: xs) =', _coconut_match_args) return (mean)((tuple)(xs))
def __mul__(self, other): """Scalar multiplication and dot product.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = other if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1): other_pts = _coconut_match_to[0] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: assert len(other_pts) == len(self.pts) raise _coconut_tail_call((sum), map(_coconut.operator.mul, self.pts, other_pts)) # dot product else: raise _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, other), self.pts)) # scalar multiplication
def _coconut_lambda_18(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1): xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:]) x = _coconut_match_to[0][0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err return x, xs
async def async_map_4(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1): iters = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:]) func = _coconut_match_to[0][0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match async def async_map_4([func] + iters) = parallel_map(func, *iters)' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err return parallel_map(func, *iters)
def angle(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[1], vector)): self = _coconut_match_to[0] other = _coconut_match_to[1] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err raise _coconut_tail_call(math.acos, self.unit() * other.unit())
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_args[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args[0]) == 0): if not _coconut_match_to_kwargs: _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([]) = []'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([]) = []' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err return []
def quick_sort(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1): tail = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:]) head = _coconut_match_to[0][0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def quick_sort([head] + tail) ='" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def quick_sort([head] + tail) =' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err """Sort the input sequence using the quick sort algorithm.""" return (quick_sort([x for x in tail if x < head]) + [head] + quick_sort([x for x in tail if x >= head]))
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], int)): n = _coconut_match_to[0] if (n > 0): _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) =' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" return n * factorial(n - 1)
def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract one vector from another.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = other if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, vector)) and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1): other_pts = _coconut_match_to[0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'vector(other_pts) = other'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'vector(other_pts) = other' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert len(other_pts) == len(self.pts) raise _coconut_tail_call((vector), *map(_coconut_minus, self.pts, other_pts))
def quick_sort(l): """Sort the input iterator, using the quick sort algorithm, and without using any data until necessary.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = l if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, tail = _coconut.iter(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.tuple(_coconut_igetitem(tail, _coconut.slice(None, 1))) if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) == 1): head = _coconut_match_iter_0[0] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: tail, tail_ = tee(tail) _coconut_yield_from = (_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: quick_sort((x for x in tail if x < head)), lambda: (head,), lambda: quick_sort((x for x in tail_ if x >= head)))))) for _coconut_yield_item in _coconut_yield_from: yield _coconut_yield_item
def test_match_error_addpattern(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "x" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1): _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("x") if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, int)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs): x = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def test_match_error_addpattern(x is int): raise MatchError()' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err raise MatchError()
def __getitem__(self, name): name = self.aliases.get(name, name) _coconut_match_to = self.registered _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get(name, _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: value = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return self.registered[name] else: if name in self.generators: return self.run_gen(name) else: valid_names = ", ".join((repr(name) for name in self)) raise ValueError("unknown {_coconut_format_0}: {_coconut_format_1} (valid {_coconut_format_2}s: {_coconut_format_3})".format(_coconut_format_0=(self.obj_name), _coconut_format_1=(name), _coconut_format_2=(self.obj_name), _coconut_format_3=(valid_names)))
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_to = n _coconut_case_check_3 = False if _coconut_match_to == 0: _coconut_case_check_3 = True if _coconut_case_check_3: return 1 if not _coconut_case_check_3: if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int): _coconut_case_check_3 = True if _coconut_case_check_3 and not (n > 0): _coconut_case_check_3 = False if _coconut_case_check_3: return _coconut_tail_call(reduce, _coconut.operator.mul, range(1, n + 1)) if not _coconut_case_check_3: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_to = n _coconut_case_check_1 = False if _coconut_match_to == 0: _coconut_case_check_1 = True if _coconut_case_check_1: return 1 if not _coconut_case_check_1: if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int): _coconut_case_check_1 = True if _coconut_case_check_1 and not (n > 0): _coconut_case_check_1 = False if _coconut_case_check_1: return n * factorial(n - 1) if not _coconut_case_check_1: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut_match_to == 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return 1 if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int)): if (n > 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: raise _coconut_tail_call(reduce, _coconut.operator.mul, range(1, n + 1)) if not _coconut_match_check: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut_match_to == 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return 1 if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_to = n if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int)): if (n > 0): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return n * factorial(n - 1) if not _coconut_match_check: raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def mean(*_coconut_match_args, **_coconut_match_kwargs): _coconut_match_check_0 = False _coconut_match_set_name_xs = _coconut_sentinel _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_args) == 1: if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_args[0], _coconut_match_temp_4 = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_args[0]) _coconut_match_set_name_xs = _coconut_match_temp_4 if not _coconut_match_kwargs: _coconut_match_check_0 = True if _coconut_match_check_0: if _coconut_match_set_name_xs is not _coconut_sentinel: xs = _coconut_match_set_name_xs if not _coconut_match_check_0: raise _coconut_FunctionMatchError('match def mean([] + xs) =', _coconut_match_args) return sum(xs) / len(xs)
def _load_from(self, df): """Load data from the given file.""" contents = if contents: _coconut_match_to = self._loads(contents) _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2): _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to.get("params", _coconut_sentinel) _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to.get("examples", _coconut_sentinel) if (_coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel) and (_coconut_match_temp_1 is not _coconut_sentinel): params = _coconut_match_temp_0 examples = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: raise _coconut_MatchError('{"params": params, "examples": examples} = self._loads(contents)', _coconut_match_to) self._old_params = params self._add_examples(examples)
def angle(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 2) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "self" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1, "other" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1): _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("self") _coconut_match_temp_1 = _coconut_match_to_args[1] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 1 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("other") if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_1, vector)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs): self = _coconut_match_temp_0 other = _coconut_match_temp_1 _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def angle(self, other is vector) = math.acos(self.unit() * other.unit())' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err return _coconut_tail_call(math.acos, self.unit() * other.unit())
def factorial(*_coconut_match_to_args, **_coconut_match_to_kwargs): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_FunctionMatchError = _coconut_get_function_match_error() if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) <= 1) and (_coconut.sum((_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0, "n" in _coconut_match_to_kwargs)) == 1): _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_args[0] if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_to_args) > 0 else _coconut_match_to_kwargs.pop("n") if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_temp_0, int)) and (not _coconut_match_to_kwargs): n = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check and not (n > 0): _coconut_match_check = False if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to_args) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_FunctionMatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) ='" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'def factorial(n is int if n > 0) =' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to_args raise _coconut_match_err return n * factorial(n - 1)
def factorial(n): """Compute n! where n is an integer >= 0.""" try: # The only value that can be assigned to 0 is 0, since 0 is an # immutable constant; thus, this assignment fails if n is not 0. _coconut_match_to = n _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut_match_to == 0: _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'0 = n'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = '0 = n' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err except MatchError: pass else: return 1 try: # This attempts to assign n to x, which has been declared to be # an int; since only an int can be assigned to an int, this # fails if n is not an int. _coconut_match_to = n _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, int): x = _coconut_match_to _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_val_repr = _coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to) _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'x is int = n'" " in " + (_coconut_match_val_repr if _coconut.len(_coconut_match_val_repr) <= 500 else _coconut_match_val_repr[:500] + "...")) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'x is int = n' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err except MatchError: pass else: # in Coconut, statements can be nested on the same line if x > 0: # in Coconut, statements can be nested on the same line return x * factorial(x - 1) raise TypeError("the argument to factorial must be an integer >= 0")
def substitute_elements(self, subs, **kwargs): if not can_sub(kwargs): return self _coconut_match_to_1 = subs _coconut_match_check_1 = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to_1, _coconut_match_temp_0 = _coconut_match_to_1.get(self.proposition(), _coconut_sentinel) if _coconut_match_temp_0 is not _coconut_sentinel: sub = _coconut_match_temp_0 _coconut_match_check_1 = True if _coconut_match_check_1: assert isinstance(sub, Atom), sub do_sub(kwargs) name = else: name = if can_sub(kwargs): return (Pred)(name, *(map)(_coconut.operator.methodcaller("substitute", subs, **kwargs), self.args)) else: return _coconut_tail_call(Pred, name, *self.args)
def main_test(): """Basic no-dependency tests.""" assert "\n" == (''' ''') == """ """ assert _coconut assert "_coconut" in globals() assert "_coconut" not in locals() x = 5 assert x == 5 x == 6 assert x == 5 assert r"hello, world" == "hello, world" == "hello," " " "world" assert "\n " == """ """ assert "\\" "\"" == "\\\"" assert """ """ == "\n\n" assert {"a": 5}["a"] == 5 a, = [24] assert a == 24 assert set((1, 2, 3)) == _coconut.set((1, 2, 3)) olist = [0, 1, 2] olist[1] += 4 assert olist == [0, 5, 2] assert +5e+5 == +5 * +10**+5 assert repr(3) == "3" == ascii(3) assert _coconut.operator.mul(2, _coconut_minus(2, 5)) == -6 assert (list)(map(_coconut.functools.partial(pow, 2), (range)(0, 5))) == [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] iter1 = range(0, 10) iter1, iter2 = tee(iter1) assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter1, _coconut.slice(2, 8))) == (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter2, _coconut.slice(2, 8))) data = 5 assert data == 5 data = 3 assert data == 3 def backslash_test(): return lambda x: x assert 1 == 1 == backslash_test()(1) assert ( "hello" == "hello" == 'hello' ) def multiline_backslash_test( x, y): return x + y assert multiline_backslash_test(1, 2) == 3 assert True class one_line_class(_coconut.object): pass assert isinstance(one_line_class(), one_line_class) assert ((_coconut.operator.attrgetter("join"))(""))(["1", "2", "3"]) == "123" == ((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.getattr, ""))("join"))(["1", "2", "3"]) assert (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, [1, 2, 3]))(1) == 2 == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, [1, 2, 3]))(1) assert (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.getitem, "123"))(1) == "2" == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, "123"))(1) assert (list)(_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: -1, lambda: 0)), lambda: range(1, 5))))) == [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] assert (list)(_coconut.itertools.chain.from_iterable((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1,)), lambda: (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 2,)))))) == [1, 2] assert not isinstance(map(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 2), [1, 2, 3]), list) assert not isinstance(range(10), list) assert isinstance(10**100, int) assert chr(1000) assert (abs)(3 + 4j) == 5 assert 3.14j == 3.14j assert 10.j == 10.j assert 10j == 10j assert .001j == .001j assert 1e100j == 1e100j assert 3.14e-10j == 3.14e-10j _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]} if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 2) and ("text" in _coconut_match_to) and ("tags" in _coconut_match_to) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to["tags"], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to["tags"]) >= 1): text = _coconut_match_to["text"] rest = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to["tags"][1:]) first = _coconut_match_to["tags"][0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " '\'{"text": text, "tags": [first] + rest} = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]}\'' " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = '{"text": text, "tags": [first] + rest} = {"text": "abc", "tags": [1, 2, 3]}' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert text == "abc" assert first == 1 assert rest == [2, 3] assert isinstance("a", str) assert isinstance(b"a", bytes) global glob_a, glob_b glob_a, glob_b = 0, 0 assert glob_a == 0 == glob_b def set_globs(x): global glob_a, glob_b glob_a, glob_b = x, x set_globs(2) assert glob_a == 2 == glob_b def set_globs_again(x): global glob_a, glob_b glob_a, glob_b = (x, x) set_globs_again(10) assert glob_a == 10 == glob_b assert _coconut_minus(1) == -1 == _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_minus, 1)(2) assert (_coconut.operator.le)(3, 3) assert (list)((consume)(range(10))) == [] assert (list)(consume(range(10), keep_last=2)) == [8, 9] i = int() try: i.x = 12 except AttributeError as err: assert err else: assert False r = range(10) try: r.x = 12 except AttributeError as err: assert err else: assert False if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,): import Queue as q else: import queue as q if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,): import __builtin__ as builtins else: import builtins if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,): import email.MIMEBase as _coconut_import try: email except: email = _coconut.imp.new_module("email") else: if not _coconut.isinstance(email, _coconut.types.ModuleType): email = _coconut.imp.new_module("email") try: email.mime except: email.mime = _coconut.imp.new_module("email.mime") else: if not _coconut.isinstance(email.mime, _coconut.types.ModuleType): email.mime = _coconut.imp.new_module("email.mime") email.mime.base = _coconut_import else: import email.mime.base assert q.Queue assert builtins.len([1, 1]) == 2 assert email.mime.base if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3,): import email.MIMEBase as mimebase else: from email.mime import base as mimebase assert mimebase from_err = TypeError() try: _coconut_raise_from = ValueError() _coconut_raise_from.__cause__ = from_err raise _coconut_raise_from except ValueError as err: assert err.__cause__ is from_err else: assert False class doc(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("doc", "")): "doc" __slots__ = () class doc_(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("doc_", "")): """doc""" __slots__ = () assert doc.__doc__ == "doc" == doc_.__doc__ assert 10000000.0 == 10000000.0 assert (tuple)(_coconut.iter(())) == () import collections if _coconut_sys.version_info < (3, 3): import collections as _coconut_import try: collections except: collections = _coconut.imp.new_module("collections") else: if not _coconut.isinstance(collections, _coconut.types.ModuleType): collections = _coconut.imp.new_module("collections") = _coconut_import else: import assert isinstance([], assert isinstance(range(1), assert collections.defaultdict(int)[5] == 0 assert len(range(10)) == 10 assert (tuple)((reversed)(range(4))) == (3, 2, 1, 0) assert (tuple)(range(5)[1:]) == (1, 2, 3, 4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(range(5), _coconut.slice(1, None))) assert (tuple)(range(10)[-3:-1]) == (7, 8) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(range(10), _coconut.slice(-3, -1))) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(map(abs, (1, -2, -5, 2)), _coconut.slice(None, None))) == (1, 2, 5, 2) assert _coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)), -1) == 2 assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 0, lambda: 1, lambda: 2, lambda: 3)), _coconut.slice(-2, None))) == (2, 3) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 0, lambda: 1, lambda: 2, lambda: 3)), _coconut.slice(None, -2))) == (0, 1) assert _coconut_igetitem(map(_coconut.operator.add, (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2))), -1) == 22 == map(_coconut.operator.add, (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)))[-1] assert _coconut_igetitem(map(lambda x: x + 1, range(10**9)), -1) == 10**9 == _coconut_igetitem(count(), 10**9) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(count(), _coconut.slice(10, 15))) == (10, 11, 12, 13, 14) == (tuple)(count()[10:15]) assert (tuple)(zip((1, 2), (3, 4))) == ((1, 3), (2, 4)) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip((1, 2), (3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None))) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2))), -1)) == (20, 2) == (tuple)(zip((_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 10, lambda: 20)), (_coconut_lazy_item() for _coconut_lazy_item in (lambda: 1, lambda: 2)))[-1]) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip(count(), count()), 10**9)) == (10**9, 10**9) == (tuple)(zip(count(), count())[10**9]) assert _coconut_igetitem(count(1.5, 0.5), 0) == 1.5 == _coconut_igetitem((1.5, 2, 2.5, 3), 0) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(count(1.5, 0.5), _coconut.slice(1, 3))) == (2, 2.5) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem((1.5, 2, 2.5, 3), _coconut.slice(1, 3))) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(iter((0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None, 2))) == (0, 2, 4) assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(iter((0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), _coconut.slice(None, None, -1))) == (4, 3, 2, 1, 0) assert dict(((x), (x)) for x in range(5)) == {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4} _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = 12 x = _coconut_match_to _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match x = 12'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match x = 12' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert x == 12 get_int = lambda: int _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = 5 if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, get_int())): x = _coconut_match_to _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'x is get_int() = 5'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'x is get_int() = 5' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert x == 5 class a(get_int()): pass assert isinstance(a(), int) assert (len)(map(_coconut.operator.add, range(5), range(6))) == 5 == (len)(zip(range(5), range(6))) assert map(_coconut_minus, range(5))._func(3) == -3 assert (tuple)(map(_coconut_minus, range(5))._iters[0]) == (tuple)(range(5)) == (tuple)(zip(range(5), range(6))._iters[0]) assert repr(zip((0, 1), (1, 2))) == "zip((0, 1), (1, 2))" assert repr(map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("map(") assert repr(parallel_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("parallel_map(") assert (tuple)(parallel_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))) == (0, -1, -2, -3, -4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(parallel_map(_coconut.functools.partial(map, _coconut_minus), (range(5),)), 0)) assert (tuple)(map(tuple, parallel_map(zip, (range(2),), (range(2),)))) == (((0, 0), (1, 1)),) assert (tuple)(map(_coconut.operator.add, *(range(0, 5), range(5, 10)))) == (5, 7, 9, 11, 13) assert (tuple)(parallel_map(_coconut_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1)), range(5))) == (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) assert repr(concurrent_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))).startswith("concurrent_map(") assert (tuple)(concurrent_map(_coconut_minus, range(5))) == (0, -1, -2, -3, -4) == (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(concurrent_map(_coconut.functools.partial(map, _coconut_minus), (range(5),)), 0)) assert (tuple)(map(tuple, concurrent_map(zip, (range(2),), (range(2),)))) == (((0, 0), (1, 1)),) assert (tuple)(map(_coconut.operator.add, *(range(0, 5), range(5, 10)))) == (5, 7, 9, 11, 13) assert (tuple)(concurrent_map(_coconut_compose(_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.mul, 2), _coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.operator.add, 1)), range(5))) == (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) assert 0 in range(1) assert range(1).count(0) == 1 assert 2 in range(5) assert range(5).count(2) == 1 assert 10 not in range(3) assert range(3).count(10) == 0 assert 1 in range(1, 2, 3) assert range(1, 2, 3).count(1) == 1 assert range(1, 2, 3).index(1) == 0 assert range(1, 2, 3)[0] == 1 assert range(1, 5, 3).index(4) == 1 assert range(1, 5, 3)[1] == 4 try: range(1, 2, 3).index(2) except ValueError as err: assert err else: assert False assert 0 in count() assert count().count(0) == 1 assert -1 not in count() assert count().count(-1) == 0 assert 1 not in count(5) assert count(5).count(1) == 0 assert 2 not in count(1, 2) assert count(1, 2).count(2) == 0 try: count(1, 2).index(2) except ValueError as err: assert err else: assert False assert count(1, 3).index(1) == 0 assert count(1, 3)[0] == 1 assert count(1, 3).index(4) == 1 assert count(1, 3)[1] == 4 assert (len)(map(lambda x: x, [1, 2])) == 2 assert repr("hello") == "'hello'" == ascii("hello") assert (_coconut.operator.methodcaller("index", 1))(count(1, 3)) == 0 assert _coconut_igetitem(count(1).__copy__(), 0) == 1 assert _coconut_igetitem(map(_coconut.operator.add, count(1), count(1)).__copy__(), 0) == 2 assert (tuple)(_coconut_igetitem(zip(count(1), count(1)).__copy__(), 0)) == (1, 1) assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, count), tee(count()))) assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, range), tee(range(10)))) assert (all)(map(lambda t: isinstance(t, list), tee([1, 2, 3]))) assert (lambda _=None: 5)() == 5 assert (lambda _=None: _[0])([1, 2, 3]) == 1 assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter(range(10)), _coconut.slice(-5, -8))) == [5, 6] assert (list)(_coconut_igetitem(iter(range(10)), _coconut.slice(-2, None))) == [8, 9] assert (_coconut.operator.itemgetter(1))(range(1, 5)) == 2 == (_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, index=1))(range(1, 5)) assert (list)((_coconut.operator.itemgetter(_coconut.slice(None, 5)))(range(10))) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] == (list)((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut_igetitem, index=_coconut.slice(None, 5)))(range(10))) def _coconut_lambda_0(x): y = x assert (list)(map(_coconut_lambda_0, range(10))) == [None] * 10 def _coconut_lambda_1(x): yield x assert (list)(map(list, map(_coconut_lambda_1, range(5)))) == [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4]] def do_stuff(x): return True def _coconut_lambda_2(x=3): return do_stuff(x) assert (_coconut_lambda_2)() is True def _coconut_lambda_3(x=4): do_stuff(x) return x assert (_coconut_lambda_3)() == 4 def _coconut_lambda_4(x=5): do_stuff(x) assert (_coconut_lambda_4)() is None def _coconut_lambda_5(x=6): do_stuff(x) assert x (_coconut_lambda_5)() def _coconut_lambda_6(x=7): do_stuff(x) assert x yield x assert (list)((_coconut_lambda_6)()) == [7] def _coconut_lambda_7(_=None): do_stuff(_) assert _ return _ assert (_coconut_lambda_7)(8) == 8 def _coconut_lambda_8(x=9): return x assert (_coconut_lambda_8)() == 9 def _coconut_lambda_9(x=10): do_stuff(x) return x assert (_coconut_lambda_9)() == 10 def _coconut_lambda_12(_=None): def _coconut_lambda_11(_=None): return 11 return _coconut_lambda_11 assert (_coconut_lambda_12)()() == 11 def _coconut_lambda_13(_=None): return 12 def _coconut_lambda_14(_=None): return 12 assert (_coconut_lambda_13)() == 12 == (_coconut_lambda_14)() def _coconut_lambda_15(x): return lambda _=None: x assert (list)(map(lambda _=None: _(), ((_coconut_lambda_15)(x) for x in range(5)))) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] herpaderp = 5 def derp(): herp = 10 def _coconut_lambda_16(_=None): return herpaderp + herp return (_coconut_lambda_16) assert derp()() == 15 class abc(_coconut.collections.namedtuple("abc", "xyz")): __slots__ = () assert abc(10).xyz == 10 class aclass(_coconut.object): pass assert isinstance(aclass, object) assert (_coconut.operator.is_)(*tee((1, 2))) assert (_coconut.operator.is_)(*tee(_coconut.frozenset((1, 2)))) assert (lambda x: 2 / x)(4) == 1 / 2 _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = range(10) if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to) if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) >= 2): b = _coconut_match_iter_0[1:-1] a = _coconut_match_iter_0[0] c = _coconut_match_iter_0[-1] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'match [a, *b, c] = range(10)'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'match [a, *b, c] = range(10)' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err assert a == 0 assert b == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] assert c == 9 _coconut_match_check = False _coconut_match_to = range(10) if (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, _coconut_match_iter_0 = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to) if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_iter_0) >= 2) and (_coconut_match_iter_0[0] == _coconut_match_iter_0[-1]): b = _coconut_match_iter_0[1:-1] a = _coconut_match_iter_0[0] _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: assert False else: assert True a = 1 b = 1 assert a == 1 == b assert count(5) == count(5) assert count(5) != count(3) assert {count(5): True}[count(5)] def _coconut_lambda_17(x): return x assert (_coconut_lambda_17)(1) == 1 def _coconut_lambda_18(*_coconut_match_to): _coconut_match_check = False if (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to) == 1) and (_coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to[0], and (_coconut.len(_coconut_match_to[0]) >= 1): xs = _coconut.list(_coconut_match_to[0][1:]) x = _coconut_match_to[0][0] _coconut_match_check = True if not _coconut_match_check: _coconut_match_err = _coconut_MatchError("pattern-matching failed for " "'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])'" " in " + _coconut.repr(_coconut.repr(_coconut_match_to))) _coconut_match_err.pattern = 'assert (def ([x] + xs) -> x, xs) <| range(5) == (0, [1,2,3,4])' _coconut_match_err.value = _coconut_match_to raise _coconut_match_err return x, xs assert ((_coconut_lambda_18))(range(5)) == (0, [1, 2, 3, 4]) s = "hello" # type: str assert s == "hello" return True